997 resultados para light-cone gauge


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We estimate the two-photon exchange corrections to both proton and neutron electromagnetic physical observables in a relativistic light cone quark model At a fixed Q(2) the corrections are found to be small in magnitudes. but strongly dependent oil scattering angle Our results are comparable to those obtained from simple hadronic model in the medium momentum transfer region (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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In this paper, a real-time formulation of light-cone pp-wave string field theory at finite temperature is presented. This is achieved by developing the thermo field dynamics (TFD) formalism in a second quantized string scenario. The equilibrium thermodynamic quantities for a pp-wave ideal string gas are derived directly from expectation values on the second quantized string thermal vacuum. Also, we derive the real-time thermal pp-wave closed string propagator. In the flat space limit it is shown that this propagator can be written in terms of Theta functions, exactly as the zero temperature one. At the end, we show how superstrings interactions can be introduced, making this approach suitable to study the BMN dictionary at finite temperature.


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The use of light front coordinates in quantum field theories (QFT) always brought some problems and controversies. In this work we explore some aspects of its formalism with respect to the employment of dimensional regularization in the computation of the photon's self-energy at the one-loop level and how the fermion propagator has an important role in the outcoming results.


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In this work we propose two Lagrange multipliers with distinct coefficients for the light-front gauge that leads to the complete (non-reduced) propagator. This is accomplished via (n · A)2 + (∂ · A) 2 terms in the Lagrangian density. These lead to a well-defined and exact though Lorentz non invariant light-front propagator.


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In the light-cone gauge choice for Abelian and non-Abelian gauge fields, the vector boson propagator carries in it an additional spurious or unphysical pole intrinsic to the choice requiring a careful mathematical treatment. Research in this field over the years has shown us that mathematical consistency only is not enough to guarantee physically meaningful results. Whatever the prescription invoked to handle such an object, it has to preserve causality in the process. On the other hand, the covariantization technique is a well-suited one to tackle gauge-dependent poles in the Feynman integrals, dispensing the use of ad hoc prescriptions. In this work we show that the covariantization technique in the light-cone gauge is a direct consequence of the canonical quantization of the theory. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We investigate the effects of light-cone fluctuations over the renormalized vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy tensor of a real massless minimally coupled scalar field defined in a (d+1)-dimensional flat space-time with topology R×Td. For modeling the influence of light-cone fluctuations over the quantum field, we consider a random Klein-Gordon equation. We study the case of centered Gaussian processes. After taking into account all the realizations of the random processes, we present the correction caused by random fluctuations. The averaged renormalized vacuum expectation value of the stress-energy associated with the scalar field is presented. © 2013 World Scientific Publishing Company.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A class of light-cone integrals typical to one-loop calculations in the two-component formalism is considered. For the particular cases considered, convergence is verified though the results cannot be expressed as a finite sum of elementary functions. © 1988 American Institute of Physics.


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We discuss the pure gauge Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gluon propagator in the Landau gauge within an approximation proposed by Mandelstam many years ago. We show that a dynamical gluon mass arises as a solution. This solution is obtained numerically in the full range of momenta that we have considered without the introduction of any ansatz or asymptotic expression in the infrared region. The vertex function that we use follows a prescription formulated by Cornwall to determine the existence of a dynamical gluon mass in the light cone gauge. The renormalization procedure differs from the one proposed by Mandelstam and allows for the possibility of a dynamical gluon mass. Some of the properties of this solution, such as its dependence on A(QCD) and its perturbative scaling behavior are also discussed.


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Applying the principle of analytic extension for generalized functions we derive causal propagators for algebraic non-covariant gauges. The so-generated manifestly causal gluon propagator in the light-cone gauge is used to evaluate two one-loop Feynman integrals which appear in the computation of the three-gluon vertex correction. The result is in agreement with that obtained through the usual prescriptions.


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Although it is not known how to covariantly quantize the Green-Schwarz (GS) superstring, there exists a semi-light-cone gauge choice in which the GS superstring can be quantized in a conformally invariant manner. In this paper, we prove that BRST quantization of the GS superstring in semi-light-cone gauge is equivalent to BRST quantization using the pure spinor formalism for the superstring © SISSA/ISAS 2005.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The covariant quark model of the pion based on the effective nonlocal quark-hadron Lagrangian involving nonlocality induced by instanton fluctuations of the QCD vacuum is reviewed. Explicit gauge invariant formalism allows us to construct the conserved vector and axial currents and to demonstrate their consistency with the Ward-Takahashi identities and low-energy theorems. The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry results in the dynamic quark mass and the vertex of the quark-pion interaction, both momentum-dependent. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, the average size of the instantons, and the effective quark mass are expressed in terms of the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimension quark-gluon operators and low-energy pion observables. The transition pion form factor for the processes gamma*gamma --> pi (0) and gamma*gamma* --> pi (0) is analyzed in detail. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor at high momentum transfers allows one to determine the relationship between the light-cone amplitude of the quark distribution in the pion and the quark-pion vertex function. Its dynamic dependence implies that the transition form factor gamma*gamma --> pi (0) at high momentum transfers is acutely sensitive to the size of the nonlocality of nonperturbative fluctuations in the QCD vacuum. In the leading twist, the distribution amplitude and the distribution function of the valence quarks in the pion are calculated at a low normalization point of the order of the inverse average instanton size rho (-1)(c). The QCD results are evolved to higher momentum transfers and are in reasonable agreement with available experimental data on the pion structure.


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In covariant gauges (CG) regularized with dimensional regularization (DR) it is a standard procedure to set all tadpole Feynman integrals to zero, though; explicitly, they diverge quadratically as the space-time volume. on the other hand, in the notoriously subtle light-front gauge (LTG) some divergent tadpole integrals are said to be nonvanishing, i.e., cannot be set to zero as in the CC case. In this article we analyse the reasons behind this seemingly ambiguous results.