383 resultados para mechanized tunnelling


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The anelastic relaxation (elastic energy loss and Young modulus) of nearly stoichiometric La2CuO4+delta with LTO structure was measured. Extraordinarily intense effects are present below room temperature in the elastic dynamic susceptibility, indicating relaxational dynamics of a relevant fraction of the lattice. The involved degrees of freedom are identified as rotations of the CuO6 octahedra. Two distinct processes are found at frequencies around 1 kKz: one is observed around 150 K and is characterized by a mean activation energy of 2800 K; the second one occurs below 30 K and is governed by atomic tunnelling. Two explanations are proposed for the faster process: i) formation of fluctuating LTT domains on a scale of few atomic cells; ii) the LTO phase is a dynamical Jahn-Teller phase with all the octahedra tunneling between two LTT-like tilts. In both cases there would be important implications regarding the mechanisms giving rise to charge nanophase separation and strong electron-phonon coupling.


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Cleaning and shaping are important steps in the root canal treatment. Despite the technological advances in endodontics, K and Hedströen files are still widely used. In an attempt to be more effective in preparing the root canals, faster and more cutting efficient kinematic, alloys and design alternatives utilizing mechanically oscillating or rotary files are proposed. Even with all these technological innovating alternatives, the preparation of root canals remains a challenge.


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The sugarcane mechanized planting is becoming increasingly widespread in Brazil due to a higher operability and better working conditions offered to workers compared to other types of planting. Studies related to this topic are insufficient or scarce in Brazil. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the operation quality of sugarcane mechanized planting in two operation shifts, by means of statistical process control. The mechanized planting was held on March 2012 and statistical design was completely randomized with two treatments, totaling 40 replications for the day shift and 40 replications for the night shift. The variables evaluated were: speed, engine rotation, engine oil pressure, water temperature of the engine, effective field capacity and the time consumption hourly and effective fuel. The use of statistical control charts showed that random intrinsic do not cause this process. The tractor alignment error showed outliers in the day and night shifts operations, indicating a possible delay in receiving the signal. The water temperature of the engine and the effective fuel consumption showed lower variability in nighttime operation with average values of 81°C and 22.66 L ha-1, respectively. The hourly fuel consumption had greater variability and consequently lower quality during the night of the operation, with an average consumption of 25.46 L h-1 while the day shift showed 26.86 L h-1.


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The largest losses in mechanical harvesting of peanuts occur during the stage of digging, and its assessment is still incipient in Brazil. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the quantitative losses and the performance of the tractor-digger-inverter, according to soil water content and plant populations. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized block design with a factorial scheme 2 x 3, in which the treatments consisted of two soil, water content (19.3 and 24.8%) and three populations of plants (86,111, 127,603 and 141,144 plants ha-1), with four replications. The quantitative digging losses and the set mechanized performance were evaluated. The largest amount of visible and total losses was found in the population of 141.144 plants ha-1 for the 19.3% soil water content. The harvested material flow and the tractor-digger-inverter performance were not influenced by soil water content and plant population. The water content in the pods was higher in 24.8% soil water content only for the population of 86,111 plants ha-1; the yield was higher in the populations of 141.144 and 127.603 plants ha-1, in the 19.3 e 24.8% soil water content, respectively.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Die Untersuchung von dissipativen Quantensystemen erm¨oglicht es, Quantenph¨anomene auch auf makroskopischen L¨angenskalen zu beobachten. Das in dieser Dissertation gew¨ahlte mikroskopische Modell erlaubt es, den bisher nur ph¨anomenologisch zug¨anglichen Effekt der Quantendissipation mathematisch und physikalisch herzuleiten und zu untersuchen. Bei dem betrachteten mikroskopischen Modell handelt es sich um eine 1-dimensionale Kette von harmonischen Freiheitsgraden, die sowohl untereinander als auch an r anharmonische Freiheitsgrade gekoppelt sind. Die F¨alle einer, respektive zwei anharmonischer Bindungen werden in dieser Arbeit explizit betrachtet. Hierf¨ur wird eine analytische Trennung der harmonischen von den anharmonischen Freiheitsgraden auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen durchgef¨uhrt. Das anharmonische Potential wird als symmetrisches Doppelmuldenpotential gew¨ahlt, welches mit Hilfe der Wick Rotation die Berechnung der ¨Uberg¨ange zwischen beiden Minima erlaubt. Das Eliminieren der harmonischen Freiheitsgrade erfolgt mit Hilfe des wohlbekannten Feynman-Vernon Pfadintegral-Formalismus [21]. In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst die Positionsabh¨angigkeit einer anharmonischen Bindung im Tunnelverhalten untersucht. F¨ur den Fall einer fernab von den R¨andern lokalisierten anharmonischen Bindung wird ein Ohmsches dissipatives Tunneln gefunden, was bei der Temperatur T = 0 zu einem Phasen¨ubergang in Abh¨angigkeit einer kritischen Kopplungskonstanten Ccrit f¨uhrt. Dieser Phasen¨ubergang wurde bereits in rein ph¨anomenologisches Modellen mit Ohmscher Dissipation durch das Abbilden des Systems auf das Ising-Modell [26] erkl¨art. Wenn die anharmonische Bindung jedoch an einem der R¨ander der makroskopisch grossen Kette liegt, tritt nach einer vom Abstand der beiden anharmonischen Bindungen abh¨angigen Zeit tD ein ¨Ubergang von Ohmscher zu super- Ohmscher Dissipation auf, welche im Kern KM(τ ) klar sichtbar ist. F¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen spielt deren indirekteWechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Abstand D beider Bindungen und die Wahl des Anfangs- und Endzustandes die Dissipation bestimmt. Unter der Annahme, dass beide anharmonischen Bindung gleichzeitig tunneln, wird eine Tunnelwahrscheinlichkeit p(t) analog zu [14], jedoch f¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen, berechnet. Als Resultat erhalten wir entweder Ohmsche Dissipation f¨ur den Fall, dass beide anharmonischen Bindungen ihre Gesamtl¨ange ¨andern, oder super-Ohmsche Dissipation, wenn beide anharmonischen Bindungen durch das Tunneln ihre Gesamtl¨ange nicht ¨andern.


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This work illustrates a soil-tunnel-structure interaction study performed by an integrated,geotechnical and structural,approach based on 3D finite element analyses and validated against experimental observations.The study aims at analysing the response of reinforced concrete framed buildings on discrete foundations in interaction with metro lines.It refers to the case of the twin tunnels of the Milan (Italy) metro line 5,recently built in coarse grained materials using EPB machines,for which subsidence measurements collected along ground and building sections during tunnelling were available.Settlements measured under freefield conditions are firstly back interpreted using Gaussian empirical predictions. Then,the in situ measurements’ analysis is extended to include the evolving response of a 9 storey reinforced concrete building while being undercrossed by the metro line.In the finite element study,the soil mechanical behaviour is described using an advanced constitutive model. This latter,when combined with a proper simulation of the excavation process, proves to realistically reproduce the subsidence profiles under free field conditions and to capture the interaction phenomena occurring between the twin tunnels during the excavation. Furthermore, when the numerical model is extended to include the building, schematised in a detailed manner, the results are in good agreement with the monitoring data for different stages of the twin tunnelling. Thus, they indirectly confirm the satisfactory performance of the adopted numerical approach which also allows a direct evaluation of the structural response as an outcome of the analysis. Further analyses are also carried out modelling the building with different levels of detail. The results highlight that, in this case, the simplified approach based on the equivalent plate schematisation is inadequate to capture the real tunnelling induced displacement field. The overall behaviour of the system proves to be mainly influenced by the buried portion of the building which plays an essential role in the interaction mechanism, due to its high stiffness.


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Tema di questo lavoro sono i cedimenti indotti dallo scavo di gallerie superficiali in terreni coesivi sotto falda. In questi casi la velocità di avanzamento dello scavo v e la permeabilità del mezzo k influenzano molto l'evoluzione della consolidazione. Le ipotesi di risposta non drenata o drenata del mezzo saturo, comunemente adottate, sono valide solo per rapporto v/k estremamente alto o basso. Nei casi intermedi, analisi numeriche accoppiate che tengano conto del processo di consolidazione durante lo scavo sono indispensabili. Ciò nonostante, queste sono molto rare in letteratura viste le notevoli difficoltà teoriche e numeriche ad esse associate. Proprio per non incrementare ulteriormente tali difficoltà, si è deciso di adottare modelli costitutivi semplici quali: il modello elastico perfettamente plastico con criterio di resistenza alla Mohr Coulomb e il Modified Cam Clay. Dopo un' introduzione sulla risposta del terreno nell'intorno dello scavo al variare del modello costitutivo, è stato svolto uno studio parametrico del processo di consolidazione. Ci si è, successivamente, concentrati sulla capacità dei tre modelli costitutivi di predire l'andamento dei cedimenti, mediante confronto con le soluzioni empiriche proposte in letteratura. Infine, sono state effettuate una serie di simulazioni 3D accoppiate passo-passo con il programma agli elementi finiti Abaqus al variare della permeabilità del mezzo e del rivestimento installato, supposto infinitamente permeabile o impermeabile. È emerso che per v/k<100 o v/k>100000 non è necessario esaminare nel dettaglio la dipendenza dal tempo della risposta del suolo e si possono ottenere risultati affidabili assumendo condizioni drenate o non drenate, rispettivamente. Nei casi intermedi, invece, le condizioni sono da ritenersi transienti e l'unico modo per effettuare correttamente le analisi dei cedimenti e lo studio della stabilità del fronte è mediante analisi numeriche 3D idromeccaniche accoppiate.


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As revealed for the first time by in situ scanning tunnelling spectroscopy (STS), ferrocene-modified Si(111) substrates show ambipolar field effect transistor (FET) behaviour upon electrolyte gating.


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The decision to build the Secondary Lining in Route Tunnels which are perforated using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method does not generally depend on reasons of structural strength. The paper discusses the implications of the issue as well as the pros and cons of the current alternative courses of action.


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An analytical model is proposed in order to estimate the optical propagation losses due to tunnelling in barrier waveguides. The results are validated by means of a beam propagation method (BPM) simulations for different waveguides conditions.