762 resultados para mild cognitive impairment


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To design a new, highly sensitive psychometric screening to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and patients with dementia in the early stages of the disease.


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Objectives: A healthy lifestyle may help maintain cognitive function and reduce the risk of developing dementia. This study employed a focus group approach in order to gain insight into opinions of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients, caregivers (CG) and health professionals (HP) regarding lifestyle and its relationship with cognition. The qualitative data were used to design, develop and pilot test educational material (EM) to help encourage lifestyle behaviour change. Method: Data gathering phase: structured interviews were conducted with HP (n = 10), and focus groups with MCI patients (n = 24) and CG (n = 12). EM was developed and pilot tested with a new group of MCI patients (n = 21) and CG (n = 6). Results: HP alluded to the lack of clinical trial evidence for a lifestyle and MCI risk link. Although they felt that lifestyle modifications should be recommended to MCI patients, they appeared hesitant in communicating this information and discussions were often patient-driven. MCI patients lacked awareness of the lifestyle cognition link. Participants preferred EM to be concise, eye-catching and in written format, with personal delivery of information favoured. Most pilot testers approved of the EM but were heterogeneous in terms of lifestyle, willingness to change and support needed to change. Conclusion: MCI patients need to be made more aware of the importance of lifestyle for cognition. EM such as those developed here, which are specifically tailored for this population would be valuable for HP who, currently, appear reticent in initiating lifestyle-related discussions. Following further evaluation, the EM could be used in health promotion activities targeting MCI patients.


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This study combined high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS), advanced chemometrics and pathway enrichment analysis to analyse the blood metabolome of patients attending the memory clinic: cases of mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n = 16), cases of MCI who upon subsequent follow-up developed Alzheimer's disease (MCI_AD; n = 19), and healthy age-matched controls (Ctrl; n = 37). Plasma was extracted in acetonitrile and applied to an Acquity UPLC HILIC (1.7μm x 2.1 x 100 mm) column coupled to a Xevo G2 QTof mass spectrometer using a previously optimised method. Data comprising 6751 spectral features were used to build an OPLS-DA statistical model capable of accurately distinguishing Ctrl, MCI and MCI_AD. The model accurately distinguished (R2 = 99.1%; Q2 = 97%) those MCI patients who later went on to develop AD. S-plots were used to shortlist ions of interest which were responsible for explaining the maximum amount of variation between patient groups. Metabolite database searching and pathway enrichment analysis indicated disturbances in 22 biochemical pathways, and excitingly it discovered two interlinked areas of metabolism (polyamine metabolism and L-Arginine metabolism) were differentially disrupted in this well-defined clinical cohort. The optimised untargeted HRMS methods described herein not only demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish these pathologies in human blood but also that MCI patients 'at risk' from AD could be predicted up to 2 years earlier than conventional clinical diagnosis. Blood-based metabolite profiling of plasma from memory clinic patients is a novel and feasible approach in improving MCI and AD diagnosis and, refining clinical trials through better patient stratification.


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Aim: Substantial evidence links atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Apolipoproteins, such as apolipoprotein E, have a causal relationship with both diseases. The rs11136000 SNP within the CLU gene, which encodes clusterin (apolipoprotein J), is also associated with increased AD risk. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between plasma clusterin and the rs11136000 genotype in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and AD.

Methods: Plasma and DNA samples were collected from control, MCI and AD subjects (n=142, 111, 154, respectively). Plasma clusterin was determined by ELISA and DNA samples were genotyped for rs11136000 by TaqMan assay.

Results: Plasma clusterin levels were higher in MCI and AD subjects vs. controls (222.3 +/- 61.3 and 193.6 +/- 58.2 vs. 178.6 +/- 52.3 mu g/ml, respectively; p

Conclusion: This study examined control, MCI and AD subjects, identifying for the first time that plasma clusterin levels were influenced, not only by the presence of AD, but also the transitional stage of MCI, while rs11136000 genotype only influenced plasma clusterin levels in the control group. The increase in plasma clusterin in MCI and AD subjects may occur in response to the disease process and would be predicted to increase binding capacity for amyloid-beta peptides in plasma, enhancing their removal from the brain.


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Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has clinical value in its ability to predict later dementia. A better understanding of cognitive profiles can further help delineate who is most at risk of conversion to dementia. We aimed to (1) examine to what extent the usual MCI subtyping using core criteria corresponds to empirically defined clusters of patients (latent profile analysis [LPA] of continuous neuropsychological data) and (2) compare the two methods of subtyping memory clinic participants in their prediction of conversion to dementia.

Memory clinic participants (MCI, n = 139) and age-matched controls (n = 98) were recruited. Participants had a full cognitive assessment, and results were grouped (1) according to traditional MCI subtypes and (2) using LPA. MCI participants were followed over approximately 2 years after their initial assessment to monitor for conversion to dementia.

Groups were well matched for age and education. Controls performed significantly better than MCI participants on all cognitive measures. With the traditional analysis, most MCI participants were in the amnestic multidomain subgroup (46.8%) and this group was most at risk of conversion to dementia (63%). From the LPA, a three-profile solution fit the data best. Profile 3 was the largest group (40.3%), the most cognitively impaired, and most at risk of conversion to dementia (68% of the group).

LPA provides a useful adjunct in delineating MCI participants most at risk of conversion to dementia and adds confidence to standard categories of clinical inference.


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L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’examiner et d’intervenir auprès des déficits de la mémoire de travail (MdeT) à l’intérieur de deux populations cliniques : la maladie d’Alzheimer (MA) et le trouble cognitif léger (TCL). La thèse se compose de trois articles empiriques. Le but de la première expérimentation était d’examiner les déficits de MdeT dans le vieillissement normal, le TCL et la MA à l’aide de deux versions de l’empan complexe : l’empan de phrases et l’empan arithmétique. De plus, l’effet de «l’oubli» (forgetting) a été mesuré en manipulant la longueur de l’intervalle de rétention. Les résultats aux tâches d’empan complexe indiquent que la MdeT est déficitaire chez les individus atteints de TCL et encore plus chez les gens ayant la MA. Les données recueillies supportent également le rôle de l’oubli à l’intérieur de la MdeT. L’augmentation de l’intervalle de rétention exacerbait le déficit dans la MA et permettait de prédire un pronostic négatif dans le TCL. L’objectif de la deuxième étude était d’examiner la faisabilité d’un programme d’entraînement cognitif à l’ordinateur pour la composante de contrôle attentionnel à l’intérieur de la MdeT. Cette étude a été réalisée auprès de personnes âgées saines et de personnes âgées avec TCL. Les données de cette expérimentation ont révélé des effets positifs de l’entraînement pour les deux groupes de personnes. Toutefois, l’absence d’un groupe contrôle a limité l’interprétation des résultats. Sur la base de ces données, la troisième expérimentation visait à implémenter une étude randomisée à double-insu avec groupe contrôle d’un entraînement du contrôle attentionnel chez des personnes TCL avec atteinte exécutive. Ce protocole impliquait un paradigme de double-tâche composé d’une tâche de détection visuelle et d’une tâche de jugement alpha-arithmétique. Alors que le groupe contrôle pratiquait simplement la double-tâche sur six périodes d’une heure chacune, le groupe expérimental recevait un entraînement de type priorité variable dans lequel les participants devaient gérer leur contrôle attentionnel en variant la proportion de ressources attentionnelles allouée à chaque tâche. Les résultats montrent un effet significatif de l’intervention sur une des deux tâches impliquées (précision à la tâche de détection visuelle) ainsi qu’une tendance au transfert à une autre tâche d’attention divisée, mais peu d’effets de généralisation à d’autres tâches d’attention. En résumé, les données originales rapportées dans la présente thèse démontrent un déficit de la MdeT dans les maladies neurodégénératives liées à l’âge, avec un gradient entre le TCL et la MA. Elles suggèrent également une préservation de la plasticité des capacités attentionnelles chez les personnes à risque de développer une démence.


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Semantic deficits have been documented in the prodromal phase of Alzheimer’s disease, but it is unclear whether these deficits are associated with non-cognitive manifestations. For instance, recent evidence indicates that cognitive deficits in elders with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) are modulated by concomitant depressive symptoms. The purposes of this study were to (i) investigate if semantic memory impairment in aMCI is modulated according to the presence (aMCI-D group) or absence (aMCI group) of depressive symptoms, and (ii) compare semantic memory performance of aMCI and aMCI-D groups to that of patients with late-life depression (LLD). Seventeen aMCI, 16 aMCI-D, 15 LLD, and 26 healthy control participants were administered a semantic questionnaire assessing famous person knowledge. Results showed that performance of aMCI-D patients was impaired compared to the control and LLD groups. However, in the aMCI group performance was comparable to that of all other groups. Overall, these findings suggest that semantic deficits in aMCI are somewhat associated with the presence of concomitant depressive symptoms. However, depression alone cannot account solely for the semantic deficits since LLD patients showed no semantic memory impairment in this study. Future studies should aim at clarifying the association between depression and semantic deficits in older adults meeting aMCI criteria.


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La maladie de Parkinson (PD) a été uniquement considérée pour ses endommagements sur les circuits moteurs dans le cerveau. Il est maintenant considéré comme un trouble multisystèmique, avec aspects multiples non moteurs y compris les dommages intérêts pour les circuits cognitifs. La présence d’un trouble léger de la cognition (TCL) de PD a été liée avec des changements structurels de la matière grise, matière blanche ainsi que des changements fonctionnels du cerveau. En particulier, une activité significativement réduite a été observée dans la boucle corticostriatale ‘cognitive’ chez des patients atteints de PD-TCL vs. PD non-TCL en utilisant IRMf. On sait peu de cours de ces modèles fonctionnels au fil du temps. Dans cette étude, nous présentons un suivi longitudinal de 24 patients de PD non démente qui a subi une enquête neuropsychologique, et ont été séparés en deux groupes - avec et sans TCL (TCL n = 11, non-TCL n = 13) en fonction du niveau 2 des recommandations de la Movement Disrders Society pour le diagnostic de PD-TCL. Ensuite, chaque participant a subi une IRMf en effectuant la tâche de Wisconsin pendant deux sessions, 19 mois d'intervalle. Nos résultats longitudinaux montrent qu'au cours de la planification de période de la tâche, les patients PD non-TCL engageant les ressources normales du cortex mais ils ont activé en plus les zones corticales qui sont liés à la prise de décision tel que cortex médial préfrontal (PFC), lobe pariétal et le PFC supérieure, tandis que les PD-TCL ont échoué pour engager ces zones en temps 2. Le striatum n'était pas engagé pour les deux groupes en temps 1 et pour le groupe TCL en temps 2. En outre, les structures médiales du lobe temporal étaient au fil du temps sous recrutés pour TCL et Non-TCL et étaient positivement corrélés avec les scores de MoCA. Le cortex pariétal, PFC antérieur, PFC supérieure et putamen postérieur étaient négativement corrélés avec les scores de MoCA en fil du temps. Ces résultats révèlent une altération fonctionnelle pour l’axe ganglial-thalamo-corticale au début de PD, ainsi que des niveaux différents de participation corticale pendant une déficience cognitive. Cette différence de recrutement corticale des ressources pourrait refléter longitudinalement des circuits déficients distincts de trouble cognitive légère dans PD.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Previous research demonstrates that dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT) is characterised by deficits of episodic memory, especially in the acquisition of new material. As well as this deficit in acquisition, some researchers have also argued for a deficit in consolidation in DAT. We examined acquisition and consolidation by measuring the intertrial gained and lost access in DAT, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and controls. We report findings from a study of clinical data based on assessment of patients using three free recall trials of a word list. We found that both DAT and MCI groups showed a deficit in acquisition and consolidation of items between trials relative to controls. Moreover, the DAT group was significantly impaired relative to the MCI group for both acquisition and consolidation. Correlations within each group showed that there were strong relationships between intertrial measures and standard measures of memory function. Importantly in no group was there a significant correlation between our measures of acquisition and consolidation: we argue that these measures reflect different underlying processes, and the failure to consolidate in DAT and MCI is not related to the deficit in acquisition. Finally, we showed strong correlations between our measure and dementia severity, suggesting that acquisition and consolidation both get worse as the dementia progresses.


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The goal of this research was to investigate the changes in neural processing in mild cognitive impairment. We measured phase synchrony, amplitudes, and event-related potentials in veridical and false memory to determine whether these differed in participants with mild cognitive impairment compared with typical, age-matched controls. Empirical mode decomposition phase locking analysis was used to assess synchrony, which is the first time this analysis technique has been applied in a complex cognitive task such as memory processing. The technique allowed assessment of changes in frontal and parietal cortex connectivity over time during a memory task, without a priori selection of frequency ranges, which has been shown previously to influence synchrony detection. Phase synchrony differed significantly in its timing and degree between participant groups in the theta and alpha frequency ranges. Timing differences suggested greater dependence on gist memory in the presence of mild cognitive impairment. The group with mild cognitive impairment had significantly more frontal theta phase locking than the controls in the absence of a significant behavioural difference in the task, providing new evidence for compensatory processing in the former group. Both groups showed greater frontal phase locking during false than true memory, suggesting increased searching when no actual memory trace was found. Significant inter-group differences in frontal alpha phase locking provided support for a role for lower and upper alpha oscillations in memory processing. Finally, fronto-parietal interaction was significantly reduced in the group with mild cognitive impairment, supporting the notion that mild cognitive impairment could represent an early stage in Alzheimer’s disease, which has been described as a ‘disconnection syndrome’.