940 resultados para metabolic disease
In recent decades, metabolic syndrome has become a public health problem throughout the world. Longitudinal studies in humans have several limitations due to the invasive nature of certain analyses and the size and randomness of the study populations. Thus, animal models that are able to mimic human physiological responses could aid in investigating metabolic disease. Thus, the present study was designed to analyze metabolic syndrome markers in albino Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) of different ages. The following parameters were assessed at two (young), four (adult), six (adult), and twelve (mature) months of age: glucose tolerance (glucose tolerance test); insulin sensitivity (insulin tolerance test); fasting serum glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholestero, and LDL cholesterol concentrations; glucose uptake in isolated soleus muscle; and total lipid concentration in subcutaneous, mesenteric, and retroperitoneal adipose tissue. We found that aging triggered signs of metabolic syndrome in Wistar rats. For example, mature rats showed a significant increase in body weight that was associated. In addition, mature rats showed an increase in the serum concentration of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, which is characteristic of dyslipidemia. There was also an increase in serum glucose compared with the younger groups of animals. Therefore, aging Wistar rats appear to be an interesting model to study the changes related to metabolic syndrome.
Canavan disease, an inherited leukodystrophy, is caused by mutations in the aspartoacylase (ASPA) gene. It is most common among children of Ashkenazi Jewish descent but has been diagnosed in many diverse ethnic groups. Two mutations comprise the majority of mutant alleles in Jewish patients, while mutations in the ASPA gene among non-Jewish patients are different and more diverse. In the present study, the ASPA gene was analysed in 22 unrelated non-Jewish patients with Canavan disease, and 24 different mutations were found. of these,14 are novel, including five missense mutations (E24G, D68A, D249V, C152W, H244R), two nonsense mutations (Q184X, E214X), three deletions (923delT, 33del13, 244delA), one insertion mutation (698insC), two sequence variations in one allele ([10T>G; 11insG]), an elimination of the stop codon (941A>G, TAG-->TGG, X314W), and one splice acceptor site mutation (IVS1 - 2A>T). The E24G mutation resulted in substitution of an invariable amino acid residue (Glu) in the first esterase catalytic domain consensus sequence. The IVS1 - 2A>T mutation caused the retention of 40 nucleotides of intron 1 upstream of exon 2. The results of transient expression of the mutant ASPA cDNA containing these mutations in COS-7 cells and assays for ASPA activity of patient fibroblasts indicated that these mutations were responsible for the enzyme deficiency. In addition, patients with the novel D249V mutation manifested clinically at birth and died early. Also, patients with certain other novel mutations, including C152W, E214X, X314W, and frameshift mutations in both alleles, developed clinical manifestations at an earlier age than in classical Canavan disease.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of urinary metabolic abnormalities in patients with urolithiasis and their potential risk factors.A total of 905 stone patients were evaluated in a prospective trial from February 2000 to January 2012. Inclusion criteria were as follows: history and/or imaging tests confirming at least 2 separate or concurrent stone episodes; creatinine clearance a parts per thousand yen60 mL/min; and negative proteinuria and urine culture. Metabolic study consisted of two 24-h urine collections separated by a period of 3 months for dosing Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Mg, oxalate, and citrate. Serum levels of Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Cl, Mg, creatinine, and glucose were assessed. Urinary pH and urinary acidification tests were also performed.A total of 735 patients were included, with a mean age of the 40 +/- A 1.0 year; 96.8 % of patients presented diagnosis of one or more urinary metabolic abnormalities. The most prevalent metabolic abnormalities were hypercalciuria (50.8 %), hypomagnesuria (50.1 %), hypocitraturia (35.4 %), and hyperuricosuria (30.7 %). Body weight was significantly higher in patients with hyperuricosuria (81.20 +/- A 15.67 kg vs. 70.17 +/- A 14.13 kg, respectively, p = 0.001). Urinary sodium was significantly higher in patients with hypercalciuria than without (246.97 +/- A 103.9 mEq/24 h vs. 200.31 +/- A 91.6 mEq/24 h, p = 0.001) and hyperuricosuria compared to without (283.24 +/- A 107.95 mEq/24 h vs. 198.57 +/- A 85.3 mEq/24 h, p = 0.001).Urinary metabolic disturbances were diagnosed in 96.8 % of patients in the study. These results warrant metabolic study and follow-up in patients with recurrent lithiasis in order to decrease recurrence rate through specific treatments, modification in alimentary, and behavioral habits.
Human bone is the most direct source for reconstructing health and living conditions of ancient populations. However, many diseases remain undetected in palaeopathology. Möller-Barlow disease (scurvy) is a historically well-documented metabolic disease and must have been common in clinical and sub-clinical severity. Due to long incubation periods and the subtle nature of bone changes osteological evidence is relatively rare (Brickley & Ives 2008). Möller-Barlow disease is caused by deficiency of dietary vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and evokes symptoms like fatigue, haemorrhage, inflammations, delayed wound healing and pain. Vitamin C is a cofactor for the hydroxylation of the amino acids proline and lysine which are essential for the production of intact connective tissue by cross-linking the propeptides in collagen. In a preliminary study we tested the detectability of Möller-Barlow disease by analysis of relative quantitative variability of hydroxylated amino acids in collagen (Pendery & Koon 2013). Samples (N=9) were taken from children with (n=3, cranium, femur, tibia) and without (n=4, cranium, femur, tibia) apparent bone reactions indicative of Möller-Barlow disease, as well as from adults with lethal traumata (n=2; negative controls). The skeletal remains originated from two early medieval cemeteries from Switzerland. Gas chromatographic (GC) analysis revealed minor differences between the samples. So far children with no pathologic alterations had fairly same values as negative controls while children with bone reactions paradoxically exhibited even slightly higher values of hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine. Future research demands for larger sample size and has to discuss sampling strategies. Beside possible misdiagnosis of Möller-Barlow disease it is arguable if only the newly built bone should be analysed even though this could lead to problems related to small sample quantity. It also remains to be seen to which extent varying turnover rates of different skeletal elements, especially in children, must be taken into account.
BACKGROUND Traditional approaches for nighttime glycemic control in glycogen storage disease type I (GSDI) include continuous tube feeding, or ingestion of uncooked corn starch (CS) at bedtime. A modified corn starch (MCS) has been shown to prolong euglycemia in some patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether stable nighttime glucose control can be achieved with other types of slowly digested carbohydrates in adult GSDI patients. METHODS In this cross-over study, nocturnal glucose control and fasting times were assessed with three different nocturnal nutrition regimens in five patients, using continuous glucose monitoring (CGMS) in an outpatient everyday life setting. For each patient, continuous glucose profiles were measured after ingestion of (1) CS, (2) MCS or (3) a pasta meal at bedtime, during 5 to 6 consecutive nights for each regimen. RESULTS Stable nocturnal glucose control was achieved for all patients with a pasta meal, with a mean duration of glycemia >3.5 mmol/l of 7.6 h (range 5.7-10.8), and >4 mmol/l of 7 h (5.2-9.2), similar to CS and MCS. Fasting glucose before breakfast on workdays (after 7.1 ± 0.8 h) was not significantly different between the three interventions (CS 4.1 ± 0.5 mmol/l, MCS 4.6 ± 0.7 mmol/l, pasta 4.3 ± 0.9 mmol/l). During prolonged fasting on weekends, longer duration of normoglycemia was achieved with CS or MCS than with pasta. CONCLUSION Consumption of cooked pasta is a suitable and more palatable alternative to uncooked corn starch to achieve nighttime glucose control in adult patients with GSDI.
Background: Shiftwork is associated with increased sleep disturbance and cardiovascular and metabolic disease risk. This thesis will focus on shiftwork-related sleep disturbance and the potential mediating role of reduced sleep duration in the relationship between a current rotational shiftwork schedule and the metabolic syndrome among female hospital employees. Objectives: 1) To describe sleep patterns in relation to different shiftwork exposure metrics (current status, cumulative exposure, number of consecutive night shifts); 2) To assess the association between shiftwork metrics and sleep duration; 3) To determine whether sleep duration on work shifts mediates the relationship between a current rotational shiftwork pattern and the metabolic syndrome; and 4) To assess whether cumulative shiftwork exposure and the number of consecutive night shifts are associated with the metabolic syndrome. Methods: 294 female hospital employees (142 rotating shiftworkers, 152 dayworkers) participated in a cross-sectional study. Shiftwork parameters were determined through self-report. Sleep was measured for one week with the ActiGraph GT3X+, a tri-axial accelerometer. The metabolic syndrome was defined according to the Joint Interim Studies Consensus Statement. Sleep was described by shiftwork exposure parameters, and multivariable linear regression was used to determine associations between shiftwork variables and sleep duration. Regression path analysis was used to assess whether sleep duration was a mediator between a current shiftwork schedule and the metabolic syndrome, and the significance of the indirect (mediating) effect was tested with bootstrap confidence intervals. Logistic regression was used to determine associations between cumulative shiftwork exposure, number of consecutive night shifts, and the metabolic syndrome. Results: Current shiftworkers slept less on work shifts, more on free days, and were more likely to nap compared to dayworkers. Sleep duration on work shifts was a strong intermediate in the relationship between a current shiftwork pattern and the metabolic syndrome. Cumulative shiftwork exposure and the number of consecutive night shifts did not affect sleep or the metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: A current shiftwork pattern disrupts sleep, and reduced sleep duration is an important intermediate between shiftwork and the metabolic syndrome among female hospital employees.
Existe considerável evidência para a indução de diferentes fenótipos em reposta às variações no ambiente fetal e neonatal. O aporte inadequado de nutrientes no período crítico do desenvolvimento está associado ao risco alto de doenças metabólicas na vida adulta, este fenômeno biológico é chamado de programação. A atividade física durante a gestação resulta em adaptações fisiológicas da mãe e no aumento da disponibilidade de nutrientes e oxigênio no espaço feto-placentário. Este trabalho tem como objetivo discutir os mecanismos da indução de programação fetal pela nutrição e o provável efeito modulador da atividade física durante a gestação. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados do Medline Pubmed, Lilacs e Bireme, com publicações entre 1990 até 2008. Os termos de indexação utilizados foram: nutrition, fetal programming, gestation, physical activity, physical exercise, metabolism. Em conclusão, o aporte inadequado de nutrientes programa o aparecimento de doenças metabólicas na vida adulta, enquanto que a atividade física durante a gestação aumenta a disponibilidade de nutrientes e oxigênio, repercutindo positivamente no crescimento fetal e no peso ao nascer.
The aim of the study was to characterize clinically and biochemically mucopolysaccharidosis type II (MPS II) heterozygotes. Fifty-two women at risk to be a carrier, with a mean age of 34.1 years (range 16-57 years), were evaluated through pedigree analysis, medical history, physical examination, measurement of iduronate sulfatase (IDS) activities in plasma and in leukocytes, quantification of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in urine, and analysis of the IDS gene. Eligibility criteria for the study also included being 16 years of age or older and being enrolled in a genetic counselling programme. The pedigree and DNA analyses allowed the identification of 40/52 carriers and 12/52 non-carriers. All women evaluated were clinically healthy, and their levels of urinary GAGs were within normal limits. Median plasma and leukocyte IDS activities found among carriers were significantly lower than the values found for non-carriers; there was, however, an overlap between carriers` and non-carriers` values. Our data suggests that MPS II carriers show lower plasma and leukocyte IDS activities but that this reduction is generally associated neither with changes in levels of urinary GAGs nor with the occurrence of clinical manifestations.
Background Porphyria cutanea tarda (PCT) is a metabolic disease characterized by vesicles and blisters in sun-exposed areas and scleroderma-like lesions in sun-exposed and non-sun-exposed areas. Mast cells participate in the pathogenesis of bullous diseases and diseases that show sclerosis, including PCT. Moreover, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is the main cytokine in the development of tissue sclerosis. The correlation of mast cells and TGF-beta with the lesions of PCT has not been examined, however. The possible role of mast cells and TGF-beta (and the relationship between them) in the development of PCT lesions is discussed. Methods To quantify mast cells and cells expressing TGF-beta in skin samples from patients with PCT and controls, immunohistochemical studies were performed in tissue sections allied to morphometric analyses. Results The numbers of mast cells and cells expressing TGF-beta per square millimiter were increased in the PCT group relative to controls, and there was a direct and significant correlation between the mast cell number and cells expressing TGF-beta in PCT. Conclusions The results suggest that the increased number of mast cells and of cells expressing TGF-beta, as well as their direct correlation, may contribute to the pathogenesis of the skin lesions in PCT.
RESUMO: A Diabetes Mellitus é uma doença metabólica crónica, com deficiência a nível do metabolismo dos hidratos de carbono, lípidos e proteínas, resultante de deficiências na secreção ou ação da insulina, ou de ambas, que quando não tratada antecipadamente e de modo conveniente, pode ter consequências muito graves. Dado a incidência a nível mundial da Diabetes Mellitus, torna-se de elevada importância avaliar toda a sua envolvência e estudar bem quais os critérios a ter em consideração. Este trabalho propõe-se estudar para além dos parâmetros bioquímicos relacionados com a doença - Glicose e Hemoglobina Glicada A1c (HbA1c), analisar os resultados dos últimos cinco anos (2008-2012) dos ensaios interlaboratoriais do PNAEQ, do Departamento de Epidemiologia, do Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge. Foram também analisadas as metodologias utilizadas e as variações interlaboratoriais, de forma a entender qual ou quais são os parâmetros mais adequados para o seu diagnóstico e controlo. Este estudo utilizou a população de laboratórios portugueses, públicos e privados, de Portugal Continental e Ilhas, um laboratório de Angola e outro de Macau que se inscreveram no PNAEQ nestes cinco anos, sendo a amostra composta pelo n.º de participações. No programa de Química Clinica foram distribuídas 38 amostras e no programa de HbA1c foram distribuídas 22 amostras. Para a glicose, o nível de desempenho nos ensaios é na globalidade das amostras de Excelente, no entanto verifica-se que sempre que a concentração da amostra é de nível patológico, que a maioria dos ensaios o desempenho foi inferior – Bom. O método de eleição e com CV% mais baixos foi o método da hexoquinase. Para a HbA1c, o nível de desempenho nos ensaios é na globalidade das amostras de Excelente. O método de eleição e com CV% mais baixos foi o método de HPLC. O CV% para a glicose ronda desde 2010 a 2012, os 3% e para a HbA1c foi de aproximadamente 4,0% em 2012. A HbA1c tem mostrado ser uma ferramenta muito útil, importante e robusta na monitorização da Diabetes, sendo hoje em dia quase sempre requisitada em análises de rotina a diabéticos de modo a prevenir complicações que possam vir a acorrer. No futuro poderá ser um importante, senão o parâmetro de futuro, para o diagnóstico da Diabetes, no entanto, mesmo já tendo sido muito trabalhada a sua padronização, ainda existem questões por responder como quais são na realidade todos os seus interferentes, qual a verdadeira relação da HbA1c com a glicose média estimada, em todas as populações e com estudos epidemiológicos. Também a própria educação do diabético e clínico deve ser aprimorada, pelo que neste momento as PTGO e os doseamentos de glicose em jejum devem ser utilizados e encontrando-se a Norma da DGS N.º 033/2011 de acordo com as necessidades e com o estado da arte deste parâmetro. A implementação da glicose média estimada será uma mais-valia na monitorização dos diabéticos pelo que deverá ser uma das prioridades a ter em conta no futuro desta padronização, uniformizando a decisão clinica baseada nela e minimizando a dificuldade de interpretação de resultados de laboratório para laboratório. --------------ABSTRACT: Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease, with a deficit in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins, resulting from deficiencies in insulin secretion or action, or both, which if, when not early treated in a proper way, may result in very serious consequences. Given the worldwide incidence of diabetes mellitus, it is highly important to evaluate all its background and study specifically all the criteria to take into consideration. The aim of this thesis is to study and evaluate beyond the biochemical parameters related to the disease - Glucose and Glycated Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), analyze the results of the last five years (2008-2012) of the PNAEQ interlaboratorial tests, in the Department of Epidemiology of National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge. It is also intended to analyze the methodologies used and the interlaboratorial variations, in order to understand the most suitable parameters for the diagnosis and control. This study was based in a population of Portuguese laboratories, public and private, of Portugal mainland and islands, a laboratory of Angola and other from Macau, who enrolled in PNAEQ in these five years, and the sample was composed by the n. º of holdings. In the Clinical Chemistry Program there were distributed 38 samples and in the program HbA1c were distributed 22 samples. For glucose, the level of performance in the total nº of the samples was Excellent; however, it was found that when the concentration level of the sample was pathological, in most of the tests the performance was Good. The most preferred method with the lowest CV% is the hexokinase method. For the HbA1c, as a whole, the samples’ tests were Excellent, at the level of performance. The method of election with the lower CV% was the HPLC. The CV% for glucose was around 3%, from 2010 to 2012 and the HbA1c was approximately 4.0% in 2012. The HbA1c method has demonstrated to be a very useful tool, important and robust for monitoring diabetes, being nowadays, almost always required in routine analysis to prevent future complications. In the future it may be an important parameter, if not the most important, for the diagnosis of diabetes. However, despite it has already been standardized, there are still some questions that need to be answered, such as, which are in fact all their interferences, which is the true connection of HbA1c, when compared with the estimated average glucose, in all populations and epidemiological studies. Moreover, the education of the patient and the doctor concerning diabetes should be improved. Nowadays, the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) and fasting glucose determinations should be used and, the needs and the state of the art of this parameter, should be in accordance with the Standard DGS N. º 033/2011. The Implementation of the estimated average glucose will be an added value in monitoring diabetics and, therefore, should be a priority to consider in its future standardization and clinical decision based on it, will be uniform and the difficulty of interpreting results from laboratory to laboratory will be minimal.
Schinzel-Giedion syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by coarse facies, midface retraction, hypertrichosis, multiple skeletal anomalies, and cardiac and renal malformations. Craniofacial abnormalities of this syndrome sometimes resemble a storage or metabolic disease. The pathogenesis of the disease remains unknown. The objective of this report was to emphasize the importance of congenital bilateral hydronephrosis for the diagnosis of Schinzel-Giedion syndrome. We describe the first Brazilian case of a newborn with typical facies, generalized hypertrichosis, cardiac and skeletal anomalies, and bilateral hydronephrosis detected during pregnancy and confirmed later by abdominal ultrasonography. Chromosomal constitution was normal. Of the 35 cases already reported in the literature, 31 presented hydronephrosis, which is considered an important clue in diagnosis. If Schinzel-Giedion syndrome were indexed as a cause of congenital hydronephrosis, its identification would be greatly facilitated, since the majority of the other findings in Schinzel-Giedion syndrome are nonspecific and common to many genetic syndromes.
Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada
Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation m.3302A > G is associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency and has been described as a rare cause of mostly adult-onset slowly progressive myopathy. Five families with 11 patients have been described so far; 5 of them died young due to cardiorespiratory failure. Here, we report on a segregation study in a family with an index patient who already presented at the age of 18 months with proximal muscular hypotonia, abnormal fatigability, and lactic acidosis. This early-onset myopathy was rapidly progressive. At 8 years, the patient is wheel-chair bound, requires nocturnal assisted ventilation, and suffers from recurrent respiratory infections. Severe complex I deficiency and nearly homoplasmy for m.3302A > G were found in muscle. We collected blood, hair, buccal swabs and muscle biopsies from asymptomatic adults in this pedigree and determined heteroplasmy levels in these tissues as well as OXPHOS activities in muscle. All participating asymptomatic adults had normal OXPHOS activities. In contrast to earlier reports, we found surprisingly little variation of heteroplasmy levels in different tissues of the same individual. Up to 45% mutation load in muscle and up to 38% mutation load in other tissues were found in non-affected adults. The phenotypic spectrum of tRNA(Leu(UUR)) m.3302A > G mutation seems to be wider than previously described. A threshold of more than 45% heteroplasmy in muscle seems to be necessary to alter complex I activity leading to clinical manifestation. The presented data may be helpful for prognostic considerations and counseling in affected families.
BACKGROUND Obesity is the most frequent metabolic disease in the World, and is associated with several comorbidities. Bariatric procedures arise as a promising treatment when classical approach is ineffective. Half of the operated patients are reproductive-aged women and there is evidence that obesity is related to worse maternal and fetal outcomes. Because nutritional status is affected by bariatric surgery and is a vital component during pregnancy, the aim of our study is to asses the impact of bariatric surgery on pregnancy in these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS We studied 10 women and 15 pregnancies following bariatric surgery between 2003 and 2009. The visits took place every three months by an obstetrician and an endocrinologist with experience in nutrition, recording clinical features and lab work. RESULTS We found iron deficiency in 80% of the pregnancies, vitamin D in 46,7%, vitamin A in 20%, vitamin E in 13,3% and vitamin B12 in 26,7%. There were no complications during pregnancy, except one case of gravidic hiperemesis. There were nine deliveries without malformations, three of them were small for gestational age newborns and one suffered aspiration pneumonia. There were three stillbirths and one preterm delivery with fetal death. CONCLUSIONS our results show fewer complications during pregnancy in these women than obese women and similar to general population.