1000 resultados para magnetic bearing
The active magnetic bearings have recently been intensively developed because of noncontact support having several advantages compared to conventional bearings. Due to improved materials, strategies of control, and electrical components, the performance and reliability of the active magnetic bearings are improving. However, additional bearings, retainer bearings, still have a vital role in the applications of the active magnetic bearings. The most crucial moment when the retainer bearings are needed is when the rotor drops from the active magnetic bearings on the retainer bearings due to component or power failure. Without appropriate knowledge of the retainer bearings, there is a chance that an active magnetic bearing supported rotor system will be fatal in a drop-down situation. This study introduces a detailed simulation model of a rotor system in order to describe a rotor drop-down situation on the retainer bearings. The introduced simulation model couples a finite element model with component mode synthesis and detailed bearing models. In this study, electrical components and electromechanical forces are not in the focus. The research looks at the theoretical background of the finite element method with component mode synthesis that can be used in the dynamic analysis of flexible rotors. The retainer bearings are described by using two ball bearing models, which include damping and stiffness properties, oil film, inertia of rolling elements and friction between races and rolling elements. Thefirst bearing model assumes that the cage of the bearing is ideal and that the cage holds the balls in their predefined positions precisely. The second bearing model is an extension of the first model and describes the behavior of the cageless bearing. In the bearing model, each ball is described by using two degrees of freedom. The models introduced in this study are verified with a corresponding actual structure. By using verified bearing models, the effects of the parameters of the rotor system onits dynamics during emergency stops are examined. As shown in this study, the misalignment of the retainer bearings has a significant influence on the behavior of the rotor system in a drop-down situation. In this study, a stability map of the rotor system as a function of rotational speed of the rotor and the misalignment of the retainer bearings is presented. In addition, the effects of parameters of the simulation procedure and the rotor system on the dynamics of system are studied.
Työssä tutkitaan mahdollisuutta hyödyntää sähkömoottorien nopeudensäätöön suunniteltuja kaupallisia taajuusmuuttajia osana aktiivisesti säädetyn magneettilaakeroinnin säätöjärjestelmää. Magneettilaakerijärjestelmän ohjaamiseksi tarvitaan vahvistin, jonka tehtävänä on muuntaa paikkasäätöjärjestelmältä tuleva ohjearvo virraksi, jännitteeksi tai magneettivuoksi voiman tuottamiseksi laakerikäämityksellä. Nykyaikaiset modernit taajuusmuuttajat mahdollistavat säätöalgoritmien suorittamisen sekä liitynnän muuhun automaatiojärjestelmään kenttäväylien kautta. Tämän järjestelmäintegraation myötä olisi mahdollista rakentaa modulaarinen säätöjärjestelmä hyödyntäen luotettavaksi todettuja teollisuusautomaatiotuotteita vain muutamalla itse magneettilaakerijärjestelmään liittyvällä tuotteella. Haluttaessa hyödyntää kolmivaiheinen taajuusmuuttaja mahdollisimman tehokkaasti magneettilaakerin teholähteenä tulee laakerikäämityksien kytkeytymistä taajuusmuuttajaan tarkastella tarkemmin. Kirjallisuustutkimuksessa keskitytään taajuusmuuttajan tehokytkimien muodostaman vaihtosuuntaajan eri rakennevaihtoehtojen sekä virtasäädön dynaamisten ominaisuuksien tarkasteluun. Soveltuvien rakennevaihtoehtojen sekä virtasäädön suorituskyky todennetaan simuloinnein ja lopuksi todellisella koelaitteistolla. Magneettilaakeroinnilla varustetun sähkökoneen roottorin onnistunut leijuttaminen viiden vapausasteen suhteen paikkasäädettynä sekä mittauksien tulokset osoittavat, ettei taajuusmuuttajien järjestelmäarkkitehtuurista löydy merkittäviä esteitä muuttajien hyödyntämiseksi magneettilaakerisovelluksissa.
Aktiivinen magneettilaakeri on järjestelmä joka mahdollistaa pyörivän kappaleen, esimerkiksi sähkökoneen roottorin, leijuttamisen magneettikentässä ilman fyysistä kontaktia vastakappaleiden välillä. Tekniikalla on joitain merkittäviä etuja muihin laakerointijärjestelmiin verrattuna erityisesti suurnopeuksisissa tai puhdastiloissa käytettävissä sähkökäytöissä. Magneettilaakereiden yleistymistä nopeuttaisi ja niiden hintaa laskisi mikäli laakereiden säätöön ja tehonsyöttöön voitaisiin käyttää standardeja teollisuusautomaatiolaitteita erityisesti tätä käyttötarkoitusta varten kehitettyjen laitteiden sijaan. Tässä työssä luodaan menetelmä määrittää vähimmäisvaatimukset aktiivisen magneettilaakerin säätöalgoritmien suorittamiseen käytetylle säätöjärjestelmälle ja anturoinnille sekä laakerin toimintaan tarvittavalle tehoelektroniikalle. Näiden vaatimusten perusteella luodaan katsaus soveltuviin laitteisiin ja kootaan esimerkkikokoonpanot kahdelle erilaiselle magneettilaakeroitavalle kohteelle. Lisäksi työssä esitellään LUT:ssa vuosina 2014-2015 kehitetty magneettilaakerin teholähdeprototyyppi ja selvitetään edellytykset käyttää laitetta laakerijärjestelmän osana.
Global energy consumption has been increasing yearly and a big portion of it is used in rotating electrical machineries. It is clear that in these machines energy should be used efficiently. In this dissertation the aim is to improve the design process of high-speed electrical machines especially from the mechanical engineering perspective in order to achieve more reliable and efficient machines. The design process of high-speed machines is challenging due to high demands and several interactions between different engineering disciplines such as mechanical, electrical and energy engineering. A multidisciplinary design flow chart for a specific type of high-speed machine in which computer simulation is utilized is proposed. In addition to utilizing simulation parallel with the design process, two simulation studies are presented. The first is used to find the limits of two ball bearing models. The second is used to study the improvement of machine load capacity in a compressor application to exceed the limits of current machinery. The proposed flow chart and simulation studies show clearly that improvements in the high-speed machinery design process can be achieved. Engineers designing in high-speed machines can utilize the flow chart and simulation results as a guideline during the design phase to achieve more reliable and efficient machines that use energy efficiently in required different operation conditions.
Turvalaakereita käytetään suojaamaan aktiivisia magneettilaakereita vikatilanteiden tapahtuessa. Tässä kandidaatintyössä suunniteltiin erilaisia ratkaisuja toteuttaa turvalaakerin toiminta sähkömekaanisella toimilaitteella. Työn tarkoituksena oli löytää uusia tapoja toteuttaa turvalaakerin rakenne. Uusilla ratkaisuilla poistettiin turvalaakereille ominaisia ongelmia. Suunnittelussa käytettiin perinteisiä koneensuunnittelun menetelmiä. Menetelmien tarkoitus oli mahdollistaa järjestelmällinen suunnittelu. Tässä työssä myös kirjallisuuskatsaus toimi yhtenä suunnittelun vaiheena. Tuloksiksi saatiin hahmotelmia ja 3D-malleja. Tulokset poikkesivat tavanomaisista turvalaakereiden rakenteista. Tuloksissa huomioitiin, että tässä työssä ei suunnitella valmista tuotetta. Suunniteltujen turvalaakereiden toiminta perustui mekanismeihin, jotka toivat mukanaan uusia ominaisuuksia. Sähkömekaanisen toimilaitteen sijoittaminen mekanismeihin oli kuitenkin vaikeaa. Työn tulokset avasivat uusia näkökulmia turvalaakerirakenteiden jatkokehittämiseen.
The increasing emphasis on energy efficiency is starting to yield results in the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions; however, the effort is still far from sufficient. Therefore, new technical solutions that will enhance the efficiency of power generation systems are required to maintain the sustainable growth rate, without spoiling the environment. A reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is only possible with new low-carbon technologies, which enable high efficiencies. The role of the rotating electrical machine development is significant in the reduction of global emissions. A high proportion of the produced and consumed electrical energy is related to electrical machines. One of the technical solutions that enables high system efficiency on both the energy production and consumption sides is high-speed electrical machines. This type of electrical machines has a high system overall efficiency, a small footprint, and a high power density compared with conventional machines. Therefore, high-speed electrical machines are favoured by the manufacturers producing, for example, microturbines, compressors, gas compression applications, and air blowers. High-speed machine technology is challenging from the design point of view, and a lot of research is in progress both in academia and industry regarding the solution development. The solid technical basis is of importance in order to make an impact in the industry considering the climate change. This work describes the multidisciplinary design principles and material development in high-speed electrical machines. First, high-speed permanent magnet synchronous machines with six slots, two poles, and tooth-coil windings are discussed in this doctoral dissertation. These machines have unique features, which help in solving rotordynamic problems and reducing the manufacturing costs. Second, the materials for the high-speed machines are discussed in this work. The materials are among the key limiting factors in electrical machines, and to overcome this limit, an in-depth analysis of the material properties and behavior is required. Moreover, high-speed machines are sometimes operating in a harsh environment because they need to be as close as possible to the rotating tool and fully exploit their advantages. This sets extra requirements for the materials applied.
Mit aktiven Magnetlagern ist es möglich, rotierende Körper durch magnetische Felder berührungsfrei zu lagern. Systembedingt sind bei aktiv magnetgelagerten Maschinen wesentliche Signale ohne zusätzlichen Aufwand an Messtechnik für Diagnoseaufgaben verfügbar. In der Arbeit wird ein Konzept entwickelt, das durch Verwendung der systeminhärenten Signale eine Diagnose magnetgelagerter rotierender Maschinen ermöglicht und somit neben einer kontinuierlichen Anlagenüberwachung eine schnelle Bewertung des Anlagenzustandes gestattet. Fehler können rechtzeitig und ursächlich in Art und Größe erkannt und entsprechende Gegenmaßnahmen eingeleitet werden. Anhand der erfassten Signale geschieht die Gewinnung von Merkmalen mit signal- und modellgestützten Verfahren. Für den Magnetlagerregelkreis erfolgen Untersuchungen zum Einsatz modellgestützter Parameteridentifikationsverfahren, deren Verwendbarkeit wird bei der Diagnose am Regler und Leistungsverstärker nachgewiesen. Unter Nutzung von Simulationsmodellen sowie durch Experimente an Versuchsständen werden die Merkmalsverläufe im normalen Referenzzustand und bei auftretenden Fehlern aufgenommen und die Ergebnisse in einer Wissensbasis abgelegt. Diese dient als Grundlage zur Festlegung von Grenzwerten und Regeln für die Überwachung des Systems und zur Erstellung wissensbasierter Diagnosemodelle. Bei der Überwachung werden die Merkmalsausprägungen auf das Überschreiten von Grenzwerten überprüft, Informationen über erkannte Fehler und Betriebszustände gebildet sowie gegebenenfalls Alarmmeldungen ausgegeben. Sich langsam anbahnende Fehler können durch die Berechnung der Merkmalstrends mit Hilfe der Regressionsanalyse erkannt werden. Über die bisher bei aktiven Magnetlagern übliche Überwachung von Grenzwerten hinaus erfolgt bei der Fehlerdiagnose eine Verknüpfung der extrahierten Merkmale zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung auftretender Fehler. Die Diagnose geschieht mittels regelbasierter Fuzzy-Logik, dies gestattet die Einbeziehung von linguistischen Aussagen in Form von Expertenwissen sowie die Berücksichtigung von Unbestimmtheiten und ermöglicht damit eine Diagnose komplexer Systeme. Für Aktor-, Sensor- und Reglerfehler im Magnetlagerregelkreis sowie Fehler durch externe Kräfte und Unwuchten werden Diagnosemodelle erstellt und verifiziert. Es erfolgt der Nachweis, dass das entwickelte Diagnosekonzept mit beherrschbarem Rechenaufwand korrekte Diagnoseaussagen liefert. Durch Kaskadierung von Fuzzy-Logik-Modulen wird die Transparenz des Regelwerks gewahrt und die Abarbeitung der Regeln optimiert. Endresultat ist ein neuartiges hybrides Diagnosekonzept, welches signal- und modellgestützte Verfahren der Merkmalsgewinnung mit wissensbasierten Methoden der Fehlerdiagnose kombiniert. Das entwickelte Diagnosekonzept ist für die Anpassung an unterschiedliche Anforderungen und Anwendungen bei rotierenden Maschinen konzipiert.
This paper investigates both theoretically and experimentally the effect of the location and number of sensors and magnetic bearing actuators on both global and local vibration reduction along a rotor using a feedforward control scheme. Theoretical approaches developed for the active control of beams have been shown to be useful as simplified models for the rotor scenario. This paper also introduces the time-domain LMS feedforward control strategy, used widely in the active control of sound and vibration, as an alternative control methodology to the frequency-domain feedforward approaches commonly presented in the literature. Results are presented showing that for any case where the same number of actuators and error sensors are used there can be frequencies at which large increases in vibration away from the error sensors can occur. It is also shown that using a larger number of error sensors than actuators results in better global reduction of vibration but decreased local reduction. Overall, the study demonstrated that an analysis of actuator and sensor locations when feedforward control schemes are used is necessary to ensure that harmful increased vibrations do not occur at frequencies away from rotor-bearing natural frequencies or at points along the rotor not monitored by error sensors.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The PediaFlow pediatric ventricular assist device is a miniature magnetically levitated mixed flow pump under development for circulatory support of newborns and infants (3-15 kg) with a targeted flow range of 0.3-1.5 L/min. The first generation design of the PediaFlow (PF1) was manufactured with a weight of approximately 100 g, priming volume less than 2 mL, length of 51 mm, outer diameter of 28 mm, and with 5-mm blood ports. PF1 was evaluated in an in vitro flow loop for 6 h and implanted in ovines for three chronic experiments of 6, 17, and 10 days. In the in vitro test, normalized index of hemolysis was 0.0087 ± 0.0024 g/100L. Hemodynamic performance and blood biocompatibility of PF1 were characterized in vivo by measurements of plasma free hemoglobin, plasma fibrinogen, total plasma protein, and with novel flow cytometric assays to quantify circulating activated ovine platelets. The mean plasma free hemoglobin values for the three chronic studies were 4.6 ± 2.7, 13.3 ± 7.9, and 8.8 ± 3.3 mg/dL, respectively. Platelet activation was low for portions of several studies but consistently rose along with observed animal and pump complications. The PF1 prototype generated promising results in terms of low hemolysis and platelet activation in the absence of complications. Hemodynamic results validated the magnetic bearing design and provided the platform for design iterations to meet the objective of providing circulatory support for young children with exceptional biocompatibility.
Purpose: To evaluate patellar kinematics of volunteers Without knee pain at rest and during isometric contraction in open- and closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Methods: Twenty individuals took part in this study. All were submitted to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) during rest and voluntary isometric contraction (VIC) in the open anti closed kinetic chain at 15 degrees, 30 degrees, and 45 degrees of knee flexion. Through MRI and using medical e-film software, the following measurements were evaluated: sulcus angle, patellar-tilt angle, and bisect offset. The mixed-effects linear model was used for comparison between knee positions, between rest and isometric contractions, and between (he exercises. Results: Data analysis revealed that the sulcus angle decreased as knee flexion increased and revealed increases with isometric contractions in both the open and closed kinetic chain for all knee-flexion angles. The patellar-tilt angle decreased with isometric contractions in both the open and closed kinetic chain for every knee position. However, in the closed kinetic chain, patellar tilt increased significantly with the knee flexed at 15 degrees. The bisect offset increased with the knee flexed at 15 degrees during isometric contractions and decreased as knee flexion increased during both exercises. Conclusion: VIC in the last degrees of knee extension may compromise patellar dynamics. On the other hand, it is possible to favor patellar stability by performing muscle contractions with the knee flexed at 30 degrees and 45 degrees in either the open or closed kinetic chain.
In the last decade, evidence has emerged indicating that the growth of a vast majority of tumors including gliomas is sustained by a subpopulation of cancer cells with stem cell properties called cancer initiating cells. These cells are able to initiate and propagate tumors and constitute only a fraction of all tumor cells. In the present study, we showed that intracerebral injection of cultured glioma-initiating cells into nude mice produced fast growing tumors showing necrosis and gadolinium enhancement in MR images, whereas gliomas produced by injecting freshly purified glioma-initiating cells grew slowly and showed no necrosis and very little gadolinium enhancement. Using proton localized spectroscopy at 14.1 Tesla, decreasing trends of N-acetylaspartate, glutamate and glucose concentrations and an increasing trend of glycine concentration were observed near the injection site after injecting cultured glioma-initiating cells. In contrast to the spectra of tumors grown from fresh cells, those from cultured cells showed intense peaks of lipids, increased absolute concentrations of glycine and choline-containing compounds, and decreased concentrations of glutamine, taurine and total creatine, when compared with a contralateral non-tumor-bearing brain tissue. A decrease in concentrations of N-acetylaspartate and γ-aminobutyrate was found in both tumor phenotypes after solid tumor formation. Further investigation is needed to determine the cause of the dissimilarities between the tumors grown from cultured glioma-initiating cells and those from freshly purified glioma-initiating cells, both derived from human glioblastomas.
The aim of this thesis research was to gain a better understanding of the emplacement of rapakivi granite intrusions, as well as the emplacement of gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids in structurally controlled mineralizations. Based on investigations of the magnetic fabric, the internal structures could be analysed and the intrusion mechanisms for rapakivi granite intrusions and respectively different deformation stages within gold-bearing shear and fault zones identified. Aeromagnetic images revealed circular structures within the rapakivi granite batholiths of Wiborg, Vehmaa and Åland. These circular structures represent intrusions that eventually build up these large batholiths. The rapakivi granite intrusions of Vehmaa, Ruotsinpyhtää within the Wiborg batholith and Saltvik intrusions within the Åland batholith all show bimodal magnetic susceptibilities with paramagnetic and ferromagnetic components. The distribution of the bimodality is related to different magma batches of the studied intrusions. The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) reveals internal structures that cannot be studied macroscopically or by microscope. The Ruotsinpyhtää and Vehmaa intrusions represent similar intrusion geometries, with gently to moderately outward dipping magnetic foliations. In the case of Vehmaa, the magnetic lineations are gently plunging and trend in the directions of the slightly elongated intrusion. The magnetic lineations represent magma flow. The shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are also more planar (oblate) in the central part of the intrusion, whereas they become more linear (prolate) near the margin. These AMS results, together with field observations, indicate that the main intrusion mechanism has involved the subsidence of older blocks with successive intrusion of fractionated magma during repeated cauldron subsidence. The Saltvik area within the Åland batholith consists of a number of smaller elliptical intrusions of different rapakivi types forming a multiple intrusive complex. The magnetic fabric shows a general westward dipping of the pyterlite and eastward dipping of the contiguous even-grained rapakivi granite, which indicates a central inflow of magma batches towards the east and west resulting from a laccolitic emplacement of magma batches, while the main mechanism for space creation was derived from subsidence. The magnetic fabric of structurally controlled gold potential shear and fault zones in Jokisivu, Satulinmäki and Koijärvi was investigated in order to describe the internal structures and define the deformation history and emplacement of hydrothermal fluids. A further aim of the research was to combine AMS studies with palaeomagnetic methods to constrain the timing for the shearing event relative to the precipitation of ferromagnetic minerals and gold. All of the studied formations are dominated by monoclinic pyrrhotite. The AMS directions generally follow the tectonic structures within the formations. However, internal variations in the AMS direction as well as the shapes of the AMS ellipsoids are observed within the shear zones. In Jokisivu and Satulinmäki in particular, the magnetic signatures of the shear zone core differ from the margins. Furthermore, the shape of the magnetic fabric in the shear zone core of Jokisivu is dominated by oblate shapes, whereas the margins exhibit prolate shapes. These variations indicate a later effect of the hydrothermal fluids on the general shear event. The palaeo-magnetic results reveal a deflection from the original Svecofennian age geomagnetic direction. These results, coupled with correlations between the orientation of the NRM vectors and the magnetic and rock fabrics, imply that the gold-rich hydrothermal fluids were emplaced pre/syntectonically during the late stages of the Svecofennian orogeny.