977 resultados para market liquidity


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This chapter highlights similarities and differences of equity and fixed- income markets and provides an overview of the characteristics of European government bond market trading and liquidity. Most existing studies focus on the U.S. market. This chapter presents the institutional details of the MTS market, which is the largest European electronic platform for trading government, quasi-government, asset- backed, and corporate fixed- income securities. It reviews the main features of high- frequency fixed- income data and the methods for measuring market liquidity. Finally, the chapter shows how liquidity differs across European countries, how liquidity varies with the structure of the market, and how liquidity has changed during the recent liquidity and sovereign crises.


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This study investigates the role of latency in market quality in the Australia Securities Exchange following the introduction of the Integrated Trading Platform (ITS) and ASXTrade. We find that the reduction in system latency from 70. ms to 30. ms (ITS) improved liquidity. However, the lower latency has not had a long-lasting downward effect on spreads, as there was no discernible reduction in trading costs when institutional traders already had access to lower-latency co-locations. We contribute to the literature by reporting that low latency improves market liquidity, but privileged participants that have access to trading information prior to others may induce greater information asymmetry and adverse selection.


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This paper investigates the relationship between annual report disclosure, market liquidity, and capital cost for firms registered on the Deutsche Börse. Disclosure is comprehensively measured using the innovative Artificial Intelligence Measurement of Disclosure (AIMD). Results show that annual report disclosure enhances market liquidity by changing investors’ expectations and inducing portfolio adjustments. Trading frictions are negatively associated with disclosure. The study provides evidence for a capital-costreduction effect of disclosure based on the analysis of investors’ return requirements and market values. Altogether, no evidence is found that the information processing at the German capital market is structurally different from other markets.


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The article studies the impact of a firm’s trading in its own shares on the volatility and market liquidity of the firm’s stock in the Italian stock market. In the study, both stock repurchases and treasury share sales executed on the open market are defined as trading in own shares. The study finds that Italian firms can reduce the volatility of their stock and boost market liquidity by trading their own shares.


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Central clearing and the role of central counterparties (CCP) has gained on importance in the financial sector, since counterparty risk of the trading is to be managed by them. The regulation has turned towards them lately, by defining several processes, how CCPs should measure and manage their risk. Stress situation is an important term of the regulation, however it is not specified clearly, how stress should be identified. This paper provides a possible definition of stress event based on the existing risk management methodology: the usage of risk measure oversteps, and investigates the potential stress periods of the last years on the Hungarian stock market. According to the results the definition needs further calibration based on the magnitude of the cross-sectional data. The paper examines furthermore whether stress is to be predicted from market liquidity. The connection of liquidity and market turmoil proved to be contrary to the expectations; liquidity shortage was rather a consequence, than a forecaster phenomenon in the tested period.


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A plethora of recent literature on asset pricing provides plenty of empirical evidence on the importance of liquidity, governance and adverse selection of equity on pricing of assets together with more traditional factors such as market beta and the Fama-French factors. However, literature has usually stressed that these factors are priced individually. In this dissertation we argue that these factors may be related to each other, hence not only individual but also joint tests of their significance is called for. ^ In the three related essays, we examine the liquidity premium in the context of the finer three-digit SIC industry classification, joint importance of liquidity and governance factors as well as governance and adverse selection. Recent studies by Core, Guay and Rusticus (2006) and Ben-Rephael, Kadan and Wohl (2010) find that governance and liquidity premiums are dwindling in the last few years. One reason could be that liquidity is very unevenly distributed across industries. This could affect the interpretation of prior liquidity studies. Thus, in the first chapter we analyze the relation of industry clustering and liquidity risk following a finer industry classification suggested by Johnson, Moorman and Sorescu (2009). In the second chapter, we examine the dwindling influence of the governance factor if taken simultaneously with liquidity. We argue that this happens since governance characteristics are potentially a proxy for information asymmetry that may be better captured by market liquidity of a company's shares. Hence, we jointly examine both the factors, namely, governance and liquidity - in a series of standard asset pricing tests. Our results reconfirm the importance of governance and liquidity in explaining stock returns thus independently corroborating the findings of Amihud (2002) and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Moreover, governance is not subsumed by liquidity. Lastly, we analyze the relation of governance and adverse selection, and again corroborate previous findings of a priced governance factor. Furthermore, we ascertain the importance of microstructure measures in asset pricing by employing Huang and Stoll's (1997) method to extract an adverse selection variable and finding evidence for its explanatory power in four-factor regressions.^


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A plethora of recent literature on asset pricing provides plenty of empirical evidence on the importance of liquidity, governance and adverse selection of equity on pricing of assets together with more traditional factors such as market beta and the Fama-French factors. However, literature has usually stressed that these factors are priced individually. In this dissertation we argue that these factors may be related to each other, hence not only individual but also joint tests of their significance is called for. In the three related essays, we examine the liquidity premium in the context of the finer three-digit SIC industry classification, joint importance of liquidity and governance factors as well as governance and adverse selection. Recent studies by Core, Guay and Rusticus (2006) and Ben-Rephael, Kadan and Wohl (2010) find that governance and liquidity premiums are dwindling in the last few years. One reason could be that liquidity is very unevenly distributed across industries. This could affect the interpretation of prior liquidity studies. Thus, in the first chapter we analyze the relation of industry clustering and liquidity risk following a finer industry classification suggested by Johnson, Moorman and Sorescu (2009). In the second chapter, we examine the dwindling influence of the governance factor if taken simultaneously with liquidity. We argue that this happens since governance characteristics are potentially a proxy for information asymmetry that may be better captured by market liquidity of a company’s shares. Hence, we jointly examine both the factors, namely, governance and liquidity – in a series of standard asset pricing tests. Our results reconfirm the importance of governance and liquidity in explaining stock returns thus independently corroborating the findings of Amihud (2002) and Gompers, Ishii and Metrick (2003). Moreover, governance is not subsumed by liquidity. Lastly, we analyze the relation of governance and adverse selection, and again corroborate previous findings of a priced governance factor. Furthermore, we ascertain the importance of microstructure measures in asset pricing by employing Huang and Stoll’s (1997) method to extract an adverse selection variable and finding evidence for its explanatory power in four-factor regressions.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of different agency practice on agency fees, business efficiency, and housing market liquidity. Design/methodology/approach: The paper studies the effect of sole and multiple agency practices on estate agent efficiency, housing market liquidity, and commission fee levels. The analysis uses the survey data from 2000 to 2006 to investigate the different agency practices across England and Wales and their effect on estate agency business efficiency, housing market liquidity, selling price, and fee levels. Findings: The empirical analysis confirms that agency practice has a locality bias, that is, some regions are more likely to adopt sole agency practice than other regions. The estate agents with a sole agency practice charge a lower agency fee, help clients to achieve better selling price and are more efficient; whereas multiple agency practice facilitates liquidity in the housing market, but experiences higher fall-through rate. Research limitations/implications: The research focuses on estate agent rather than consumers due to the limitation of the data based on a research project concerning transaction costs designed prior to this analysis. Originality/value: There is little other research that investigates the residential estate agency practice and its impact on housing market in the past three decades in England and Wales. The findings are a useful guide for practitioners to better understand the issues associated with different agency practices and should enhance business efficiency and performance.


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Purpose: This paper seeks to investigate the factors influencing the business performance of estate agency in England and Wales. Design/methodology/approach: The paper investigates the effect of housing market, company size and pricing policy on business performance in the estate agency sector in England and Wales. The analysis uses the survey data of Woolwich Cost of Moving Survey (a survey of transactions costs sponsored by the Woolwich/Barclays Bank) from 2003 to 2005 to test the hypothesis that the business performance of estate agency is affected by industry characteristics and firm factors. Findings: The empirical analysis indicates that the business performance of estate agency is subject to market environment volatility such as market uncertainty, housing market liquidity and house price changes. The firm factors such as firm size and the level of agency fee have no explanatory power in explaining business performance. The level of agency fee is positively associated with firm size, market environment and liquidity. Research limitations/implications: The research is limited to the data received and is based on a research project on transaction costs designed prior to this analysis. Originality/value: There is little other research that investigates the factors determining the business performance of estate agency, using consecutive data of three years across England and Wales. The findings are useful for practitioners and/or managers to allocate resources and adjust their business strategy to enhance business performance in the estate agency sector.


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This paper presents evidence that the bid-ask spreads in euro rates increased relative to the corresponding bid-ask spreads in the German mark (DM) prior to the creation of the currency union. This comes with a decrease in transaction volume in the euro rates relative to the previous DM rates. The starkest example is the DM(euro)/yen rate in which the spread has risen by almost two-thirds while the volume decreased by more than one third. This outcome is surprising because the common currency concentrated market liquidity in fewer external euro rates and higher volume tends to be associated with lower spreads. We propose a microstructure explanation based on a change in the information environment of the FX market. The elimination of many cross currency pairs increased the market transparency for order flow imbalances in the dealership market. It is argued that higher market transparency adversely affects the inventory risk sharing efficiency of the dealership market and induces the observed euro spread increase and transaction volume shortfall.


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This study investigates the determinants of cross-border capital flows into direct real estate markets. In particular, it investigates how existing institutional, regulatory and real estate specific barriers affect cross-border real estate inflows and outflows in a sample of 24 developed and emerging countries, and whether investors seek out targets with lower barriers and regulatory arbitrage. We do not find evidence of significant cross-border institutional or regulatory arbitrage in the real estate market. However, real estate market liquidity is found to be the most important driver of cross-border flows. While many of the institutional barriers included in this analysis do not appear to impact the level of real estate inflows significantly, their presence tends to suppress real estate capital outflows to other countries. Overall, easy access to financial markets, a good economic environment and transparent real estate markets may enhance real estate outflows, while returns and the macroeconomy are found to enhance domestic real estate investment.


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In this article, we model the determinants of spread for 734 firms listed on the NYSE over the period 1 January 1998 to 31 December 2008. We propose a panel data model of the determinants of spread. There are four main messages emerging from our work. We find a statistically significant effect of volume on spread inconsistent with the work of Johnson (2008). On price, we find mixed results, consistent with the literature. On the effect of price volatility on spread, our results are completely the opposite of the cross-sectional literature but sides with the relatively recent work of Chordia et al. (2001). We allow for persistence of spread as a determinant of spread and find significant evidence of spread persistence across all 16 sectors. Finally, we examine size effects and find statistically strong evidence of size effects based on the relationship between price and spread, persistence and spread, and volatility and spread.


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I use Search models to study decentralized markets of durable goods. I explore the concept of market liquidity of Lippman and McCall (1986) and show that the theory of optimal search is useful to address the following issues: What governs the time required to make a transaction on these markets? What is the relationship between the price of goods and the time required to make transactions? Why is optimal to wait to make a transaction in markets where individuals discount future utility? What is the socially optima search level? Two specifications are used, the traditional model of job search and a version of Krainer and LeRoy (2001) model.


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Este trabalho discute a recente evolução e a crescente importância do investimento estrangeiro no mercado de capitais brasileiro, observando como a sua presença afeta e é influenciada pela dinâmica local. Como primeiro achado, destaca-se a reatividade desses agentes ao mercado quanto às vendas de ativos; ao investigar se esse comportamento concorreria para um ambiente mais volátil e, em um cenário mais adverso, a própria desestabilização dos preços, constatou-se que suas compras mitigariam o efeito, mas que suas vendas operariam o oposto, sendo que em condições normais de mercado a demanda excessiva dos estrangeiros pressionaria significativamente os preços. Determinou-se também a importância dos mercados externos, das taxas básicas de juros interna e externa, da taxa de câmbio local e da liquidez do mercado à vista como fatores de estímulo a novas compras desses atores, assim como do câmbio, investimento direto líquido, risco país e liquidez para explicar as vendas adicionais. Por fim, surgiram como determinantes à entrada líquida de recursos estrangeiros na Bovespa o desempenho promissor dos mercados externos desenvolvidos e os juros locais em queda, sendo que o desenvolvimento bursátil local e um eventual cenário de crise seriam particularmente significativos na dinâmica de internalização de recursos no país.


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Esse estudo investiga a onda de IPOs de bancos brasileiros de 2005 a 2007. Verificou-se que os bancos que fizeram IPO apresentam características ex-ante diferentes de bancos de mesmo porte e tipo de atuação que permaneceram com capital fechado, como maior rentabilidade, maior parcela de seus ativos aplicados em operações de crédito, menor proporção de créditos não performados e mais restrição de capital. Esses resultados mostram que a onda de abertura de capital de bancos não pode ser explicada pela teoria comportamental, e são resultado das oportunidades de crescimento distintas desses bancos em relação a seus concorrentes. Dessa forma, a liquidez de mercado deve ser entendida como condição necessária, mas não suficiente, para explicar os IPOs desses bancos. A evidência encontrada sobre o efeito da abertura de capital no desempenho operacional desses bancos sugere um aumento na proporção créditos-ativos, associado a um aumento na proporção de créditos de pior qualidade, mesmo controlado pelo boom de crédito ocorrido nesse período. Também se percebe uma melhora na eficiência administrativa, o que pode indicar economias de escala nos bancos que realizaram IPO.