965 resultados para materials control
L'empresa fícticia EcsCables S.A., que està destinada a la fabricació de cables d'energia de mitja i alta tensió, té uns desviaments en el balanç de materials. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és la de resoldre les anomalies derivades per mitjà del programari SAP, que serà l'eina imprescindible per poder saber amb certesa que està passant. Amb les dades extretes i amb l'ajuda d'un segon ERP intern anomenat Planifer s'intentarà esbrinar les causes del desviament.
Väisälän palkinnon 2012 saaja.
FP7- MacSheep
In the first paper presented to you today by Dr. Spencer, an expert in the Animal Biology field and an official authority at the same time, you heard about the requirements imposed on a chemical in order to pass the different official hurdles before it ever will be accepted as a proven tool in wildlife management. Many characteristics have to be known and highly sophisticated tests have to be run. In many instances the governmental agency maintains its own screening, testing or analytical programs according to standard procedures. It would be impossible, however, for economic and time reasons to work out all the data necessary for themselves. They, therefore, depend largely on the information furnished by the individual industry which naturally has to be established as conscientiously as possible. This, among other things, Dr. Spencer has made very clear; and this is also what makes quite a few headaches for the individual industry, but I am certainly not speaking only for myself in saying that Industry fully realizes this important role in developing materials for vertebrate control and the responsibilities lying in this. This type of work - better to say cooperative work with the official institutions - is, however, only one part and for the most of it, the smallest part of work which Industry pays to the development of compounds for pest control. It actually refers only to those very few compounds which are known to be effective. But how to get to know about their properties in the first place? How does Industry make the selection from the many thousands of compounds synthesized each year? This, by far, creates the biggest problems, at least from the scientific and technical standpoint. Let us rest here for a short while and think about the possible ways of screening and selecting effective compounds. Basically there are two different ways. One is the empirical way of screening as big a number of compounds as possible under the supposition that with the number of incidences the chances for a "hit" increase, too. You can also call this type of approach the statistical or the analytical one, the mass screening of new, mostly unknown candidate materials. This type of testing can only be performed by a producer of many new materials,that means by big industries. It requires a tremendous investment in personnel, time and equipment and is based on highly simplified but indicative test methods, the results of which would have to be reliable and representative for practical purposes. The other extreme is the intellectual way of theorizing effective chemical configurations. Defenders of this method claim to now or later be able to predict biological effectiveness on the basis of the chemical structure or certain groups in it. Certain pre-experience should be necessary, that means knowledge of the importance of certain molecular requirements, then the detection of new and effective complete molecules is a matter of coordination to be performed by smart people or computers. You can also call this method the synthetical or coordinative method.
Magnetic memories are a backbone of today's digital data storage technology, where the digital information is stored as the magnetic configuration of nanostructured ferromagnetic bits. Currently, the writing of the digital information on the magnetic memory is carried out with the help of magnetic fields. This approach, while viable, is not optimal due to its intrinsically high energy consumption and relatively poor scalability. For this reason, the research for different mechanisms that can be used to manipulate the magnetic configuration of a material is of interest. In this thesis, the control of the magnetization of different nanostructured materials with field-free mechanisms is investigated. The magnetic configuration of these nanostructured materials was imaged directly with high resolution x-ray magnetic microscopy. rnFirst of all, the control of the magnetic configuration of nanostructured ferromagnetic Heusler compounds by fabricating nanostructures with different geometries was analyzed. Here, it was observed that the magnetic configuration of the nanostructured elements is given by the competition of magneto-crystalline and shape anisotropy. By fabricating elements with different geometries, we could alter the point where these two effects equilibrate, allowing for the possibility to tailor the magnetic configuration of these nanostructured elements to the required necessities.rnThen, the control of the magnetic configuration of Ni nanostructures fabricated on top of a piezoelectric material with the magneto-elastic effect (i.e. by applying a piezoelectric strain to the Ni nanostructures) was investigated. Here, the magneto-elastic coupling effect gives rise to an additional anisotropy contribution, proportional to the strain applied to the magnetic material. For this system, a reproducible and reversible control of the magnetic configuration of the nanostructured Ni elements with the application of an electric field across the piezoelectric material was achieved.rnFinally, the control of the magnetic configuration of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) nanostructures with spin-polarized currents was studied. Here, the spin-transfer torque effect was employed to achieve the displacement of magnetic domain walls in the LSMO nanostructures. A high spin-transfer torque efficiency was observed for LSMO at low temperatures, and a Joule-heating induced hopping of the magnetic domain walls was observed at room temperatures, allowing for the analysis of the energetics of the domain walls in LSMO.rnThe results presented in this thesis give thus an overview on the different field-free approaches that can be used to manipulate and tailor the magnetization configuration of a nanostructured material to the various technological requirements, opening up novel interesting possibilities for these materials.
This investigation assessed the applicability of Dr. William Haddon’s strategies for controlling hazards involving materials-handling operations in industrial and mining workplaces. Published over 20 years ago, Haddon’s strategies purport to include all strategies for preventing and mitigating harm to people, property, and the environment. Students in an undergraduate class were assigned to find tactical examples of each of Haddon’s strategies applicable to material handling. Haddon’s tenth strategy involving medical care and rehabilitation was not included. Their classifications were analyzed to identify points of confusion as well as points of general agreement. Students found numerous tactics for strategies involving engineering and behavioral strategies. Fewer tactics were identified for strategies involving damage control through effective and timely response.
We present coherent control of a THz meta-material. Specifically, we show in detail the time and frequency dependent response of a single and a double split ring resonator upon excitation with a shaped THz field. Through far- and near-field measurements, we confirm the coherence transfer from the tailored THz field to the system and back to the radiated field and we demonstrate selective excitation of a designated system resonance with a suitably shaped THz pulse.
Sample preparation procedures for AMS measurements of 129I and 127I in environmental materials and some methodological aspects of quality assurance are discussed. Measurements from analyses of some pre-nuclear soil and thyroid gland samples and of a systematic investigation of natural waters in Lower Saxony, Germany, are described. Although the up-to-now lowest 129I/127I ratios in soils and thyroid glands were observed, they are still suspect to contamination since they are significantly higher than the pre-nuclear equilibrium ratio in the marine hydrosphere. A survey on all available 129I/127I isotopic ratios in precipitation shows a dramatic increase until the middle of the 1980s and a stabilization since 1987 at high isotopic ratios of about (3.6–8.3)×10−7. In surface waters, ratios of (57–380)×10−10 are measured while shallow ground waters show with ratios of (1.3–200)×10−10 significantly lower values with a much larger spread. The data for 129I in soils and in precipitation are used to estimate pre-nuclear and modern 129I deposition densities.
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"January 1953."
Mode of access: Internet.
ASTIA document no. AD 110582.
Mode of access: Internet.