818 resultados para marketing research


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The Customer Analytics (CA) function is increasingly leveraged for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), however it may lack the value of marketing knowledge available from the Marketing Research (MR) function due to inadequate interfunctional knowledge integration. This paper develops a set of sixteen propositions from a synthesis of the marketing and knowledge management literatures relating key organisational influences on the integration of knowledge between the MR and CA functions. A range of strategic, cultural, structural and technical influences is reflected by the propositions. It is planned to test the propositions in future empirical research.


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Findings demonstrated a strong association between market orientation and organisational performance. However, other associations were marginal with no direct relationship between marketing research utilisation and organisational performance, although this was positively mediated by market orientation. The implications being, organisations need to be market oriented and utilise research information to remain competitive.


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Reports not published in consecutive order.


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Includes index.


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"June 1961."


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Previous ed. by Donn A. Reimund, issued as Miscellaneous publication no. 862.


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Terrorism poses both direct and indirect threats to the operations of the firm. It represents a market imperfection that increases transaction costs and creates barriers to the free flow of goods, affecting potential gains that would occur in the presence of unhindered exchange. Terrorism reflects the risk or actual encounter of violent acts, whose goal is to engender fear, coercion, or intimidation. We investigate terrorism and its association with marketing strategy and operations. Key concepts on terrorism are reviewed and a collection of propositions is offered. We highlight the pivotal roles of sourcing, production, distribution, pricing, communications, and general business strategy as functions influenced by, or capable of influencing, terrorism. Lastly, we offer managerial implications, as well as directions and guidelines for future research.


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Marketing scholars are increasingly recognizing the importance of investigating phenomena at multiple levels. However, the analyses methods that are currently dominant within marketing may not be appropriate to dealing with multilevel or nested data structures. We identify the state of contemporary multilevel marketing research, finding that typical empirical approaches within marketing research may be less effective at explicitly taking account of multilevel data structures than those in other organizational disciplines. A Monte Carlo simulation, based on results from a previously published marketing study, demonstrates that different approaches to analysis of the same data can result in very different results (both in terms of power and effect size). The implication is that marketing scholars should be cautious when analyzing multilevel or other grouped data, and we provide a discussion and introduction to the use of hierarchical linear modeling for this purpose.


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On July 17, 1990, President George Bush ssued “Proclamation #6158" which boldly declared the following ten years would be called the “Decade of the Brain” (Bush, 1990). Accordingly, the research mandates of all US federal biomedical institutions worldwide were redirected towards the study of the brain in general and cognitive neuroscience specifically. In 2008, one of the greatest legacies of this “Decade of the Brain” is the impressive array of techniques that can be used to study cortical activity. We now stand at a juncture where cognitive function can be mapped in the time, space and frequency domains, as and when such activity occurs. These advanced techniques have led to discoveries in many fields of research and clinical science, including psychology and psychiatry. Unfortunately, neuroscientific techniques have yet to be enthusiastically adopted by the social sciences. Market researchers, as specialized social scientists, have an unparalleled opportunity to adopt cognitive neuroscientific techniques and significantly redefine the field and possibly even cause substantial dislocations in business models. Following from this is a significant opportunity for more commercially-oriented researchers to employ such techniques in their own offerings. This report examines the feasibility of these techniques.


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A netnográfia olyan kvalitatív kutatási módszer, amely adaptálja az etnográfiai kutatási technikákat az on-line közösségek kultúrájának vizsgálatához (Kozinets, 2002). Információforrásként nyilvánosan elérhető on-line kommunikációs csatornákat használ, hogy azonosítsa és megértse az on-line fogyasztói csoportok gondolkodásmódját és döntési mechanizmusait, egyszersmind egyszerűen és hatékonyan használható eszköz. A netnográfia bizonyos szempontból az úgynevezett karosszék-antropológiára vezethető vissza. A szerzők cikkükben bemutatják a módszer eredetét és használatát. / _____ / Netnography is a qualitative research methodology that adopts ethnographic research techniques to study the culture of online communities (Kozinets, 2002). Netnography uses publicly available online forums to identify and understand way of thinking and decisions of online consumer groups. It is a simple and effective method. Netnography originates in so called „armchair anthropology”. In this paper we present the roots and usage of the method.


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The Google Online Marketing Challenge is an ongoing collaboration between Google and academics, to give students experiential learning. The Challenge gives student teams US$200 in AdWords, Google’s flagship advertising product, to develop online marketing campaigns for actual businesses. The end result is an engaging in-class exercise that provides students and professors with an exciting and pedagogically rigorous competition. Results from surveys at the end of the Challenge reveal positive appraisals from the three—students, businesses, and professors—main constituents; general agreement between students and instructors regarding learning outcomes; and a few points of difference between students and instructors. In addition to describing the Challenge and its outcomes, this article reviews the postparticipation questionnaires and subsequent datasets. The questionnaires and results are publicly available, and this article invites educators to mine the datasets, share their results, and offer suggestions for future iterations of the Challenge.