103 resultados para lysosome


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Melanosomes are a type of lysosome-related organelle that is commonly defective in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. Biogenesis of melanosomes is regulated by BLOC-1, -2, -3, or AP-1, -3 complexes, which mediate cargo transport from recycling endosomes to melanosomes. Although several Rab GTPases have been shown to regulate these trafficking steps, the precise role of Rab9A remains unknown. Here, we found that a cohort of Rab9A associates with the melanosomes and its knockdown in melanocytes results in hypopigmented melanosomes due to mistargeting of melanosomal proteins to lysosomes. In addition, the Rab9A-depletion phenotype resembles Rab38/ 32-inactivated or BLOC-3-deficient melanocytes, suggesting that Rab9A works in line with BLOC-3 and Rab38/ 32 during melanosome cargo transport. Furthermore, silencing of Rab9A, Rab38/ 32 or its effector VARP, or BLOC-3-deficiency in melanocytes decreased the length of STX13-positive recycling endosomal tubules and targeted the SNARE to lysosomes. This result indicates a defect in directing recycling endosomal tubules to melanosomes. Thus, Rab9A and its co-regulatory GTPases control STX13-mediated cargo delivery to maturing melanosomes.


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A doença de Parkinson (DP) é a desordem neurodegenerativa motora mais frequente, com uma prevalência de, aproximadamente, 1% entre indivíduos com mais de 60 anos de idade, aumentando para 4 a 5% entre os indivíduos com idade superior a 85 anos. Esta condição é caracterizada pela perda seletiva dos neurônios dopaminérgicos da substância negra e pela presença de inclusões protéicas ricas em α-sinucleína nos neurônios sobreviventes. Pouco se sabe sobre a etiologia e a patogênese da DP. A maioria dos casos aparece esporadicamente, podendo estar associados a diversos fatores de risco ambientais e genéticos. Na última década, estudos de ligação identificaram 15 loci cromossômicos (PARK1 a PARK15) relacionados à DP e, nestes, um novo gene, ATP13A2, tem sido associado a casos de DP de início precoce. Esse gene está situado no 1p36 e codifica a proteína ATPase tipo-P da subfamília P5, de localização lisossômica, que é expressa em diversos tecidos, principalmente no cérebro. Mutações em ATP13A2 levam à formação de proteínas truncadas que ficam retidas no reticulo endoplasmático e posteriormente são degradadas pelo proteossomo, podendo causar a disfunção proteossômica, decorrente da sobrecarga gerada pela proteína mutante, ou causar a disfunção lisossômica, ambas gerando agregação tóxica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo realizar a análise molecular do gene ATP13A2 em uma amostra de 116 pacientes brasileiros com DP, de manifestação precoce (<50 anos), de forma a avaliar se mutações neste gene representam um fator de risco para a DP. O DNA foi extraído a partir de leucócitos do sangue periférico ou de saliva e a análise molecular dos éxons 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 26 e 27, bem como, dos limites íntronéxons foi realizada por sequenciamento automático dos produtos da PCR. Identificamos oito variantes de sequência: quatro variantes intrônicas (uma no íntron 2, uma no íntron 13 e duas no íntron 27) e quatro variantes silenciosas (uma no éxon 3, 16, 26 e 27). Com base em dados da literatura e através de análises in silico e comparação com amostras controle, classificamos a alteração intrônica c.3084- 3C>T, e as alterações silenciosas c.2970G>A e c.3192C>T como não patogênicas; as alterações intrônicas c.106-30G>T, c.1306+42_1306+43 insC e c.3083+24C>T, e as alterações silenciosas c.132A>G e c.1610G>T foram classificadas como provavelmente não patogênicas. Nosso achados corroboram àqueles encontrados em outras populações e indicam que mutações no gene ATP13A2 não são uma causa comum de DP na amostra de pacientes brasileiros analisados. No entanto, se faz necessário estender nossas análises para outras regiões gênicas, a fim de determinar o real papel deste gene na etiologia da DP em nossa população.


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Estreptococos do grupo B (EGB), principalmente sorotipo III são a principal causa de pneumonia neonatal, sepse e meningite. O potencial de virulência das amostras de EGB pode determinar a colonização ou a infecção do hospedeiro. Como o pulmão constitui uns dos primeiros órgãos durante o processo de invasão sistêmica por EGB, nós decidimos investigar os mecanismos de adesão e invasão de amostras do sorotipo III (90356-líquor e 80340-vagina) com linhagem de células epiteliais do pulmão humano (A549). Desta forma, o principal objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a capacidade de aderência e invasão de duas amostras de EGB sorotipo III com células de epiteliais pulmonares A549, a persistência bacteriana intracelular, a fusão com compartimentos acídicos, potencial citotóxico e indução de apoptose. As amostras mostraram capacidade de aderir e invadir o epitélio pulmonar A549, onde a amostra 90356-líquor isolada de paciente a que apresentou maior propriedade adesiva e invasiva que a amostra 80340-vagina (p<0,05). Ambas as cepas mostraram persistência intracelular sem replicação no interior do epitélio respiratório até 24h de incubação. Além disso, verificamos que os EGB são capazes de promover vacuolização celular permanecendo viáveis dentro de vacúolos acídicos, sugerindo a ocorrência de fusão lisossomo-fagossomo. A amostra 90356-líquor também mostrou maior citotoxidade quando comparada com a amostra 80340-vagina. A análise por citometria de fluxo demonstrou, pela primeira vez, que o EGB induz apoptose em epitélio respiratório, podendo representar um mecanismo importante para o desenvolvimento da lesão celular aguda e a patogênese bacteriana.


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Field and experimental studies were conducted to investigate pathological characterizations and biochemical responses in the liver and kidney of the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp after intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of microcystins (MCs) and exposure to natural cyanobacterial blooms in Meiliang Bay, Lake Taihu. Bighead carp in field and laboratory studies showed a progressive recovery of structure and function in terms of histological, cellular, and biochemical features. In laboratory study, when fish were i.p. injected with extracted MCs at the doses of 200 and 500 mu g MC- LReq/kg body weight, respectively, liver pathology in bighead carp was observed in a time dose-dependent manner within 24 h postinjection and characterized by disruption of liver structure, condensed cytoplasm, and the appearance of massive hepatocytes with karyopyknosis, karyorrhexis, and karyolysis. In comparison with previous studies on other fish, bighead carp in field study endured higher MC doses and longer-term exposure, but displayed less damage in the liver and kidney. Ultrastructural examination in the liver revealed the presence of lysosome proliferation, suggesting that bighead carp might eliminate or lessen cell damage caused by MCs through lysosome activation. Biochemically, sensitive responses in the antioxidant enzymes and higher basal glutathione concentrations might be responsible for their powerful resistance to MCs, suggesting that bighead carp can be used as biomanipulation fish to counteract cyanotoxin contamination.


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Up to now, in vivo studies on the toxic effects of microcystins (MCs) on the ultrastructures of fish liver have been very limited. The phytoplanktivorous silver carp was injected i.p. with extracted hepatotoxic microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at a dose of 1000 mu g MC-LReq. kg(-1) body weight, showing a time-dependent ultrastructural change in liver as well as significant increases in enzyme activity of plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). We observed for the first time the occurrence of a large amount of activated secondary lysosomes, which might be an adaptive mechanism to eliminate or lessen cell damage caused by MCs through lysosome activation. Quantitative and qualitative determinations of MCs in the liver were conducted by HPLC and LC-MS2, respectively. MCs concentration in the liver reached the maximum (114.20 mu g g(-1) dry weight) after 3 h post-injection, and then rapidly dropped to 7.57 mu g g(-1) dry weight at 48 h, indicating a deputation of 99% accumulated MC-LReq. On the other hand, a decrease trend in glutathione (GSH) concentration was observed in the liver of silver carp while the activity of glutathione S-transferase (GST) increased significantly after injection. The high tolerance of silver carp to MCs might be due to the high basic GSH level in their liver, and/or an increased GSH synthesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Many experimental studies have documented the impact of microcystins (MC) on fish based on either intraperitoneal injection, or oral gavaging via the diet, but few experiments were conducted by MC exposure through natural food uptake in lakes. In this study, the phytoplanktivorous silver carp were stocked in a large pen set in Meiliang Bay of Taihu Lake where toxic Microcystis blooms occurred in the warm seasons. Fish samples were collected monthly and MC concentrations in liver and kidney of the fish were determined by LC-MS. The maximum MC concentrations in liver and kidney were present in July when damages in ultrastructures of the liver and kidney were revealed by electron microscope. In comparison with previous studies on common carp, silver carp showed less damage and presence of lysosome proliferation in liver and kidney. Silver carp might eliminate or lessen cell damage caused by MC through lysosome activation. Recovery in the ultrastructures of liver and kidney after Microcystis blooms was companied with a significant decrease or even disappearance of MC. Catalase and glutathione S-transferase in liver and kidney of silver carp during Microcystis blooms were significantly higher than before and after Microcystis blooms. The high glutathione pool in liver and kidney of silver carp suggests their high resistance to MC exposure. The efficient antioxidant defence may be an important mechanism of phytoplanktivorous fish like silver carp to counteract toxic Microcystis blooms. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Microarray technique was used to analyze the gene expression profiles of shrimp when they were challenged by WSSV and heat-inactivated Vibrio anguillarum, respectively. At 6 h post challenge (HPC), a total of 806 clones showed differential expression profile in WSSV-challenged samples, but not in Vibrio-challenged samples. The genes coding energy metabolism enzyme and structure protein were the most downregulated elements in 6 h post WSSV-challenged (HPC-WSSV) tissues. However, a total of 155 clones showed differential expression in the Vibrio-challenged samples, but not in WSSV-challenged samples. Serine-type endopeptidase and lysosome-related genes were the most upregulated elements in tissues 6 h post Vibrio challenge (HPC-Vibrio). Totally, 188 clones showed differential expression in both 6 and 12 HPC-WSSV and HPC-Vibrio samples. Most of the differentially expressed genes (185/188) were downregulated in the samples of 12 HPC-WSSV, whereas upregulated in the samples at 6 and 12 HPC-Vibrio and 6 HPC-WSSV. The expression profiles of three differentially expressed genes identified in microarray hybridization were analyzed in hemocytes, lymphoid organ, and hepatopancreas of shrimp challenged by WSSV or Vibrio through real-time PCR. The results further confirmed the microarray hybridization results. The data will provide great help for us in understanding the immune mechanism of shrimp responding to WSSV or Vibrio.


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The effects of infection of EGFP-expressing Escherichia coli on the haemocytes of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis were investigated. The results showed that THC of the infected individuals changed significantly. Hyaline amoebocytes phagocytosed E. coli in 5 min and excreted lysosome particles that attached to the surface of the bacteria. Granular amoebocytes released lots of particles for Immoral immunity while stem-cell-like haemocytes remained intact. With the increase in THC, the stem-cell-like haemocytes showed division and proliferation. A small portion of hyaline amoebocytes was at early apoptosis stage I h after infection and typical apoptosis bodies emerged in granular amoebocytes. A few of the infected haemocytes showed DNA damage using SCGE assay. Flow cytometry analysis revealed an obvious apoptosis peak in infected haemocytes. In conclusion, apoptosis was found to be an important immune response of ascidian haemocytes response to bacterial infection. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of apoptosis of haemocytes in ascidians. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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This thesis investigates the mechanisms by which HRG-1 contributes to the invasive and cytoprotective signalling pathways in cancer cells through its effects on VATPase activity and heme transport. Plasma membrane-localised V-ATPase activity correlates with enhanced metastatic potential in cancer cells, which is attributed to extrusion of protons into the extracellular space and activation of pH-sensitive, extracellular matrix degrading-proteases. We found that HRG-1 is co-expressed with the V-ATPase at the plasma membrane of certain aggressive cancer cell types. Modulation of HRG-1 expression altered both the localisation and activity of the VATPase. We also found that HRG-1 enhances trafficking of essential transporters such as the glucose transporter (GLUT-1) in cancer cells, and increases glucose uptake, which is required for cancer cell growth, metabolism and V-ATPase assembly. Heme is potentially cytotoxic, owing to its iron moiety, and therefore the trafficking of heme is tightly controlled in cells. We hypothesised that HRG-1 is required for the transport of heme to intracellular compartments. Importantly, we found that HRG-1 interacts with the heme oxygenases that are necessary for heme catabolism. HRG-1 is also required for trafficking of both heme-bound and nonheme-bound receptors and suppression of HRG-1 results in perturbed receptor trafficking to the lysosome. Suppression of HRG-1 in HeLa cells increases toxic heme accumulation, reactive oxygen species accumulation, and DNA damage resulting in caspasedependent cell death. Mutation of essential heme binding residues in HRG-1 results in decreased heme binding to HRG-1. Interestingly, cells expressing heme-binding HRG-1 mutants exhibit decreased internalisation of the transferrin receptor compared to cells expressing wildtype HRG-1. These findings suggest that HRG- 1/heme trafficking contributes to a hitherto unappreciated aspect of receptormediated endocytosis. Overall, the findings of this thesis show that HRG-1-mediated regulation of intracellular and extracellular pH through V-ATPase activity is essential for a functioning endocytic pathway. This is critical for cells to acquire nutrients such as folate, iron and glucose and to mediate signalling in response to growth factor activation. Thus, HRG-1 facilitates enhanced metabolic activity of cancer cells to enable tumour growth and metastasis.


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Autophagy has been predominantly studied as a nonselective self-digestion process that recycles macromolecules and produces energy in response to starvation. However, autophagy independent of nutrient status has long been known to exist. Recent evidence suggests that this form of autophagy enforces intracellular quality control by selectively disposing of aberrant protein aggregates and damaged organelles--common denominators in various forms of neurodegenerative diseases. By definition, this form of autophagy, termed quality-control (QC) autophagy, must be different from nutrient-regulated autophagy in substrate selectivity, regulation and function. We have recently identified the ubiquitin-binding deacetylase, HDAC6, as a key component that establishes QC. HDAC6 is not required for autophagy activation per se; rather, it is recruited to ubiquitinated autophagic substrates where it stimulates autophagosome-lysosome fusion by promoting F-actin remodeling in a cortactin-dependent manner. Remarkably, HDAC6 and cortactin are dispensable for starvation-induced autophagy. These findings reveal that autophagosomes associated with QC are molecularly and biochemically distinct from those associated with starvation autophagy, thereby providing a new molecular framework to understand the emerging complexity of autophagy and therapeutic potential of this unique machinery.


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In the biological sciences, stereological techniques are frequently used to infer changes in structural parameters (volume fraction, for example) between samples from different populations or subject to differing treatment regimes. Non-homogeneity of these parameters is virtually guaranteed, both between experimental animals and within the organ under consideration. A two-stage strategy is then desirable, the first stage involving unbiased estimation of the required parameter, separately for each experimental unit, the latter being defined as a subset of the organ for which homogeneity can reasonably be assumed. In the second stage, these point estimates are used as data inputs to a hierarchical analysis of variance, to distinguish treatment effects from variability between animals, for example. Techniques are therefore required for unbiased estimation of parameters from potentially small numbers of sample profiles. This paper derives unbiased estimates of linear properties in one special case—the sampling of spherical particles by transmission microscopy, when the section thickness is not negligible and the resulting circular profiles are subject to lower truncation. The derivation uses the general integral equation formulation of Nicholson (1970); the resulting formulae are simplified, algebraically, and their efficient computation discussed. Bias arising from variability in slice thickness is shown to be negligible in typical cases. The strategy is illustrated for data examining the effects, on the secondary lysosomes in the digestive cells, of exposure of the common mussel to hydrocarbons. Prolonged exposure, at 30 μg 1−1 total oil-derived hydrocarbons, is seen to increase the average volume of a lysosome, and the volume fraction that lysosomes occupy, but to reduce their number.


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Bursaphelenchus xylophilus is the nematode responsible for a devastating epidemic of pine wilt disease in Asia and Europe, and represents a recent, independent origin of plant parasitism in nematodes, ecologically and taxonomically distinct from other nematodes for which genomic data is available. As well as being an important pathogen, the B. xylophilus genome thus provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution and mechanism of plant parasitism. Here, we present a high-quality draft genome sequence from an inbred line of B. xylophilus, and use this to investigate the biological basis of its complex ecology which combines fungal feeding, plant parasitic and insect-associated stages. We focus particularly on putative parasitism genes as well as those linked to other key biological processes and demonstrate that B. xylophilus is well endowed with RNA interference effectors, peptidergic neurotransmitters (including the first description of ins genes in a parasite) stress response and developmental genes and has a contracted set of chemosensory receptors. B. xylophilus has the largest number of digestive proteases known for any nematode and displays expanded families of lysosome pathway genes, ABC transporters and cytochrome P450 pathway genes. This expansion in digestive and detoxification proteins may reflect the unusual diversity in foods it exploits and environments it encounters during its life cycle. In addition, B. xylophilus possesses a unique complement of plant cell wall modifying proteins acquired by horizontal gene transfer, underscoring the impact of this process on the evolution of plant parasitism by nematodes. Together with the lack of proteins homologous to effectors from other plant parasitic nematodes, this confirms the distinctive molecular basis of plant parasitism in the Bursaphelenchus lineage. The genome sequence of B. xylophilus adds to the diversity of genomic data for nematodes, and will be an important resource in understanding the biology of this unusual parasite.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common inherited lethal disease in Caucasians which results in multiorgan dysfunction. However, 85% of the deaths are due to pulmonary infections. Infection by Burkholderia cenocepacia (B. cepacia) is a particularly lethal threat to CF patients because it causes severe and persistent lung inflammation and is resistant to nearly all available antibiotics. In CFTR Delta F508 (Delta F508) mouse macrophages, B. cepacia persists in vacuoles that do not fuse with the lysosomes and mediates increased production of IL-1 beta. It is believed that intracellular bacterial survival contributes to the persistence of the bacterium. Here we show for the first time that in wild-type but not in Delta F508 macrophages, many B. cepacia reside in autophagosomes that fuse with lysosomes at later stages of infection. Accordingly, association and intracellular survival of B. cepacia are higher in CFTR-Delta F508 macrophages than in WT macrophages. An autophagosome is a compartment that engulfs nonfunctional organelles and parts of the cytoplasm then delivers them to the lysosome for degradation to produce nutrients during periods of starvation or stress. Furthermore, we show that B. cepacia downregulates autophagy genes in WT and Delta F508 macrophages. However, autophagy dysfunction is more pronounced in Delta F508 macrophages since they already have compromised autophagy activity. We demonstrate that the autophagy-stimulating agent, rapamycin markedly decreases B. cepacia infection in vitro by enhancing the clearance of B. cepacia via induced autophagy. In vivo, rapamycin decreases bacterial burden in the lungs of CF mice and drastically reduces signs of lung inflammation. Together, our studies reveal that if efficiently activated, autophagy can control B. cepacia infection and ameliorate the associated inflammation. Therefore, autophagy is a novel target for new drug development for CF patients to control B. cepacia infection and accompanying inflammation.


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The Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) is a group of opportunistic bacteria chronically infecting the airways of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Several laboratories have shown that Bcc members, in particular B. cenocepacia, survive within a membrane-bound vacuole inside phagocytic and epithelial cells. We have previously demonstrated that intracellular B. cenocepacia causes a delay in phagosomal maturation, as revealed by impaired acidification and slow accumulation of the late phagolysosomal marker LAMP-1. In this study, we demonstrate that uninfected cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-defective macrophages or normal macrophages treated with a CFTR-specific drug inhibitor display normal acidification. However, after ingestion of B. cenocepacia, acidification and phagolysosomal fusion of the bacteria-containing vacuoles occur in a lower percentage of CFTR-negative macrophages than CFTR-positive cells, suggesting that loss of CFTR function contributes to enhance bacterial intracellular survival. The CFTR-associated phagosomal maturation defect was absent in macrophages exposed to heat-inactivated B. cenocepacia and macrophages infected with a non-CF pathogen such as Salmonella enterica, an intracellular pathogen that once internalized rapidly traffics to acidic compartments that acquire lysosomal markers. These results suggest that not only a defective CFTR but also viable B. cenocepacia are required for the altered trafficking phenotype. We conclude that CFTR may play a role in the mechanism of clearance of the intracellular infection, as we have shown before that B. cenocepacia cells localized to the lysosome lose cell envelope integrity. Therefore, the prolonged maturation arrest of the vacuoles containing B. cenocepacia within cftr(-/-) macrophages could be a contributing factor in the persistence of the bacteria within CF patients.