999 resultados para molecular symmetry
Using numerical simulations we investigate shapes of random equilateral open and closed chains, one of the simplest models of freely fluctuating polymers in a solution. We are interested in the 3D density distribution of the modeled polymers where the polymers have been aligned with respect to their three principal axes of inertia. This type of approach was pioneered by Theodorou and Suter in 1985. While individual configurations of the modeled polymers are almost always nonsymmetric, the approach of Theodorou and Suter results in cumulative shapes that are highly symmetric. By taking advantage of asymmetries within the individual configurations, we modify the procedure of aligning independent configurations in a way that shows their asymmetry. This approach reveals, for example, that the 3D density distribution for linear polymers has a bean shape predicted theoretically by Kuhn. The symmetry-breaking approach reveals complementary information to the traditional, symmetrical, 3D density distributions originally introduced by Theodorou and Suter.
BioSuper: A web tool for the superimposition of biomolecules and assemblies with rotational symmetry
Background Most of the proteins in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are oligomeric complexes consisting of two or more subunits that associate by rotational or helical symmetries. Despite the myriad of superimposition tools in the literature, we could not find any able to account for rotational symmetry and display the graphical results in the web browser. Results BioSuper is a free web server that superimposes and calculates the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of protein complexes displaying rotational symmetry. To the best of our knowledge, BioSuper is the first tool of its kind that provides immediate interactive visualization of the graphical results in the browser, biomolecule generator capabilities, different levels of atom selection, sequence-dependent and structure-based superimposition types, and is the only web tool that takes into account the equivalence of atoms in side chains displaying symmetry ambiguity. BioSuper uses ICM program functionality as a core for the superimpositions and displays the results as text, HTML tables and 3D interactive molecular objects that can be visualized in the browser or in Android and iOS platforms with a free plugin. Conclusions BioSuper is a fast and functional tool that allows for pairwise superimposition of proteins and assemblies displaying rotational symmetry. The web server was created after our own frustration when attempting to superimpose flexible oligomers. We strongly believe that its user-friendly and functional design will be of great interest for structural and computational biologists who need to superimpose oligomeric proteins (or any protein). BioSuper web server is freely available to all users at http://ablab.ucsd.edu/BioSuper webcite.
The crystal structure of Cu(PM)2(N03hoH20 (where PM is pyridoxamine, CSHI2N202) has been determined from three dimensional x-ray diffraction data. The crystals are triclinic, space group pI, a = 14.248 (2), b = 8.568 (1), c = 9.319 (1) 1, a = 94.08 (1), e = 89.73 (1), y~~ 99.18 (1)°, z = 2, jl(MoK) = 10.90 em-I, Po = 1.61 g/cm3 and Pc = 1.61 g/em3• The structure a was solved by Patterson techniques from data collected on a Picker 4-circle diffractometer to 26max = 45°. All atoms, including hydrogens, have been located. Anisotropic thermal parameters have been refined for all nonhydrogen atoms. For the 2390 independent reflections with F ? 3cr(F) , R = 0.0408. The results presented here provide the first detailed structural information of a metal complex with PM itself. The copper atoms are located on centres of symmetry and each is chela ted by two PM zwitterions through the amino groups and phenolate oxygen atoms. The zwitterionic form found in this structure involves the loss of a proton from the phenolate group and protonation of the pyridine ring nitrogen atoms. The two independent Cu(PM)2 moieties are symmetrically bridged by a single oxygen atom from one of the nitrate groups. The second nitrate group is not coordinated to the copper atoms but is central to an extensive hydrogen bonding network involving the water molecule and uncoordinated functional groups of PM.
Hg(18-Crown-6)C12 and Cd(18-Crown-6)C12 are isostructura1, space group Cl~ Z = 2. For the mercury compound, a = 10.444(2) A° , b = 11. 468(1) A° , c = 7.754(1) A° , a = 90.06(1)°, B = 82.20(1)°, Y = 90.07(1)°, Dobs = 1.87, Dca1c = 1.93, V = 920.05 13, R = 4.66%. For the cadmium compound, 000 a = 10.374(1) A, b = 11.419(2) A, c = 7.729(1) A, a = 89.95(1)°, B = 81.86(2)°, Y = 89.99(1)°, Dobs = 1.61, Dcalc = 1.64, V = 906.4613, R = 3.95%. The mercury and cadmium ions exhibit hexagonal bipyramidal coordination, with the metal ion located on a centre of symmetry in the plane of the oxygen atoms. The main differences between the two structures are an increase in the metal-oxygen distance and a reduction in the metalchloride distance when the central ion changes from Cd2+ to Hg2+. These differences may be explained in terms of the differences in hardness or softness of the metal ions and the donor atoms.
Recently Itatani et al. [Nature 432, 876 (2004)] introduced the new concept of molecular orbital tomography, where high harmonic generation (HHG) is used to image electronic wave functions. We describe an alternative reconstruction form, using momentum instead of dipole matrix elements for the electron recombination step in HHG. We show that using this velocity-form reconstruction, one obtains better results than using the original length-form reconstruction. We provide numerical evidence for our claim that one has to resort to extremely short pulses to perform the reconstruction for an orbital with arbitrary symmetry. The numerical evidence is based on the exact solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation for 2D model systems to simulate the experiment. Furthermore we show that in the case of cylindrically symmetric orbitals, such as the N2 orbital that was reconstructed in the original work, one can obtain the full 3D wave function and not only a 2D projection of it. Vor kurzem führten Itatani et al. [Nature 432, 876 (2004)] das Konzept der Molelkülorbital-Tomographie ein. Hierbei wird die Erzeugung hoher Harmonischer verwendet, um Bilder von elektronischen Wellenfunktionen zu gewinnen. Wir beschreiben eine alternative Form der Rekonstruktion, die auf Impuls- statt Dipol-Matrixelementen für den Rekombinationsschritt bei der Erzeugung der Harmonischen basiert. Wir zeigen, dass diese "Geschwindigkeitsform" der Rekonstruktion bessere Ergebnisse als die ursprüngliche "Längenform" liefert. Wir zeigen numerische Beweise für unsere Behauptung, dass man zu extrem kurzen Laserpulsen gehen muss, um Orbitale mit beliebiger Symmetrie zu rekonstruieren. Diese Ergebnisse basieren auf der exakten Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödingergleichung für 2D-Modellsysteme. Wir zeigen ferner, dass für zylindersymmetrische Orbitale wie das N2-Orbital, welches in der oben zitierten Arbeit rekonstruiert wurde, das volle 3D-Orbital rekonstruiert werden kann, nicht nur seine 2D-Projektion.
A program is presented for the construction of relativistic symmetry-adapted molecular basis functions. It is applicable to 36 finite double point groups. The algorithm, based on the projection operator method, automatically generates linearly independent basis sets. Time reversal invariance is included in the program, leading to additional selection rules in the non-relativistic limit.
The field of Molecular Spectroscopy was surveyed in order to determine a set of conventions and symbols which are in common use in the spectroscopic literature. This document, which is Part I in a series, establishes the notations and conventions used for general spectroscopic notations and deals with quantum mechanics, quantum numbers (vibrational states, angular momentum and energy levels), spectroscopic transitions, and miscellaneous notations (e.g. spectroscopic terms). Further parts will follow, dealing inter alia with symmetry notation, permutation and permutation-inversion symmetry notation, vibration-rotation spectroscopy and electronic spectroscopy.
Gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) data together with results from ab initio molecular orbital calculations (HF and MP2/6-311+G(d,p)) have been used to determine the structure of hexamethyldigermane ((CH3)3Ge-Ge(CH3)3). The equilibrium symmetry is D3d, but the molecule has a very low-frequency, largeamplitude, torsional mode (φCGeGeC) that lowers the thermal average symmetry. The effect of this largeamplitude mode on the interatomic distances was described by a dynamic model which consisted of a set of pseudoconformers spaced at even intervals. The amount of each pseudoconformer was obtained from the ab initio calculations (HF/6-311+G(d,p)). The results for the principal distances (ra) and angles (∠h1) obtained from the combined GED/ab initio (with estimated 1σ uncertainties) are r(Ge-Ge) ) 2.417(2) Å, r(Ge-C) ) 1.956(1) Å, r(C-H) ) 1.097(5) Å, ∠GeGeC ) 110.5(2)°, and ∠GeCH ) 108.8(6)°. Theoretical calculations were performed for the related molecules ((CH3)3Si-Si(CH3)3 and (CH3)3C-C(CH3)3).
The structures of trimethylchlorogermane ((CH3)(3)GeCl) and trimethylbromogermane ((CH3)(3)GeBr) have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED), augmented by the results from ab initio calculations employing second-order Moller-Plesset (MP2) level of theory and the 6-311+G(d) basis set. All the electrons were included in the correlation calculation. The results from the ab initio calculations indicated that these molecules have C-3v symmetry, and models with this symmetry were used in the electron diffraction analysis. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylchlorogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.950(4) Angstrom, r(Ge-Cl) = 2.173(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1.090(9) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 112.7(7)degrees, angleCGeCl = 106.0(8)degrees, angleGeCH = 107.8(12)degrees. The results for the principal distances (r(g)) and angles (angle(alpha)) from the combined GED/ab initio study of trimethylbromogermane (with estimated 2sigma uncertainties) are: r(Ge-C) = 1.952(7) Angstrom, r(Ge-Br) = 2.325(4) Angstrom, r(C-H) = 1. 140(28) Angstrom, angleCGeC = 114.2(11)degrees, angleCGeBr = 104.2(13)degrees, angleGeCH 106.9(43)degrees. Local C-3v symmetry and staggered conformation were assumed for the methyl groups.
Analysis of X-ray powder data for the melt-crystallisable aromatic poly(thioether thioether ketone) [-S-Ar-S-Ar-CO-Ar](n), ('PTTK', Ar= 1,4-phenylene), reveals that it adopts a crystal structure very different from that established for its ether-analogue PEEK. Molecular modelling and diffraction-simulation studies of PTTK show that the structure of this polymer is analogous to that of melt-crystallised poly(thioetherketone) [-SAr-CO-Ar](n) in which the carbonyl linkages in symmetry-related chains are aligned anti-parallel to one another. and that these bridging units are crystallographically interchangeable. The final model for the crystal structure of PTTK is thus disordered, in the monoclinic space group 121a (two chains per unit cell), with cell dimensions a = 7.83, b = 6.06, c = 10.35 angstrom, beta = 93.47 degrees. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The adsorption of carbon monoxide on the Pt{110} surface at coverages of 0.5 ML and 1.0 ML was investigated using quantitative low-energy electron diffraction (LEED IV) and density-functional theory (DFT). At 0.5 ML CO lifts the reconstruction of the clean surface but does not form an ordered overlayer. At the saturation coverage, 1.0 ML, a well-ordered p(2×1) superstructure with glide line symmetry is formed. It was confirmed that the CO molecules adsorb on top of the Pt atoms in the top-most substrate layer with the molecular axes tilted by ±22° with respect to the surface normal in alternating directions away from the close packed rows of Pt atoms. This is accompanied by significant lateral shifts of 0.55 Å away from the atop sites in the same direction as the tilt. The top-most substrate layer relaxes inwards by −4% with respect to the bulk-terminated atom positions, while the consecutive layers only show minor relaxations. Despite the lack of long-range order in the 0.5 ML CO layer it was possible to determine key structural parameters by LEED IV using only the intensities of the integer-order spots. At this coverage CO also adsorbs on atop sites with the molecular axis closer to the surface normal (b10°). The average substrate relaxations in each layer are similar for both coverages and consistent with DFT calculations performed for a variety of ordered structures with coverages of 1.0 ML and 0.5 ML.
Modelling of disorder in organic crystals is highly desirable since it would allow thermodynamic stabilities and other disorder-sensitive properties to be estimated for such systems. Two disordered organic molecular systems are modeled using a symmetry-adapted ensemble approach, in which the disordered system is treated as an ensemble of the configurations of a supercell with respect to substitution of one disorder component for another. Computation time is kept manageable by performing calculations only on the symmetrically inequivalent configurations. Calculations are presented on a substitutionally disordered system, the dichloro/dibromobenzene solid solution, and on an orientationally disordered system, eniluracil, and the resultant free energies, disorder patterns, and system properties are discussed. The results are found to be in agreement with experiment following manual removal of physically implausible configurations from ensemble averages, highlighting the dangers of a completely automated approach to organic crystal thermodynamics which ignores the barriers to equilibration once the crystal has been formed.
We have investigated the chemisorption of CH3D and CD3H on Pt{11 0}-(1 2) by performing first-principles molecular dynamics simulations of the recombinative desorption of CH3D (from adsorbed methyl and deuterium) and of CD3H (from adsorbed trideuteromethyl and hydrogen). Vibrational analysis of the symmetry adapted internal coordinates of the desorbing molecules shows that excitation of the single C– D (C–H) bond in the parent molecule is strongly correlated with energy excess in the reaction coordinate. The results of the molecular dynamics simulations are consistent with observed mode- and bond-specific reactivity measurements for chemisorption of methane and its isotopomers on platinum and nickel surfaces.
Understanding the interplay between intrinsic molecular chirality and chirality of the bonding footprint is crucial in exploiting enantioselectivity at surfaces. As such, achiral glycine and chiral alanine are the most obvious candidates if one is to study this interplay on different surfaces. Here, we have investigated the adsorption of glycine on Cu{311} using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy, low-energy electron diffraction, temperature-programmed desorption and first-principles density-functional theory. This combination of techniques has allowed us to accurately identify the molecular conformations present under different conditions, and discuss the overlayer structure in the context of the possible bonding footprints. We have observed coverage-dependent local symmetry breaking, with three-point bonded glycinate moieties forming an achiral arrangement at low coverages, and chirality developing with the presence of two-point bonded moieties at high coverages. Comparison with previous work on the self-assembly of simple amino acids on Cu{311} and the structurally-similar Cu{110} surface has allowed us to rationalise the different conditions necessary for the formation of ordered chiral overlayers.
The fact that the resistance of propagating electrons in solids depends on their spin orientation has led to a new field called spintronics. With the parallel advances in nanoscience, it is now possible to talk about nanospintronics. Many works have focused on the study of charge transport along nanosystems, such as carbon nanotubes, graphene nanoribbons, or metallic nanowires, and spin dependent transport properties at this scale may lead to new behaviors due to the manipulation of a small number of spins. Metal nanowires have been studied as electric contacts where atomic and molecular insertions can be constructed. Here we describe what might be considered the ultimate spin device, namely, a Au thin nanowire with one Co atom bridging its two sides. We show that this system has strong spin dependent transport properties and that its local symmetry can dramatically change them, leading to a significant spin polarized conductance.