955 resultados para lean manufacturing


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The main objective of this study is to verify the influence of Environmental Management (EM) on Operational Performance (OP) in Brazilian automotive companies, analyzing whether Lean Manufacturing (LM) and Human Resources (HR) interfere in the greening of these companies. Therefore, a conceptual framework listing these concepts was proposed, and three research hypotheses were presented. A questionnaire was elaborated based on this theoretical background and sent to respondents occupying the highest positions in the production/operations areas of Brazilian automotive companies. The data, collected from 75 companies, were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The main results are as follows: (a) the model tested revealed an adequate goodness of fit, showing that overall, the relations proposed between EM and OP and between HR, LM and EM tend to be statistically valid; (b) EM tends to influence OP in a positive and statistically weak manner; (c) LM has a greater influence on EM when compared to the influence HR has over EM; (d) HR has a positive relationship over EM, but the statistical significance of this relationship is less than that of the other evaluated relationships. The originality of this paper lies in its gathering the concepts of EM, LM, HR and OP in a single study, as they generally tend not to be treated jointly. This paper also provided valid empirical evidence for a littlestudied context: the Brazilian automotive sector. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Due to globalization, is increasingly common for companies to make their products more competitive. With this background, the industries seek more efficient ways to produce. This paper aims to examine the tools of Lean Manufacturing applied in an industry luminaries ,addressing the positive aspects. Were applied tools like value stream mapping, Kanban, setup reduction and 5S program. With the application of these tools obtained improvements in processes, reducing lead time from factory and reducing the cost of the luminaries


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To the companies maintain competitive in the market, they need continuous improvement in quality and productivity. This continuous improvement can be achieved through lean manufacturing tools. The idea of lean manufacturing is to map the flow to identify the processes that don’t add value in the final product, according the customer specification, in others words is eliminate or reduce the waste on the production flow. However the implementation of lean manufacturing is not so simple and involves the resistance of the employees, lack of training and the lack of knowledge to make the implementation. The objective of this study is determinate the good practices and difficulties found by a multinational company in the field of healthy that aims implementing the Lean Manufaturing through an internal certification. The methodology used to approach the problem is a case of study that analyzes the information introduced through discussion made by a semi structured interview. The case study describes the steps to get the certification, involving the concepts of 5S, balancing, standardization and routine management. The literature and the study case showed that the good practices, such as productivity increases, safety level increases and the machine stability were accomplished, but the majority difficulties was found in cultural factors and planning. Some recommendations were proposed to the others companies, such as the elaboration of a qualification matrix and the review of the activities chronogram during the implementation. The way that the company found to implement Lean Manufacturing concepts was a creative method to show to everybody the objective and the target to be accomplished and is one way to recognize the effort through the certification


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Nowadays, being prepared for competition is a basic demand for companies to survive and expand their businesses, requiring more and more productivity enhancements and costs reductions without interfering in the products quality. Thus, it is very important to have a solid management system adapted to each specific market and industrial sector. With that, many companies invest in studies to optimize its processes aiming to increase production. This work has the goal to present a deployment plan to Lean Manufacturing principles on a small fast food enterprise. The methodology consisted on a bibliographic research followed by an observation of the daily reality and problems found in loco. The study showed that the Lean principles can be a competitive advantage when applying the plan on new processes and enable changes on old methods already implemented by the organization. Besides that, contribute to a productivity enhancement and consequently the employee's motivation


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a success story involving the extending of lean manufacturing practices between a focal firm and its supplier, both located in Brazil, thereby configuring a case of excellence. Design/methodology/approach – An in-depth case study was conducted involving two companies: Company A, focal, leader in its segment, located in Brazil; and Company B, Company A's supplier, also located in Brazil. Findings – Results indicate there are several mechanisms for extending lean manufacturing practices in the supply chain, such as workshops, training, and integrated teams. These mechanisms are shown and guidelines are also introduced for companies seeking to successfully extend lean manufacturing practices. Originality/value – An original use of define, measure, analyze, improve, control for structuring the extending of lean manufacturing practices to suppliers and, consequently, the importance of the lean six-sigma relationship in this context. Furthermore, the guidelines introduced serve as a benchmark for other companies interested in the topic.


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In recent decades, two research themes have been prominent in the academic and organizational setting: lean manufacturing and green management. Since 1996, when Florida (1996) wrote an article focusing on the synergy between these two areas, the debate if “Lean is Green?” enters in the academic field. It is in this context that this research presents the results of a systematic literature on the topic, focusing on the characteristics, positive and negative impacts, lean paradigms, green paradigms and design of supply chains. To perform this procedure it were followed the methodological footsteps of Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010). The research occurred in the database Scopus and it was conducted from June, 2012 to July, 2012.The key word used was “green lean” and as search filter it were included only articles and conference Papers. Their main result is a deep analysis of the accumulated knowledge on the subject, where it is revealed that the majority of studies point to the synergy between some components of the lean manufacturing system in relation to environmental management. The research gap found is related to articles that address the entropy of the union of lean and green systems.


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Il cambiamento organizzativo costituisce oggi un elemento fondamentale per la sopravvivenza dell'impresa. Un approccio al cambiamento è costituito dal Total Quality Management (o Qualità Totale). La Qualità Totale pone il cliente e la sua soddisfazione al centro delle decisioni aziendali. Ciò presuppone un coinvolgimento di tutto il personale dell'impresa nell'attività di miglioramento continuo. Un sistema di gestione della Qualità Totale è rappresentato dalla Lean Manufacturing. Infatti, i punti essenziali della Lean Manufacturing sono il focus sul cliente, l'eliminazione degli sprechi ed il miglioramento continuo. L'obiettivo è la creazione di valore per il cliente e, quindi, l'eliminazione di ogni forma di spreco. E' necessario adottare un'organizzazione a flusso e controllare continuamente il valore del flusso nell'ottica del miglioramento continuo. Il Lead Time costituisce l'indicatore principale della Lean Manufacturing.I risultati principali della Lean Manufacturing sono: aumento della produttività, miglioramento della qualità del prodotto, riduzione dei lead time e minimizzazione delle scorte ed aumento della rotazione. Tutto ciò è applicato ad un caso aziendale reale. Il caso si compone di un'analisi dei processi di supporto, dell'analisi del capitale circolante (analisi dello stock e del flusso attuale e futuro) e dell'analisi del sistema di trasporto, con l'obiettivo di ridurre il più possibile il lead time totale del sistema.


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Through the correct implementation of lean manufacturing methods, a company can greatly improve their business. Over a period of three months at TTM Technologies, I utilized my knowledge to fix existing problems ans streamline production. In addition, other trouble areas in their production process were discovered and proper lean methods were used to address them. TTM Technologies saw many changed in the right direction over this time period.


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A lean bevezetése nem korlátozódik a termelés újraértelmezésére, hanem jellemzően a vállalati belső működés (számvitel, emberi erőforrás, beszerzés) és külső kapcsolatok (beszállítók, ellátási lánc) újszervezését is megköveteli. Ezek a kapcsolódási pontok számos, tudományterületek határán fekvő kutatási irányt nyitnak meg. Ebben a tanulmányban a lean termelés és a belső működéshez sorolt emberi erőforrás menedzsment kapcsolatára fókuszálok. Célom, hogy a tevékenységmenedzsment vonatkozó irodalmának áttekintésével bemutassam a lean termelés logikájához illeszkedő emberi erőforrás menedzsmentet, annak jellemző gyakorlatait. = Lean goes beyond manufacturing, implementing its principles usually requires companies to reorganize their companywide internal operations (accounting, human resource, purchasing) and also external relations (supplier, supply chain). This linkages offer several multidisciplinary research directions, this study focuses on the relationship between human resource management and lean production. The main aim of this working paper is to review Operations Management’s literatures on this issue and present the human resource policy and its practices that fit and support lean production.


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Lean strategies have been developed to eliminate or reduce manufacturing waste and thus improve operational efficiency in manufacturing processes. However, implementing lean strategies requires a large amount of resources and, in practice, manufacturers encounter difficulties in selecting appropriate lean strategies within their resource constraints. There is currently no systematic methodology available for selecting appropriate lean strategies within a manufacturer's resource constraints. In the lean transformation process, it is also critical to measure the current and desired leanness levels in order to clearly evaluate lean implementation efforts. Despite the fact that many lean strategies are utilized to reduce or eliminate manufacturing waste, little effort has been directed towards properly assessing the leanness of manufacturing organizations. In practice, a single or specific group of metrics (either qualitative or quantitative) will only partially measure the overall leanness. Existing leanness assessment methodologies do not offer a comprehensive evaluation method, integrating both quantitative and qualitative lean measures into a single quantitative value for measuring the overall leanness of an organization. This research aims to develop mathematical models and a systematic methodology for selecting appropriate lean strategies and evaluating the leanness levels in manufacturing organizations. Mathematical models were formulated and a methodology was developed for selecting appropriate lean strategies within manufacturers' limited amount of available resources to reduce their identified wastes. A leanness assessment model was developed by using the fuzzy concept to assess the leanness level and to recommend an optimum leanness value for a manufacturing organization. In the proposed leanness assessment model, both quantitative and qualitative input factors have been taken into account. Based on program developed in MATLAB and C#, a decision support tool (DST) was developed for decision makers to select lean strategies and evaluate the leanness value based on the proposed models and methodology hence sustain the lean implementation efforts. A case study was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of these proposed models and methodology. Case study results suggested that out of 10 wastes identified, the case organization (ABC Limited) is able to improve a maximum of six wastes from the selected workstation within their resource limitations. The selected wastes are: unnecessary motion, setup time, unnecessary transportation, inappropriate processing, work in process and raw material inventory and suggested lean strategies are: 5S, Just-In-Time, Kanban System, the Visual Management System (VMS), Cellular Manufacturing, Standard Work Process using method-time measurement (MTM), and Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED). From the suggested lean strategies, the impact of 5S was demonstrated by measuring the leanness level of two different situations in ABC. After that, MTM was suggested as a standard work process for further improvement of the current leanness value. The initial status of the organization showed a leanness value of 0.12. By applying 5S, the leanness level significantly improved to reach 0.19 and the simulation of MTM as a standard work method shows the leanness value could be improved to 0.31. The optimum leanness value of ABC was calculated to be 0.64. These leanness values provided a quantitative indication of the impacts of improvement initiatives in terms of the overall leanness level to the case organization. Sensitivity analsysis and a t-test were also performed to validate the model proposed. This research advances the current knowledge base by developing mathematical models and methodologies to overcome lean strategy selection and leanness assessment problems. By selecting appropriate lean strategies, a manufacturer can better prioritize implementation efforts and resources to maximize the benefits of implementing lean strategies in their organization. The leanness index is used to evaluate an organization's current (before lean implementation) leanness state against the state after lean implementation and to establish benchmarking (the optimum leanness state). Hence, this research provides a continuous improvement tool for a lean manufacturing organization.


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Lean strategies have been developed to eliminate or reduce waste and thus improve operational efficiency in a manufacturing environment. However, in practice, manufacturers encounter difficulties to select appropriate lean strategies within their resource constraints and to quantitatively evaluate the perceived value of manufacturing waste reduction. This paper presents a methodology developed to quantitatively evaluate the contribution of lean strategies selected to reduce manufacturing wastes within the manufacturers’ resource (time) constraints. A mathematical model has been developed for evaluating the perceived value of lean strategies to manufacturing waste reduction and a step-by-step methodology is provided for selecting appropriate lean strategies to improve the manufacturing performance within their resource constraints. A computer program is developed in MATLAB for finding the optimum solution. With the help of a case study, the proposed methodology and developed model has been validated. A ‘lean strategy-wastes’ correlation matrix has been proposed to establish the relationship between the manufacturing wastes and lean strategies. Using the correlation matrix and applying the proposed methodology and developed mathematical model, authors came out with optimised perceived value of reduction of a manufacturer's wastes by implementing appropriate lean strategies within a manufacturer's resources constraints. Results also demonstrate that the perceived value of reduction of manufacturing wastes can significantly be changed based on policies and product strategy taken by a manufacturer. The proposed methodology can also be used in dynamic situations by changing the input in the programme developed in MATLAB. By identifying appropriate lean strategies for specific manufacturing wastes, a manufacturer can better prioritise implementation efforts and resources to maximise the success of implementing lean strategies in their organisation.


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Roofing tile manufacturing is a mass production process with high operational and inventory wastes and costs. Due to huge operational costs, excessive inventory and wastes, and quality problems, roofing tile manufacturers are trying to implement lean manufacturing practice in their operations in order to remain competitive in an ncreasingly competitive global market. The aim of this research is to evaluate the possibility of reducing the operational and inventory costs of the tile manufacturing process through waste minimization. This paper analyses the current waste situation in a tile manufacturing process and develops current and future value stream mapping for such a process with a view to implementing lean principles in manufacturing. The focus of the approach is on cost reduction by eliminating non-value-added activities.