935 resultados para math.KT


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PURPOSE: At high magnetic field strengths (B0 ≥ 3 T), the shorter radiofrequency wavelength produces an inhomogeneous distribution of the transmit magnetic field. This can lead to variable contrast across the brain which is particularly pronounced in T2 -weighted imaging that requires multiple radiofrequency pulses. To obtain T2 -weighted images with uniform contrast throughout the whole brain at 7 T, short (2-3 ms) 3D tailored radiofrequency pulses (kT -points) were integrated into a 3D variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence. METHODS: The excitation and refocusing "hard" pulses of a variable flip angle turbo spin echo sequence were replaced with kT -point pulses. Spatially resolved extended phase graph simulations and in vivo acquisitions at 7 T, utilizing both single channel and parallel-transmit systems, were used to test different kT -point configurations. RESULTS: Simulations indicated that an extended optimized k-space trajectory ensured a more homogeneous signal throughout images. In vivo experiments showed that high quality T2 -weighted brain images with uniform signal and contrast were obtained at 7 T by using the proposed methodology. CONCLUSION: This work demonstrates that T2 -weighted images devoid of artifacts resulting from B1 (+) inhomogeneity can be obtained at high field through the optimization of extended kT -point pulses. Magn Reson Med 71:1478-1488, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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La principal motivació d'aquest treball ha estat implementar l'algoritme Rijndael-AES en un full Sage-math, paquet de software matemàtic de lliure distribució i en actual desenvolupament, aprofitant les seves eines i funcionalitats integrades.


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This study used event-related brain potentials to investigate whether math anxiety is related to abnormal error monitoring processing. Seventeen high math-anxious (HMA) and seventeen low math-anxious (LMA) individuals were presented with a numerical and a classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of trait or state anxiety. We found enhanced error-related negativity (ERN) in the HMA group when subjects committed an error on the numerical Stroop task, but not on the classical Stroop task. Groups did not differ in terms of the correct-related negativity component (CRN), the error positivity component (Pe), classical behavioral measures or post-error measures. The amplitude of the ERN was negatively related to participants" math anxiety scores, showing a more negative amplitude as the score increased. Moreover, using standardized low resolution electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) we found greater activation of the insula in errors on a numerical task as compared to errors in a nonnumerical task only for the HMA group. The results were interpreted according to the motivational significance theory of the ERN.


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This study uses event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to investigate the electrophysiological correlates of numeric conflict monitoring in math-anxious individuals, by analyzing whether math anxiety is related to abnormal processing in early conflict detection (as shown by the N450 component) and/or in a later, response-related stage of processing (as shown by the conflict sustained potential; Conflict-SP). Conflict adaptation effects were also studied by analyzing the effect of the previous trial"s congruence in current interference. To this end, 17 low math-anxious (LMA)and 17 high math-anxious (HMA) individuals were presented with a numerical Stroop task. Groups were extreme in math anxiety but did not differ in trait or state anxiety or in simple math ability. The interference effect of the current trial (incongruent-congruent) and the interference effect preceded by congruence and by incongruity were analyzed both for behavioral measures and for ERPs. A greater interference effect was found for response times in the HMA group than in the LMA one. Regarding ERPs, the LMA group showed a greater N450 component for the interference effect preceded by congruence than when preceded by incongruity, while the HMA group showed greater Conflict-SP amplitude for the interference effect preceded by congruence than when preceded by incongruity. Our study showed that the electrophysiological correlates of numeric interference in HMA individuals comprise the absence of a conflict adaptation effect in the first stage of conflict processing (N450) and an abnormal subsequent up-regulation of cognitive control in order to overcome the conflict (Conflict-SP). More concretely, our study shows that math anxiety is related to a reactive and compensatory recruitment of control resources that is implemented only when previously exposed to a stimuli presenting conflicting information


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INTRODUÇÃO: A qualidade da diálise oferecida aos pacientes em diálise pode ser mensurada pelo Kt/V, o qual pode ser calculado de diversas maneiras. OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados de Kt/V obtidos por meio das fórmulas de Lowrie (L) e de Daugirdas (D) com os resultados mensurados pelo monitor de clearence on-line - Online Clearence Monitor (OCM). MÉTODO: Estudo observacional transversal com 59 pacientes em hemodiálise (HD). Os dados foram coletados na mesma sessão de diálise: (ureia pré-diálise e pós-diálise) e o resultado de Kt/V foi obtido pelo OCM da máquina Fresenius 4008S (Fresenius Medical Care AG, Bad Homburg, Alemanha). RESULTADO: Foram analisadas 95 sessões, em que prevaleceu o sexo masculino, 56% (33), com idade média de 57 + 14 anos. A hipertensão arterial com 42% (25), diabetes com 12% (7) e glomerulonefrite com 8% (5) foram as causas mais frequentes da doença renal crônica (DRC). O Kt/V médio obtido pela fórmula de L, de D e pelo OCM foi de 1,31; 1,41 e 1,32, respectivamente. A comparação entre as fórmulas de L e D mostra que há diferença estatística p = 0,008 com a correlação de Pearson de 0,950. Entre D e OCM a diferença também é significativa: p = 0,011 e r = 0,346, provavelmente devido a perda convectiva, avaliada pela equação de D e não observadas por OCM e L. A comparação entre L e OCM não foi significativa p = 0,999 e r = 0,577. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados sugerem que o OCM pode ser utilizado como um norteador para ajuste da dose de diálise em tempo real.


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This research evaluated (a) the correlation between math anxiety, math attitudes, and achievement in math and (b) comparison among these variables in terms of gender among grade 9 students in a high school located in southern Ontario. Data were compiled from participant responses to the Attitudes Toward Math Inventory (ATMI) and the Math Anxiety Rating Scale for Adolescents (MARS-A), and achievement data were gathered from participants’ grade 9 academic math course marks and the EQAO Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics. Nonparametric tests were conducted to determine whether there were relationships between the variables and to explore whether gender differences in anxiety, attitudes, and achievement existed for this sample. Results indicated that math anxiety was not related to math achievement but was a strong correlate of attitudes toward math. A strong positive relationship was found between math attitudes and achievement in math. Specifically, self-confidence in math, enjoyment of math, value of math, and motivation were all positive correlates of achievement in math. Also, results for gender comparisons were nonsignificant, indicating that gender differences in math anxiety, math attitudes, and math achievement scores were not prevalent in this group of grade 9 students. Therefore, attitudes toward math were considered to be a stronger predictor of performance than math anxiety or gender for this group.


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This project addressed the need for more insightful, current, and applicable resources for intermediate math teachers in Canadian classrooms. A need for a handbook in this division seemed warranted by a lack of government resource support. Throughout an extensive review of the literature, themes and topics for the handbook emerged. The handbook was designed to not only provide educators with examples of effective teaching strategies within the mathematics classroom but to also inform them about the ways in which their personal characteristics and personality type could affect their students and their own pedagogical practices. Three teaching professionals who had each taught in an intermediate math class within the past year evaluated the handbook. The feedback received from these educators was directly applied to the first draft of the handbook in order to make it more accessible and applicable to other math teachers. Although the handbook was written with teachers in mind, the language and format used throughout the manual also make it accessible to parents, tutors, preservice education students, and educational administrators. Essentially, any individual who is hoping to inspire and educate intermediate math students could make use of the content within the handbook.


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Lecture notes for a course on methods of mathematical physics.


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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) se trata de una prueba estandarizada usada frecuentemente para valorar los conocimientos adquiridos durante la enseñanza secundaria por los estudiantes que deseen acceder a una educación superior en EE.UU. Esta publicación proporciona la información y las estrategias necesarias para maximizar la puntuación de la prueba del SAT en matemáticas. Enseña a pensar como los redactores de la prueba, y a practicar con la materia que se pondrá en el examen para poder estudiar con mayor eficacia. Se hace una revisión de los conceptos principales desde el álgebra básica a la geometría, trigonometría y la estadística que van a aparecer en la prueba y facilita con explicaciones detalladas estrategias para aplicar los conocimientos aprendidos en resolver cuestiones específicas complicadas. Incluye cuatro ensayos prácticos con cincuenta preguntas de selección múltiple de una hora de duración cada uno.


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Manual que ofrece información especializada a padres y profesores para analizar los diversos aspectos del pensamiento del superdotado en relación con las matemáticas y la ciencia y ayudar a los estudiantes a combinar el potencial creativo con el rigor intelectual. Los ejercicios, viñetas, concursos etc. pueden adaptarse fácilmente al modo de vida de los estudiantes fuera del aula. El volumen es adecuado para los grados K-12.


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Este libro prepara con ejercicios para el TABE (Tests of Adult Basic Education), si estás buscando preparación para un trabajo, iniciar una carrera en una compañía privada o demostrar tus habilidades en la escuela, una alta puntuación en el TABE te ayudará a alcanzar tus metas y la vida que tu quieres. Los principales temas del libro son: decimales, fracciones (sumando, restando, multiplicando y dividiendo fracciones) integrales (sumando, restando, multiplicando y dividiendo integrales) porcentajes, operaciones, algebra, resolviendo ecuaciones, geometría (perímetro, área y volumen), medidas (unidades de tiempo, longitud, peso y temperatura).