991 resultados para marine predators


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Polymerase chain reaction techniques were developed and applied to identify DNA from .40 species of prey contained in fecal (scat) soft-part matrix collected at terrestrial sites used by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in British Columbia and the eastern Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Sixty percent more fish and cephalopod prey were identified by morphological analyses of hard parts compared with DNA analysis of soft parts (hard parts identified higher relative proportions of Ammodytes sp., Cottidae, and certain Gadidae). DNA identified 213 prey occurrences, of which 75 (35%) were undetected by hard parts (mainly Salmonidae, Pleuronectidae, Elasmobranchii, and Cephalopoda), and thereby increased species occurrences by 22% overall and species richness in 44% of cases (when comparing 110 scats that amplified prey DNA). Prey composition was identical within only 20% of scats. Overall, diet composition derived from both identification techniques combined did not differ significantly from hard-part identification alone, suggesting that past scat-based diet studies have not missed major dietary components. However, significant differences in relative diet contributions across scats (as identified using the two techniques separately) reflect passage rate differences between hard and soft digesta material and highlight certain hypothesized limitations in conventional morphological-based methods (e.g., differences in resistance to digestion, hard part regurgitation, partial and secondary prey consumption), as well as potential technical issues (e.g., resolution of primer efficiency and sensitivity and scat subsampling protocols). DNA analysis of salmon occurrence (from scat soft-part matrix and 238 archived salmon hard parts) provided species-level taxonomic resolution that could not be obtained by morphological identification and showed that Steller sea lions were primarily consuming pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and chum (Oncorhynchus keta) salmon. Notably, DNA from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) that likely originated from a distant fish farm was also detected in two scats from one site in the eastern Aleutian Islands. Overall, molecular techniques are valuable for identifying prey in the fecal remains of marine predators. Combining DNA and hard-part identification will effectively alleviate certain predicted biases and will ultimately enhance measures of diet richness, fisheries interactions (especially salmon-related ones), and the ecological role of pinnipeds and other marine predators, to the benefit of marine wildlife conservationists and fisheries managers.


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Die Hämocyanine der Cephalopoden Nautilus pompilius und Sepia officinalis sorgen für den Sauerstofftransport zwischen den Kiemen und den Geweben. Sie bestehen aus einem zylindrischen Dekamer mit interner Kragenstruktur. Während eine Untereinheit (also eine Polypeptidkette) bei NpH aus sieben paralogen funktionellen Domänen (FU-a bis FU-g) besteht, führte ein Genduplikationsereignis der FU-d zu acht FUs in SoH (a, b, c, d, d´, e, f, g). In allen Mollusken Hämocyaninen bilden sechs dieser FUs den äußeren Ring und die restlichen die interne Kragenstruktur. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein dreidimensionales Modell des Hämocyanins von Sepia officinalis (SoH) erstellt. Die Rekonstruktion, mit einer Auflösung von 8,8Å (FSC=0,5), erlaubt das Einpassen von Homolologiemodellen und somit das Erstellen eines molekularen Modells mit pseudo atomarer Auflösung. Des Weiteren wurden zwei Rekonstruktionen des Hämocyanins von Nautilus pompilius (NpH) in verschiedenen Oxygenierungszuständen erstellt. Die auf 10 und 8,1Å aufgelösten Modelle zeigen zwei verschiedene Konformationen des Proteins. Daraus ließ sich eine Modellvorstellung über die allosterische Funktionsweise ableiten. Die hier erreichte Auflösung von 8Å ist die momentan höchste eines Molluskenhämocyanins. rnAuf Grundlage des molekularen Modells von SoH konnte die Topologie des Proteins aufgeklärt werden. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die zusätzliche FU-d´ in den Kragen integriert ist und somit die prinzipielle Wandarchitektur aller Mollusken Hämocyanine identisch ist. Wie die Analyse des erstellten molekularen Modells zeigt werden sind die beiden Isoformen (SoH1 und SoH2) in den Bereichen der Interfaces nahezu identisch; auch der Vergleich mit NpH zeigt grosse Übereinstimmungen. Des weiteren konnte eine Fülle von Informationen bezüglich der allosterischen Signalübertragung innerhalb des Moleküls gewonnen werden. rnDer Versuch, NpH in verschiedenen Oxygenierungszuständen zu zeigen, war erfolgreich. Die Datensätze, die unter zwei atmosphärischen Bedingungen präpariert wurden, führten reproduzierbar zu zwei unterschiedlichen Rekonstruktionen. Dies zeigt, daß der hier entwickelte experimentelle Ansatz funktioniert. Er kann nun routinemäßig auf andere Proteine angewandt werden. Wie der strukturelle Vergleich zeigte, verändert sich die Orientierung der FUs durch die Oxygenierung leicht. Dies wiederum beeinflusst die Anordnung innerhalb der Interfaces sowie die Abstände zwischen den beteiligten Aminosäuren. Aus dieser Analyse konnte eine Modellvorstellung zum allosterischen Signaltransfer innerhalb des Moleküls abgeleitet werden, die auf einer Umordnung von Salzbrücken basiert.


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The Great Barrier Reef hosts the only known reliable aggregation of dwarf minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata subspecies) in Australian waters. While this short seasonal aggregation is quite predictable, the distribution and movements of the whales during the rest of their annual cycle are poorly understood. In particular, feeding and resting areas on their southward migration which are likely to be important have not been described. Using satellite telemetry data, I modelled the habitat use of seven whales during their southward migration through waters surrounding Tasmania. The whales were tagged with LIMPET satellite tags in the GBR in July 2013 (2 individuals) and 2014 (5 individuals). The study area around Tasmania was divided into 10km² cells and the time spent by each individual in each cell was calculated and averaged based on the number of animals using the cell. Two areas of high residency time were highlighted: south-western Bass Strait and Storm Bay (SE Tasmania). Remotely sensed ocean data were extracted for each cell and averaged temporally during the entire period of residency. Using Generalised Additive Models I explored the influence of key environmental characteristics. Nine predictors (bathymetry, distance from coast, distance from shore, gradient of sea surface temperature, sea surface height (absolute and variance), gradient of current speed, wind speed and chlorophyll-a concentration) were retained in the final model which explained 68% of the total variance. Regions of higher time-spent values were characterised by shallow waters, proximity to the coast (but not to the shelf break), high winds and sea surface height but low gradient of sea surface temperature. Given that the two high residency areas corresponded with regions where other marine predators also forage in Bass Strait and Storm Bay, I suggest the whales were probably feeding, rather than resting in these areas.


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The potential effects of ocean warming on marine predators are largely unknown, though the impact on the distribution of prey in vertical space may have far reaching impacts on diving predators such as southern elephant seals. We used data from satellite-tracked southern elephant seals from Marion Island to investigate the relationship between their dive characteristics (dive depths, dive durations and time-at-depth index values) and environmental variables (temperature at depth, depth of maximum temperature below 100 m, frontal zone and bathymetry) as well as other demographic and behavioural variables (migration stage, age-class, track day and vertical diel strategy). While other variables, such as bathymetry and vertical diel strategy also influenced dive depth, our results consistently indicated a significant influence of temperature at depth on dive depths. This relationship was positive for all groups of animals, indicating that seals dived to deeper depths when foraging in warmer waters. Female seals adjusted their dive depths proportionally more than males in warmer water. Dive durations were also influenced by temperature at depth, though to a lesser extent. Results from time-at-depth indices showed that both male and female seals spent less time at targeted dive depths in warmer water, and were presumably less successful foragers when diving in warmer water. Continued warming of the Southern Ocean may result in the distribution of prey for southern elephant seals shifting either poleward and/or to increasing depths. Marion Island elephant seals are expected to adapt their ranging and diving behaviour accordingly, though such changes may result in greater physiological costs associated with foraging.


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Sixty hours of direct measurements of fluorescence were collected from six bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) instrumented with fluorometers in Greenland in April 2005 and 2006. The data were used to (1) characterize the three-dimensional spatial pattern of chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) in the water column, (2) to examine the relationships between whale foraging areas and productive zones, and (3) to examine the correlation between whale-derived in situ values of Chl-a and those from concurrent satellite images using the NASA MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) EOS-AQUA satellite (MOD21, SeaWifs analogue OC3M and SST MOD37). Bowhead whales traversed 1600 km**2, providing information on diving, Chl-a structure and temperature profiles to depths below 200 m. Feeding dives frequently passed through surface waters ( >50 m) and targeted depths close to the bottom, and whales did not always target patches of high concentrations of Chl-a in the upper 50 m. Five satellite images were available within the periods whales carried fluorometers. Whales traversed 91 pixels collecting on average 761 s (SD 826) of Chl-a samples per pixel (0-136 m). The depth of the Chl-a maximum ranged widely, from 1 to 66 m. Estimates of Chl-a made from the water-leaving radiance measurements using the OC3M algorithm were highly skewed with most samples estimated as <1 mg/m**3 Chl-a, while data collected from whales had a broad distribution with Chl-a reaching >9 mg/m**3. The correlation between the satellite-derived and whale-derived Chl-a maxima was poor, a linear fit explained only 10% of the variance.


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Knowledge of habitat use by top marine predators in response to environmental conditions is crucial in the current context of global changes occurring in the Southern Ocean. We examined the at-sea locations of male Adelie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) breeding at Dumont d'Urville during their first, long incubation trip. Compared with the chick-rearing period, penguins performed longer trips, going to oceanic waters as far as 320 km from the colony. We observed 3 strategies: (1) five individuals covered large distances to the north, targeting open-ocean areas and following the currents of two persistent eddies; (2) five individuals foraged to the north-west, close to the Antarctic shelf slope at the limit of the pack ice; and (3) three individuals covered much shorter distances (northwards or eastwards). The foraging range also seemed to be limited by the body condition of the penguins before their departure to sea.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Understanding the factors that influence the distribution and abundance of predators, including sharks, is important for predicting the impacts of human changes to the environment. Such studies are particularly important in Florida Bay, USA where there are planned large-scale changes to patterns of freshwater input from the Everglades ecosystem. Studies of many marine predators suggest that links between predator and prey habitat use may vary with spatial scale, but there have been few studies of the role of prey distribution in shaping habitat use and abundance of sharks. We used longline catches of sharks and trawls for potential teleost prey to determine the influence of teleost abundance on shark abundance at the scale of regions and habitats in Florida Bay. We found that shark catch per unit effort (CPUE) was not linked to CPUE ofteleosts at the scale of sampling sites, but shark CPUE was positively correlated with the mean CPUE for teleosts within a region. Although there does not appear to be a strong match between the abundance of teleosts and sharks at small spatial scales, regional shark abundance is likely driven, at least partially, by the availability of prey. Management strategies that influence teleost abundance will have cascading effects to higher trophic levels in Florida Bay.


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Body size is a key determinant of metabolic rate, but logistical constraints have led to a paucity of energetics measurements from large water-breathing animals. As a result, estimating energy requirements of large fish generally relies on extrapolation of metabolic rate from individuals of lower body mass using allometric relationships that are notoriously variable. Swim-tunnel respirometry is the ‘gold standard’ for measuring active metabolic rates in water-breathing animals, yet previous data are entirely derived from body masses <10 kg – at least one order of magnitude lower than the body masses of many top-order marine predators. Here, we describe the design and testing of a new method for measuring metabolic rates of large water-breathing animals: a c. 26 000 L seagoing ‘mega-flume’ swim-tunnel respirometer. We measured the swimming metabolic rate of a 2·1-m, 36-kg zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum within this new mega-flume and compared the results to data we collected from other S. fasciatum (3·8–47·7 kg body mass) swimming in static respirometers and previously published measurements of active metabolic rate measurements from other shark species. The mega-flume performed well during initial tests, with intra- and interspecific comparisons suggesting accurate metabolic rate measurements can be obtained with this new tool. Inclusion of our data showed that the scaling exponent of active metabolic rate with mass for sharks ranging from 0·13 to 47·7 kg was 0·79; a similar value to previous estimates for resting metabolic rates in smaller fishes. We describe the operation and usefulness of this new method in the context of our current uncertainties surrounding energy requirements of large water-breathing animals. We also highlight the sensitivity of mass-extrapolated energetic estimates in large aquatic animals and discuss the consequences for predicting ecosystem impacts such as trophic cascades.


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Body size is a key determinant of metabolic rate, but logistical constraints have led to a paucity of energetics measurements from large water-breathing animals. As a result, estimating energy requirements of large fish generally relies on extrapolation of metabolic rate from individuals of lower body mass using allometric relationships that are notoriously variable. Swim-tunnel respirometry is the ‘gold standard’ for measuring active metabolic rates in water-breathing animals, yet previous data are entirely derived from body masses <10 kg – at least one order of magnitude lower than the body masses of many top-order marine predators. Here, we describe the design and testing of a new method for measuring metabolic rates of large water-breathing animals: a c. 26 000 L seagoing ‘mega-flume’ swim-tunnel respirometer. We measured the swimming metabolic rate of a 2·1-m, 36-kg zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum within this new mega-flume and compared the results to data we collected from other S. fasciatum (3·8–47·7 kg body mass) swimming in static respirometers and previously published measurements of active metabolic rate measurements from other shark species. The mega-flume performed well during initial tests, with intra- and interspecific comparisons suggesting accurate metabolic rate measurements can be obtained with this new tool. Inclusion of our data showed that the scaling exponent of active metabolic rate with mass for sharks ranging from 0·13 to 47·7 kg was 0·79; a similar value to previous estimates for resting metabolic rates in smaller fishes. We describe the operation and usefulness of this new method in the context of our current uncertainties surrounding energy requirements of large water-breathing animals. We also highlight the sensitivity of mass-extrapolated energetic estimates in large aquatic animals and discuss the consequences for predicting ecosystem impacts such as trophic cascades.


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The use of waters around Lundy by dolphins and porpoises was measured using summer shore-based watches and passive acoustic surveillance between July 2011 and July 2012. Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) were the only cetacean species observed during shore-based surveys. C-PODs moored on the Ethel and MV Robert wrecks close to the Lundy coast showed a peak in delphinid vocal activity during August 2011. Passive acoustic detections of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were highest during ebb tidal phases and most often associated with the tidal rip at the south of the island. These findings show tidal and monthly influences on odontocete behaviour and highlight the value of continuous, passive acoustic monitoring for these highly mobile marine predators around Lundy.


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In the last thirty years, the emergence and progression of biologging technology has led to great advances in marine predator ecology. Large databases of location and dive observations from biologging devices have been compiled for an increasing number of diving predator species (such as pinnipeds, sea turtles, seabirds and cetaceans), enabling complex questions about animal activity budgets and habitat use to be addressed. Central to answering these questions is our ability to correctly identify and quantify the frequency of essential behaviours, such as foraging. Despite technological advances that have increased the quality and resolution of location and dive data, accurately interpreting behaviour from such data remains a challenge, and analytical methods are only beginning to unlock the full potential of existing datasets. This review evaluates both traditional and emerging methods and presents a starting platform of options for future studies of marine predator foraging ecology, particularly from location and two-dimensional (time-depth) dive data. We outline the different devices and data types available, discuss the limitations and advantages of commonly-used analytical techniques, and highlight key areas for future research. We focus our review on pinnipeds - one of the most studied taxa of marine predators - but offer insights that will be applicable to other air-breathing marine predator tracking studies. We highlight that traditionally-used methods for inferring foraging from location and dive data, such as first-passage time and dive shape analysis, have important caveats and limitations depending on the nature of the data and the research question. We suggest that more holistic statistical techniques, such as state-space models, which can synthesise multiple track, dive and environmental metrics whilst simultaneously accounting for measurement error, offer more robust alternatives. Finally, we identify a need for more research to elucidate the role of physical oceanography, device effects, study animal selection, and developmental stages in predator behaviour and data interpretation.


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Body size is a key determinant of metabolic rate, but logistical constraints have led to a paucity of energetics measurements from large water-breathing animals. As a result, estimating energy requirements of large fish generally relies on extrapolation of metabolic rate from individuals of lower body mass using allometric relationships that are notoriously variable. Swim-tunnel respirometry is the 'gold standard' for measuring active metabolic rates in water-breathing animals, yet previous data are entirely derived from body masses <10 kg - at least one order of magnitude lower than the body masses of many top-order marine predators. Here, we describe the design and testing of a new method for measuring metabolic rates of large water-breathing animals: a c. 26 000 L seagoing 'mega-flume' swim-tunnel respirometer. We measured the swimming metabolic rate of a 2·1-m, 36-kg zebra shark Stegostoma fasciatum within this new mega-flume and compared the results to data we collected from other S. fasciatum (3·8-47·7 kg body mass) swimming in static respirometers and previously published measurements of active metabolic rate measurements from other shark species. The mega-flume performed well during initial tests, with intra- and interspecific comparisons suggesting accurate metabolic rate measurements can be obtained with this new tool. Inclusion of our data showed that the scaling exponent of active metabolic rate with mass for sharks ranging from 0·13 to 47·7 kg was 0·79; a similar value to previous estimates for resting metabolic rates in smaller fishes. We describe the operation and usefulness of this new method in the context of our current uncertainties surrounding energy requirements of large water-breathing animals. We also highlight the sensitivity of mass-extrapolated energetic estimates in large aquatic animals and discuss the consequences for predicting ecosystem impacts such as trophic cascades.