987 resultados para late Roman


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Obverse: In the center, the arch which served as an entrance to the Acropolis during the historical periods, to the left columns of different sizes, leaves and branches-motif from Nabatean bowl from Avdat, replica of astone relief motif from the late Roman period representing a bird. Reverse: Avdat coin minted by Nabatean King Aretas IV, in the center of the coin with a double cornucopia crossed at its base.


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Abstract: The late antique destruction of two bronze statues of Pausanias - the Spartan general responsible for the Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea (479 BC) - housed in the temple of Athena Chalkioikos in Sparta (Lib. Ep. 1518), has been interpreted as one of the few cases of a violent conflict between pagan and Christian population in Greece. Nevertheless the sources suggest that late antique Sparta was a bastion of Hellenic paganism and give a picture of a small and quiet town ruled by a pagan educated élite, where pagans like Libanius wanted to live. Since there is no evidence of a violent conflict between pagans and Christians in Sparta, and Libanius confirms that in 365 AD all the temples and cult statues were still in place, this paper addresses the issue from a different point of view and offers a new contribution to the history of Sparta in Late Antiquity. By using literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence the paper explores: 1) the relationship between Roman administration and Spartan élite in the IVth century AD; 2) the historical memory of Pausanias in Late Antiquity. It will be emphasized that the obscure burning of the two statues helped to remove from Sparta the memory of Pausanias - a controversial figure, misrepresented in Late Antiquity and connected to the ancient staseis in Laconia - in order to promote a positive image of Sparta as a city without conflicts and ruled by the political system of Lycurgus (eunomia). As documented by local inscriptions in praise of late Roman governors, the mythical lawgiver Lycurgus was the paradigm of the imperial governors who rebuilded the town in the IVth cent. AD. It can be assumed that while Rome, Constantinople, Antioch and Athens were troubled by political and religious violence or by seditions between different factions, Sparta aimed to revive its traditional model of civic order in the new historical context of Late Antiquity.


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Fish bone assemblages are described that were recently discovered in the storage area of two rooms, dated to the 7th century AD, from the monastery of Bawit, Egypt. The species composition, the reconstructed sizes of the fish and the find contexts show that this material represents pickled fish (salsamenta). This product was made in one case of medium-sized Clarias catfish, whereas another assemblage, found inside an amphora, consisted of small-sized fish, mainly cyprinids and alestiids. The latter product was stored in a Late Roman Amphora 5/6 of Palestinian origin, traditionally considered as a container for wine. The amphora was clearly re-used since the fish found in it are Nilotic species which excludes that the salsamenta came from outside Egypt. A few additional finds of fish inside amphorae were available, but due to the low number of bones it was unclear if salted fish products were stored in them. Textual information provided by ostraca and papyri from the same site shows that the monks exerted fishing activities themselves and also suggests that the production of pickled fish took place locally. One of the two Nilotic fish taxa (Labeo) that is specifically mentioned by written evidence is the most common ingredient found in the amphora with abundant fish remains. The paper ends with a brief summary of other faunal evidence for salted fish products from monastic and other historic sites in Egypt.


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L’armée de Gaule sous le Bas-Empire fut une des trois armées principales de l’Empire romain. Son évolution de la fin du IIIe siècle jusqu’au début du Ve fut marquée par une réorganisation graduelle dans le commandement, ainsi que dans l’organisation des troupes et des fortifications. Ces réformes ont fait l’objet d’études qui ont dressé un schéma de déploiement des troupes resté longtemps populaire. À ce schéma s’est ensuite ajoutée l’idée de la stratégie à grande échelle qui y aurait été associée. Ce mémoire tâche de dresser une synthèse des derniers travaux sur l’armée romaine tardive en Gaule. L’approche choisie repose sur une réévaluation des sources sans l’influence d’un schéma défensif préconçu, ainsi que sur une critique de certaines idées reçues concernant l’armée romaine du IVe siècle.


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In order to investigate how the population diversity at major Romano-British urban centres compared to small towns and military outposts, we conducted multi-isotope (carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and strontium) analyses of bones (42 individuals) and teeth (26 individuals) of human skeletons from Cataractonium/ Roman Catterick in North Yorkshire (U.K.). The results suggest a markedly less diverse population at Catterick than at the larger towns. Significant differences are observed between burials from the town and fort area and the suburb of Bainesse to the south, and it is suggested that these reflect a shift to more localised recruitment for the Roman army in the Late Roman period. Isotope data for the ‘Bainesse Eunuch’, an unusual 4th century burial that has been interpreted as the remains of a ‘transvestite’ priest of Cybele, are not ultimately conclusive but consistent with origins in Southern Britain or areas with a similar climate abroad. This paper also presents strontium isotope data for modern vegetation samples from 17 sites in the Catterick/northern Vale of York area which contribute to a continuing effort to map the biosphere 87Sr/86Sr variation in Britain.


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In the year 376 of the Common Era, a tribe of Germanic warriors known as Tervingi , of Gothic extraction, crossed the Hister (Danube) river due south, entering the Roman Empire. They fled the Huns, a nomadic group that came plundering their way from the East. It did not take long for a conflict between the Roman imperial authorities and the refugees to begin. Peace was reached in 382 and, henceforth, the Tervingi would be officially foederati (allies) of the Romans, gaining the right to remain an autonomous tribe inside the borders of the Empire. For the next thirteen years the Tervingi warriors fought beside the Roman imperial armies in every major conflict. Nevertheless, after the death of the emperor Theodosius I in 395, their relations deteriorated severely. In theory, the Tervingi remained Roman allies; in practice, they begun to extort monies and other assets from the emperors Honorius and Arcadius. The sack of Rome by the Tervingi king Alaric in 410 was both the culmination and the point of inflection of this state of affairs. During the 410s the Tervingi warriors would fought again beside the Roman Imperial armies and be rewarded with a piece of land in the southwestern portion of the Gallic diocese. Dubbed Visigoths , they would remain trusted Roman allies throughout the next decades, consolidating their own kingdom in the process. This dissertation deals not only with the institution of the Visigothic kingdom in the southwestern portion of the Galliae but also with the social and economic conditions that hindered the Roman ability to defend their territory by themselves, hence opening opportunities for foederati like the Tervingi to carve out a piece of it for themselves.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Solders are not new alloys, since they were known in late Roman times when they were mentioned by Pliny. These solders differed very little from our modern ones. Tertiarium, consisting of one part of tin to two parts of lead, is known today as plumbers solder; and argentarium, consisting of equal parts of lend and tin, is still extensively used for many purposes.


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Changes in fire occurrence during the last decades in the southern Swiss Alps make knowledge on fire history essential to understand future evolution of the ecosystem composition and functioning. In this context, palaeoecology provides useful insights into processes operating at decadal-to-millennial time scales, such as the response of plant communities to intensified fire disturbances during periods of cultural change. We provide a high-resolution macroscopic charcoal and pollen series from Guèr, a well-dated peat sequence at mid-elevation (832 m.a.s.l.) in southern Switzerland, where the presence of local settlements is documented since the late Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Quantitative fire reconstruction shows that fire activity sharply increased from the Neolithic period (1–3 episodes/1000 year) to the late Bronze and Iron Age (7–9 episodes/1000 year), leading to extensive clearance of the former mixed deciduous forest (Alnus glutinosa, Betula, deciduous Quercus). The increase in anthropogenic pollen indicators (e.g. Cerealia-type, Plantago lanceolata) together with macroscopic charcoal suggests anthropogenic rather than climatic forcing as the main cause of the observed vegetation shift. Fire and controlled burning were extensively used during the late Roman Times and early Middle Ages to promote the introduction and establishment of chestnut (Castanea sativa) stands, which provided an important wood and food supply. Fire occurrence declined markedly (from 9 to 5–6 episodes/1000 year) during late Middle Ages because of fire suppression, biomass removal by human population, and landscape fragmentation. Land-abandonment during the last decades allowed forest to partly re-expand (mainly Alnus glutinosa, Betula) and fire frequency to increase.


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Lake Butrint (39°47 N, 20°1 E) is a ca. 21 m deep, coastal lagoon located in SW Albania where finely-laminated sediments have been continuously deposited during the last millennia. The multi-proxy analysis (sedimentology, high-resolution elemental geochemistry and pollen) of a 12 m long sediment core, supported by seven AMS radiocarbon dates and 137Cs dating, enable a precise reconstruction of the environmental change that occurred in the central Mediterranean region during the last ∼4.5 cal kyrs BP. Sediments consist of triplets of authigenic carbonates, organic matter and clayey laminae. Fluctuations in the thickness and/or presence of these different types of seasonal laminae indicate variations in water salinity, organic productivity and runoff in the lake's catchment, as a result of the complex interplay of tectonics, anthropogenic forcing and climate variability. The progradation of the Pavllo river delta, favoured by variable human activity from the nearby ancient city of Butrint, led to the progressive isolation of this hydrological system from the Ionian Sea. The system evolved from an open bay to a restricted lagoon, which is consistent with archaeological data. An abrupt increase in mass-wasting activity between 1515 and 1450 BC, likely caused by nearby seismic activity, led to the accumulation of 24 homogenites, up to 17 cm thick. They have been deposited during the onset of finely laminated sedimentation, which indicates restricted, anoxic bottom water conditions and higher salinity. Periods of maximum water salinity, biological productivity, and carbonate precipitation coincide with warmer intervals, such as the early Roman Warm Period (RWP) (500 BC–0 AD), the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) (800–1400 AD) and recent times (after 1800 AD). Conversely, lower salinity and more oxic conditions, with higher clastic input were recorded during 1400–500 BC, the Late Roman and the Early Medieval periods (0–800 AD) and during the Little Ice Age (1400–1800 AD). Hydrological fluctuations recorded in Butrint are in phase with most central and western Mediterranean records and correlate with NAO variability. In contrast, opposite hydrological patterns have been recorded in the Eastern Balkans and the Levant during the last millennium, emphasizing a complex spatial variability in the region. Phases of maximum settlement intensity in Butrint (Roman-Late Antique) coincide with warmer and/or stable climate periods (0–800 AD and MCA, respectively), indicating a long-term influence of climatic conditions on human activities. The Late Holocene sedimentary record of Lake Butrint demonstrates the complex interplay of climate variability, tectonics and human impact in the recent evolution of coastal Mediterranean regions.


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Se argumenta en esta tesis que en la Galia del centro-sudeste se consolidó en torno a mediados del siglo VI una sociedad de base campesina. El estudio aborda la desaparición del estado imperial en la región y la emergencia de los primeros reinos medievales, la crisis del aparato fiscal antiguo y la transformación de las relaciones de dependencia entre aristócratas y campesinos. Se afirma que en el periodo c. 400-c. 550 se produjo la emergencia de núcleos campesinos independientes que terminarían hegemonizando el paisaje rural de la región. Hasta mediados del siglo V, sin embargo, persistieron con fuerza las relaciones de dependencia privada y la extracción de impuestos públicos


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Durante el siglo XX el estudio de los tres grandes levantamientos de esclavos de fines de la República Romana ha girado en torno al debate suscitado por la definición de su carácter, "revolucionario" o "reformista", con lo cual se ha trasladado el imaginario contemporáneo de revolución al mundo antiguo. La historiografía occidental ha mostrado un llamativo consenso: los esclavos no tenían la intención de abolir la esclavitud, sus levantamientos carecieron de un fin revolucionario, por consiguiente fueron simplemente "rebeliones". El presente trabajo se propone repensar la temática de las insurrecciones serviles sicilianas narradas por Diodoro, tomando distancia del tradicional énfasis dicotómico (revolución-rebelión) y centrándose en una problemática que en líneas generales ha sido omitida o poco considerada por la historiografía, esto es, la participación y apoyo de sectores libres empobrecidos en las revueltas serviles. Demostraremos dicha participación; definiremos quiénes fueron estos "libres pobres"; apoyaremos la línea historiográfica que postula la existencia de una colaboración entre esclavos rebeldes y libres pobres en las revueltas, haciendo hincapié en la asamblea que se congrega en el teatro de Enna al comienzo de la primera insurrección; y sugeriremos pensar la acción de los esclavos rebeldes en las revueltas conforme al concepto de bandidos sociales


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La carrera de Décimo Magno Ausonio constituye uno de los ejemplos paradigmáticos de una excepcional movilidad ascendente en el Bajo Imperio Romano, por lo que ha recibido considerable atención. El objetivo del presente trabajo es ofrecer una reevaluación de la evidencia y de las principales interpretaciones ofrecidas en la historiografía, centrando la atención en el papel de la cultura literaria en el éxito de Ausonio. Este análisis revela que la educación puede servir como un factor clave en el ascenso social, pero sólo si otros factores intervienen, especialmente el establecimiento de conexiones familiares con miembros de la elite


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En este artículo se indagan las relaciones entre la India, Grecia y Roma durante el período helenístico, específicamente desde la expedición de Alejandro hasta la tardía república romana. A partir del análisis del pasaje citado, que habla del suicidio de un asceta indio en la pira cuando Alejandro emprendió el retorno desde la India, estudiamos la posibilidad de que en el discurso que Cicerón pone en boca de ese personaje haya ideas originarias de la India. También analizamos el papel que juegan en el discurso las referencias a la literatura griega. Por último, contemplamos la posibilidad de que no existan en el texto ideas indias, y, en ese caso, intentamos definir el lugar que ocupaban la India y las ideas que se le atribuían en la filosofía de griegos y romanosdesde la India, estudiamos la posibilidad de que en el discurso que Cicerón pone en boca de ese personaje haya ideas originarias de la India. También analizamos el papel que juegan en el discurso las referencias a la literatura griega. Por último, contemplamos la posibilidad de que no existan en el texto ideas indias, y, en ese caso, intentamos definir el lugar que ocupaban la India y las ideas que se le atribuían en la filosofía de griegos y romanos


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Se argumenta en esta tesis que en la Galia del centro-sudeste se consolidó en torno a mediados del siglo VI una sociedad de base campesina. El estudio aborda la desaparición del estado imperial en la región y la emergencia de los primeros reinos medievales, la crisis del aparato fiscal antiguo y la transformación de las relaciones de dependencia entre aristócratas y campesinos. Se afirma que en el periodo c. 400-c. 550 se produjo la emergencia de núcleos campesinos independientes que terminarían hegemonizando el paisaje rural de la región. Hasta mediados del siglo V, sin embargo, persistieron con fuerza las relaciones de dependencia privada y la extracción de impuestos públicos