67 resultados para methacholine


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We developed a model of severe allergic inflammation and investigated the impact of airway and lung parenchyma remodelling on in vivo and in vitro respiratory mechanics. BALB/c mice were sensitized and challenged with ovalbumin in severe allergic inflammation (SA) group. The control group (C) received saline using the same protocol. Light and electron microscopy showed eosinophil and neutrophil infiltration and fibrosis in airway and lung parenchyma, mucus gland hyperplasia, and airway smooth muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia in SA group. These morphological changes led to in vivo (resistive and viscoelastic pressures, and static elastance) and in vitro (tissue elastance and resistance) lung mechanical alterations. Airway responsiveness to methacholine was markedly enhanced in SA as compared with C group. Additionally, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 levels in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were higher in SA group. In conclusion, this model of severe allergic lung inflammation enabled us to directly assess the role of airway and lung parenchyma inflammation and remodelling on respiratory mechanics. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the effects of oral tolerance (OT) in controlling inflammatory response, hyperresponsiveness and airway remodeling in guinea pigs (GP) with chronic allergic inflammation. Animals received seven inhalations of ovalbumin (1-5 mg/mL-OVA group) or normal saline (NS group). OT was induced by offering ad libitum ovalbumin 2% in sterile drinking water starting with the 1st ovalbumin inhalation (OT1 group) or after the 4th (OT2 group). The induction of OT in sensitized animals decreased the elastance of respiratory system (Ers) response after both antigen and methacholine challenges, peribronchial edema formation, eosinophilic airway infiltration, eosinophilopoiesis, and airways collagen and elastic fiber content compared to OVA group (P < 0.05). The number of mononuclear cells and resistance of respiratory system (Rrs) responses after antigen and methacholine challenges were decreased only in OT2 group compared to OVA group (P < 0.05). Concluding, our results show that inducing OT attenuates airway remodeling as well as eosinophilic inflammation and respiratory system mechanics. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Among the possible mechanisms explaining the worsening of asthma due to gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is the increase in bronchial hyperresponsiveness. The effects of GERD on bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with bronchial asthma have yet to be studied in significant detail. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of esophageal acid perfusion on bronchial responsiveness to bradykinin in patients with both asthma and GERD. In 20 patients with asthma and GERD disease, esophageal pH was monitored with a pH meter and bronchial responsiveness was evaluated by aerosol inhalation of bradykinin during esophageal acid perfusion and, 24 h earlier or later the patients were submitted to another bronchial provocation test without acid infusion. No significant changes were observed in FEV1, FEF25-75%, FVC, or PEF during acid perfusion. The response to the bronchial provocation test did not differ between the control day and the day of acid infusion (p = 0.61). The concentration provoking a 20% fall in FEV1 (geometric mean +/- geometric SD) was 1.09 +/- 5.84 on the day of acid infusion and 0.98 +/- 5.52 on the control day. There is no evidence that acid infusion changes bronchial responsiveness to bradykinin. These findings strongly question the significance of acid infusion as a model to study the pathogenesis of GERD-induced asthma.


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Background The pattern of associations and the attributable fractions (AF) of atopic conditions due to specific sensitizations vary between countries. Objective To assess the level of associations and AF between sensitization to five allergens and atopic conditions in two settings. Methods We studied 2063 Brazilians and 1231 Chileans of both sexes using representative samples selected at birth in the 1970s. Information on asthma and rhinitis was based on the European Community Respiratory Health Survey questionnaire. We assessed bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) to methacholine and sensitization to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, cat, dog, grass blend and Alternaria alternata. Results The prevalence of sensitization to one or more allergens was 50% in Brazilians and 22% in Chileans. The level of associations varied according to the outcome used. Strong associations between sensitization and asthma, defined as wheeze or awakening with breathlessness at night and positive BHR, were found for each of the five allergens in Chileans [varying from odds ratio (OR) 3.24, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.47, 7.15 for D. pteronyssinus to 8.44, 95% CI 3.82, 18.66 for cat], whereas the level of associations was restricted to D. pteronyssinus, cat and dog in Brazilians and was somewhat weaker (highest OR 3.90, 95% CI 2.80-5.44). The AF of sensitization on asthma was 54% in Brazil and 44% in Chile. D. pteronyssinus and cat made an independent contribution to asthma in the two samples. The patterns of associations between sensitization and rhino-conjunctivitis were similar to those for asthma. Conclusion The associations between sensitization, and asthma and rhinitis were high in Chile and moderately high in Brazil, but the AF were higher in Brazil, reflecting a higher prevalence of sensitization. In Brazil, dust mite had the greatest impact on atopic conditions while in Chile several allergens had an impact. Sensitization is as serious a problem in Chile and Brazil as in developed countries.


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Background. Respiratory symptoms associated with smoking habit seem to be age dependent. However, there are few reports about the effect of tobacco in young populations. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of smoking on respiratory symptoms and lung function in 23- to 25-year-old adults in Brazil. This study had a cross-sectional design and included 2063 young people in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State. Methods: Subjects completed a questionnaire used by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey and underwent spirometry and bronchial challenge test with methacholine. Multiple logistic regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were carried out to assess the association between smoking and respiratory symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC), adjusted for confounding variables. Results: Prevalence of smoking habit was 17.2% with consumption (median) of 10 cigarettes per day (interquartile range 3-20). There was a significant association between smoking and respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated to wheezing with odds ratio (95%Cl) of 6.11 (4.03-9.28) among those smoking :10 cigarettes per day and 3.36 (2.11-5.37) among those smoking <10 cigarettes per day. Associations were found for other respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated with lower FEV1/FVC ratio. No association was detected between smoking and FEV1 or bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Conclusions: These findings highlight the early health consequences of smoking among young adults. These results prompt the necessity to elaborate urgent programs to reduce tobacco habit in young populations.


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Aims: This study was designed to investigate the influence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and nitric oxide (NO) on autoregulation of renal perfusion. Methods: Autoregulation was investigated in isolated perfused kidneys (IPRK) from Sprague-Dawley rats during stepped increases in perfusion pressure. Results: Ang II (75-200 pM) produced dose-dependent enhancement of autoregulation whereas phenylephrine produced no enhancement and impaired autoregulation of GFR. Enhancement by Ang II was inhibited by the AT(1) antagonist, Losartan, and the superoxide scavenger, Tempol. Under control conditions nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition by 10 muM N-omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) facilitated autoregulation in the presence of non-specific cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibition by 10 muM indomethacin. Both COX and combined NOS/COX inhibition reduced the autoregulatory threshold concentration of Ang II. Facilitation by 100 pM Ang II was inhibited by 100 muM frusemide. Methacholine (50 nM) antagonised Ang II-facilitated autoregulation in the presence and absence of NOS/COX inhibition. Infusion of the NO donor, 1 muM sodium nitroprusside, inhibited L-NAME enhancement of autoregulation under control conditions and during Ang II infusion. Conclusions: The results suggest than an excess of NO impairs autoregulation under control conditions in the IPRK and that endogenous and exogenous NO, vasodilatory prostaglandins and endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF) activity antagonise Ang II-facilitated autoregulation. Ang II also produced a counterregulatory vasodilatory response that included prostaglandin and NO release. We suggest that Ang II facilitates autoregulation by a tubuloglomerular feedback-dependent mechanism through AT(1) receptor-mediated depletion of nitric oxide, probably by stimulating generation of superoxide.


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RESUMO: O objectivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se a exposição crónica neonatal à hiperóxia mo-derada induz alterações funcionais e estruturais persistentes nas vias aéreas. Desenvolveu-se um modelo animal, no rato, a partir do qual se retiraram implicações para a compreensão das repercussões crónicas da hiperóxia neonatal sobre as vias aéreas de displasia broncopulmonar (DBP), em duas fases distintas: imediatamente após a exposi-ção neonatal a 50%O2 (grupo 50%O2) e após três semanas de recuperação em ar ambiente (grupo 50%O2+Ar).Compararam-se os resultados da resposta do músculo liso de traqueia (MLT) à esti-mulação in vitro com metacolina e salbutamol e avaliaram-se as alterações quantitativas da área de MLT, bem como as alterações qualitativas da estrutura da traqueia. Demonstrou-se que a exposição a 50% de oxigénio não tinha repercussões imediatas sobre a resposta in vitro do MLT à estimulação colinérgica, mas que induzia um aumento do relaxamento em resposta ao salbutamol. A contractilidade do MLT em resposta à estimula-ção com metacolina no grupo 50%O2+Ar foi significativamente superior à do grupo de con-trolo da mesma idade e também superior à observada no grupo 50%O2, enquanto que a resposta ao salbutamol se voltou a aproximar dos valores de controlo após a recuperação em normóxia. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas na área de MLT entre os grupos experimental e de controlo, o que se deve provavelmente ao número reduzido de amostras avaliadas e à variabilidade deste parâmetro no grupo de controlo; contudo, verifi-cou-se um aumento médio de 15% imediatamente após a exposição à hiperóxia que persis-tiu após o período de recuperação.As alterações qualitativas sobre a arquitectura da traqueia, avaliadas por microscopia óptica, revelaram no grupo 50%O2 aumentos da espessura da matriz extracelular e da den-sidade de mastócitos desgranulados na submucosa e adventícia vizinhas do MLT, sem outras alterações relativamente ao grupo de controlo com 15 dias. As alterações da matriz extrace-lular foram reversíveis após a recuperação em ar ambiente. A densidade de mastócitos per-maneceu superior à do grupo de controlo de 36 dias de idade, apresentando-se em maior contiguidade com o MLT relativamente ao grupo 50%O2. Em síntese, demonstrou-se que a hiperóxia neonatal crónica em níveis moderados in-duz alterações da resposta contráctil do MLT e da estrutura da traqueia que podem ter ex-pressão funcional após a exposição ter cessado. Assim, o contributo original do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de um modelo animal que permite avaliar os mecanismos pelos quais a hiperóxia é capaz de induzir, isoladamente, alterações crónicas da contracti-lidade, do relaxamento do ML e da estrutura das vias aéreas que podem ser responsáveis pela HRB persistente em doentes sujeitos a oxigenioterapia neonatal.-------------ABSTRACT: The aim of this work was to evaluate whether chronic neonatal exposure to hyperoxia in-duces persistent structural and functional airway changes. An animal model was developed, using neonatal rats, in order to understand the chronic effects of neonatal hyperoxia on the airways, in bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in two distinct phases: immediately after neonatal exposure to 50%O2 (50%O2 group) and after three weeks of recovery at ambient air (50%O2+Ar group).The results from the tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) response to in vitro stimulation with metacholine and salbutamol were compared and quantitative changes in TSM area, as well as qualitative changes in tracheal structure were evaluated. It was demonstrated that while exposure to 50% oxygen had no immediate effects on in vitro TSM response to cholinergic stimulation, it induced an increase in relaxation as a result of salbutamol administration. TSM contractility as a result of methacholine administration in the 50%O2 + Ar group was significantly higher than that of the same-age control group, and also higher than the one observed in the 50%O2 group, whereas the response to salbutamol admini-stration was once again closer to the control values after recovery in normoxia. There were no statistically significant differences in the TSM area between the experi-mental and control groups, which is most likely due to the reduced number of samples evalu-ated and to the variability of this parameter in the control group. However, there was an aver-age increase of 15% immediately after exposure to hyperoxia, which persisted after the recov-ery period. Qualitative changes in tracheal architecture, evaluated by optic microscopy, revealed that the 50%O2 group suffered an increase in the thickness of the extracellular matrix and degranu-lated mast cell density in the submucosa and adventitia adjacent to the TSM, without further changes when compared with the control group at 15 days of age. The changes in extracellular matrix were reversible after recovery in ambient air. Mast cell density remained higher than that of the control group at 36 days of age, and more contiguous to TSM than the 50%O2 group. In conclusion, it has been demonstrated that moderate levels of chronic neonatal hyperoxia in-duce changes in TSM contractile response and tracheal structure, which may be functionally ex-pressed after discontinuation of exposure. Therefore, the original contribution of the present work was the development of an animal model which allows the evaluation of the mechanisms through which hyperoxia alone can induce chronic changes in contractility and relaxation of SM and also in airway structure that can be responsible for the persistent airway hyperrespon-siveness found in patients who were submited to neonatal oxygen therapy.


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BACKGROUND: Geographical differences in asthma prevalence are currently accepted, but evidence is sparse due to the lack of multicentre studies using the same protocol. OBJECTIVES: To compare the prevalence of asthma and atopy among schoolchildren from Portuguese speaking countries (ISAAC and Portuguese Study) and evaluate some environmental variables, such as house dust mite exposure. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Significant random samples of schoolchildren studied with standard validated methods--questionnaires, skin prick tests, methacholine bronchial challenge tests; dust bed sampling for analysis of mite antigens. RESULTS: In the ISAAC study, in the 13-14 year-old age group, statistical significant differences were found, with higher wheezing prevalence in Brazil than in Portugal (two-fold). In the Portuguese Study, atopy prevalence ranged between 6.0 and 11.9% in Sal and S. Vicente (Cape Verde), up to 48.6 and 54.1% in Macau and Madeira. Active asthma had the higher values in Madeira (14.6%), and the lower in Macau (1.3%). Cape Verde had intermediate asthma prevalence (10.6 and 7.0%). The bronchial challenge test was positive in 25, 66 and 70% of asthmatic children from Sal, S. Vicente and Madeira respectively. Significant HDM antigen concentrations (Der p1) were found in Cape Verde and Madeira. CONCLUSIONS: There are significant variations in asthma and atopy prevalence between these pediatric populations. The reasons remain under discussion, but genetics linked to race, seem to play a central role, modulated by environmental and lifestyle variables.


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Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease, characterised by bronchial hyperresponsiveness causing bronchoconstriction, and thereby provoking typical symptoms (dyspnoea, cough, wheezing). Bronchial hyperres- ponsiveness indicates a temporary airflow limitation when exposed to a bronchoconstricting stimulus. Its measurement by challenge tests can be a valuable tool for confirming or excluding asthma, as well as for evaluating the efficacy of treatment. However, the origin of bronchial hyperresponsiveness is multifactorial and the different challenge tests are not equivalent. Direct challenge tests, like methacholine, mainly reflect chronic airway remo- delling, whereas indirect tests, like mannitol, better reflect bronchial inflammation.


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Objective: To investigate the usefulness of surrogates for individual susceptibility to organic diisocyanates in occupational asthma. Subjects: All new cases declared to the Swiss National Accident Insurance Company (SUVA) for establishment of a case for compensable occupational disease during 1993. Sixty-nine persons, of whom three were women, were suspected of having occupational asthma due to isocyanates. Of these, 47 subjects fulfilled the criteria to be accepted as an occupational disease case. Methods: All subjects were studied clinically and gave a blood sample for the phenotyping of their alpha-antitrypsin status and for immunological studies. The subjects were also given a peroral dose of caffeine for the determination of their N-acetylation capacity. Finally, those with an occupational disease were subjected to the methacholine provocation test. Results: Forty-four persons with occupational disease, out of 47, were heterozygous antitrypsin carriers and/or slow acetylators of primary amines. In the bronchial provocation with methacholine, 12 of these subjects had an unaltered response and seven had a mild reaction, 13 a moderate one and 15 a severe reaction. Interpretation: The study confirms the finding that slow N-acetylators are susceptible to asthma from exposure to common diisocyanate monomers at work. The same applies to heterozygous antitrypsin-phenotype carriers. Thus, the use of these markers may reinforce the diagnostic procedure, but they cannot completely replace the immunological tests. [Authors]


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We have investigated the effects of L-arginine, D-arginine and L-lysine on airway smooth muscle responsiveness to spasmogens in vitro. Both L-arginine and D-arginine (100 mM) significantly reduced the contractile potency and maximal contractile response to histamine but not to methacholine or potassium chloride in guinea-pig epithelium-denuded isolated trachea. Similarly, the contractile response to histamine was significantly reduced by L-arginine (100 mM) in rabbit epithelium-denuded isolated bronchus. The amino acid L-lysine (100 mM) failed to significantly alter the contractile potency of histamine in guinea-pig isolated trachea (P>0.05). In guinea-pig isolated trachea precontracted with histamine, both L-arginine and D-arginine produced a concentration-dependent relaxation which was not significantly altered by epithelium removal or by the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 50 µM). Thus, at very high concentrations, arginine exhibit a non-competitive antagonism of histamine-induced contraction of isolated airway preparations that was independent of the generation of nitric oxide and was not dependent on charge. These observations confirm previous studies of cutaneous permeability responses and of contractile responses of guinea-pig isolated ileal smooth muscle. Taken together, the data suggest that high concentrations of arginine can exert an anti-histamine effect.


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Impaired baroreflex sensitivity in diabetes is well described and has been attributed to autonomic diabetic neuropathy. In the present study conducted on acute (10-20 days) streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats we examined: 1) cardiac baroreflex sensitivity, assessed by the slope of the linear regression between phenylephrine- or sodium nitroprusside-induced changes in arterial pressure and reflex changes in heart rate (HR) in conscious rats; 2) aortic baroreceptor function by means of the relationship between systolic arterial pressure and aortic depressor nerve (ADN) activity, in anesthetized rats, and 3) bradycardia produced by electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve or by the iv injection of methacholine in anesthetized animals. Reflex bradycardia (-1.4 ± 0.1 vs -1.7 ± 0.1 bpm/mmHg) and tachycardia (-2.1 ± 0.3 vs -3.0 ± 0.2 bpm/mmHg) were reduced in the diabetic group. The gain of the ADN activity relationship was similar in control (1.7 ± 0.1% max/mmHg) and diabetic (1.5 ± 0.1% max/mmHg) animals. The HR response to vagal nerve stimulation with 16, 32 and 64 Hz was 13, 16 and 14% higher, respectively, than the response of STZ-treated rats. The HR response to increasing doses of methacholine was also higher in the diabetic group compared to control animals. Our results confirm the baroreflex dysfunction detected in previous studies on short-term diabetic rats. Moreover, the normal baroreceptor function and the altered HR responses to vagal stimulation or methacholine injection suggest that the efferent limb of the baroreflex is mainly responsible for baroreflex dysfunction in this model of diabetes.


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With the aim of investigating the presence of latent inflammatory process in the lungs of patients with Crohn's disease, 15 patients with Crohn's disease were evaluated by spirometry, the methacholine challenge test, induced sputum, and skin tests for inhaled antigens. Serum IgE, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hematocrit were also determined. The patients were compared with 20 healthy controls by the Mann-Whitney and Fisher exact tests. Their respiratory physical examination was normal. None had a personal or family history of clinical atopy. None had a previous history of pulmonary disease, smoking or toxic bronchopulmonary exposure. None had sinusitis, migraine, diabetes mellitus, or cardiac failure. Four (26.6%) of the patients with Crohn's disease had a positive methacholine challenge test whereas none of the 20 controls had a positive methacholine test (P = 0.026, Fisher exact test). Patients with Crohn's disease had a higher level of lymphocytes in induced sputum than controls (mean 14.59%, range 3.2-50 vs 5.46%, 0-26.92%, respectively; P = 0.011, Mann-Whitney test). Patients with Crohn's disease and a positive methacholine challenge test had an even higher percentage of lymphocytes in induced sputum compared with patients with Crohn's disease and a negative methacholine test (mean 24.88%, range 12.87-50 vs 10.48%, 3.2-21.69%; P = 0.047, Mann-Whitney test). The simultaneous findings of bronchopulmonary lymphocytosis and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with Crohn's disease were not reported up to now. These results suggest that patients with Crohn's disease present a subclinical inflammatory process despite the absence of pulmonary symptoms.


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Beta-2-agonists have been widely used by asthmatic subjects to relieve their obstructive symptoms. However, there are reports that continuous use could lead to loss of bronchial protection and exacerbation of asthma symptoms. We evaluated the effect of two regimens of salbutamol administration (twice and five times a week) in a model of chronic airway inflammation in male Hartley guinea pigs (protocol starting weight: 286 ± 30 g) induced by repeated exposures to aerosols of ovalbumin (OVA). After sensitization, guinea pigs were exposed to aerosols of 0.1 mg/ml salbutamol solution twice a week (OVA + S2x, N = 7) or five times a week (OVA + S5x, N = 8). We studied allergen-specific (OVA inhalation time) and -nonspecific (response to methacholine) respiratory system responsiveness. Seventy-two hours after the last OVA challenge, guinea pigs were anesthetized and tracheostomized, respiratory system resistance and elastance were measured and a dose-response curve to inhaled methacholine chloride was obtained. Specific IgG1 was also quantified by the passive cutaneous anaphylactic technique. OVA-sensitized guinea pigs (N = 8) showed reduction of the time of OVA exposure before the onset of respiratory distress, at the 5th, 6th and 7th exposures (P < 0.001). The OVA + S2x group (but not the OVA + S5x group) showed a significant increase in OVA inhalation time. There were no significant differences in pulmonary responsiveness to methacholine among the experimental groups. OVA + S2x (but not OVA + S5x) animals showed a decrease in the levels of IgG1-specific anaphylactic antibodies compared to the OVA group (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that, in this experimental model, frequent administration of ß2-agonists results in a loss of some of their protective effects against the allergen.


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The increase in non-communicable chronic diseases of adults is due to demographic changes and changes in the risk factors related to physical activity, smoking habits and nutrition. We describe the methodology for the evaluation of persons at 23/25 years of age of a cohort of individuals born in Ribeirão Preto in 1978/79. We present their socioeconomic characteristics and the profile of some risk factors for chronic diseases. A total of 2063 participants were evaluated by means of blood collection, standardized questionnaires, anthropometric and blood pressure measurements, and methacholine bronchoprovocation tests. The sexes were compared by the chi-square test, with alpha = 0.05. Obesity was similar among men and women (12.8 and 11.1%); overweight was almost double in men (30.3 vs 17.7%). Weight deficit was higher among women than among men (8.6 and 2.6%). Women were more sedentary and consumed less alcohol and tobacco. Dietary fat consumption was similar between sexes, with 63% consuming large amounts (30 to 39.9 g/day). Metabolic syndrome was twice more frequent among men than women (10.7 vs 4.8%), hypertension was six times more frequent (40.9 vs 6.4%); altered triglyceride (16.1 vs 9.8%) and LDL proportions (5.4 vs 2.7%) were also higher in men, while women had a higher percentage of low HDL (44.7 vs 39.5%). Asthma and bronchial hyper-responsiveness were 1.7 and 1.5 times more frequent, respectively, among women. The high prevalence of some risk factors for chronic diseases among young adults supports the need for investments in their prevention.