997 resultados para mesoscale atmospheric modeling


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This thesis is focused on improving the calibration accuracy of sub-millimeter astronomical observations. The wavelength range covered by observational radio astronomy has been extended to sub-millimeter and far infrared with the advancement of receiver technology in recent years. Sub-millimeter observations carried out with airborne and ground-based telescopes typically suffer from 10% to 90% attenuation of the astronomical source signals by the terrestrial atmosphere. The amount of attenuation can be derived from the measured brightness of the atmospheric emission. In order to do this, the knowledge of the atmospheric temperature and chemical composition, as well as the frequency-dependent optical depth at each place along the line of sight is required. The altitude-dependent air temperature and composition are estimated using a parametrized static atmospheric model, which is described in Chapter 2, because direct measurements are technically and financially infeasible. The frequency dependent optical depth of the atmosphere is computed with a radiative transfer model based on the theories of quantum mechanics and, in addition, some empirical formulae. The choice, application, and improvement of third party radiative transfer models are discussed in Chapter 3. The application of the calibration procedure, which is described in Chapter 4, to the astronomical data observed with the SubMillimeter Array Receiver for Two Frequencies (SMART), and the German REceiver for Astronomy at Terahertz Frequencies (GREAT), is presented in Chapters 5 and 6. The brightnesses of atmospheric emission were fitted consistently to the simultaneous multi-band observation data from GREAT at 1.2 ∼ 1.4 and 1.8 ∼ 1.9 THz with a single set of parameters of the static atmospheric model. On the other hand, the cause of the inconsistency between the model parameters fitted from the 490 and 810 GHz data of SMART is found to be the lack of calibration of the effective cold load temperature. Besides the correctness of atmospheric modeling, the stability of the receiver is also important to achieving optimal calibration accuracy. The stabilities of SMART and GREAT are analyzed with a special calibration procedure, namely the “load calibration". The effects of the drift and fluctuation of the receiver gain and noise temperature on calibration accuracy are discussed in Chapters 5 and 6. Alternative observing strategies are proposed to combat receiver instability. The methods and conclusions presented in this thesis are applicable to the atmospheric calibration of sub-millimeter astronomical observations up to at least 4.7 THz (the H channel frequency of GREAT) for observations carried out from ∼ 4 to 14 km altitude. The procedures for receiver gain calibration and stability test are applicable to other instruments using the same calibration approach as that for SMART and GREAT. The structure of the high performance, modular, and extensible calibration program used and further developed for this thesis work is presented in the Appendix C.


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Exposure to nitrogen oxides (NOx) emitted by burning fossil fuels has been associated with respiratory diseases. We aimed to estimate the effects of NOx exposure on mortality owing to respiratory diseases in residents of Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil, of all ages and both sexes. This time-series ecological study from August 1, 2011 to July 31, 2012 used information on deaths caused by respiratory diseases obtained from the Health Department of Taubaté. Estimated daily levels of pollutants (NOx, particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide) were obtained from the Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System. These environmental variables were used to adjust the multipollutant model for apparent temperature. To estimate association between hospitalizations owing to asthma and air pollutants, generalized additive Poisson regression models were developed, with lags as much as 5 days. There were 385 deaths with a daily mean (±SD) of 1.05±1.03 (range: 0-5). Exposure to NOx was significantly associated with mortality owing to respiratory diseases: relative risk (RR)=1.035 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.008-1.063) for lag 2, RR=1.064 (95%CI: 1.017-1.112) lag 3, RR=1.055 (95%CI: 1.025-1.085) lag 4, and RR=1.042 (95%CI: 1.010-1.076) lag 5. A 3 µg/m3 reduction in NOx concentration resulted in a decrease of 10-18 percentage points in risk of death caused by respiratory diseases. Even at NOx concentrations below the acceptable standard, there is association with deaths caused by respiratory diseases.


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Using identical observed meteorology for lateral boundary conditions, the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System was integrated for July-August 1973 for south Florida. Three experiments were performed-one using the observed 1973 landscape, another the 1993 landscape, and the third the 1900 landscape, when the region was close to its natural state. Over the 2-month period, there was a 9% decrease in rainfall averaged over south Florida with the 1973 landscape and an 11% decrease with the 1993 landscape, as compared with the model results when the 1900 landscape is used. The limited available observations of trends in summer rainfall over this region are consistent with these trends.


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This Atlas presents statistical analyses of the simulations submitted to the Aqua-Planet Experiment (APE) data archive. The simulations are from global Atmospheric General Circulation Models (AGCM) applied to a water-covered earth. The AGCMs include ones actively used or being developed for numerical weather prediction or climate research. Some are mature, application models and others are more novel and thus less well tested in Earth-like applications. The experiment applies AGCMs with their complete parameterization package to an idealization of the planet Earth which has a greatly simplified lower boundary that consists of an ocean only. It has no land and its associated orography, and no sea ice. The ocean is represented by Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) which are specified everywhere with simple, idealized distributions. Thus in the hierarchy of tests available for AGCMs, APE falls between tests with simplified forcings such as those proposed by Held and Suarez (1994) and Boer and Denis (1997) and Earth-like simulations of the Atmospheric Modeling Intercomparison Project (AMIP, Gates et al., 1999). Blackburn and Hoskins (2013) summarize the APE and its aims. They discuss where the APE fits within a modeling hierarchy which has evolved to evaluate complete models and which provides a link between realistic simulation and conceptual models of atmospheric phenomena. The APE bridges a gap in the existing hierarchy. The goals of APE are to provide a benchmark of current model behaviors and to stimulate research to understand the cause of inter-model differences., APE is sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) joint Commission on Atmospheric Science (CAS), World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE). Chapter 2 of this Atlas provides an overview of the specification of the eight APE experiments and of the data collected. Chapter 3 lists the participating models and includes brief descriptions of each. Chapters 4 through 7 present a wide variety of statistics from the 14 participating models for the eight different experiments. Additional intercomparison figures created by Dr. Yukiko Yamada in AGU group are available at http://www.gfd-dennou.org/library/ape/comparison/. This Atlas is intended to present and compare the statistics of the APE simulations but does not contain a discussion of interpretive analyses. Such analyses are left for journal papers such as those included in the Special Issue of the Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (2013, Vol. 91A) devoted to the APE. Two papers in that collection provide an overview of the simulations. One (Blackburn et al., 2013) concentrates on the CONTROL simulation and the other (Williamson et al., 2013) on the response to changes in the meridional SST profile. Additional papers provide more detailed analysis of the basic simulations, while others describe various sensitivities and applications. The APE experiment data base holds a wealth of data that is now publicly available from the APE web site: http://climate.ncas.ac.uk/ape/. We hope that this Atlas will stimulate future analyses and investigations to understand the large variation seen in the model behaviors.


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The connection between the El Ni˜no Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Northern polar stratosphere has been established from observations and atmospheric modeling. Here a systematic inter-comparison of the sensitivity of the modeled stratosphere to ENSO in Chemistry Climate Models (CCMs) is reported. This work uses results from a number of the CCMs included in the 2006 ozone assessment. In the lower stratosphere, the mean of all model simulations reports a warming of the polar vortex during strong ENSO events in February–March, consistent with but smaller than the estimate from satellite observations and ERA40 reanalysis. The anomalous warming is associated with an anomalous dynamical increase of column ozone north of 70� N that is accompanied by coherent column ozone decrease in the Tropics, in agreement with that deduced from the NIWA column ozone database, implying an increased residual circulation in the mean of all model simulations during ENSO. The spread in the model responses is partly due to the large internal stratospheric variability and it is shown that it crucially depends on the representation of the tropospheric ENSO teleconnection in the models.


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The research network “Basic Concepts for Convection Parameterization in Weather Forecast and Climate Models” was organized with European funding (COST Action ES0905) for the period of 2010–2014. Its extensive brainstorming suggests how the subgrid-scale parameterization problem in atmospheric modeling, especially for convection, can be examined and developed from the point of view of a robust theoretical basis. Our main cautions are current emphasis on massive observational data analyses and process studies. The closure and the entrainment–detrainment problems are identified as the two highest priorities for convection parameterization under the mass–flux formulation. The need for a drastic change of the current European research culture as concerns policies and funding in order not to further deplete the visions of the European researchers focusing on those basic issues is emphasized.


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Numerical experiments with the Brazilian additions to the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System were performed with two nested grids (50 and 10 km horizontal resolution, respectively) with and without the effect of biomass burning for 8 different situations for 96 h integrations. Only the direct radiative effect of aerosols is considered. The results were analyzed in large areas encompassing the BR163 road (one of the main areas of deforestation in the Amazon). mainly where most of the burning takes place. The precipitation change due to the direct radiative impact of biomass burning is generally negative (i.e., there is a decrease of precipitation). However, there are a few cases with a positive impact. Two opposite forcing mechanisms were explored: (a) the thermodynamic forcing that is generally negative in the sense that the aerosol tends to stabilize the lower atmosphere and (b) the dynamic impact associated with the low level horizontal pressure gradients produced by the aerosol plumes. In order to understand the non-linear relationship between the two effects, experiments were performed with 4-fold emissions. In these cases, the dynamic effect overcomes the stabilization produced by the radiative forcing and precipitation increase is observed in comparison with the control experiment. This study suggests that. in general, the biomass burning radiative forcing decreases the precipitation. However, very large concentrations of aerosols may lead to an increase of precipitation due to the dynamical forcing associated with the horizontal pressure gradients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents an analysis of ground-based Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) observations by the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) in South America from 2001 to 2007 in comparison with the satellite AOD product of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), aboard TERRA and AQUA satellites. Data of 12 observation sites were used with primary interest in AERONET sites located in or downwind of areas with high biomass burning activity and with measurements available for the full time range. Fires cause the predominant carbonaceous aerosol emission signal during the dry season in South America and are therefore a special focus of this study. Interannual and seasonal behavior of the observed AOD at different sites were investigated, showing clear differences between purely fire and urban influenced sites. An intercomparison of AERONET and MODIS AOD annual correlations revealed that neither an interannual long-term trend may be observed nor that correlations differ significantly owing to different overpass times of TERRA and AQUA. Individual anisotropic representativity areas for each AERONET site were derived by correlating daily AOD of each site for all years with available individual MODIS AOD pixels gridded to 1 degrees x 1 degrees. Results showed that for many sites a good AOD correlation (R(2) > 0.5) persists for large, often strongly anisotropic, areas. The climatological areas of common regional aerosol regimes often extend over several hundreds of kilometers, sometimes far across national boundaries. As a practical application, these strongly inhomogeneous and anisotropic areas of influence are being implemented in the tropospheric aerosol data assimilation system of the Coupled Chemistry-Aerosol-Tracer Transport Model coupled to the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CCATT-BRAMS) at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). This new information promises an improved exploitation of local site sampling and, thus, chemical weather forecast.


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A partir de dados do CPTEC, utilizou-se o modelo numérico Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS) para simular as condições ambientais que originaram a formação e evolução de um ciclone no dia 11 de outubro de 2000, no município de Viamão, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Utilizou-se três grades aninhadas, com resolução progressivamente mais refinada e de forma simultânea. O modelo simulou com bastante precisão os campos de vento, pressão, umidade relativa e temperatura potencial. As simulações foram analisadas e comparadas à dados de superfície, imagens de satélite, cartas sinóticas e radiossondagens. A topografia e a brisa marítima exerceram forte influencia no sentido de intensificar o sistema convectivo que se formou sobre o Estado do Rio grande do Sul, bem como os altos valores de umidade relativa e o intenso cisalhamento vertical. Com estes procedimentos foi possível analisar e caracterizar o perfil atmosférico do sistema estudado e definir parâmetros meteorológicos que justificaram a formação de um tornado.


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O Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), versão 3b, foi utilizado para simular o escoamento na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA) para explicar a influência de circulações clássicas e não clássicas devido as proximidades do oceano e da Lagoa dos Patos, e da ilha de calor formada pelas cidades. O RAMS foi utilizado em um domínio tridimensional com duas grades sendo utilizadas, a grade mais grossa com resolução horizontal de 8 Km, e a grade mais fina com resolução horizontal de 2 Km. A inicialização do modelo é homogênea e parte do repouso, em uma situação de verão. Foram realizados 3 experimentos; o primeiro deles com apenas a grade mais grossa e com a parametrização da vegetação sendo grama curta em todo o domínio; o segundo utilizando as duas grades, sendo que a área coberta pela grade mais fina é parametrizada como deserto, nas duas grades; o terceiro diferencia-se do segundo pela adição de uma forçante térmica no primeiro nível da área coberta pela grade mais fina durante o período da noite (após o pôr do sol). Os resultados mostram que circulação de brisa lacustre/terrestre é responsável por uma forte tendência meridional no escoamento resultante sobre a RMPA, só sendo atenuada pela componente zonal da circulação de brisa marítima à partir do final da tarde. A confluência dessas duas circulações provoca uma tendência a elevação da camada de mistura. A presença da ilha de calor aumenta o movimento convectivo, com maior transporte vertical de calor sensível, e também retardou o avanço da frente de brisa marítima, embora durante a noite a sua influência não tenha sido muito significante.


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O objetivo geral deste trabalho é desenvolver estudos relacionados à dispersão de poluentes, considerando a queima de carvão para geração de energia nas Usinas Termoelétricas de Charqueadas e São Jerônimo. O período de estudo foi do dia 17 a 23 de junho de 2003. Neste período houve a passagem de um sistema frontal. Sendo possível avaliar a dispersão dos poluentes em condições pré-frontal, frontal e pós-frontal. Para simular o comportamento dos poluentes neste período, foi utilizada uma subrotina de dispersão acoplada ao modelo RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System). Os resultados mostraram que nos dias classificados como pré-frontal e pós-frontal as concentrações do material particulado, dióxido de enxofre e do óxido de nitrogênio, atingiram seus valores máximos, pelo fato da umidade relativa do ar estar bastante baixa em torno de 60%, pressão atmosférica da ordem de 1021 hPa e a intensidade dos ventos fraca. No dia classificado como frontal, as concentrações estavam praticamente nulas, devido à passagem do sistema frontal que causou a queda na pressão atmosférica, aumento da umidade relativa e também pelo fato da ocorrência de precipitação atmosférica neste dia. As comparações dos resultados simulados, com os dados observados na estação de qualidade do ar mostraram-se satisfatórios. Com exceção do dia 22 de junho, que apresentou uma diferença da ordem de 90%.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho consiste, a partir de um caso de ciclogênese ocorrido na costa leste do América do Sul, caracterizar as condições sinóticas favoráveis ao desenvolvimento de ciclones marítimos que possam gerar ressacas. Uma ciclogênese desenvolveu-se a leste da Argentina dia 03 de maio de 2001. Neste mesmo dia sobre o continente, existia um centro de alta pressão, que em conjunto com este ciclone marítimo formava um pista de vento de quadrante sul, paralelo ao continente, deixando o mar revolto, aumentando nível no extremo sul do Brasil, como registrado pela tábua de maré da cidade de Rio Grande, no estado do Rio Grande de Sul. No dia 04 de maio, à leste do estado de São Paulo, outro ciclone começa a se formar, intensificando a pista de vento pré existente. A metodologia utilizada afim de atingir os objetivos propostos, foi a da modelagem numérica. Utilizou-se modelo Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). Foram utilizados como entrada dados de outros dois modelos, modelo Global e Modelo ETA. Para ambos os experimentos usando o RAMS, observou-se que o ciclone do dia 04 teve sua gênese em torno de 25ºS e 45ºW, se deslocando para sudeste. Na análise de mesoescala, foi observado que durante o período estudado os ventos sempre tiveram uma componente de sul e que os mais intensos ventos ocorreram em 28ºS e 48ºW, pois nesta região haviam maiores valores de gradiente de pressão, fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente, já que é também nesta região onde se verifica a maior temperatura da superfície do mar.


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Nowadays, with the implantation of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) reference station networks, several positioning techniques have been developed and/or improved. Using such kind of network data it is possible to model the GNSS distance dependent errors and to compute correction terms for the network region. Several methods have been developed to formulate the corrections terms from network stations data. A method that has been received a great attention is the Virtual Reference Station (VRS). The idea is that the VRS data resemble as much as possible a real receiver data placed in the same local. Therefore, the user has the possibility of using the VRS as if it were a real reference station in your proximities, and to accomplish the relative positioning with a single frequency receiver. In this paper it is described a different methodology applied to implement the VRS concept, using atmospheric models developed by Brazilian researchers. Besides, experiments for evaluating the quality of generated VRS are presented, showing the efficiency of the proposed method.


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Este trabalho buscou quantificar algumas alterações no ciclo hidrológico da Amazônia propiciadas pelo desmatamento da região, principalmente devido à faixa conhecida como "Arco do Desmatamento". Neste sentido, foram realizados experimentos numéricos utilizando o modelo BRAMS (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) tendo o submodelo de vegetação dinâmica GEMTM (General Energy and Mass Transport Model) a ele acoplado. Foram investigados os impactos causados pelo Arco do Desmatamento atual em relação à floresta intacta, bem como as futuras modificações, causados pelo avanço do desmatamento até o ano de 2050. Como condições de contorno na superfície para o modelo BRAMS, foram usados cenários oriundos de modelos empíricos de desmatamento para os anos de 2002 e 2050. Os resultados mostraram que o avanço do Arco do Desmatamento até 2050 tem uma complexa relação com as variáveis analisadas. Por exemplo, a precipitação apresentou distribuição espacial heterogênea, com áreas de anomalias positivas e negativas que se mostraram coerentes com as anomalias de outras variáveis, como a evapotranspiração e a divergência de umidade. Também foram encontradas algumas áreas que evidenciaram as possíveis influências dos grandes rios e topografia da região sobre essa precipitação. Os balanços de radiação e energia também foram afetados pelo desmatamento, sendo que grande parte das alterações é devido à mudança do albedo da superfície, a qual ocorre com a substituição da floresta pela pastagem. Quanto às alterações propiciadas pelo Arco do Desmatamento atual em relação à floresta intacta, foi observado que todas as variáveis foram afetadas, entretanto a maioria dos impactos ainda é localizada sobre a área mais afetada pelo desmatamento, diferentemente dos resultados encontrados para o cenário de 2050, onde as modificações já se dão a nível regional.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)