942 resultados para model testing


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The wave data collected on board Ins Kistna from Bay of Bengal during July to August, 1964 and January, February and April, 1965 are presented. The wave parameters are analyzed and given in a form most suitable for model testing of ships. The variation of wave height with Beaufort number is remarkable. Wave periods from 2 to 10 seconds are observed with maximum frequency in the range of 2 to 5 seconds. The heights and period obtained are compared with those obtained by previous workers for the North Atlantic region and Bay of Bengal. The influence of the wave period 2 to 5 seconds on the rolling, pitching and heaving periods of medium size vessels is also discussed.


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The general method of study of the performance of any dynamic system is to have an understanding of the various influencing factors. These include the dynamic parameters developed by the system as well as the external factors. In the case of a trawl net under operation there are many hydrodynamic forces acting on it. Since the trawl net is operated much below the water surface, visual observation is rather difficult. Model testing is an alternative method. However, as a model cannot be an exact replica of the original in all respects, model testing has only a limited application and an ultimate test with the actual gear in the true field conditions is necessary.


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The wave contouring raft system is the outcome of ideas initiated and developed by Sir Christopher Cockerell from 1972 onwards. His objective was to develop a wave energy device which is within the bounds of current technology. It should consist of simple, relatively small units, amenable to quantity production, which would enable a power generating system to be built up and commissioned in stages according to needs and production capability. This thinking led to the investigation of chains of pontoons, hinged together so that the passage of a wave down the chain causes the pontoons to oscillate relative to one another. Energy is extracted from the sea by applying a torque about the hinges to damp the motion. The work has involved extensive model testing in wave tanks and the building and testing of a 3-unit 1/10 scale power generating installation in the Solent, as well as design studies for a full size installation for Atlantic conditions.


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This paper discusses two projects, the first relating to tests on 'reinforced earth' conducted on the 1. 5 m radius centrifuge at U. M. I. S. T. and the second concerning a short pilot study on the T. R. R. L concept of 'anchored earth' carried out on the 5 m radius Cambridge Geotechnical Centrifuge. The paper proposes a role for centrifugal model testing in design evaluation, whether by the designer himself, his centrification authority, a rival patent holder, or a research worker.


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Over recent years academia and industry have engaged with the challenge of model testing deepwater structures at conventional scales. One approach to the limited depth problem has been to truncate the lines. This concept will be introduced, highlighting the need to better understand line dynamic processes. The type of line truncation developed here models the upper sections of each line in detail, capturing wave action and all coupling effects with the vessel, terminating to an approximate analytical model that aims to simulate the remainder of the line. A rationale for this is that in deep water transverse elastic waves of a line are likely to decay before they are reflected at the seabed because of nonlinear hydrodynamic drag forces. The first part of this paper is centered on verification of this rationale. A simplified model of a mooring line that describes the transverse dynamics in wave frequency is used, adopting the equation of motion of an inextensible taut string. The line is submerged in still water, one end fixed at the bottom the other assumed to follow the vessel response, which can be harmonic or random. A dimensional analysis, supported by exact benchmark numerical solutions, has shown that it is possible to produce a universal curve for the decay of transverse vibrations along the line, which is suitable for any kind of line with any top motion. This has a significant engineering benefit, allowing for a rapid assessment of line dynamics - it can be useful in deciding whether a truncated line model is appropriate, and if so, at which point truncation might be applied. This is followed by developing a truncation mechanism, formulating an end approximation that can reproduce the correct impedance, had the line been continuous to full depth. It has been found that below a certain length criterion, which is also universal, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven. As such the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the line properties and frequency of vibration. Copyright © 2011 by the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE).


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Underground space is commonly exploited both to maximise the utility of costly land in urban development and to reduce the vertical load acting on the ground. Deep excavations are carried out to construct various types of underground infrastructure such as deep basements, subways and service tunnels. Although the soil response to excavation is known in principle, designers lack practical calculation methods for predicting both short- and long-term ground movements. As the understanding of how soil behaves around an excavation in both the short and long term is insufficient and usually empirical, the judgements used in design are also empirical and serious accidents are common. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in soil excavation, a new apparatus for the centrifuge model testing of deep excavations in soft clay has been developed. This apparatus simulates the field construction sequence of a multi-propped retaining wall during centrifuge flight. A comparison is given between the new technique and the previously used method of draining heavy fluid to simulate excavation in a centrifuge model. The new system has the benefit of giving the correct initial ground conditions before excavation and the proper earth pressure distribution on the retaining structures during excavation, whereas heavy fluid only gives an earth pressure coefficient of unity and is unable to capture any changes in the earth pressure coefficient of soil inside the zone of excavation, for example owing to wall movements. Settlements of the ground surface, changes in pore water pressure, variations in earth pressure, prop forces and bending moments in the retaining wall are all monitored during excavation. Furthermore, digital images taken of a cross-section during the test are analysed using particle image velocimetry to illustrate ground deformation and soil-structure interaction mechanisms. The significance of these observations is discussed.


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Underground space is commonly exploited both to maximise the utility of costly land in urban development and to reduce the vertical load acting on the ground. Deep excavations are carried out to construct various types of underground infrastructure such as deep basements, subways and service tunnels. Although the soil response to excavation is known in principle, designers lack practical calculation methods for predicting both short- and long-term ground movements. As the understanding of how soil behaves around an excavation in both the short and long term is insufficient and usually empirical, the judgements used in design are also empirical and serious accidents are common. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in soil excavation, a new apparatus for the centrifuge model testing of deep excavations in soft clay has been developed. This apparatus simulates the field construction sequence of a multi-propped retaining wall during centrifuge flight. A comparison is given between the new technique and the previously used method of draining heavy fluid to simulate excavation in a centrifuge model. The new system has the benefit of giving the correct initial ground conditions before excavation and the proper earth pressure distribution on the retaining structures during excavation, whereas heavy fluid only gives an earth pressure coefficient of unity and is unable to capture any changes in the earth pressure coefficient of soil inside the zone of excavation, for example owing to wall movements. Settlements of the ground surface, changes in pore water pressure, variations in earth pressure, prop forces and bending moments in the retaining wall are all monitored during excavation. Furthermore, digital images taken of a cross-section during the test are analysed using particle image velocimetry to illustrate ground deformation and soil–structure interaction mechanisms. The significance of these observations is discussed.


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This paper is concerned with the difficulties in model testing deepwater structures at reasonable scales. An overview of recent research efforts to tackle this challenge is given first, introducing the concept of line truncation. Passive truncation has traditionally been the preferred method by industry; however, these techniques tend to suffer in capturing accurately line dynamic response and so reproducing peak tensions. In an attempt to improve credibility of model test data the proposed truncation procedure sets up the truncated model, based on line dynamic response rather than quasi-static system stiffness. Vibration decay of transverse elastic waves due to fluid drag forces is assessed and it is found that below a certain length criterion, the transverse vibrational characteristics for each line are inertia driven, hence with respect to these motions the truncated model can assume a linear damper whose coefficient depends on the local line properties and vibration frequency. Initially a simplified taut string model is assumed for which the line is submerged in still water, one end fixed at the bottom the other assumed to follow the vessel response, which can be harmonic or random. A dimensional analysis, supported by exact benchmark numerical solutions, has shown that it is possible to produce a general guideline for the truncation length criterion, which is suitable for any kind of line with any top motion. The focus of this paper is to extend this work to a more complex line configuration of a conventional deepwater mooring line and so enhance the generality of the truncation guideline. The paper will close with an example case study of a spread mooring system, applying this method to create an equivalent numerical model at a reduced depth that replicates exactly the static and dynamic characteristics of the full depth system. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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In exploration geophysics,velocity analysis and migration methods except reverse time migration are based on ray theory or one-way wave-equation. So multiples are regarded as noise and required to be attenuated. It is very important to attenuate multiples for structure imaging, amplitude preserving migration. So it is an interesting research in theory and application about how to predict and attenuate internal multiples effectively. There are two methods based on wave-equation to predict internal multiples for pre-stack data. One is common focus point method. Another is inverse scattering series method. After comparison of the two methods, we found that there are four problems in common focus point method: 1. dependence of velocity model; 2. only internal multiples related to a layer can be predicted every time; 3. computing procedure is complex; 4. it is difficult to apply it in complex media. In order to overcome these problems, we adopt inverse scattering series method. However, inverse scattering series method also has some problems: 1. computing cost is high; 2. it is difficult to predict internal multiples in the far offset; 3. it is not able to predict internal multiples in complex media. Among those problems, high computing cost is the biggest barrier in field seismic processing. So I present 1D and 1.5D improved algorithms for reducing computing time. In addition, I proposed a new algorithm to solve the problem which exists in subtraction, especially for surface related to multiples. The creative results of my research are following: 1. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1D. The algorithm has very high computing efficiency. It is faster than old algorithm about twelve times in theory and faster about eighty times for lower spatial complexity in practice; 2. derived an improved inverse scattering series prediction algorithm for 1.5D. The new algorithm changes the computing domain from pseudo-depth wavenumber domain to TX domain for predicting multiples. The improved algorithm demonstrated that the approach has some merits such as higher computing efficiency, feasibility to many kinds of geometries, lower predictive noise and independence to wavelet; 3. proposed a new subtraction algorithm. The new subtraction algorithm is not used to overcome nonorthogonality, but utilize the nonorthogonality's distribution in TX domain to estimate the true wavelet with filtering method. The method has excellent effectiveness in model testing. Improved 1D and 1.5D inverse scattering series algorithms can predict internal multiples. After filtering and subtracting among seismic traces in a window time, internal multiples can be attenuated in some degree. The proposed 1D and 1.5D algorithms have demonstrated that they are effective to the numerical and field data. In addition, the new subtraction algorithm is effective to the complex theoretic models.


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À l’instar de plusieurs systèmes de santé, les centres hospitaliers québécois ont amorcé l’informatisation du dossier patient sous forme papier pour la transition vers un dossier clinique informatisé (DCI). Ce changement complexe s’est parfois traduit par des répercussions sur les pratiques de soins, la sécurité et la qualité des soins offerts. L’adoption de la part des utilisateurs de technologies de l’information (TI) est considérée comme un facteur critique de succès pour la réalisation de bénéfices suite au passage à un DCI. Cette étude transversale multicentrique avait pour objectifs d’examiner des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption, de l’utilisation réelle d’un DCI, de la satisfaction des infirmières et de comparer les résultats au regard du sexe, de l’âge, de l’expérience des infirmières et des stades de déploiement du DCI. Un modèle théorique s’appuyant sur la Théorie unifiée de l’adoption et de l’utilisation de la technologie a été développé et testé auprès d’un échantillon comptant 616 infirmières utilisant un DCI hospitalier dans quatre milieux de soins différents. Plus particulièrement, l’étude a testé 20 hypothèses de recherche s’intéressant aux relations entre huit construits tels la compatibilité du DCI, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité des infirmières, les attentes liées à la performance, celles qui sont liées aux efforts à déployer pour adopter le DCI, l'influence sociale dans l’environnement de travail, les conditions facilitatrices mises de l’avant pour soutenir le changement et ce, relativement à l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Au terme des analyses de modélisation par équations structurelles, 13 hypothèses de recherche ont été confirmées. Les résultats tendent à démontrer qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes des infirmières quant à l’amélioration de leur performance et des efforts à déployer, la présence de conditions facilitatrices dans l’environnement de travail et un DCI compatible avec leur style de travail, leurs pratiques courantes et leurs valeurs sont les facteurs les plus déterminants pour influencer positivement l’utilisation du DCI et leur satisfaction. Les facteurs modélisés ont permis d’expliquer 50,2 % de la variance des attentes liées à la performance, 52,9 % des attentes liées aux efforts, 33,6 % de l’utilisation réelle du DCI et 54,9 % de la satisfaction des infirmières. La forte concordance du modèle testé avec les données de l’échantillon a notamment mis en lumière l’influence des attentes liées à la performance sur l’utilisation réelle du DCI (r = 0,55 p = 0,006) et sur la satisfaction des infirmières (r = 0,27 p = 0,010), des conditions facilitatrices sur les attentes liées aux efforts (r = 0,45 p = 0,009), de la compatibilité du DCI sur les attentes liées à la performance (r = 0,39 p = 0,002) et sur celles qui sont liées aux efforts (r = 0,28 p = 0,009). Les nombreuses hypothèses retenues ont permis de dégager l’importance des effets de médiation captés par le construit des attentes liées à la performance et celui des attentes liées aux efforts requis pour utiliser le DCI. Les comparaisons fondées sur l’âge, l’expérience et le sexe des répondants n’ont décelé aucune différence statistiquement significative quant à l’adoption, l’utilisation réelle du DCI et la satisfaction des infirmières. Par contre, celles qui sont fondées sur les quatre stades de déploiement du DCI ont révélé des différences significatives quant aux relations modélisées. Les résultats indiquent que plus le stade de déploiement du DCI progresse, plus on observe une intensification de certaines relations clés du modèle et une plus forte explication de la variance de la satisfaction des infirmières qui utilisent le DCI. De plus, certains résultats de l’étude divergent des données empiriques produites dans une perspective prédictive de l’adoption des TI. La présente étude tend à démontrer l’applicabilité des modèles et des théories de l’adoption des TI auprès d’infirmières œuvrant en centre hospitalier. Les résultats indiquent qu’un DCI répondant aux attentes liées à la performance des infirmières est le facteur le plus déterminant pour influencer positivement l’utilisation réelle du DCI et leur satisfaction. Pour la gestion du changement, l’étude a relevé des facteurs explicatifs de l’adoption et de l’utilisation d’un DCI. La modélisation a aussi mis en lumière les interrelations qui évoluent en fonction de stades de déploiement différents d’un DCI. Ces résultats pourront orienter les décideurs et les agents de changement quant aux mesures à déployer pour optimiser les bénéfices d’une infostructure entièrement électronique dans les systèmes de santé.


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BACKGROUND: Low vitamin D status has been shown to be a risk factor for several metabolic traits such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The biological actions of 1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D, are mediated through the vitamin D receptor (VDR), which heterodimerizes with retinoid X receptor, gamma (RXRG). Hence, we examined the potential interactions between the tagging polymorphisms in the VDR (22 tag SNPs) and RXRG (23 tag SNPs) genes on metabolic outcomes such as body mass index, waist circumference, waist-hip ratio (WHR), high- and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterols, serum triglycerides, systolic and diastolic blood pressures and glycated haemoglobin in the 1958 British Birth Cohort (1958BC, up to n = 5,231). We used Multifactor- dimensionality reduction (MDR) program as a non-parametric test to examine for potential interactions between the VDR and RXRG gene polymorphisms in the 1958BC. We used the data from Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 (NFBC66, up to n = 5,316) and Twins UK (up to n = 3,943) to replicate our initial findings from 1958BC. RESULTS: After Bonferroni correction, the joint-likelihood ratio test suggested interactions on serum triglycerides (4 SNP - SNP pairs), LDL cholesterol (2 SNP - SNP pairs) and WHR (1 SNP - SNP pair) in the 1958BC. MDR permutation model testing analysis showed one two-way and one three-way interaction to be statistically significant on serum triglycerides in the 1958BC. In meta-analysis of results from two replication cohorts (NFBC66 and Twins UK, total n = 8,183), none of the interactions remained after correction for multiple testing (Pinteraction >0.17). CONCLUSIONS: Our results did not provide strong evidence for interactions between allelic variations in VDR and RXRG genes on metabolic outcomes; however, further replication studies on large samples are needed to confirm our findings.


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Outsourcing of IT is a popular strategy, argued by proponents to deliver a range of benefits including cost savings, increased service quality, and strategic advantages. However, empirical evidence of the success of outsourcing is limited, and several recent studies have suggested widespread dissatisfaction exists amongst purchasers. This paper analyses one such study to determine predictors of outsourcing satisfaction (and
dissatisfaction). The analysis reveals that, for purchasers, IT outsourcing satisfaction and perceived value (which are highly correlated) depend on whether strategic benefits are obtained, and on the technical service quality provided by vendors. Both in turn depend on whether expected cost savings are obtained. The implications of these findings for both vendors and purchasers are discussed.


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Dynamic surface roughness prediction during metal cutting operations plays an important role to enhance the productivity in manufacturing industries. Various machining parameters such as unwanted noises affect the surface roughness, whatever their effects have not been adequately quantified. In this study, a general dynamic surface roughness monitoring system in milling operations was developed. Based on the experimentally acquired data, the milling process of Al 7075 and St 52 parts was simulated. Cutting parameters (i.e., cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut), material type, coolant fluid, X and Z components of milling machine vibrations, and white noise were used as inputs. The original objective in the development of a dynamic monitoring system is to simulate wide ranges of machining conditions such as rough and finishing of several materials with and without cutting fluid. To achieve high accuracy of the resultant data, the full factorial design of experiment was used. To verify the accuracy of the proposed model, testing and recall/verification procedures have been carried out and results showed that the accuracy of 99.8 and 99.7 % were obtained for testing and recall processes.


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Software product line (SPL) engineering offers several advantages in the development of families of software products such as reduced costs, high quality and a short time to market. A software product line is a set of software intensive systems, each of which shares a common core set of functionalities, but also differs from the other products through customization tailored to fit the needs of individual groups of customers. The differences between products within the family are well-understood and organized into a feature model that represents the variability of the SPL. Products can then be built by generating and composing features described in the feature model. Testing of software product lines has become a bottleneck in the SPL development lifecycle, since many of the techniques used in their testing have been borrowed from traditional software testing and do not directly take advantage of the similarities between products. This limits the overall gains that can be achieved in SPL engineering. Recent work proposed by both industry and the research community for improving SPL testing has begun to consider this problem, but there is still a need for better testing techniques that are tailored to SPL development. In this thesis, I make two primary contributions to software product line testing. First I propose a new definition for testability of SPLs that is based on the ability to re-use test cases between products without a loss of fault detection effectiveness. I build on this idea to identify elements of the feature model that contribute positively and/or negatively towards SPL testability. Second, I provide a graph based testing approach called the FIG Basis Path method that selects products and features for testing based on a feature dependency graph. This method should increase our ability to re-use results of test cases across successive products in the family and reduce testing effort. I report the results of a case study involving several non-trivial SPLs and show that for these objects, the FIG Basis Path method is as effective as testing all products, but requires us to test no more than 24% of the products in the SPL.


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The thesis deals with the patch loading of I-girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. The configuration with two longitudinal stiffeners is often an excellent solution for beams of higher than 3 meters but has not yet been discussed in EN 1993-1-5. It is proposed a model of resistance harmonized with the methods used in Eurocodes for the other problems of buckling. The model contains three significant parts: the yield resistance, the elastic critical load used to determine the slenderness parameter and a reduction factor that relates the resistance to the slenderness. The thesis is structured into eight chapters, in addition to Preface and Table of Contents. Chapter 3 is a list of all symbols used. Chapter 4 presents a review of earlier works. Chapter 5 details the experimental investigations conducted by Gozzi (2007) on three samples without longitudinal stiffeners. Due to the difficulty of completing a personal physical model testing during the doctorate, it was decided to carefully study the laboratory work by Gozzi and use it as a basis for the calibration of the numerical study. In Chapter 6 is presented the first part of the numerical study. At this stage, the laboratory tests conducted by Gozzi have been reproduced through a finite element model. It is observed a good agreement of numerical results with test data. In Chapter 7 summarizes the results of numerical analysis of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 8 presents the procedure proposed for calculating the ultimate patch loading resistance of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 9 contains a summary of work done in this thesis with suggestions for the most important issues for future development. Chapter 10 lists the references. There are also three appendices with test data by Gozzi and data obtained from literature.