990 resultados para kappa statistic


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The aim of this study was to develop and test the reliability and validity of survey items that examine the frequency with which primary school-aged children play in particular outdoor locations. Parents reported the number of days their child spent playing in specified outdoor locations (i.e., yard at home, own street/court/footpath, and park/playground) out-of-school hours on weekdays and weekend days during a typical week. To test the reliability of these items, the survey was administered on two occasions, 2 weeks apart, to a sample of 53 parents of children attending primary schools located in metropolitan Melbourne. The validity study involved the completion of a log book by 46 parents of primary school children over a 1-week period. Two weeks later, the same sample of parents completed the survey items. The test–retest reliability of individual items was determined using intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). The kappa statistic and percent agreement between responses were used to assess validity by comparing the information provided in the log book with that provided in the survey. Results from the two studies suggest that the survey was generally a reliable and valid instrument for assessing the frequency with which children play in particular locations especially at home or in the street. Evidence of the reliability and validity of items assessing where children play is novel and important considering the need to promote children's physical activity in a variety of settings.


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Information regarding the composition and extent of benthic habitats on the South East Australian continental shelf is limited. In this habitat mapping study, multibeam echosounder (MBES) data are integrated with precisely geo-referenced video ground-truth data to quantify benthic biotic communities at Cape Nelson, Victoria, Australia. Using an automated decision tree classification approach, 5 representative biotic groups defined from video analysis were related to hydro-acoustically derived variables in the Cape Nelson survey area. Using a combination of multibeam bathymetry, backscatter and derivative products produced highest overall accuracy (87%) and kappa statistic (0.83). This study demonstrates that decision tree classifiers are capable of integrating variable data types for mapping distributions of benthic biological assemblages, which are important in maintaining biodiversity and other system services in the marine environment.


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Background The benefits of secondary preventive measures for stable coronary artery disease are well established and risk factor treatment targets are defined.

Aim The aim of this study was to examine Australian general practitioners' (GP) perception and management of risk factors in chronic stable angina patients in primary care.

Methods Using a cluster-stratified design, 2031 consecutive stable angina patients were recruited between October 2006 and March 2007 by 207 GP who documented their risk factors and reported if they were optimally controlled.

Results Among the patients, 93% had objective evidence of coronary artery disease and 63% were male, and mean age was 71 ± 11 years. Based upon national guidelines, recommended targets were achieved in: 60% for blood pressure, 24% for body mass index, 23% for waist circumference, 17% for lipid profiles (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides) and 54% of diabetics for haemoglobin A1c. However, GP perceived risk factors to be ‘optimally controlled’ in: 86% for blood pressure (kappa statistic (κ) = 0.37), 44% for weight (κ = 0.3), 70% for lipids (κ = 0.20) and 60% for haemoglobin A1c (κ = 0.74).

Conclusions In this representative cohort of chronic stable angina patients attending GP, cardiovascular risk factor control was frequently suboptimal despite being perceived as satisfactory by the clinicians. New strategies that raise awareness and address this treatment gap need to be implemented.


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Map comparison is a relatively uncommon practice in acoustic seabed classification to date, contrary to the field of land remote sensing, where it has been developed extensively over recent decades. The aim here is to illustrate the benefits of map comparison in the underwater realm with a case study of three maps independently describing the seabed habitats of the Te Matuku Marine Reserve (Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand). The maps are obtained from a QTC View classification of a single-beam echosounder (SBES) dataset, manual segmentation of a sidescan sonar (SSS) mosaic, and automatic classification of a backscatter dataset from a multibeam echosounder (MBES). The maps are compared using pixel-to-pixel similarity measures derived from the literature in land remote sensing. All measures agree in presenting the MBES and SSS maps as the most similar, and the SBES and SSS maps as the least similar. The results are discussed with reference to the potential of MBES backscatter as an alternative to SSS mosaic for imagery segmentation and to the potential of joint SBES–SSS survey for improved habitat mapping. Other applications of map-similarity measures in acoustic classification of the seabed are suggested.


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Objectives: The aim was to examine interrater reliability of the object control subtest from the Test of Gross Motor Development-2 by live observation in a school field setting. Design:: Reliability Study - cross sectional. Methods: Raters were rated on their ability to agree on (1) the raw total for the six object control skills; (2) each skill performance and (3) the skill components. Agreement for the object control subtest and the individual skills was assessed by an intraclass correlation (ICC) and a kappa statistic assessed for skill component agreement. Results: A total of 37 children (65% girls) aged 4-8 years (M= 6.2, SD=0.8) were assessed in six skills by two raters; equating to 222 skill tests. Interrater reliability was excellent for the object control subset (ICC= 0.93), and for individual skills, highest for the dribble (ICC= 0.94) followed by strike (ICC= 0.85), overhand throw (ICC= 0.84), underhand roll (ICC= 0.82), kick (ICC= 0.80) and the catch (ICC= 0.71). The strike and the throw had more components with less agreement. Conclusions: Even though the overall subtest score and individual skill agreement was good, some skill components had lower agreement, suggesting these may be more problematic to assess. This may mean some skill components need to be specified differently in order to improve component reliability.


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Osteoporosis is a major health concern, estimated to affect millions worldwide. Bone mineral density (BMD) assessment is not practical for many large-scale epidemiological studies resulting in the reliance of self-report methods to ascertain diagnostic information. The aim of the study was to assess the validity of self-reported diagnosis of osteoporosis in a population-based study. This study examined data collected from 906 men and 843 women participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. Osteoporosis was self-reported and compared against results of BMD scans of the hip and spine. Validity was examined by calculating sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and kappa statistic. Osteoporosis was self-reported by 118 (6.7%) participants and identified using BMD results for 64 (3.7%) participants. Specificity and negative predictive value were good (95.1% and 96.0%, respectively), whereas sensitivity and positive predictive value were poor (35.9% and 31.4%, respectively). The overall level of agreement (kappa) was 0.29. The results changed only slightly when we included participants with osteopenia and adult fracture as osteoporotic. Reliance on self-report methods to ascertain osteoporosis status is not recommended.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A reação de fixação de complemento é um dos testes usados no diagnóstico confirmatório da brucelose bovina, e para sua realização emprega-se o mesmo antígeno usado na prova de soroaglutinação lenta, porém não foi possível encontrar na literatura estudos sobre a estabilidade desse antígeno para uso na prova de fixação de complemento, de modo a estabelecer um prazo de validade para o mesmo. Por isso, esta investigação teve por objetivo avaliar a estabilidade do antígeno de célula total de Brucella conservado sob refrigeração, para uso na reação de fixação de complemento. Analisaram-se 14 partidas de antígeno, preparado com Brucella abortus amostra 1119/3 e padronizado para uso na prova de soroaglutinação lenta, com tempo de fabricação variando de 9 meses a 23 anos e 11 meses. Testaram-se 167 soros bovinos com títulos variáveis de anticorpos contra Brucella, adotando-se a técnica com incubação a 37ºC nas duas fases da reação e 5 unidades hemolíticas 50% de complemento. Considerou-se como positivo o soro com pelo menos 25% de fixação de complemento na diluição 1:4. Compararam-se os resultados obtidos com as 13 partidas de antígeno com aqueles obtidos com a partida com 9 meses de fabricação, usando o teste de chi2 de McNemar e o coeficiente kappa. A grande maioria dos soros apresentou resultados muito próximos quando testados com as diversas partidas de antígeno, e não se observou relação entre tempo de fabricação do antígeno e diferenças nos resultados obtidos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Determinar a acurácia das variáveis: tempo de escada (tTE), potência de escada (PTE), teste de caminhada (TC6) e volume expiratório forçado (VEF1) utilizando o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2máx) como padrão-ouro. MÉTODOS: Os testes foram realizados em 51 pacientes. O VEF1 foi obtido através da espirometria. O TC6 foi realizado em corredor plano de 120m. O TE foi realizado em escada de 6 lances obtendo-se tTE e PTE. O VO2máx foi obtido por ergoespirometria, utilizando o protocolo de Balke. Foram calculados a correlação linear de Pearson (r) e os valores de p, entre VO2máx e variáveis. Para o cálculo da acurácia, foram obtidos os pontos de corte, através da curva característica operacional (ROC). A estatística Kappa (k) foi utilizada para cálculo da concordância. RESULTADOS: Obteve-se as acurácias: tTE - 86%, TC6 - 80%, PTE - 71%, VEF1(L) - 67%, VEF1% - 63%. Para o tTE e TC6 combinados em paralelo, obteve-se sensibilidade de 93,5% e em série, especificidade de 96,4%. CONCLUSÃO: O tTE foi a variável que apresentou a melhor acurácia. Quando combinados o tTE e TC6 podem ter especificidade e sensibilidade próxima de 100%. Estes testes deveriam ser mais usados rotineiramente, especialmente quando a ergoespirometria para a medida de VO2máx não é disponível.


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OBJETIVO: Embora sejam freqüentes os estudos epidemiológicos trazendo informações ocupacionais obtidas em entrevistas com familiares de trabalhadores, há poucos trabalhos analisando a validade dessas informações, sendo nenhum deles realizados em países em desenvolvimento. Objetivou-se estudar a validade do uso de informações ocupacionais obtidas de informantes secundários em estudos epidemiológicos, pela análise de concordância entre histórias ocupacionais obtidas em entrevistas independentes com os próprios trabalhadores e seus familiares. MÉTODOS: A história ocupacional de trabalhadores, residentes no Município de Botucatu, SP, em 1998, foi obtida por entrevistas com os próprios trabalhadores e com os familiares próximos. Calcularam-se a sensibilidade e a especificidade das informações ocupacionais dos familiares, considerando-se padrão-ouro a informação do trabalhador. Avaliou-se a concordância dos pares de informação pelo coeficiente Kappa. RESULTADOS: Foram entrevistados 2.163 pares trabalhador/familiar. A sensibilidade da informação ocupacional dos familiares variou entre 77,5% (IC95%; 64,6% -- 90,4%) e 98,9% (97,3% -- 100,0%), enquanto a especificidade variou entre 96,9% (96,0% -- 97,7%) e 99,9% (99,7% -- 100,0%). O coeficiente Kappa para a concordância da informação ocupação principal, segundo as duas fontes, foi de 0,86 (0,85 -- 0,88). CONCLUSÕES: A utilização de informações ocupacionais obtidas de informantes secundários, se tratadas como variáveis categóricas, tem validade. Utilizando-se informações relativas a tempos acumulados de trabalho, concluiu-se que informantes secundários subestimam os tempos de exposição quando comparados com os próprios trabalhadores.


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Objective: The aim of the present study was to use facial analysis to determine the effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on nasal morphology in children in the stages of primary and mixed dentition, with posterior cross-bite. Material and Methods: Facial photographs (front view and profile) of 60 patients in the pre-expansion period, immediate post-expansion period and one year following rapid maxillary expansion with a Haas appliance were evaluated on 2 occasions by 3 experienced orthodontists independently, with a 2-week interval between evaluations. The examiners were instructed to assess nasal morphology and had no knowledge regarding the content of the study. Intraexanniner and interexanniner agreement (assessed using the Kappa statistic) was acceptable. Results: From the analysis of the mode of the examiners' findings, no alterations in nasal morphology occurred regarding the following aspects: dorsunn of nose, alar base, nasal width of middle third and nasal base. Alterations were only detected in the nasolabial angle in 1.64% of the patients between the pre-expansion and immediate post-expansion photographs. In 4.92% of the patients between the immediate post-expansion period and 1 year following expansion; and in 6.56% of the patients between the pre-expansion period and one year following expansion. Conclusion: RME performed on children in stages of primary and mixed dentition did not have any impact on nasal morphology, as assessed using facial analysis.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of cleaning pits and fissures with on aluminum oxide air abrasion system on the detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth using laser fluorescence (LF) and visual examination. Methods. The sample comprised 65 pit and fissure sites on extracted primary teeth suspected to be carious. The sites were submitted to 2 visual examinations (examiner JAR) and 2 LF readings (examiner TMV). Next, the occlusal surfaces were air-abraded and re-examined thereafter using both methods. The teeth were sectioned, and the histological analysis of the sites with a stereoscopic magnifying lens at X32 magnification was used as the gold standard Results. Cohen's kappa statistic for LF and visual examination were, respectively, 0.282/0.884 before and 0.896/0.905 after air abrasion. LF showed a sensitivity of 0.28 increasing to 0.49 and 0 specificity of 0.50 increasing to 0.92. Visual examination showed sensitivity of 0.78 and specificity of 0.73. Both increased after air abrasion. Conclusion: The findings suggest that cleaning pits and fissures with aluminum oxide air abrasion increased the accuracy of LF and visual examination for detection of occlusal caries in primary teeth.


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Objectives: (1) To evaluate the intraobserver agreement related to image interpretation and (2) to compare the accuracy of 100%, 200% and 400% zoomed digital images in the detection of simulated periodontal bone defects.Methods: Periodontal bone defects were created in 60 pig hemi-mandibles with slow-speed burs 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 2.0 mm and 3.0 mm in diameter. 180 standardized digital radiographs were made using Schick sensor and evaluated at 100%, 200% and 400% zooming. The intraobserver agreement was estimated by Kappa statistic (kappa). For the evaluation of diagnostic accuracy receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed followed by chi-square test to compare the areas under ROC curves according to each level of zooming.Results: For 100%, 200% and 400% zooming the intraobserver agreement was moderate (kappa = 0.48, kappa = 0.54 and kappa = 0.43, respectively) and there were similar performances in the discrimination capacity, with ROC areas of 0.8611 (95% CI: 0.7660-0.9562), 0.8600 (95% CI: 0.7659-0.9540), and 0.8368 (95% CI: 0.7346-0.9390), respectively, with no statistical significant differences (chi(2)-test; P = 0.8440).Conclusions: A moderate intraobserver agreement was observed in the classification of periodontal bone defects and the 100%, 200% and 400% zoomed digital images presented similar performances in the detection of periodontal bone defects.


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Objective. To use the Pediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organization (PRINTO) core set of outcome measures to develop a validated definition of improvement for the evaluation of response to therapy in juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).Methods. Thirty-seven experienced pediatric rheumatologists from 27 countries, each of whom had specific experience in the assessment of juvenile SLE patients, achieved consensus on 128 patient profiles as being clinically improved or not improved. Using the physicians' consensus ratings as the gold standard measure, the chi-square, sensitivity, specificity, false-positive and false-negative rates, area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, and kappa level of agreement for 597 candidate definitions of improvement were calculated. Only definitions with a kappa value greater than 0.7 were retained. The top definitions were selected based on the product of the content validity score multiplied by its kappa statistic.Results. The definition of improvement with the highest final score was at least 50% improvement from baseline in any 2 of the 5 core set measures, with no more than 1 of the remaining worsening by more than 30%.Conclusion. PRINTO proposes a valid and reproducible definition of improvement that reflects well the consensus rating of experienced clinicians and that incorporates clinically meaningful change in core set measures in a composite end point for the evaluation of global response to therapy in patients with juvenile SLE. The definition is now proposed for use in juvenile SLE clinical trials and may help physicians to decide whether a child with SLE responded adequately to therapy.