37 resultados para lúmpen-professorado


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O presente artigo aborda a concepção de "unidade de estilo" forjada por Nietzsche nos escritos da época de professorado na Universidade de Basiléia. Pretende-se mostrar a conexão entre tal concepção e a defesa da necessidade de educação dos instintos, nesse momento da obra ainda fortemente associada ao conjunto de um povo ou cultura; no caso, a cultura grega. Ao centro, o desafio de se compreender a duplicidade de apolíneo e dionisíaco, para além da esfera estrita da arte trágica.


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El tutorial interactivo multimedia llamado 'Clic', pretende ayudar al alumno a superar sus deficiencias ling????sticas y complementar la presencia del professorado en el aula. 'Clic', permite que el alumnado pueda organizar su aprendizaje de una manera individualizada al mismo tiempo que facilita una directa tutorizaci??n por parte del profesorado.Desde el momento en que se concibe al alumno como un sujeto activo en el aprendizaje, la funci??n del profesor cambia y es a partir de esta nueva concepci??n de la ense??anza que el uso de las nuevas tecnolog??as, que facilitan la tarea docente, tienen raz??n de ser en el campo de la innovaci??n docente.


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O presente artigo é uma síntese do processo de feminização que afectou o professorado oficial do ensino secundário em Espanha, desde a origem da incorporação das mulheres na docência do bacharelato (1) atribuído pelos institutos na segunda década do século XX, até à generalização da sua presença a partir da Lei Geral de Educação de 1970. Refere as circunstâncias que permitiram e acompanharam a incorporação de mulheres como professoras nos Institutos de ensino secundário. As expectativas de um trabalho profissional qualificado, o desejo e a necessidade de que os seus estudos tivessem uma utilidade pessoal e social, e o reconhecimento de todo o esforço que isso representou, fez com que fosse possível às mulheres ocupar, com rigor e com reconhecimento, um espaço legítimo dentro da profissão docente. Estas conquistas permitiram transformações e deslocamentos simbólicos significativos em períodos e momentos políticos em que não estaria prevista a sua presença em muitos dos lugares que ocupavam profissionalmente.


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O presente trabalho insere-se no Projecto intitulado Percursos do associativismo e do sindicalismo docentes em Portugal – 1890-1990, cujo financiamento principiou em 1 de Janeiro de 2010, pela FCT e de que o signatário é investigador responsável. O seu objectivo é contribuir para o estudo do tema geral supracitado, nas suas formas históricas: a sua motivação imediata é a análise do conflito que, nos finais da década de 60, opôs os docentes do Ciclo Preparatório do Ensino Secundário às autoridades educacionais devido à despromoção profissional de que foram vítimas relativamente aos demais sectores do professorado do Ensino Secundário. Em anexo, o estudo recolhe documentação inédita e matéria jornalística até agora esquecida.


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Este estudo tematiza o trabalho docente dos professores de Educação Física no âmbito da escola pública. Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada em quatro escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Porto Alegre, onde procurei compreender como estes professores constróem seu trabalho docente e como articulam suas ações frente às singularidades do projeto político-administrativo-pedagógico desta rede. Constituiu-se em um estudo com orientação predominantemente etnográfica, onde, amparado nos referenciais bibliográficos e nos significados que os professores colaboradores atribuem ao fenômeno em que estão inseridos, busquei tecer algumas interpretações e contribuições acerca da construção do trabalho docente e de como se constróem professores de Educação Física neste. Estudar a construção do trabalho docente do professorado de Educação Física constitui uma categoria adequada, pois não limito a investigação somente à compreensão da prática pedagógica desse coletivo de professores ou das influências e fundamentos que pautam essa, mas, fundamentalmente, sob que condições pessoais, sociais e institucionais constróem sua intervenção diária nos centro escolares. Na construção cotidiana de seu trabalho, o professorado de Educação Física, frente às demandas e exigências decorrentes dos dilemas, inquietações e desafios com que se defronta em sua labuta diária, constrói estratégias e saberes singulares. Também é fundamental nesse processo, a forma como concebem e se relacionam com suas possibilidades de autonomia e o volume de trabalho a que estão submetidos Desse modo, ao construírem seu trabalho, em uma relação dialética, também se constróem e se forjam professores, afirmando e reelaborando seus significados e concepções de docência, que por sua vez, pautam e fundamentam as decisões na construção de seu trabalho.Não é propósito desta pesquisa apresentar generalizações para outros contextos escolares, mas compreender a construção do trabalho de um coletivo docente específico, de forma a apoiar os processos de reflexão e reconstrução das práticas educativas realizadas no âmbito das escolas.


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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a politica de formação do magistério de 19 grau, instituida pela Lei no. 5.692/71, nos aspectos que se referem especificamente ao professor de 1a a 4a series, com o fim de situa-la no texto geral da politica educacional do pais. A análise baseou-se na leitura dos textos legais, documentos oficiais e literatura existente. Para melhor fundamenta-la procurou-se reconstruir historicamente a politica de formação do professor primario que se desenvolveu a partir do estabelecimento, no Brasil, das primeiras escolas normais, buscando destacar os fatores de ordem economica,politica, social e ideo1ogica que a determinaram e a linha de orientação que acabou por defini-la. O estudo realizado permite considerar que, em seus aspectos fundamentais, essa linha de orientação prololongou-se apos 1971. A politica de formação do magisterio continuou a se desenvolver no sentido de atender aos interesses e as necessidades do sistema de ensino dos centros urbanos; a oferecer niveis desiguais de preparo para o professorado, variando esses niveis de acordo com as condições econômicas das diferéntes regiões do pais; a permitir a elevação gradativa dos requisitos educacionais para o exercicio da atividade docente nas series iniciais do 1o grau nas grandes cidades, centros econômica e culturalmente mais desenvolvidos; a acentuar o carater propedêutico dos cursos de formação,de professores e, finalmente, a favorecer sua expansãonas ãr-eas urbanas e a não estabelecer um sistema regular.de habilitação do pessoal docente para as areas rurais cujos sistemas de ensino ficam ã mercê de professores preparados em programas intensivos de carater de emergência.


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Esta dissertação sustenta que, em educação,uma perspectiva política não existe isolada de uma perspectiva técnica e que, portanto, é a nível do trabalho pedagógico propriamente dito que o professor exerce uma prática política mais sistemática. A partir desta afirmação justifica-se a preocupação desse trabalho com problemas fundamentalmente técnicos, tomando-se como interesse central o estudo de dois fatores que influem decisivamente na qualidade do ensino: a remuneraçao do professor e sua formação profissional. No que se refere à remuneraçao, procedeu-se a uma reflexão sobre a situação profissional do professor e sobre os motivos que podem justificar a falta de organização política no seio do professorado. Já quanto à formação do professor realizou-se um recorte e tomou-se como unidade de análise a formação do licenciado, especialmente no que se refere à formação pedagógica. Constatou-se que não existe uma instituição que assuma a coordenação da formação do professor a nível de licenciatura, o que traz como consequência uma formação fragmentada e desconexa. Às Faculdades de Educação, por sua própria definição, deveria caber a responsabilidade de coordenação. Constatou-se, ainda, que a formação pedagógica apresenta distorções críticas, não preparando os professores para um tipo de trabalho que atenda qualitativamente a todos que para a escola se encaminham. Trata-se de um trabalho que poderá interessar aos professores e às instituições que mantêm cursos de habilitação para o magistério, principalmente a nível de graduação.


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O objeto deste estudo é o Serviço de Supervisão Educacional Maranhense, criado em 1963, com o fim de viabilizar o processo técnico-metodológico do sistema escolar oficial estadual na perspectiva modernizante. O surgimento desse serviço técnico teve origem em convênios firmados pelo Estado com órgãos financiadores e orientadores de Programas de Desenvolvimento no país; por força das exigências de expansão e modernização do sistema de Ensino no Estado, onde a educação era tida como elemento importante na ascensão social do indivíduo e no desenvolvimento econômico do país. A participação da Supervisão nesse processo se fez presente não só na qualificação do corpo docente como na inculcação da ideologia modernizante. Entretanto, o envolvimento do supervisor com os problemas de cada realidade escolar propiciou a participação e/ou promoção de debates sobre esses problemas conduzindo o supervisor à extensão de seu âmbito de ação – do técnico para o político e social mesmo dentro dos limites do sistema. Nesse aspecto o presente estudo localiza espaço para uma prática mais efetiva da Supervisão Educacional mostrando a possibilidade de se trabalhar para a formação do senso crítico-reflexivo a partir da identificação das contradições existentes no sistema. Este Serviço Técnico teve importância no processo expansionista da educação no Estado, proporcionando treinamento, assessoramento técnico-pedagógico na aplicação, acompanhamento, controle e avaliação de métodos e técnicas de ensino junto ao professorado maranhense, sobretudo o leigo.


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Se estudia el Movimiento de las Profesoras Primarias de la Red Estadual de Enseñanza, en Salvador/BA como un movimiento social responsable por la creación de la entidad representativa de la categoría la Sociedade Unificadora de Profesores Primários (SUPP). Se parte del presupuesto de que los intereses en la valorización profesional constituyen factores fundamentales para su eclosión. Se recurre a un referente teórico para sedimentar la investigación empírica realizada a través de las profesoras primarias que participaron del Movimiento; una vez que reúne recuerdos individuales y colectivos. Se abordan las condiciones sociales, políticas, económicas y educativas que viabilizaron el surgimiento de dicho movimiento y se delimita el intervalo temporal entre 1947 al 1951. Se destaca que fueron necesarios hacer recortes históricos, los cuales han antecedido y proseguido a ése período, en función al relieve del contexto histórico-social para la comprensión de lo que fue y dónde se ubicaba el objeto de la investigación. Se identificaron tres marcos: el primero se refiere a las motivaciones en defensa de la valorización profesional, situado en un contexto de reformas educativas y pensamiento democrático; el segundo vinculado a la creación de la entidad representativa, fomentando por la necesidad de creación de una institución representativa que pudiese resguardar la categoría. Por lo tanto, se delinea la construcción histórica del Movimiento de las Profesoras Primarias, utilizando las categorías de docencia y movimiento social, de forma interpretativa. Se articulan a los hechos y acontecimientos que marcaron ése movimiento y su importancia para la Historia de la Educación de Bahia. Aun que la lucha por la valoración salarial haya sido el possibilitador de la creación de la SUPP, se constato que fue una movilización política y social buscó el sentido y el significado de lo que sea docencia con acciones que intentaban la integración del profesorado primario baiano (del interior con los de la capital) y promover el desarrollo cultural aliado a la concientización de la categoría


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The literature about the Geography teaching has shown that most male and female teachers of this subject go on guiding their teaching practice based on the traditional Geography fundamentals, whose main characteristic consist in the description of places. The incorporation of scientific standards that change the old principles and concepts have not been happening, unless in a punctual way. The overcoming of the traditional Geography, related to the aspects accepted by the scientific field have not happened in Brazil yet, not only because of certain obvious obstacles, as the literature has been pointed out but also by symbolic obstacles, which block the incorporation of the new, of the non habitual action. One of those obstacles that motivated the accomplishment of this study was the social representations that are theoretically studied here under the perspective developed by Serge Moscovici. Then, the focus of this doctorate study is concentrated in the apprehension of the content and structure of the social representation of teaching of Geography and its relation with the habitus that gives form and social visibility to the ones who are teachers of that subject in Teresina. The consecution of this work was especially based on the Pierre Bourdieu´s praxiology, mainly on the concepts of social field, habitus and capital, as well as the theory of social representations, specifically on the approach of central nucleus developed by Jean-Claude Abric and Jean-Claude Flament. The initial hypothesis pointed out the existence of a Geographer´s primary habitus built through the development process of the geographic science field in Brazil, as a basis of production of a social representation of teaching geography . That representation, however, would act as a symbolic obstacle to the incorporation of the new scientific contents and pedagogical practice, which require from the teacher investigative and questionable attitude in the presence of the reality and contents approached in the classroom. That initial hypothesis laid on the theoretical purpose that it has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1997), which states that there is a narrow relationship between the habitus and social representation. The study was developed with male and female teachers of Geography from public schools of Teresina. The methodology involved the use of a questionnaire, the free-word association technique and deep interviews. The achieved results showed the presence of a complex process of representational construction and its articulation with a habitus produced by the synthesis of several situational and cultural referents, from among of them we can point out an insertion in a social field of practice exclusively related to the teaching and the reproduction of a professoral teaching (SILVA, 2003), built through the school development process, which those male and female teachers were exposed. The initial hypothesis that considered the local reproduction of a primary habitus of the Geography was denied, therefore, it was verified that there is not in Teresina the production/reproduction of the structures, rules and practice of the national scientific field, in which this subject is inserted. Hence, the incorporation of the new patterns of the geographic scientific knowledge is difficult because of the inexistence of a scientific habitus, that is, mental schema systems that would let the teachers mentioned above connect themselves appropriately to the science and its practices. So, it has gotten a social representation of teaching geography based on contents strictly related to the reproduction of structures, mental schema from the educational field which attach themselves to the hegemonic pedagogical practices in the national scope


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In the last three decades, the subject of the teacher's social identity has been discussed under various theoretical focuses, not only in Brazil, but also beyond our borders. In this thesis, the theme is approached starting from the theoretical proposal that has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1994), which is strongly based in the epistemological approach between Pierre Bourdieu’s praxiology and the Theory of the Social Representations formulated by Serge Moscovici. It presupposes that this would make it easier to apprehend the process of construction of social identity of the investigated social group. The universe of the research is constituted by teachers of the fundamental teaching of the municipal district of Maracanaú, state of Ceará, that were active in class-room work there during at least three years, and were registered or had concluded the Course of Educational Formation promoted by UECE in that municipal district. Taking into account that the teacher's social identity is a process in permanent construction, resulting of their daily experiences and of the interferences originated from of the social context, the investigative tasks were implemented in two different stages, although they complement each other. Initially, with the objective of putting in evidence the genesis of the formation of that group’s habitus, an analysis of the family and school lives of eleven teachers who participated in the course was made, using as main sources of data: thematic memorials, semi-structured interviews and observations - inside and out of the class-room – during four school semesters. In the second stage a test of free association of words was applied to 426 teachers, seeking to apprehend the structure of the social representations of family and school – a methodological strategy considered necessary to enhance and identify certain outlines of the habitus in study, besides being in agreement with the theoretical model followed. It became evident from the results that the identity of Maracanaú’s teachers is molded and transformed into a multifaceted dynamic unit that shows successes and mistakes, certainties and doubts. For instance, besides an innovative speech seeking to reassure that teaching is a profession and not a simple vocation or mission, some discourse and attitudes are identified that point to the opposite direction, extolling the school as extension of the family, defending a parental relationship with the students, and looking at certain aspects of daily school life as “sacramental”. However, in the light of science such ambiguities and incoherences are inherent to common sense discourse, where the influences of the patterns and cultural references are present in the process of identity construction of the group, which was confirmed by the research of their social representations of family and school


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Teaching is an activity inherent to the human condition. Historically, from the institutionalization of education, the key role to pursue that activity has been attributed to the teacher, who is required to adapt to the demands of each historical conjuncture. Currently, according to the new paradigmatic requirements, the teacher must possess various skills in order to handle the complex and challenging act of teaching. Assuming the existence of a gap between what the State and the scientific discourse recommend the teacher act upon in the classroom, a decision was made to identify the configuration and structure of social representation in the act of teaching, put forth by elementary school teachers in the public schools of Natal, RN, Brazil. Therefore, the research relied on the theoretical model developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1998, 2000, 2003), which articulates the praxeology of Pierre Bourdieu with the theory of social representations of Serge Moscovici (1978). It was intended to demonstrate how teachers habitus, in its due historical context, directs the construction of social representations in the act of teaching which guides the actions of the teacher, particularly in the classroom context. At the methodological level, the following methods and techniques were used: bibliographic and documentary review in order to identify the scientific discourse on the subject matter and the official parameters of educational regulation and the act of teaching; the Procedure of Multiple Classifications PMC in order to capture the configuration and structure of the representational content in focus, the direct observation of the classroom to identify in actual terms the social representation as "guide to action" as the theory preaches. From the standpoint of the analysis, quantitative data were analysed through Multidimensional Scaling MDS, covering in this study the Multidimensional Scale Analysis MSA and Smallest Space Analysis SSA; and non-parametric statiscal techniques. Additional data of qualitative value had to undergo categorical content analysis. It was then concluded that the teachers investigated guided themselves by social representation, the product of collectively constructed and shared assumptions about the act of teaching, forming a synthesis of different sources of information and knowledge acquirement, involving elements of common sense, religious habitus, pedagogic models considered outdated, the agencies responsible for teacher training and the hegemonic discourse about education today


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The objective of this work was to access and understand the teaching social representation (MOSCOVICI, 2005) for the teachers of the children education and fundamental education at Queimadas city, Paraíba. We assume that one representation that allows the teacher to name its profession and to act on it, is a derivative of regularities that are expressed by means of a habitus (BOURDIEU, 1983a), generative matrix of perception and action. This teaching habitus is originated from the experiences and the trajectories of social and professional life of the group. Therefore, from some variables, we tried to access the profile of the group of teachers studied and to get closer of their life style to understand their profession choice and the teaching social representation for this group. In this research, it was used four data sources: a) the questionnaires of characterization; b) the questionnaires of practices and meanings; c) the experience reports and; d) the interviews in depth. The analysis of the data collected was done by means of the simple statistics (frequency), the intersection of variables through cross tables and, the thematic analysis of the contents. The results show that there is a lightly homogeneous group in terms of its social origin and its life style, moreover, they conduct to an overlap between this origin/style and the professional choice. On the other hand, the teacher representation is multi-dimensional such that, all dimensions intercept and articulate with each other to provide a concise teacher representation. They are four dimensions: love and care, help and donation, teaching and learning and, sacrifice and hope. The elements of the teacher representation are substantiated in the schemes of perception and appreciation of the group, in the regularities and life experiences in the context of religion, family, gender and profession. In these regularities we find the elements that comprise the teaching habitus which drives perception and action, representation and daily practice of these teachers. The teaching social representation is still perceived as a threshold for the professional identity of the group of teachers considered. We also observed that there are signs of changes in the practices used by these professionals since they graduate from the course of pedagogy. However, it is not possible to say that these changes are isolated or they lead to a transformation in the teaching habitus or the teaching social representation


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This work is based on a reflection about my personal and professional background as a teacher and a pedagogical supervisor in two public schools in the municipality of Natal, RN, and how relevant this background is to the development of a proposal of continued formation within the scope of the school, in which a diversity of actionreflection strategies are present. In such contexts, I have identified several of my personality traits as being likely advantages or disadvantages that may contribute or not to the coming up of misunderstanding situations. The self-research experience and the identification of new dimensions of self-evaluation, self-observation and attention serve as a basis to think about the importance of experiencing the understanding within the ambit of the school. The reflections about my actions and those of the teachers bring up the hypothesis that the misunderstandings in the teaching-learning process and in the affective relations are the result of a fragmented, naive and egotistic way of thinking. Thus, they don t contribute to an experience of mutual understanding. That is why there must be an investment on new strategies of self-research and dialogue within the scope of pedagogical meetings that may come to help all educators with the analysis, identification and solving of their own problems as well as the other s. Under this perspective, the question that guides this study assumes the presupposition that the educator can invest in a qualified and meaningful pedagogical formation, either one s own and others , if one has a critical-reflexive overview about oneself and the school s pedagogical process. This research aims to explore, discuss and encourage new reflections about the act of researching in the pedagogical supervisor s role, questioning about the possibility of this action to generate contributions to the process of one s own and other s pedagogical formation within the scope of the school, in a conscientiological perspective, in which the manifestation of the thosenes of the educators are valorized. We approach Paulo Freire (1921-1997), as we see the dialogue as very important to the development of this research work, as well as an encouragement to the consciential dialogue. The empirical research took place from June 4, 2004 to November 11, 2004, with 8 pedagogical meetings and with the participation of 2 pedagogical supervisors and 8 teachers. The application of this new methodology within the scope of pedagogical meetings brought considerable contributions to the interpretation of the elements of the educators thosenes, classified according to the following: uncritical, naïve and critical thoughts; sentiments of assistential or non-assistential affectivity; and actions that may or not make the experience of mutual understanding possible. The action of the pedagogical supervisor and one s contributions to the understanding brought up reflections about new ways of investing in the process of continued formation within the scope of the school


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In the last three decades, the subject of the teacher's social identity has been discussed under various theoretical focuses, not only in Brazil, but also beyond our borders. In this thesis, the theme is approached starting from the theoretical proposal that has been developed by Domingos Sobrinho (1994), which is strongly based in the epistemological approach between Pierre Bourdieu s praxiology and the Theory of the Social Representations formulated by Serge Moscovici. It presupposes that this would make it easier to apprehend the process of construction of social identity of the investigated social group. The universe of the research is constituted by teachers of the fundamental teaching of the municipal district of Maracanaú, state of Ceará, that were active in class-room work there during at least three years, and were registered or had concluded the Course of Educational Formation promoted by UECE in that municipal district. Taking into account that the teacher's social identity is a process in permanent construction, resulting of their daily experiences and of the interferences originated from of the social context, the investigative tasks were implemented in two different stages, although they complement each other. Initially, with the objective of putting in evidence the genesis of the formation of that group s habitus, an analysis of the family and school lives of eleven teachers who participated in the course was made, using as main sources of data: thematic memorials, semi-structured interviews and observations - inside and out of the class-room during four school semesters. In the second stage a test of free association of words was applied to 426 teachers, seeking to apprehend the structure of the social representations of family and school a methodological strategy considered necessary to enhance and identify certain outlines of the habitus in study, besides being in agreement with the theoretical model followed. It became evident from the results that the identity of Maracanaú s teachers is molded and transformed into a multifaceted dynamic unit that shows successes and mistakes, certainties and doubts. For instance, besides an innovative speech seeking to reassure that teaching is a profession and not a simple vocation or mission, some discourse and attitudes are identified that point to the opposite direction, extolling the school as extension of the family, defending a parental relationship with the students, and looking at certain aspects of daily school life as sacramental . However, in the light of science such ambiguities and incoherences are inherent to common sense discourse, where the influences of the patterns and cultural references are present in the process of identity construction of the group, which was confirmed by the research of their social representations of family and school