984 resultados para microbial resistance
O estudo de plantas medicinais possibilita a descoberta de novos compostos bioativos na procura de drogas promissoras. O aumento de infecções e o aparecimento da resistência microbiana reforçam essa pesquisa. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de extratos de seis espécies de plantas medicinais que ocorrem na Amazônia: Psidium guajava (goiabeira), Bryophyllum calycinum Salisb (pirarucu), Eleutherine plicata Herb (marupazinho), Uncaria guianensis (unha-de-gato), Arrabideae chica (pariri) e Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry (cipó d'alho) frente a cepas ATCC de bactérias e fungos. A coleta e a identificação das plantas foram realizadas na EMBRAPA/CPATU e a análise fitoquímica no Laboratório de Fitoquímica da FACFAR/UFPA e CESUPA obedecendo às metodologias estabelecidas nestes laboratórios. Os extratos etanólicos seco das folhas frescas das plantas e bulbo do marupazinho foram submetidos à avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana pelo método de disco difusão em ágar e determinação da Concentração Inibitória Mínima (CIM) através do método de microdiluição em placas e disco difusão em ágar. Os extratos foram utilizados em concentrações de 500, 250, 125, 62,5 e 31,25 mg/mL utilizando como solvente o Dimetil-Sulfóxido (DMSO). O extrato de goiabeira teve atividade frente a S. aureus, P. aeruginosa e C. albicans (CIM125mg\mL), o de pirarucu frente a S. aureus (CIM= 500 mg/mL) e P. aeruginosa (CIM= 250 mg/mL), o de marupazinho para S. aureus (CIM= 500mg/mL) e C. albicans (CIM= 250mg/mL), o de unha-de-gato contra S. aureus (CIM= 62,5 mg/mL) e o de pariri inibiu S. aureus (62,5 mg/mL), E. coli (250 mg/mL) e C. albicans (500 mg/mL). O fracionamento do EEB de U. guianensis através da técnica de dissolução fracionada demonstrou que a fração metanólica teve ação antimicrobiana. Os resultados comprovaram que estas plantas possuem atividade antimicrobiana. Estes extratos abrem uma possibilidade de descobertas de novos compostos antimicrobianos clinicamente efetivos.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR
Atualmente, a Candidíase tem se destacado dentre as infecções fúngicas, pela sua alta incidência e mortalidade. Paralelamente, há maior registro de resistência microbiana e de falhas terapêuticas apresentadas pelos antifúngicos disponíveis. Chrysobalanus icaco Lin, espécie nativa da Amazônia, tem sido usado popularmente em micoses, sem comprovação científica, por isso a importância de pesquisas que avaliem suas propriedades antifúngicas. A análise farmacognóstica das folhas do C. icaco indicou teores de perda por dessecação, de cinzas totais e de cinzas insolúveis de 12,3%± 0,0288; 4,31%± 0,0001 e 1,67%± 0,0012, respectivamente. A abordagem fitoquímica do extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas de C. icaco (EHCi) revelou a presença de ácidos orgânicos, açúcares redutores, saponinas, catequinas, depsídeos, fenóis, flavonóides, taninos, proteínas, purinas e aminoácidos. Na análise por CLAE, o mesmo apresentou predomínio de flavonóides, com destaque para Miricetina. Sua atividade antifúngica foi testada por microdiluição em caldo frente à cepa ATCC 40175 de Candida albicans e onze isolados clínicos bucais de Candida albicans, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis e C. tropicalis. A CIM variou de maior de 6,25 mg/mL a 1,5 mg/mL e a CFM, quando determinada, foi igual ou maior que 6,25 mg/mL. O EHCi apresentou moderada atividade frente à cepa ATCC 40175 e fraca atividade antifúngica frente aos isolados clínicos bucais. Estes resultados abrem perspectivas para novos estudos que investiguem frações e substâncias de Chrysobalanus icaco com maior atividade frente a espécies de Candida.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Antimicrobials have unquestionable importance in the control of many diseases; however the constant concern with evolution of resistant microorganisms is increasing. The ertapenem sodium is a β-lactam antibiotic of the carbapenem class, which it has a broader activity spectrum than most other β-lactam antimicrobials, and is more resistant to the enzyme β-lactamase, which is the main mechanism of resistance of many bacteria. The progress of microbial resistance to existing antibiotics is alarming. Thus we need to preserve antimicrobials that still have activity against these pathogens. In this context, the quality control has a key role to ensure the correct dosage, by contributing preventively to minimize the development of resistant microorganisms. Study of the physicochemical characteristics of the drug and the quantification of the content of active substance are of fundamental importance for the pharmaceutical industry to ensure the quality of the product sold. This work presents a literature survey of existing methods for ertapenem sodium quantification which was performed. Ertapenem sodium can be analyzed by many types of assays; however the HPLC is the most used method. This review will examine the published analytical methods reported for determination of ertapenem sodium, in biological fluids and formulations.
O aumento da resistência microbiana devido a fatores como uso excessivo e ineficiente de antibióticos convencionais acarreta a necessidade da busca por novos compostos bioativos que atuem por mecanismos de ação diferentes aos fármacos já conhecidos. Na agricultura, o uso intensivo de pesticidas para o combate de microrganismos que comprometem principalmente a parte alimentícia também traz diversos problemas relacionados à resistência antimicrobiana e a riscos ambientais, oriundos do acúmulo dessas substâncias no solo. Dentro deste aspecto, o pseudofungo Pythium aphanidermatum, da classe dos oomicetos, destaca-se por ser uma espécie agressiva e altamente resistente a fungicidas comuns, apodrecendo raízes e frutos de cultivos de tomate, beterraba, pepino, pimentão, etc. A própolis verde, constituída em sua grande parte por material resinoso coletado e processado pela abelha da espécie Apis mellifera tem sido utilizada na medicina tradicional devido ao seu amplo espectro de ações preventivas e tratamentos de doenças, possuindo propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas, anticancerígenas e antioxidantes, tornando-se um produto de grande interesse na busca de novos compostos bioativos. Dentro destes aspectos apresentados, neste trabalho investigamos a ação da própolis verde contra o fitopatógeno P. aphanidermatum e identificamos através da técnica de cromatografia e bioensaios que a Artepillin C (3,5-diprenil-4-ácido-hidroxicinâmico), majoritária na própolis verde, foi o principal composto nesta ação. Os efeitos terapêuticos desta molécula tem sido foco de muitos estudos, porém ainda não há evidência em sua interação com agregados anfifílicos que mimetizam membranas celulares. O caráter anfifílico do composto, elevado pela presença dos grupos prenilados ligados ao ácido cinâmico, favoreceram a sua inserção nas membranas modelo, principalmente em seu estado agregado. Estas conclusões puderam ser inferidas devido às alterações nas propriedades das bicamadas lipídicas na presença da Artepillin C, podendo causar, especificamente para o caso de fitopatógenos como o P. aphanidermatum, perdas funcionais das proteínas de membranas, liberação de eletrólitos intracelulares e desintegração citoplasmática dos micélios e esporos. Ainda, as diferentes composições lipídicas nas vesículas influenciam no modo de interação do composto e consequentes alterações em suas estruturas, principalmente na presença do colesterol, que auxilia na manutenção da permeabilidade da bicamada lipídica, que pode contribuir para a integridade do conteúdo citoplasmático da célula.
Infection of the external structures of the eye is one of the commonest types of eye disease worldwide. In addition, although relatively impermeable to microorganisms, infection within the eye can result from trauma, surgery or systemic disease. This article reviews the general biology of viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa and the major ocular infections that they cause. In addition, the effectiveness of the various antimicrobial agents in controlling ocular disease is discussed. Because of changes in the normal ocular flora, continuous monitoring of the microbiology of the eye will continue to be important in predicting future types of eye infection. Basic research is also needed into the interactions of microbes at the ocular surface. There is increasing microbial resistance to the antimicrobial agents used to treat ocular infections and hence, new antimicrobial agents will continue to be needed together with new methods of drug delivery to increase the effectiveness of existing antimicrobial agents.
Sodium hypochlorite and sodium chlorite are commonly used as disinfectants, and understanding the mechanisms of microbial resistance to these compounds is of considerable importance. In this study, the role of oxidative stress and antioxidant enzymes in the sensitivity of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to hypochlorite and chlorite was studied. Yeast mutants lacking Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase, but not mutants deficient in cytoplasmic and peroxisomal catalase, were hypersensitive to the action of both hypochlorite and chlorite. Both compounds depleted cellular glutathione, induced the production of reactive oxygen species and decreased the viability of the cells. The toxicity of hypochlorite and chlorite was abolished by hypoxic and anoxic conditions and ameliorated by thiol antioxidants and ascorbate. The results demonstrated that the action of hypochlorite and chlorite involves the formation of superoxide and peroxide and that SOD1 is protective, probably by limiting the formation of hydroxyl radicals and damage to proteins.
Quorum sensing (QS) is a population-dependent signaling process bacteria use to control multiple processes including virulence, critical for establishing infection. There are two major pathways of QS systems. Type 1 is species specific or intra-species communication in which N-acylhomoserine lactones (Gram-negative bacteria) or oligopeptides (Gram-positive bacteria) are employed as signaling molecules (autoinducer one). Type 2 is inter-species communication in which S-4,5-dihydroxy-2,3-pentanedione (DPD) or its borate esters are used as signaling molecules. The DPD is biosynthesized by LuxS enzyme from S-ribosylhomocysteine (SRH). Recent increase in prevalence of bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics emphasizes the need for the development of new generation of antibacterial agents. Interruption of QS by small molecules is one of the viable options as it does not affect bacterial growth but only virulence, leading to less incidence of microbial resistance. Thus, in this work, inhibitors of both N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL) mediated intra-species and LuxS enzyme, involved in inter-species QS are targeted. The γ-lactam and their reduced cyclic azahemiacetal analogs, bearing the additional alkylthiomethyl substituent, were designed and synthesized targeting AHL mediated QS systems in P. aeruginosa and Vibrio harveyi. The γ-lactams with nonylthio or dodecylthio chains acted as inhibitors of las signaling in P. aeruginosa with moderate potency. The cyclic azahemiacetal with shorter propylthio or hexylthio substituent were found to strongly inhibit both las and rhl signaling in P. aeruginosa at higher concentrations. However, lactam and their azahemiacetal analogs were found to be inactive in V. harveyi QS systems. The 4-aza-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine (4-aza-SRH) analogs and 2-deoxy-2-substituted-S-ribosyl-L-homocysteine analogs were designed and synthesized targeting Bacillus subtilis LuxS enzyme. The 4-aza-SRH analogs in which oxygen in ribose ring is replaced by nitrogen were further modified at anomeric position to produce pyrrolidine, lactam, nitrone, imine and hemiaminal analogs. Pyrrolidine and lactam analogs which lack anomeric hydroxyl, acted as competitive inhibitors of LuxS enzyme with KI value of 49 and 37 µM respectively. The 2,3-dideoxy lactam analogs were devoid of activity. Such findings attested the significance of hydroxyl groups for LuxS binding and activity. Hemiaminal analog of SRH was found to be a time-dependent inhibitor with IC50 value of 60 µM.
Economical achievement of optimal growth in developing countries may lead to sustainable poverty reduction. Agricultural activities play an important role in economy and human being welfare, which leads to establishment of food security and quality. Aquaculture products in developing countries share 51.4 percent of total agricultural production and 241 percent in developed countries. Therefore undoubtedly food production by means of quality and quantity has to be increased .The history of shrimp production goes back to 500 years ago. Today 50 countries of the world produce shrimp. In Islamic Republic of Iran shrimp production started since 1992 in the coastal region of Persian Gulf. The shrimp culture farms can be classified in to 4 different categories; extensive, semi-extensive, intensive and super intensive. Global ecological maintenance is one of the major concerns of authorities Human manipulation of nature is the most destructive activity. Industrial sewage leakage in to the rivers and water sources is a big issue that causes reduction in the aquatic population. Heavy metals have an inhibitory effect in the production and growth of sea life. Human intake of food treated with anti-microbial cause's allergy, hypersensitivity and develops microbial resistance. Organochlorine compounds contamination may found in hepatopancreatic tissue of aquatic products, Arsenic may transfer to man via plant and animal product contamination.
The search for novel compounds of marine origin has increased in the last decades for their application in various areas such as pharmaceutical, human or animal nutrition, cosmetics or bioenergy. In this context of blue technology development, microalgae are of particular interest due to their immense biodiversity and their relatively simple growth needs. In this review, we discuss about the promising use of microalgae and microalgal compounds as sources of natural antibiotics against human pathogens but also about their potential to limit microbial infections in aquaculture. An alternative to conventional antibiotics is needed as the microbial resistance to these drugs is increasing in humans and animals. Furthermore, using natural antibiotics for livestock could meet the consumer demand to avoid chemicals in food, would support a sustainable aquaculture and present the advantage of being environmentally friendly. Using natural and renewable microalgal compounds is still in its early days, but considering the important research development and rapid improvement in culture, extraction and purification processes, the valorization of microalgae will surely extend in the future.
La automedicación no responsable se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública global en las últimas décadas, por sus consecuencias individuales (por ejemplo, la intoxicación) y colectivas (por ejemplo, la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos). Las intervenciones orientadas a este comportamiento han sido aisladas y muy diferentes. Aunque se tiene evidencia de que su aplicación puede traer beneficios en diferentes poblaciones, no se halló en la literatura una compilación sistemática de dichas intervenciones. El objetivo de la presente revisión es sistematizar la literatura científica sobre las diferentes alternativas de intervención del comportamiento individual de automedicación no responsable. En cuanto al método, la revisión de literatura involucró la búsqueda sistemática de “automedicación” e “intervención” en las bases de datos académicas internacionales con contenidos de psicología, suscritas por la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario. Como resultado se encontró que las intervenciones orientadas al comportamiento de automedicación no responsable se pueden clasificar en dos grandes grupos: (a) intervenciones regulatorias, con dirección “arriba hacia abajo”, que suponen una acción de los Estados nacionales por medio de sus legislaciones o de entidades internacionales (por ejemplo, Organización Mundial de la Salud); y (b) intervenciones educativas, con dirección “abajo hacia arriba”, que suponen acciones con individuos y comunidades con el fin de enseñar acerca del uso adecuado de los medicamentos. Se concluye acerca de la necesidad de complementar ambos tipos de intervención, los cuales, si bien demuestran resultados positivos, aisladamente son insuficientes para contrarrestar integralmente este fenómeno creciente y complejo.
One DDT-contaminated soil and two uncontaminated soils were used to enumerate DDT-resistant microbes (bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi) by using soil dilution agar plates in media either with 150 μg DDT ml -1 or without DDT at different temperatures (25, 37 and 55°C). Microbial populations in this study were significantly (p<0.001) affected by DDT in the growth medium. However, the numbers of microbes in long-term contaminated and uncontaminated soils were similar, presumably indicating that DDT-resistant microbes had developed over a long time exposure. The tolerance of isolated soil microbes to DDT varied in the order fungi>actinomycetes>bacteria. Bacteria from contaminated soil were more resistant to DDT than bacteria from uncontaminated soils. Microbes isolated at different temperatures also demonstrated varying degrees of DDT resistance. For example, bacteria and actinomycetes isolated at all incubation temperatures were sensitive to DDT. Conversely fungi isolated at all temperatures were unaffected by DDT.
Bioremediation is a potential option to treat 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2 bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDT) contaminated sites. In areas where suitable microbes are not present, the use of DDT resistant microbial inoculants may be necessary. It is vital that such inoculants do not produce recalcitrant breakdown products e.g. 1, 1-dichloro-2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE). Therefore, this work aimed to screen DDT-contaminated soil and compost materials for the presence of DDT-resistant microbes for use as potential inoculants. Four compost amended soils, contaminated with different concentrations of DDT, were used to isolate DDT-resistant microbes in media containing 150 mg I -1 DDT at three temperatures (25, 37 and 55°C). In all soils, bacteria were more sensitive to DDT than actinomycetes and fungi. Bacteria isolated at 55°C from any source were the most DDT sensitive. However DDT-resistant bacterial strains showed more promise in degrading DDT than isolated fungal strains, as 1, 1-dichloro 2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane (DDD) was a major bacterial transformation product, while fungi tended to produce more DDE. Further studies on selected bacterial isolates found that the most promising bacterial strain (Bacillus sp. BHD-4) could remove 51% of DDT from liquid culture after 7 days growth. Of the amount transformed, 6% was found as DDD and 3% as DDE suggesting that further transformation of DDT and its metabolites occurred.