39 resultados para majoritarian


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A PhD Dissertation, presented as part of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy from the NOVA - School of Business and Economics


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This study examines issues of racism and sexism through the lens of Critical Race Theory and the interaction of personal and composite narratives. Specifically, the study explores how mainstream media’s hegemonic portrayal of South Asian culture and the 2007 socalled honour killing of Aqsa Parvez contribute to post-9/11 Islamophobia. The researcher presents a personal narrative that draws upon her experiences growing up in Dubai, U.A.E., and in Ontario, Canada and critically analyzes majoritarian stories related to Parvez as well as “counter-perspectives” that challenge such views. Study findings highlight the impact of 9/11 and Parvez’s murder on the researcher’s identity formation, and how media portray Muslim women as oppressed beings who live under the yoke of patriarchy. Results also indicate that although certain articles offer a counter-perspective that challenge dominant narratives, most recent media representations of the Parvez story equate Islam with honour killings and thus foster continued Islamophobia.


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Ce mémoire cherche à comprendre un paradoxe : les États-providence les plus généreux, façonnés par des partis sociaux-démocrates, sont financés par des taxes beaucoup plus régressives que les États-providence les moins généreux où les partis de droite, plus souvent au pouvoir, mettent en place une taxation plus progressive. Pour comprendre ce paradoxe, ce mémoire débute en analysant les pressions induites par la mondialisation des capitaux sur la taxation. Ensuite, le mémoire explore les causes institutionnelles des régimes fiscaux en effectuant une revue de la littérature analytique. Ces contraintes institutionnelles et fonctionnelles sur le comportement et les préférences des acteurs politiques permettent de définir trois idéaux-types de régimes fiscaux. Ces idéaux-types cadrent avec la typologie des régimes d’État-providence d’Esping-Andersen. En regroupant des typologies sur les régimes fiscaux et les régimes d’État-providence, ce mémoire souligne que le financement des politiques publiques représente une composante cruciale de l’économie politique de l’État-providence.


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The article examines the customary international law credentials of the humanitarian law rules proposed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICR) in 2005. It relies on the BIICL/Chatham House analysis as a ‘constructive comment’ on the methodology of the ICRC study and the rules formed as a result of that methodology with respect to the dead and missing as an aid to determination of their customary law status. It shows that most of the rules studied have a customary international lawpedigree which conforms to the conclusions formed on the rules generally in the Wilmshurst and Breau study. However, the rules with respect to return of personal effects, recording location of graves and notification of relatives of access to gravesites do not seem to have even on a majoritarian/deductive approach enough volume of state practice to establish them as customary with respect to civilians.


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In this paper we take a close look at some of the particular pathways by which majoritarian and consensual institutions affect governability. We demonstrate that the mix of majoritarian and consensual institutions found within a country can influence these pathways quite dramatically, such that they produce rather different consequences for governability, even when these pathways are relatively similar in nature. Particularly, we focus on the rules governing the relationship between the President and the Legislature, especially the appropriation of amendments proposed by legislators. In some presidential countries, the president possesses a partial veto (or a line-item veto) which allows him/her to approve or strike appropriations, which legislators introduce in amendments. Concentrating on the case of Brazil, we argue and demonstrate that whether or not the president can use this tool to sustain governing majorities (i.e., to increase governability) depends on the kind of amendment introduced by legislators. One kind, individual amendment, is linked to the majoritarian institution of a powerful presidency and therefore helps to increase governability. A second kind, collective amendment, is linked to consensual institutions and actually does not enhance legislative support for the Executive.


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O desenho político-institucional dos municípios brasileiros segue a lógica da esfera federal. Tal sistema tem por características gerais o termo de duração fixa e próprio, tanto para o Executivo quanto para o Legislativo, ou seja, ambos são eleitos diretamente – eleições majoritárias e proporcionais, respectivamente – sem estarem sujeitos à confiança mútua como no sistema parlamentarista. Dada a separação de poderes e o conflito que a literatura ressalta no âmbito federal entre Legislativo e Executivo, o estudo examina a estrutura da dinâmica dessa relação no âmbito municipal. Nesse sentido, o escopo tange as estratégias adotadas na formação dos gabinetes no município de São Paulo de 1989 a 2012, ou seja, contempla 6 (seis) diferentes gestões paulistanas. Para isso foi investigado o perfil político-partidário do secretariado e a correspondência em termos de cadeiras no Legislativo paulistano, bem como os resultados acerca da aprovação de proposituras de iniciativa do Executivo. Os resultados encontrados destacam que a distribuição de pastas não acarreta em um suporte da maioria do parlamento, como no caso federal. Entretanto, apesar da ausência desse apoio, praticamente todos os projetos do Executivo que chegaram ao Plenário foram aprovados. Assim, o estudo aponta que o compartilhamento de poder através da nomeação de secretários partidários é uma ferramenta importante do Executivo, porém pode não ser a única garantidora de uma coalizão majoritária que explique o sucesso legislativo do prefeito.


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In consensual (proportional) highly fragmented multiparty settings, political parties have two historical choices to make or pathways to follow: i) playing a majoritarian role by offering credible candidates to the head of the executive; or ii) playing the median legislator game. Each of those choices will have important consequences not only for the party system but also for the government. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role played by median legislator parties on coalition management strategies of presidents in a comparative perspective. We analyze in depth the Brazilian case where the Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (PMDB) has basically functioned as the median legislator party in Congress by avoiding the approval of extreme policies, both on the left and on the right. Based on an expert survey in Latin America, we built an index of Pmdbismo and identified that there is a positive correlation between partisan fragmentation and median legislator parties. In addition, we investigate the effect of having a median legislator party in the governing coalition. We found that it is cheaper and less difficult for the government to manage the coalition having the median legislative party on board.


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This thesis analyzes the political and electoral trajectory of the PFL in Rio Grande do Norte from its beginning in 1985 until his last electoral dispute in 2006, before the process of rebuilding occurred in 2007. The central argument of the thesis is that the PFL occupied side by side with the PMDB the central position in the dynamic of the state partisan politics. This was due to its ability to control the process of disputes for majority positions in the state, especially for Senate vacancies. The hypothesis that support the central argument are related to the trajectory of the formation of the party still under the military regime, where the group that took over the leadership of the party enjoyed privileged conditions for the consolidation of political and electoral power. Another factor associated with their performance was the force that was developed in the second-largest electoral college in the state, Mossoró. To these hypotheses we add the role Jose Agripino Maia who, leading without competitors within the party, concentrated a large power in making decisions in face of adverse contexts to ensure (his) conditions for success in majoritarian disputes


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The chapter introduces a new database on political-institutional patterns of democracy used in the contributions to the book. It provides an update and extension of Lijphart’s (1999, 2012) measurement of consensus and majoritarian democracy for the countries of the second wave of the CSES during the period 1997–2006, using 11 partly improved indicators. The chapter explores patterns of democracy by the means of factor analysis, construct additive indices, and present the resulting country scores of consensus and majoritarian democracy graphically. Two variants are presented, one featuring Lijphart’s (1999) classic ‘executives–parties’ and ‘federal–unitary’ dimensions, and another incorporating direct democracy into the framework, yielding an additional ‘cabinets–direct democracy’ dimension


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Der vorliegende Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob die schweizerische Demokratie bereits ab der Bundesstaatsgründung im Jahr 1848 eine ausgeprägte Konsensusdemokratie war. Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung bedient sich die Studie des Konzepts von Arend Lijphart (2012) mit der Unterscheidung von Mehrheits- und Konsensusdemokratie. Anhand von Literatur- und Dokumentenanalysen wurden Lijpharts Indikatoren für den schweizerischen Bundesstaat von 1848–1874 codiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das politische System der neu gegründeten Schweiz auf Lijpharts Demokratiekarte insbesondere auf der horizontalen Machtteilungsdimension wie erwartet sehr nahe an der Position der USA zu liegen kommt.


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Europeanization challenges national democratic systems. As part and parcel of the broader internationalization of politics, Europeanization is associated with a shift from policymaking within majoritarian, elected representative bodies towards technocratic decisions among non-majoritarian and non-elected bodies (Kohler-Koch and Rittberger 2008, Lavenex 2013). It is thus said to weaken the influence of citizens and parliaments on the making of policies and to undermine democratic collective identity (Lavenex 2013, Schimmelfennig 2010). The weakening of national parliaments has been referred to as “de-parliamentarisation” (Goetz and Meyer-Sahling 2008) and has nurtured a broader debate regarding the democratic deficit in the EU. While not being a member of the EU, Switzerland has not remained unaffected by these changes. As discussed in the contribution by Fischer and Sciarini, state executive actors take the lead in Switzerland's European policy. They are responsible for the conduct of international negotiations, they own the treaty making power, and it is up to them to decide whether they wish to launch a negotiation with the EU. In addition, the strong take-it or leave-it character of Europeanized acts limits the room for manoeuver of the parliamentary body also in the ratification phase. Among the public, the rejection of the treaty on the European constitution has definitely closed the era of “permissive consensus” (Hooghe and Marks 2009). However, the process of European unification remains far remote from the European public. In Switzerland, the strongly administrative character of international legislation hinders public discussion (Vögeli 2007). In such a context, the media may serve as cue for the public: By delivering information about the extent and nature of Europeanized policymaking, the media enable citizens to form their own opinions and to hold their representatives accountable. In this sense media coverage may not only be considered an indicator of the information delivered to the public, but it may also enhance the democratic legitimacy of Europeanized policymaking (for a similar argument, see Tresch and Jochum 2005). While the previous contributions to this debate have examined the Europeanization of Swiss (primary and secondary) legislation, we take a closer look at two additional domestic arenas that are both supposed to be under pressure due to Europeanization: The parliament and the media. To that end, we rely on data gathered in a research project that two of us carried out in the context of the NCCR Democracy.1 While this project was primarily interested in the mediatization of decision-making processes in Switzerland, it also investigated the conditional role played by internationalization/Europeanization. For our present purposes, we shall exploit the two data-sets that were developed as part of a study of the political agenda-setting power of the media (Sciarini and Tresch 2012, 2013, Tresch et al. 2013): A data-set on issue attention in parliamentary interventions (initiatives, motions, postulates,2 interpellations and questions) and a data-set on issue attention in articles from the Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ). The data covers the years 1995 to 2003 and the coding of issues followed the classification system developed in the “Policy Agendas Project” (Baumgartner and Jones 1993).


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El período histórico que va desde mediados de la década del cincuenta a mediados de los setenta, representa uno de los más importantes momentos de la lucha de clases abierta en nuestro país, proceso que fue acompañado por la emergencia de numerosas organizaciones revolucionarias con características novedosas respecto a los tradicionales representantes de la izquierda. Dentro del conjunto de lo que se ha denominado la "izquierda peronista", la indiscutible presencia mayoritaria de los Montoneros, ha opacado la actuación de otras organizaciones, entre ellas las Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas-Peronismo de Base. En este trabajo abordaremos cuestiones referentes a: 1) su evolución político-ideológica; 2) la relación lucha política-lucha sindical - lucha armada; 3) su particular forma organizativa; 4) la manera de resolver la combinación de peronismo y marxismo; y 5) su vinculación con la clase obrera. Veremos que este último punto será el eje sobre el que girarán las demás cuestiones, en razón del objetivo estratégico que se fue perfilando a lo largo de su desarrollo político: del regreso de Perón a la creación de "poder obrero".


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El período histórico que va desde mediados de la década del cincuenta a mediados de los setenta, representa uno de los más importantes momentos de la lucha de clases abierta en nuestro país, proceso que fue acompañado por la emergencia de numerosas organizaciones revolucionarias con características novedosas respecto a los tradicionales representantes de la izquierda. Dentro del conjunto de lo que se ha denominado la "izquierda peronista", la indiscutible presencia mayoritaria de los Montoneros, ha opacado la actuación de otras organizaciones, entre ellas las Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas-Peronismo de Base. En este trabajo abordaremos cuestiones referentes a: 1) su evolución político-ideológica; 2) la relación lucha política-lucha sindical - lucha armada; 3) su particular forma organizativa; 4) la manera de resolver la combinación de peronismo y marxismo; y 5) su vinculación con la clase obrera. Veremos que este último punto será el eje sobre el que girarán las demás cuestiones, en razón del objetivo estratégico que se fue perfilando a lo largo de su desarrollo político: del regreso de Perón a la creación de "poder obrero".


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El período histórico que va desde mediados de la década del cincuenta a mediados de los setenta, representa uno de los más importantes momentos de la lucha de clases abierta en nuestro país, proceso que fue acompañado por la emergencia de numerosas organizaciones revolucionarias con características novedosas respecto a los tradicionales representantes de la izquierda. Dentro del conjunto de lo que se ha denominado la "izquierda peronista", la indiscutible presencia mayoritaria de los Montoneros, ha opacado la actuación de otras organizaciones, entre ellas las Fuerzas Armadas Peronistas-Peronismo de Base. En este trabajo abordaremos cuestiones referentes a: 1) su evolución político-ideológica; 2) la relación lucha política-lucha sindical - lucha armada; 3) su particular forma organizativa; 4) la manera de resolver la combinación de peronismo y marxismo; y 5) su vinculación con la clase obrera. Veremos que este último punto será el eje sobre el que girarán las demás cuestiones, en razón del objetivo estratégico que se fue perfilando a lo largo de su desarrollo político: del regreso de Perón a la creación de "poder obrero".


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This dissertation proposes a constructive theology of the Holy Spirit called the "pneumatology of minoritarian communal interpretation," the alternative creation of meaning within an oppressive majority context. It illustrates the convergence of Deleuzean philosophy with Anabaptist pneumatology and media communal interpretation theory in three particular locations: 1) selected mentions of the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible and Christian New Testament; 2) the 16th century Radical Reformation; and 3) "Another Way," a 21st century alternative Anabaptist group focused around the spiritual discussion of art and popular media. Chapter One outlines the three theories. Chapter Two examines the Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Bible, particularly 1 Samuel 8, the book of Ezekiel, and the Gospel narratives. Chapter Three examines the pneumatological writings of the Radical Reformers, concentrating particularly on their theologies of the intersection between church and the surrounding majoritarian culture. Chapter Four outlines my original field research with Another Way, and examines the tension between minoritarian communal interpretation and the 21st century semiotic regime. Chapter Five then summarizes the conversations between theory and illustration to propose the pneumatology of minoritarian communal interpretation for Christian theology.