999 resultados para lp(a)


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Elevated plasma levels of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA2) activity have been shown to be associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease and an inhibitor of this enzyme is under development for the treatment of that condition. A Val279Phe null allele in this gene, that may influence patient eligibility for treatment, is relatively common in East Asians but has not been observed in Europeans. We investigated the existence and functional effects of low frequency alleles in a Western European population by re-sequencing the exons of PLA2G7 in 2000 samples. In all, 19 non-synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) were found, 14 in fewer than four subjects (minor allele frequency <0.1%). Lp-PLA2 activity was significantly lower in rare nsSNP carriers compared with non-carriers (167.8±63.2 vs 204.6±41.8, P=0.01) and seven variants had enzyme activities consistent with a null allele. The cumulative frequency of these null alleles was 0.25%, so <1 in 10,000 Europeans would be expected to be homozygous, and thus not potentially benefit from treatment with an Lp-PLA2 inhibitor.


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In this work, a novel device based on polyacrylamide (PAAm) hydrogels and KL - DeOH - H2O lyotropic liquid crystal (LLC), with potential for application as Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals (PDLC), was proposed and its properties characterized. The confinement of LLC promoted significant changes in spectroscopic, morphological, optical, hydrophilic, structural and mechanical properties due to the interaction between the LLC-PAAm matrix and entropic parameter changes. The mechanical and structural properties can be controlled by adjusting AAm, temperature and presence of LLC, which can be useful for technological applications of these systems in optical devices.


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La phospholipase A2 liée aux lipoprotéines (Lp-PLA2) est une biomarqueur de plusieurs maladies inflammatoires et une niveau sérique élevé est associé à l’instabilité de la plaque artérioscléreuse. Comme son nom l’indique, la Lp-PLA2 est liée aux lipoprotéines plasmatiques (LDL et HDL) et son rôle est de prévenir l’accumulation de phospholipides oxidés a la surface des lipoprotéines. Toutefois, les produits de dégradation des phospholipides oxidés par la Lp-PLA2 - le lysophosphatidyl choline par les acides gras oxidés peuvent aussi promouvoir l’inflammation. Mieux comprendre le métabolisme de la Lp-PLA2 pourrait nous permettre de mieux apprécier son rôle dans la formation d’une plaque artérioscléreuse instable, car des études antérieures ont démontré une forte expression de la Lp-PLA2 dans la plaque. De plus, il existe une forte corrélation entre les niveaux et l’activité plasmatiques de la Lp-PLA2 et la maladie coronarienne, les accidents cérébraux-vasculaires et la mortalité cardiaque. L’inhibition de la Lp-PLA2 avec une petite molécule, le darapladib, n’a pas démontré de bénéfice sur les évènements cardiovasculaires dans deux études cliniques. Cette thèse présentera d’abord une revue de la littérature sur la Lp-PLA2 et les maladies cardiovasculaires et les deuxième et troisième chapitres, une étude clinique réalisée sur des patients avec un syndrome coronarien aigu.


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A dissertação é um estudo de caso que tem como objetivo mapear a margem de contribuição, gastos e lucros na cadeia de distribuição do gás de cozinhas no Brasil. O trabalho focaliza o mapeamento da cadeia de valor a partir de uma das 21 distribuidoras de Gás LP e suas revendas em uma de suas áreas de atuação. Para o mapeamento dos custos e despesas fixos da distribuidora e de seus revendores foi utilizado o custeio baseado em atividade - ABC. Para o mapeamento do lucro foi utilizado o lucro antes dos juros, impostos, depreciação e amortização - Ebitda. Após o mapeamento buscou-se identificar as principais variáveis que explicam a atual configuração Ebitda da distribuidora e de suas revendas. Para isso foram geradas regressões de dados para entender o lucro unitário (reais por botijão de gás) da distribuidora e de suas mais de 500 revendas em uma das áreas de atuação. O resultado mostra uma estimativa de como a margem de contribuição, gastos e lucros na cadeia de distribuição do gás de cozinha no Brasil para o ano de 2007 se dividem entre as distribuidoras e revendedores de Gás LP domiciliar em termos percentual e unitário. Também foram explicadas quais as variáveis que mais impactam no Ebitda da distribuidora e revendas do estudo de caso. Por fim, o trabalho discute o potencial da metodologia de análise de mapeamento através do profit pool na cadeia de valor da indústria ao longo do texto e na conclusão do trabalho.


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This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming model to solve the conductor size selection and reconductoring problem in radial distribution systems. In the proposed model, the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system is modeled through linear expressions. The use of a mixed-integer linear model guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The proposed model and a heuristic are used to obtain the Pareto front of the conductor size selection and reconductoring problem considering two different objective functions. The results of one test system and two real distribution systems are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique. © 1969-2012 IEEE.


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The problem of reconfiguration of distribution systems considering the presence of distributed generation is modeled as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem in this paper. The demands of the electric distribution system are modeled through linear approximations in terms of real and imaginary parts of the voltage, taking into account typical operating conditions of the electric distribution system. The use of an MILP formulation has the following benefits: (a) a robust mathematical model that is equivalent to the mixed-integer non-linear programming model; (b) an efficient computational behavior with exiting MILP solvers; and (c) guarantees convergence to optimality using classical optimization techniques. Results from one test system and two real systems show the excellent performance of the proposed methodology compared with conventional methods. © 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming model to solve the problem of allocating voltage regulators and fixed or switched capacitors (VRCs) in radial distribution systems. The use of a mixed-integer linear model guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. In the proposed model, the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system is modeled through linear expressions. The results of one test system and one real distribution system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique. An heuristic to obtain the Pareto front for the multiobjective VRCs allocation problem is also presented. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE