82 resultados para laminitis


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Alimentary carbohydrate overload is a significant cause of laminitis in horses and is correlated with drastic shifts in the composition of hindgut microbiota. Equine hindgut streptococcal species (EHSS), predominantly Streptococcus lutetiensis, have been shown to be the most common microorganisms culturable from the equine caecum prior to the onset of laminitis. However, the inherent biases of culture-based methods are estimated to preclude up to 70% of the normal caecal microbiota. The objective of this study was to evaluate bacterial population shifts occurring in the equine caecum throughout the course of oligofructose-induced laminitis using several culture-independent techniques and to correlate these with caecal lactate, volatile fatty acid and degrees of polymerization 3-7 fructo-oligosaccharide concentrations. Our data conclusively show that of the total microbiota present in the equine hindgut, the EHSS S. lutetiensis is the predominant microorganism that proliferates prior to the onset of laminitis, utilizing oligofructose to produce large quantities of lactate. Population shifts in lactobacilli and Escherichia coli subpopulations occur secondarily to the EHSS population shifts, thus confirming that lactobacilli and coliforms have no role in laminitis. A large, curved, Gram-negative rod previously observed during the early phases of laminitis induction was most closely related to the Anaerovibrio genus and most likely represents a new, yet to be cultured, genus and species. Correlation of fluorescence in situ hybridization and quantitative real-time PCR results provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that laminitis is associated with the death en masse and rapid cell lysis of EHSS. If EHSS are lysed, liberated cellular components may initiate laminitis.


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In the article 'Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis of hindgut bacteria associated with the development of equine laminitis' (Milinovich et al., 2007), it is found that with reference to Horse 1, the histological signs of laminitis were first observed at 12 h post-oligofructose administration, and not 30 h as was indicated in the Results section under the subheading 'Induction of Laminitis' and in Fig. 1.


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Objective - To determine and compare the number, type, location, and distribution of apoptotic epidermal cells in the laminae of clinically normal horses and horses with laminitis.Sample Population - Formalin-fixed samples of digital lamellar tissue from 47 horses (including clinically normal horses [controls; n = 7], horses with acurte [4] and chronic [7] naturally acquired laminitis, and horses with black walnut extract-induced [11] or carbohydrate overload-induced [18] laminitis).Procedure - Blocks of paraffin-embedded lamellar tissues were stained for DNA fragmentation with the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL) technique. Differential immunohistochemical staining for caspases 3 and 14 were used to confirm apoptosis.Results - the number of TUNEL-positive epidermal cells per 0.1 mm of primary laminae was significantly greater in the acute laminitis group than in the other groups. In the acute laminitis group, there were 17 and 1,025 times as many TUN EL-positive basal layer cells and keratinocytes, respectively, compared with the control group. Apoptosis of TUNEL-positive basal layer cells was confirmed by results of caspase 3 immunohistochemical staining. The TUNEL-positive keratinocytes did not stain for caspases 3 or 14.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - the large number of apoptotic basal layer cells detected in the lamellar tissue of horses with acute naturally acquired laminitis suggests that apoptosis may be important in the development of acute laminitis. The role of the large number of TUNEL-positive keratinocytes detected in the interface of primary and secondary epidermal laminae of horses with acute laminitis remains to be elucidated.


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Objective-To determine whether plasma protein concentrations were altered in ponies with alimentary laminitis.Animals-12 adult ponies.Procedure-Acute laminitis was induced in 6 ponies by oral administration of carbohydrate (85% corn starch, 15% wood flour); the other 6 ponies were used as controls. A physical examination was performed and blood samples were collected immediately before and 4, 8, 12, 24, and 28 hours after administration of carbohydrate. Plasma protein concentrations were determined by means of sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Results-19 plasma proteins ranging from a molecular weight of 24,000 to a molecular weight of 350,000 were identified in all 12 ponies. Plasma concentrations of proteins with molecular weights of 350,000 (fibrinogen), 130,000 (ceruloplasmin), 118,000 (c-reactive protein), 67,000 (alpha(1)-antitrypsin I), 65,000 (alpha(1)-antitrypsin II), 50,000 (haptoglobulin), and 45,000 (acid glycoprotein) were significantly increased in ponies with laminitis, compared with concentrations in control ponies.Conclusion-Changes in plasma protein concentrations are detectable within 4 hours after the onset of alimentary laminitis in ponies.Clinical Relevance-Measurement of plasma protein concentrations may be useful in monitoring the progression of laminitis in ponies.


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Reasons for performing study: The dysadhesion and destruction of lamellar basement membrane of laminitis may be due to increased lamellar metalloproteinase activity. Characterising lamellar metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) and locating it in lamellar tissues may help determine if laminitis pathology is associated with increased MMP-2 transcription. Objectives: To clone and sequence the cDNA encoding lamellar MMP-2, develop antibody and in situ hybridisation probes to locate lamellar MMP-2 and quantitate MMP-2 transcription in normal and laminitis tissue. Methods: Total RNA was isolated, fragmented by RT-PCR, cloned into vector and sequenced. Rabbit anti-equine MMP-2 and labelled MMP-2 riboprobe were developed to analyse and quantitate MMP-2 expression. Results: Western immunoblotting with anti-MMP-2 detected 72 kDa MMP-2 in hoof tissue homogenates and cross-reacted with human MMP-2. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation detected MMP-2 in the cytoplasm of basal and parabasal cells in close proximity to the lamellar basement membrane. Northern analysis and quantitative real-time PCR showed MMP-2 expression significantly (P


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Reasons for performing study: The key lesion of laminitis is separation at the hoof lamellar dermal-epidermal interface. For this to happen the structural and adhesion proteins of the basement membrane zone must be altered. Which proteins and how damage to them leads to the lamellar separation of laminitis is unknown. Objectives: To investigate lamellar hemidesmosome and cytoskeleton damage and basement membrane dysadhesion using light microscopy (LM) and immunofluorescence microscopy (IFM). Methods: Cryostat sections of lamellar tissues from 2 control and 6 Standardbred horses with oligofructose induced laminitis were studied using LM and IFM. Plectin, integrin alpha(6) and BP230 antibody was used to label hemidesmosome intracellular plaque proteins and anti-BP180 and anti-laminin 5 (L5) was used to label anchoring filament (AF) proteins. Cytoskeleton intermediate filaments were labelled using anti-cytokeratin 14. The primary antibodies of selected sections were double labelled to show protein co-localisation. Results: Laminitis caused reduction of transmembrane integrin alpha(6), the AF proteins BP180 and L5,and failure of co-localisation of BP180 and L5. Proteins of the inner hemidesmosomal plaque, plectin and BP230, were unaffected. Conclusions: Loss of co-localisation of L5 and BP180 suggests that, during the acute phase of laminitis, L5 is cleaved and therefore, the AFs connecting the epidermis to the dermis, fail. Without a full complement of AFs separation at the lamellar dermo-epidermal junction occurs. Potential relevance: Suppressing or inhibiting metalloproteinase activity may prevent L5 cleavage and therefore the lamellar dermo-epidermal separation of laminitis.


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Reasons for performing study: Acute laminitis is characterised by hoof lamellar dermal-epidermal separation at the basement membrane (BM) zone. Hoof lamellar explants cultured in vitro can also be made to separate at the basement membrane zone and investigating how this occurs may give insight into the poorly understood pathophysiology of laminitis. Objectives: To investigate why glucose deprivation and metalloproteinase (MMP) activation in cultured lamellar explants leads to dermo-epidermal separation. Methods: Explants, cultured without glucose or with the MMP activator p-amino-phenol-mercuric acetate (APMA), were subjected to tension and processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Without glucose, or with APMA, explants under tension separated at the dermo-epidermal junction. This in vitro separation occurred via 2 different ultrastructural processes. Lack of glucose reduced hemidesmosomes (HDs) numbers until they disappeared and the basal cell cytoskeleton collapsed. Anchoring filaments (AFs), connecting the basal cell plasmalemma to the BM, were unaffected although they failed under tension. APMA activation of constituent lamellar MMPs did not affect HDs but caused AFs to disappear, also leading to dermo-epidermal separation under tension. Conclusions: Natural laminitis may occur in situations where glucose uptake by lamellar basal cells is compromised (e.g. equine Cushing's disease, obesity, hyperlipaemia, ischaemia and septicaemia) or when lamellar MMPs are activated (alimentary carbohydrate overload). Potential relevance: Therapies designed to facilitate peripheral glucose uptake and inhibit lamellar MMP activation may prevent or ameliorate laminitis.


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Twelve dairy heifers were used to examine the clinical response of an alimentary oligofructose overload. Six animals were divided into 3 subgroups, and each was given a bolus dose of 13, 17, or 21 g/kg of oligofructose orally. The control group (n = 6) was sham-treated with tap water. Signs of lameness, cardiovascular function, and gastrointestinal function were monitored every 6 h during development of rumen acidosis. The heifers were euthanized 48 and 72 h after administration of oligofructose. All animals given oligofructose developed depression, anorexia, and diarrhea 9 to 39 h after receiving oligofructose. By 33 to 45 h after treatment, the feces returned to normal consistency and the heifers began eating again. Animals given oligofructose developed transient fever, severe metabolic acidosis, and moderate dehydration, which were alleviated by supportive therapy. Four of 6 animals given oligofructose displayed clinical signs of laminitis starting 39 to 45 h after receiving oligofructose and lasting until euthanasia. The lameness was obvious, but could easily be overlooked by the untrained eye, because the heifers continued to stand and walk, and did not interrupt their eating behavior. No positive pain reactions or lameness were seen in control animals. Based on these results, we conclude that an alimentary oligofructose overload is able to induce signs of acute laminitis in cattle. This model offers a new method, which can be used in further investigation of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of bovine laminitis.


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Histopathology of the dermo-epidermal junction in the lamellar region of front claws was examined in 6 dairy heifers given an alimentary oligofructose overload and compared with sections from a control group of 6 heifers. Four of the 6 heifers administered oligofructose developed clinical signs of acute laminitis before they were euthanized. Postmortem samples from front claws were processed for histology. Eleven histopathologic characteristics were selected from the existing literature and used in a blinded evaluation of sections. In total, 104 front claw samples, including 8 samples from 2 cows having spontaneously occurring acute laminitis, were evaluated histologically using hematoxylin and eosin as well as periodic acid-Schiff staining. The major morphological features associated with oligofructose-induced acute clinical laminitis were stretching of lamellae, dermal edema, hemorrhage, changes in basal cell morphology, presence of white blood cells in dermis, and signs of basement membrane detachment. Changes at the lamellar junction of claw tissue affected by oligofructose-induced clinical laminitis resembled tissue from the 2 cows suffering from spontaneous acute clinical laminitis, and generally were consistent with existing descriptions of laminitis histopathology. Important exceptions to existing descriptions in the literature were stretching of lamellae and basement membrane changes. Not previously described, we considered these early signs of acute laminitis. In conclusion, this study documents that oligofructose-induced clinical laminitis is associated with histopathological changes at the lamellar interface. A weakened dermo-epidermal junction is a possible intermediate stage in the pathophysiology of bovine sole ulceration at the typical site.


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In the horse, carbohydrate overload is thought to play an integral role in the onset of laminitis by drastically altering the profile of bacterial populations in the hindgut. The objectives of this study were to develop and validate microbial ecology methods to monitor changes in bacterial populations throughout the course of experimentally induced laminitis and to identify the predominant oligofructose-utilizing organisms. Laminitis was induced in five horses by administration of oligofructose. Faecal specimens were collected at 8 h intervals from 72 h before to 72 h after the administration of oligofructose. Hindgut microbiota able to utilize oligofructose were enumerated throughout the course of the experiment using habitat-simulating medium. Isolates were collected and representatives identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The majority of these isolates collected belonged to the genus Streptococcus, 91% of which were identified as being most closely related to Streptococcus infantarius ssp. coli. Furthermore, S. infantarius ssp. coli was the predominant oligofructose-utilizing organism isolated before the onset of lameness. Fluorescence in situ hybridization probes developed to specifically target the isolated Streptococcus spp. demonstrated marked population increases between 8 and 16 h post oligofructose administration. This was followed by a rapid population decline which corresponded with a sharp decline in faecal pH and subsequently lameness at 24-32 h post oligofructose administration. This research suggests that streptococci within the Streptococcus bovis/equinus complex may be involved in the series of events which precede the onset of laminitis in the horse.