787 resultados para lone parent families
Rates of female delinquency, especially for violent crimes, are increasing in most common law countries. At the same time the growth in cyber-bullying, especially among girls, appears to be a related global phenomenon. While the gender gap in delinquency is narrowing in Australia, United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, boys continue to dominate the youth who commit crime and have a virtual monopoly over sexually violent crimes. Indigenous youth continue to be vastly over-represented in the juvenile justice system in every Australian jurisdiction. The Indigenisation of delinquency is a persistent problem in other countries such as Canada and New Zealand. Young people who gather in public places are susceptible to being perceived as somehow threatening or riotous, attracting more than their share of public order policing. Professional football has been marred by repeated scandals involving sexual assault, violence and drunkenness. Given the cultural significance of footballers as role models to thousands, if not millions, of young men around the world, it is vitally important to address this problem. Offending Youth explores these key contemporary patterns of delinquency, the response to these by the juvenile justice agencies and moreover what can be done to address these problems. The book also analyses the major policy and legislative changes from the nineteenth to twenty first centuries, chiefly the shift the penal welfarism to diversion and restorative justice. Using original cases studied by Carrington twenty years ago, Offending Youth illustrates how penal welfarism criminalised young people from socially marginal backgrounds, especially Aboriginal children, children from single parent families, family-less children, state wards and young people living in poverty or in housing commission estates. A number of inquiries in Australia and the United Kingdom have since established that children committed to these institutions, supposedly for their own good, experienced systemic physical, sexual and psychological abuse during their institutionalisation. The book is dedicated to the survivors of these institutions who only now are receiving official recognition of the injustices they suffered. The underlying philosophy of juvenile justice has fundamentally shifted away from penal welfarism to embrace positive policy responses to juvenile crime, such as youth conferencing, cautions, warnings, restorative justice, circle sentencing and diversion examined in the concluding chapter. Offending Youth is aimed at a broad readership including policy makers, juvenile justice professionals, youth workers, families, teachers, politicians as well as students and academics in criminology, policing, gender studies, masculinity studies, Indigenous studies, justice studies, youth studies and the sociology of youth and deviance more generally.-- [from publisher website]
In July 2006 ‘welfare-to-work’ policies were introduced for single parents in Australia. These policies require most single parents with school aged children to be employed or seeking employment of 15-25 hours per week in return for their income support payment. The changes represented a sharp increase in the obligations applying to single parents on income support. This paper is concerned with how the well-being of single mothers who are combining income support and paid employment is being influenced by these stepped up activity requirements. The paper draws on data from semi-structured interviews with 21 Brisbane single mothers. The analysis explores participants’ experiences in the new policy environment utilizing the theoretical framework of ‘relational autonomy’. Relational approaches to autonomy emphasize the importance of relations of dependency and interdependency to the development of autonomy and well-being. The findings indicate that in their dealings with the welfare bureaucracy participants experienced a lack of recognition of their identities as mothers, paid workers and competent decision makers. These experiences have negative consequences for self worth, relational autonomy and ultimately the well-being of single parent families.
This research project investigated the influence of family transitions on children's adjustment and school achievement across the primary school years, in single-parent, re-partnered and two-parent families. The quality of children's relationships with parents, teachers and peers were predictive of more positive outcomes, regardless of family structure. The research analysed data from the Kindergarten Cohort participating in Growing Up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children. Across the age span of the children studied, cumulative effects of any residential or school changes, or decreased family income, associated with family transitions, were more likely to predict poorer child outcomes in behaviour adjustment and school achievement.
The rate of severe depression among women in single-parent and biological families and in a variety of stepfamilies was examined in a large community sample of 13,088 pregnant women in the United Kingdom. Compared with women in biological families and published population rates, women in single-parent families and step-families reported significantly elevated rates of depression. Family-type differences in several risk factors were examined, including cohabiting (vs. married) status, relationship history, and socioeconomic and psychosocial risks, such as crowding, social support, and stressful life events. Family-type differences in depression were mediated partly by differences in social support, stressful life events, and crowding, but a main effect of family type in predicting depression remained after statistically controlling for these risks.
There is increasing evidence that the origins of poor adult health and health inequalities can be traced back to circumstances preceding current socioeconomic position and living conditions. The life-course approach to examining the determinants of health has emphasised that exposure to adverse social and economic circumstances in earlier life or concurrent adverse circumstances due to unfavourable living conditions in earlier life may lead to poor health, health-damaging behaviour, disease or even premature death in adulthood. There is, however, still a lack of knowledge about the contribution of social and economic circumstances in childhood and youth to adult health and health inequalities, and even less is known about how environmental and behavioural factors in adulthood mediate the effects of earlier adverse experiences. The main purpose of this study was to deepen our understanding of the development of poor health, health-damaging behaviours and health inequalities during the life-course. Its aim was to find out which factors in earlier and current circumstances determine health, the most detrimental indicators of health behaviour (smoking, heavy drinking and obesity as a proxy for the balance between nutrition and exercise), and educational health differences in young adults in Finland. Following the ideas of the social pathway theory, it was assumed that childhood environment affects adult health and its proximal determinants via different pathways, including educational, work and family careers. Early adulthood was studied as a significant phase of life when many behavioural patterns and living conditions relevant to health are established. In addition, socioeconomic health inequalities seem to emerge rapidly when moving into adulthood; they are very small or non-existent in childhood and adolescence, but very marked by early middle age. The data of this study were collected in 2000 2001 as part of the Health 2000 Survey (N = 9,922), a cross-sectional and nationally representative health interview and examination survey. The main subset of data used in this thesis was the one comprising the age group 18 29 years (N = 1,894), which included information collected by standardised structured computer-aided interviews and self-administered questionnaires. The survey had a very high participation rate at almost 90% for the core questions. According to the results of this study, childhood circumstances predict the health of young adults. Almost all the childhood adversities studied were found to be associated with poor self-rated health and psychological distress in early adulthood, although fewer associations were found with the somatic morbidity typical of young adults. These effects seemed to be more or less independent of the young adult s own education. Childhood circumstances also had a strong effect on smoking and heavy drinking, although current circumstances and education in particular, played a role in mediating this effect. Parental smoking and alcohol abuse had an influence on the corresponding behaviours of offspring. Childhood circumstances had a role in the development of obesity and, to a lesser extent, overweight, particularly in women. The findings support the notion that parental education has a strong effect on early adult obesity, even independently of the young adult s own educational level. There were marked educational differences in self-rated health in early adulthood: those in the lowest educational category were most likely to have average or poorer health. Childhood social circumstances seemed to explain a substantial part of these educational differences. In addition, daily smoking and heavy drinking contributed substantially to educational health differences. However, the contribution of childhood circumstances was largely shared with health behaviours adopted by early adulthood. Employment also shared the effects of childhood circumstances on educational health differences. The results indicate that childhood circumstances are important in determining health, health behaviour and health inequalities in early adulthood. Early recognition of childhood adversities followed by relevant support measures may play an important role in preventing the unfortunate pathways leading to the development of poor health, health-damaging behaviour and health inequalities. It is crucially important to recognise the needs of children living in adverse circumstances as well as children of substance abusing parents. In addition, single-parent families would benefit from support. Differences in health and health behaviours between different sub-groups of the population mean that we can expect to see ever greater health differences when today s generation of young adults grows older. This presents a formidable challenge to national health and social policy as well as health promotion. Young adults with no more than primary level education are at greatest risk of poor health. Preventive policies should emphasise the role of low educational level as a key determinant of health-damaging behaviours and poor health. Keywords: health, health behaviour, health inequalities, life-course, socioeconomic position, education, childhood circumstances, self-rated health, psychological distress, somatic morbidity, smoking, heavy drinking, BMI, early adulthood
Background: Childhood obesity is a global epidemic posing a significant threat to the health and wellbeing of children. To reverse this epidemic, it is essential that we gain a deeper understanding of the complex array of driving factors at an individual, family and wider ecological level. Using a social-ecological framework, this thesis investigates the direction, magnitude and contribution of risk factors for childhood overweight and obesity at multiple levels of influence, with a particular focus on diet and physical activity. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to describe recent trends (from 2002-2012) in childhood overweight and obesity prevalence in Irish school children from the Republic of Ireland. Two datasets (Cork Children’s Lifestyle [CCLaS] Study and the Growing Up in Ireland [GUI] Study) were used to explore determinants of childhood overweight and obesity. Individual lifestyle factors examined were diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. The determinants of physical activity were also explored. Family factors examined were parental weight status and household socio-economic status. The impact of food access in the local area on diet quality and body mass index (BMI) was investigated as an environmental level risk factor. Results: Between 2002 and 2012, the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in Ireland remained stable. There was some evidence to suggest that childhood obesity rates may have decreased slightly though one in four Irish children remained either overweight or obese. In the CCLaS study, overweight and obese children consumed more unhealthy foods than normal weight children. A diet quality score was constructed based on a previously validated adult diet score. Each one unit increase in diet quality was significantly associated with a decreased risk of childhood overweight and obesity. Individual level factors (including gender, being a member of a sports team, weight status) were more strongly associated with physical activity levels than family or environmental factors. Overweight and obese children were more sedentary and less active than normal weight children. There was a dose response relationship between time spent at moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and the risk of childhood obesity independent of sedentary time. In contrast, total sedentary time was not associated with the risk of childhood obesity independent of MVPA though screen time was associated with childhood overweight and obesity. In the GUI Study, only one in five children had 2 normal weight parents (or one normal weight parent in the case of single parent families). Having overweight and obese parents was a significant risk factor for overweight and obesity regardless of socio-economic characteristics of the household. Family income was not associated with the odds of childhood obesity but social class and parental education were important risk factors for childhood obesity. Access to food stores in the local environment did not impact dietary quality or the BMI of Irish children. However, there was some evidence to suggest that the economic resources of the family influenced diet and BMI. Discussion: Though childhood overweight and obesity rates appear to have stabilised over the previous decade, prevalence rates are unacceptably high. As expected, overweight and obesity were associated with a high energy intake and poor dietary quality. The findings also highlight strong associations between physical inactivity and the risk of overweight and obesity, with effect sizes greater than what have been typically found in adults. Important family level determinants of childhood overweight and obesity were also identified. The findings highlight the need for a multifaceted approach, targeting a range of modifiable determinants to tackle the problem. In particular, policies and interventions at the shared family environment or community level may be an effective mean of tackling this current epidemic.
Understanding the impact of political violence on child maladjustment is a matter of international concern. Recent research has advanced a social ecological explanation for relations between political violence and child adjustment. However, conclusions are qualified by the lack of longitudinal tests. Toward examining pathways longitudinally, mothers and their adolescents (M = 12.33, SD = 1.78, at Time 1) from 2-parent families in Catholic and Protestant working class neighborhoods in Belfast, Northern Ireland, completed measures assessing multiple levels of a social ecological model. Utilizing autoregressive controls, a 3-wave longitudinal model test (T1, n = 299; T2, n = 248; T3, n = 197) supported a specific pathway linking sectarian community violence, family conflict, childrens insecurity about family relationships, and adjustment problems.
In this paper we seek to put Irish poverty rates in a comparative European context. We do so in a context whereby the Irish economic boom and EU enlargement have led to increasing reservations being expressed regarding rates deriving from the EU 'at risk of poverty' indicator. Our comparative analysis reports findings for both overall levels of poverty and variation by household reference person characteristics for this indicator and a consistent poverty measure for Ireland, the UK and five smaller European countries spanning a range of welfare regimes. Our findings demonstrate that the distinctiveness of Ireland's situation lies not in the overall levels of poverty per se but in the very high penalties associated with being in a household where the household reference person is a lone parent or excluded from the labour market.
This study examined patterns in adaptation among parents with a child who had moderate to severe persistent asthma. Specifically, we were interested in examining the differences in adaptation between mothers and fathers in which it was hypothesized that gender effects would be obtained in patterns of coping. Eighty-four parents participated in the study, representing 37 intact families in which both parents were present and 13 single-parent families. Within intact families, mothers exhibited greater efforts than fathers in coping patterns including strategies to acquire social support outside the family, enhance self-worth, and decrease psychological tensions. When compared to mothers in single-parent families, mothers within intact families had a greater tendency to use coping patterns related to family integration and cooperation. Such findings demonstrate a need for additional support for mothers in their role in caring for the chronically ill child. The implications of these findings for clinical practice are discussed. Copyright 2002, Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
En dépit de nombreuses interventions en santé reproductive en Afrique subsaharienne, la trilogie « IST/VIH/SIDA - grossesses précoces - avortements » persiste à des niveaux très élevés par rapport aux autres parties du monde. Cela indique que les nombreuses interventions en santé reproductive auprès des adolescents et des jeunes ont enregistré peu de succès en ce qui concerne le changement des comportements sexuels. Ces interventions se focalisent souvent sur l’individu, et négligent les environnements sociaux et culturels dans lesquels se forge le vécu de la sexualité chez les jeunes. Un de ces agents de socialisation est la famille, où les individus naissent, grandissent, et sont socialisés selon les valeurs et normes en vigueur. Fort de ce constat, l’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de resituer l’environnement familial au cœur des débats en santé reproductive chez les adolescents et les jeunes en Afrique subsaharienne. Trois questions spécifiques sont examinées dans cette thèse. Premièrement, elle aborde les associations entre les structures familiales et l’entrée en sexualité. Deuxièmement, elle analyse leurs influences sur les connaissances des modes de transmission et des moyens de prévention du VIH/SIDA. Troisièmement, elle cherche à déterminer les forces potentielles dans les familles dites « à risque » (ayant au plus un parent biologique) à partir de la théorie de résilience selon laquelle des facteurs familiaux et contextuels peuvent atténuer les comportements sexuels à risque chez les adolescents et jeunes. Cette thèse démontre substantiellement que vivre avec ses deux parents biologiques, la nature des relations entre parents/tuteurs et le jeune et un niveau élevé du contrôle parental sont significativement associés à de faibles risques des rapports sexuels prémaritaux. Par contre, les unions polygamiques, un statut socioéconomique élevé du ménage, et le fait d’être orphelin augmentent significativement le risque de rapports sexuels prémaritaux. L’étude démontre aussi que l’environnement familial et la communication sur la sexualité, aussi bien avec les parents/tuteurs qu’avec les pairs, jouent un rôle fondamental dans l’acquisition des connaissances correctes des modes de transmission et de prévention du VIH/SIDA. Néanmoins, le rôle des parents/tuteurs sur l’acquisition des connaissances sur le VIH/SIDA s’avère indirect puisqu’elle repose sur une hypothèse implicite. Seule une mesure directe des connaissances des parents sur les modes de transmission et les moyens de prévention peut mieux rendre compte de cette association. Les résultats obtenus à partir de la théorie de résilience indiquent, dans chaque type de familles, que la qualité des relations entre les parents/tuteurs et le jeune est significativement associée à une faible probabilité de comportement sexuel à risque, défini comme étant la cooccurrence de plusieurs partenaires sexuels au cours de 12 derniers mois et de non-utilisation du condom. Par contre, le contrôle parental est associé à une faible probabilité de comportement sexuel à risque seulement dans les familles à deux parents biologiques. Ce résultat suggère que l’influence du contrôle parental baisse une fois que les jeunes ont eu une expérience sexuelle. Les interventions en santé reproductive devraient promouvoir chez les parents/tuteurs les facteurs familiaux susceptibles de réduire les comportements sexuels à risque.
Le sujet principal de ce texte est une forme très ciblée de ségrégation démographique : la ségrégation selon le type de famille. Cependant, puisque la répartition spatiale des familles mariées, des familles en union libre, des familles monoparentales à chef féminin et de celles à chef masculin ne dépend pas uniquement de leur structure, il faut aussi considérer d'autres facettes de leur identité, notamment leurs caractéristiques socio-économiques et ethnoculturelles. La combinaison de ces facteurs engendre une ségrégation croisée que nous explorons avec les données du recensement de 2006 pour la région métropolitaine de Montréal. Nous utilisons d'abord des indices de ségrégation pour mettre en évidence une ségrégation familiale "brute", puis nous avons recours à des modèles de locational attainment pour déterminer l'effet "net" du type de famille sur le revenu médian du quartier de résidence et sur la distance qui sépare ce quartier du centre-ville. Nous trouvons qu'il existe une interaction importante entre l'appartenance ethnoculturelle, le revenu familial et le type de famille ce qui nous conduit à relativiser les résultats de recherches qui ne prennent pas en compte l'hétérogénéité interne des types de famille.
La pauvreté monoparentale touche de nombreux pays développés au point que la monoparentalité est restée pendant longtemps associée à la pauvreté. Malgré les efforts de l’État-providence, les systèmes de protection sociale s’avèrent souvent inefficaces et inadaptés aux changements de la structure familiale et de la diversité des modes de résidence. Or, les situations des familles monoparentales ne sont pas semblables d’une société à une autre. Certaines sociétés adoptent des régimes providentiels qui offrent des conditions plutôt favorables aux familles quel que soit leur statut (monoparental ou biparental), tandis que d’autres se caractérisent par des systèmes moins égalitaires et moins favorables aux familles monoparentales. Notre thèse cherche à déconstruire le lien entre la pauvreté et la monoparentalité en poussant plus loin la réflexion sur les régimes providentiels. Le bien-être des familles monoparentales dépend des arrangements institutionnels des régimes qui assurent des ressources à travers les trois piliers que sont l’État, le marché et la famille. Certaines sociétés favorisent le pilier de l’État comme principal pourvoyeur de ressources alors que d’autres mettent l’accent sur le marché. Dans d’autres cas, la solidarité familiale est considérée comme étant fondamentale dans le bien-être des individus. Parmi ces trois piliers, il est souvent difficile de trouver la combinaison la plus appropriée pour protéger les familles monoparentales et leur assurer une certaine sécurité et une autonomie économique. Lorsque les gouvernements adoptent la politique de prise en charge des familles monoparentales, ces dernières deviennent très dépendantes de l’assistance sociale et des programmes d’aide publique. Dans un contexte libéral, les mesures d’incitation au travail qui visent les chefs de famille monoparentale ont plutôt tendance à réduire cette dépendance. Mais dans bien des cas, les familles monoparentales sont amenées à dépendre d’un revenu du marché qui ne les aide pas toujours à sortir de la pauvreté. Lorsque nous regardons le troisième pilier, celui de la famille, il s’avère souvent que les solidarités qui proviennent de cette source sont limitées et occasionnelles et nécessitent parfois une réglementation spéciale pour les dynamiser (comme c’est le cas des pensions alimentaires). L’articulation de ces piliers et leur apport au bien-être des familles monoparentales soulève une question fondamentale : Quelles sont les possibilités pour les chefs de famille monoparentale de fonder et maintenir un ménage autonome qui ne soit ni pauvre ni dans la dépendance par rapport à une seule source de revenu qui peut provenir de l’État, du marché ou de la famille ? Pour examiner cette question, nous avons procédé à des comparaisons internationales et interprovinciales à partir des données du Luxembourg Income Study (LIS). Le choix des comparaisons internationales est très utile pour situer le Québec dans un environnement de régimes providentiels avec un cadre théoriquement et conceptuellement structuré pour comprendre les politiques de lutte contre la pauvreté monoparentale. Cette recherche montre principalement que la pauvreté monoparentale est très problématique dans les régimes qui privilégient le marché comme principal pilier de bien-être. Elle l’est aussi dans certains pays qui privilégient les transferts et adoptent des politiques de prise en charge envers les familles monoparentales qui restent largement désavantagées par rapport aux familles biparentales. Par contre, certains régimes favorisent une complémentarité entre ce que peuvent tirer les familles du marché du travail et ce qu’elles peuvent tirer des ressources de l’État. Généralement, ce genre d’approche mène vers des taux de pauvreté plus faibles chez les familles monoparentales. Le Québec fait partie des sociétés où le marché représente une source fondamentale de bien-être. Toutefois, la pauvreté monoparentale est moins problématique que chez ses voisins d’Amérique du Nord. De nombreux chefs de famille monoparentale dans la province occupent des emplois à temps plein sans être désavantagés. Cependant, les chefs de famille monoparentale qui occupent des emplois à temps partiel sont largement plus exposés à la pauvreté. Pourtant, dans certaines sociétés, particulièrement aux Pays-Bas, ce statut d’emploi offre des conditions meilleures pour la conciliation travail-famille.
Familiale Bewegungssozialisation – Zum Einfluss der Herkunftsfamilie auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Grundschulkindern. Die zentrale Fragestellung der Schrift ist, welchen Einfluss die soziale Herkunft auf die Bewegungssozialisation und Bewegungsentwicklung von Kindern im Grundschulalter hat. Die Auswirkungen sozialer Ungleichheit auf die Bewegungssozialisation, insbesondere die motorische Entwicklung, wurden in der Sportwissenschaft noch unzureichend untersucht. Der Arbeit liegt die Sozialisationstheorie von Witte (1994) zugrunde; mit ihrer Hilfe wird versucht die motorische Entwicklung theoriegeleitet zu erklären. Dafür werden Merkmale der Bewegungssozialisation und der motorischen Entwicklung in das theoretische Rahmenkonzept von Witte (1994) eingesetzt. Zu Beginn (Kapitel 1) erklärt die Arbeit den Begriff der sozialen Herkunft. Es werden der soziale Status, die Familienform und der Migrationshintergrund als Bestandteile der sozialen Herkunft definiert. Im weiteren Verlauf (Kapitel 2) wird die Sozialisationsinstanz Familie und die verschiedenen Familienformen vor dem Hintergrund sozialer Ungleichheit dargelegt. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich dem sozialisationstheoretischen Konzept. Es werden die Sozialisationstheorie von Hurrelmann, die Körper- und Bewegungskarriere von Baur und das theoretische Rahmenkonzept der Sozialisation von Witte erklärt. Kapitel 4 beschreibt den Forschungsstand und Kapitel 5 stellt die Modellbildung und die Herleitung der Hypothesen dar. Die empirische Untersuchung fand an ausgewählten Grundschulen der Stadt Kassel statt. Insgesamt wurden 251 Kinder im Alter von 7-10 Jahren mit dem AST 6-11 untersucht und deren Eltern mit einem eigens entwickelten Fragebogen befragt. Die Daten wurden mit Hilfe von multivariaten Verfahren in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich Grundschulkinder hinsichtlich ihrer motorischen Entwicklung nicht in Abhängigkeit der sozialen Herkunft unterscheiden. Jedoch ist das Sportklima der Familien sehr stark abhängig von der sozialen Herkunft. Es wird deutlich, dass Kinder aus sozial benachteiligten Familien, aus Ein-Eltern-Familien und mit Migrationshintergrund schlechtere Möglichkeiten haben sich in ihrer Bewegungssozialisation zu entfalten. Die Prüfung des Sozialisationsmodells zeigt, neben der guten Operationalisierbarkeit des Modells, dass die Modellvariable „Orientierung“ (Orientierung der Familie hinsichtlich der Bedeutung von Bewegung und Sport) den größten Einfluss auf die Bewegungssozialisation von Kindern hat.
El informe pretende dar cuenta de un proceso de intervención realizada en la Secretaría Distrital de Integración Social (SDIS), específicamente en el proyecto “Atención Integral de Personas con Discapacidad, Familias Cuidadoras y Cuidadores, Cerrando Brechas”, cuyos entes a cargo son los Centros Crecer. Dicho así, el proyecto mencionado propone la integración social de niños, niñas y adolescentes en condición de discapacidad cognitiva por medio de la construcción de un proyecto de vida direccionado a los distintos contextos sociales, la cual es acompañada por los cuidadores, que para este caso corresponden mayoritariamente a familiares cercanos a la persona en condición de discapacidad, es decir, madre o padre. No obstante, el objeto de análisis en torno al cual se construye este informe no son los individuos en condición de discapacidad sino aquellos que dedican su vida al cuidado de éstos, es decir, los cuidadores.
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão dos principais modelos de ciclo de vida para posteriormente discutir a necessidade de um modelo específico para o ambiente brasileiro. Apesar de toda discussão sobre a crise na instituição família em função das amplas mudanças ocorridas na sociedade contemporânea, tais como o aumento dos domicílios unipessoais, das famílias chefiadas por mulheres, da média de idade ao se casar, de casais que convivem no mesmo domicílio sem necessariamente estarem casados, da participação da mulher no mercado de trabalho e do crescente poder de compra dos domicílios, o conceito "família" vem se flexibilizando para refletir as transições da rígida estrutura familiar nuclear para novos modelos familiares e os estilos de vida associados a eles. O desafio passa a ser um olhar minucioso para as necessidades específicas desta diversidade de arranjos familiares para uma melhor compreensão dos seus desejos e motivações, bem como as mudanças no decorrer dos vários estágios do ciclo de vida. O presente estudo procurou explorar o construto ciclo de vida familiar como uma importante ferramenta de segmentação, a partir da definição de padrões de consumo de acordo com os principais eventos da vida do individuo e da família. Para verificar a utilidade do modelo desenvolvido, será apresentado um teste feito a partir dos micro dados de uma pesquisa feita pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística em 2002 e 2003. Uma das grandes contribuições deste trabalho é o esforço em desenvolver uma teoria de Marketing, na área de segmentação de mercados, ancorada na realidade brasileira, ao invés de simplesmente copiar modelos desenvolvidos em outros países.