967 resultados para man-machine interface


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The problems encountered by individuals with disabilities when accessing large public buildings is described and a solution based on the generation of virtual models of the built environment is proposed. These models are superimposed on a control network infrastructure, currently utilised in intelligent building applications such as lighting, heating and access control. The use of control network architectures facilitates the creation of distributed models that closely mirror both the physical and control properties of the environment. The model of the environment is kept local to the installation which allows the virtual representation of a large building to be decomposed into an interconnecting series of smaller models. This paper describes two methods of interacting with the virtual model, firstly a two dimensional aural representation that can be used as the basis of a portable navigational device. Secondly an augmented reality called DAMOCLES that overlays additional information on a user’s normal field of view. The provision of virtual environments offers new possibilities in the man-machine interface so that intuitive access to network based services and control functions can be given to a user.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of advances in pervasive computing.
– The paper provides a critical analysis of the literature.
Findings – Tools expected to support these advances are: resource location framework, data management (e.g. replica control) framework, communication paradigms, and smart interaction mechanisms. Also, infrastructures needed to support pervasive computing applications and an information appliance should be easy for anyone to use and the interaction with the device should be intuitive.
Originality/value – The paper shows how everyday devices with embedded processing and connectivity could interconnect as a pervasive network of intelligent devices that cooperatively and autonomously collect, process and transport information, in order to adapt to the associated context and activity


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore characteristics of human-computer interaction when the human body and its movements become input for interaction and interface control in pervasive computing settings.

Design/methodology/approach –
The paper quantifies the performance of human movement based on Fitt's Law and discusses some of the human factors and technical considerations that arise in trying to use human body movements as an input medium.

Findings – The paper finds that new interaction technologies utilising human movements may provide more flexible, naturalistic interfaces and support the ubiquitous or pervasive computing paradigm.

Practical implications –
In pervasive computing environments the challenge is to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces. Application domains that may utilize human body movements as input are surveyed here and the paper addresses issues such as culture, privacy, security and ethics raised by movement of a user's body-based interaction styles.

Originality/value –
The paper describes the utilization of human body movements as input for interaction and interface control in pervasive computing settings.


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The traditional processes for treatment of hazardous waste are questionable for it generates other wastes that adversely affect people s health. As an attempt to minimize these problems, it was developed a system for treatment of hazardous waste by thermal plasma, a more appropriate technology since it produces high temperatures, preventing the formation of toxic pollutants to human beings. The present work brings out a solution of automation for this plant. The system has local and remote monitoring resources to ensure the operators security as well as the process itself. A special attention was given to the control of the main reactor temperature of the plant as it is the place where the main processing occurs and because it presents a complex mathematical model. To this, it was employed cascaded controls based on Fuzzy logic. A process computer, with a particular man-machine interface (MMI), provides information and controls of the plant to the operator, including by Internet. A compact PLC module is in charge of the central element of management automation and plant control which receives information from sensors, and sends it to the MMI


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Recent statistics have demonstrated that two of the most important causes of failures of the UAVs (Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle) missions are related to the low level of decisional autonomy of vehicles and to the man machine interface. Therefore, a relevant issue is to design a display/controls architecture which allows the efficient interaction between the operator and the remote vehicle and to develop a level of automation which allows the vehicle the decision about change in mission. The research presented in this paper focuses on a modular man-machine interface simulator for the UAV control, which simulates UAV missions, developed to experiment solution to this problem. The main components of the simulator are an advanced interface and a block defined automation, which comprehend an algorithm that implements the level of automation of the system. The simulator has been designed and developed following a user-centred design approach in order to take into account the operator’s needs in the communication with the vehicle. The level of automation has been developed following the supervisory control theory which says that the human became a supervisor who sends high level commands, such as part of mission, target, constraints, in then-rule, while the vehicle receives, comprehends and translates such commands into detailed action such as routes or action on the control system. In order to allow the vehicle to calculate and recalculate the safe and efficient route, in term of distance, time and fuel a 3D planning algorithm has been developed. It is based on considering UASs representative of real world systems as objects moving in a virtual environment (terrain, obstacles, and no fly zones) which replicates the airspace. Original obstacle avoidance strategies have been conceived in order to generate mission planes which are consistent with flight rules and with the vehicle performance constraints. The interface is based on a touch screen, used to send high level commands to the vehicle, and a 3D Virtual Display which provides a stereoscopic and augmented visualization of the complex scenario in which the vehicle operates. Furthermore, it is provided with an audio feedback message generator. Simulation tests have been conducted with pilot trainers to evaluate the reliability of the algorithm and the effectiveness and efficiency of the interface in supporting the operator in the supervision of an UAV mission. Results have revealed that the planning algorithm calculate very efficient routes in few seconds, an adequate level of workload is required to command the vehicle and that the 3D based interface provides the operator with a good sense of presence and enhances his awareness of the mission scenario and of the vehicle under his control.


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Actualmente la detección del rostro humano es un tema difícil debido a varios parámetros implicados. Llega a ser de interés cada vez mayor en diversos campos de aplicaciones como en la identificación personal, la interface hombre-máquina, etc. La mayoría de las imágenes del rostro contienen un fondo que se debe eliminar/discriminar para poder así detectar el rostro humano. Así, este proyecto trata el diseño y la implementación de un sistema de detección facial humana, como el primer paso en el proceso, dejando abierto el camino, para en un posible futuro, ampliar este proyecto al siguiente paso, que sería, el Reconocimiento Facial, tema que no trataremos aquí. En la literatura científica, uno de los trabajos más importantes de detección de rostros en tiempo real es el algoritmo de Viola and Jones, que ha sido tras su uso y con las librerías de Open CV, el algoritmo elegido para el desarrollo de este proyecto. A continuación explicaré un breve resumen sobre el funcionamiento de mi aplicación. Mi aplicación puede capturar video en tiempo real y reconocer el rostro que la Webcam captura frente al resto de objetos que se pueden visualizar a través de ella. Para saber que el rostro es detectado, éste es recuadrado en su totalidad y seguido si este mueve. A su vez, si el usuario lo desea, puede guardar la imagen que la cámara esté mostrando, pudiéndola almacenar en cualquier directorio del PC. Además, incluí la opción de poder detectar el rostro humano sobre una imagen fija, cualquiera que tengamos guardada en nuestro PC, siendo mostradas el número de caras detectadas y pudiendo visualizarlas sucesivamente cuantas veces queramos. Para todo ello como bien he mencionado antes, el algoritmo usado para la detección facial es el de Viola and Jones. Este algoritmo se basa en el escaneo de toda la superficie de la imagen en busca del rostro humano, para ello, primero la imagen se transforma a escala de grises y luego se analiza dicha imagen, mostrando como resultado el rostro encuadrado. ABSTRACT Currently the detection of human face is a difficult issue due to various parameters involved. Becomes of increasing interest in various fields of applications such as personal identification, the man-machine interface, etc. Most of the face images contain a fund to be removed / discriminate in order to detect the human face. Thus, this project is the design and implementation of a human face detection system, as the first step in the process, leaving the way open for a possible future, extend this project to the next step would be, Facial Recognition , a topic not covered here. In the literature, one of the most important face detection in real time is the algorithm of Viola and Jones, who has been after use with Open CV libraries, the algorithm chosen for the development of this project. I will explain a brief summary of the performance of my application. My application can capture video in real time and recognize the face that the Webcam Capture compared to other objects that can be viewed through it. To know that the face is detected, it is fully boxed and followed if this move. In turn, if the user may want to save the image that the camera is showing, could store in any directory on your PC. I also included the option to detect the human face on a still image, whatever we have stored in your PC, being shown the number of faces detected and can view them on more times. For all as well I mentioned before, the algorithm used for face detection is that of Viola and Jones. This algorithm is based on scanning the entire surface of the image for the human face, for this, first the image is converted to gray-scale and then analyzed the image, showing results in the face framed.


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In this paper a look is taken at how the use of implant and electrode technology can be employed to create biological brains for robots, to enable human enhancement and to diminish the effects of certain neural illnesses. In all cases the end result is to increase the range of abilities of the recipients. An indication is given of a number of areas in which such technology has already had a profound effect, a key element being the need for a clear interface linking a biological brain directly with computer technology. The emphasis is placed on practical scientific studies that have been and are being undertaken and reported on. The area of focus is the use of electrode technology, where either a connection is made directly with the cerebral cortex and/or nervous system or where implants into the human body are involved. The paper also considers robots that have biological brains in which human neurons can be employed as the sole thinking machine for a real world robot body.


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Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, N.J.


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In an age where digital innovation knows no boundaries, research in the area of brain-computer interface and other neural interface devices go where none have gone before. The possibilities are endless and as dreams become reality, the implications of these amazing developments should be considered. Some of these new devices have been created to correct or minimise the effects of disease or injury so the paper discusses some of the current research and development in the area, including neuroprosthetics. To assist researchers and academics in identifying some of the legal and ethical issues that might arise as a result of research and development of neural interface devices, using both non-invasive techniques and invasive procedures, the paper discusses a number of recent observations of authors in the field. The issue of enhancing human attributes by incorporating these new devices is also considered. Such enhancement may be regarded as freeing the mind from the constraints of the body, but there are legal and moral issues that researchers and academics would be well advised to contemplate as these new devices are developed and used. While different fact situation surround each of these new devices, and those that are yet to come, consideration of the legal and ethical landscape may assist researchers and academics in dealing effectively with matters that arise in these times of transition. Lawyers could seek to facilitate the resolution of the legal disputes that arise in this area of research and development within the existing judicial and legislative frameworks. Whether these frameworks will suffice, or will need to change in order to enable effective resolution, is a broader question to be explored.


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Multi-touch interfaces across a wide range of hardware platforms are becoming pervasive. This is due to the adoption of smart phones and tablets in both the consumer and corporate market place. This paper proposes a human-machine interface to interact with unmanned aerial systems based on the philosophy of multi-touch hardware-independent high-level interaction with multiple systems simultaneously. Our approach incorporates emerging development methods for multi-touch interfaces on mobile platforms. A framework is defined for supporting multiple protocols. An open source solution is presented that demonstrates: architecture supporting different communications hardware; an extensible approach for supporting multiple protocols; and the ability to monitor and interact with multiple UAVs from multiple clients simultaneously. Validation tests were conducted to assess the performance, scalability and impact on packet latency under different client configurations.


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Emergency Response Teams increasingly use interactive technology to help manage information and communications. The challenge is to maintain a high situation awareness for different interactive devices sizes. This research specifically compared a handheld interactive device in the form of an iPad with a large interactive multi-touch tabletop. A search and rescue inspired simulator was designed to test operator situation awareness for the two sized devices. The results show that operators had better situation awareness on the tabletop device when the operation related to detecting of moving targets, searching target locations, distinguishing target types, and comprehending displayed information.


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Control of tele-operated remote robot’s is nothing new; the public was introduced to this 'new' field in 1986 when the Chernobyl cleanup began. Pictures of weird and wonderful robotic workers pouring concrete or moving rubble flooded the world. Integration of force feedback or 'haptics' to remote robot's is a new development and one that is likely to make a big difference in man-machine interaction. Development of haptic capable tele-operation schema is a challenge. Often platform specific software is developed for one off tasks. This research focussed on the development of an open software platform for haptic control of multiple remote robotic platforms. The software utilises efficient server/client architecture for low data latency, while efficiently performing required kinematic transforms and data manipulation in real time. A description of the algorithm, software interface and hardware is presented in this paper. Preliminary results are encouraging as haptic control has been shown to greatly enhances remote positioning tasks.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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New forms of natural interactions between human operators and UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are demanded by the military industry to achieve a better balance of the UAV control and the burden of the human operator. In this work, a human machine interface (HMI) based on a novel gesture recognition system using depth imagery is proposed for the control of UAVs. Hand gesture recognition based on depth imagery is a promising approach for HMIs because it is more intuitive, natural, and non-intrusive than other alternatives using complex controllers. The proposed system is based on a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier that uses spatio-temporal depth descriptors as input features. The designed descriptor is based on a variation of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) technique to efficiently work with depth video sequences. Other major consideration is the especial hand sign language used for the UAV control. A tradeoff between the use of natural hand signs and the minimization of the inter-sign interference has been established. Promising results have been achieved in a depth based database of hand gestures especially developed for the validation of the proposed system.