947 resultados para isotherms of adsorption
The isotherms of adsorption of MX2 (M = Cu2+, Co2+; X = Cl-, Br-, ClO4) by silica gel chemically modified with 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole (SiATR) were studied in acetone and ethanol solutions, at 25 degrees C. The 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole molecule, covalently bound to the silica gel surface, adsorbs MX2 from solvent by forming a surface complex. At low loading, the electronic and electron spin resonance spectral parameters indicated that the Cu2+ complexes have distorted tetragonal symmetry. The CoX2 (X = Cl-, Br-) analogues exhibit a distorted-tetrahedral geometry, whilstthe (SiATR)mCo)ClO4)(2) complex has a tetragonally distorted octahedral geometry, with four equatorial nitrogen atoms around the cobalt. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The material octakis[3-(3-amino- 1,2,4-triazole)propyl]octasilsesquioxane (ATZ-SSQ) was synthesized and its potential was assessed for Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Zn(II) and Fe(III) from their ethanol solutions and compared with related 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole-propyl modified silica gel (ATZ-SG). The adsorption was performed using a batchwise process and both organofunctionalized surfaces showed the ability to adsorb the metal ions from ethanol solution. The Langmuir model allowed to describe the sorption of the metal ions on ATZ-SSQ and ATTZ-SG in a satisfactory way. The equilibrium is reached very quickly Q min) for ATZ-SSQ, indicating that the adsorption sites are well exposed. The maximum metal ion uptake values for Cu(II), Co(II), Zn(II), Ni(II) and Fe(III) were 0.86, 0.09, 0.19, 0.09 and 0.10 mmol g(-1), respectively, for the ATZ-SSQ, which were higher than the corresponding values 0.21, 0.04, 0.14, 0.05 and 0.07 mmol g(-1) achieved with the ATZ-SG. In order to obtain more information on the metal-ligand interaction of the complexes on the surface of the ATZ-SSQ, Cu(II) was used as a probe to determine the arrangements of the ligands around the central metal ion by electron spin resonance (ESR). The ATZ-SSQ was used for the separation and determination (in flow using a column technique) of the metal ions present in commercial ethanol. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dados de equilíbrio da umidade da polpa de manga foram determinados utilizando-se o método estático gravimétrico. As isotermas de adsorção e dessorção foram obtidas na faixa de 30-70 ºC e as atividades de água (a w) de 0,02 a 0,97. A utilização do modelo de GAB nos resultados experimentais, através da análise de regressão não linear, proporcionou um bom ajuste entre os dados experimentais e os valores calculados. O calor isostérico de sorção foi estimado a partir dos dados de equilíbrio de sorção, utilizando-se a equação de Clausius-Clayperon. Notou-se que os calores isostéricos de sorção crescem com o aumento da temperatura e pode ser bem ajustado através de uma relação exponencial. A teoria da compensação entalpia-entropia foi aplicada às isotermas de sorção e gráficos deltaH versus deltaS forneceram as temperaturas isocinéticas, indicando um processo de sorção entalpicamente controlado.
The isotherms of adsorption of CuX2 (X=Cl-, Br-, ClO- 4) by silica gel chemically modified with 2-aminothiazole were studied in acetone and EtOH solutions, at 25°C. The 2-aminothiazole molecule, covalently bond to the silica gel surface, adsorbs CuX2 from solvent by forming a surface complex. At low loading, the electronic and E.S.R. spectral parameters indicate that the Cu2+ complexes have a distorted tetragonal symmetry. The d-d eletronic transition spectra show that for ClO- 4 complex, the peak of absorption do not change for any degree of metal loading whilst for Cl- and Br- complexes, the peak maxima shift to higher energy with lower metal loading. © Elsevier Science Ltd.
In this work, a silica surface chemically modified with [3-(2,2′-dipyridylamine)propyl] groups, named [3-(2,2′- dipyridylamine)propyl]silica (Si-Pr-DPA) was prepared, characterized, and evaluated for its heavy metal adsorption characteristics from aqueous solution. To our knowledge, we are the first authors who have reported the present modification. The material was characterized using infrared spectroscopy, SEM, and NMR 29Si and 13C solid state. Batch and column experiments were conducted to investigate for heavy metal removal from dilute aqueous solution by sorption onto Si-Pr-DPA. From a number of studies the affinity of various metal ions for the Si-Pr-DPA sorbent was determined to follow the order Fe(III) > Cr(III) >> Cu(II) > Cd(II) > Pb(II) > Ni(II). Two standard reference materials were used for checking the accuracy and precision of the method. The proposed method was successfully applied to the analysis of environmental samples. This ligand material has great advantage for adsorption of transition-metal ions from aqueous medium due to its high degree of organofunctionalization associated with the large adsorption capacity, reutilization possibility, and rapidity in reaching the equilibrium. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
In this paper we analyzed the adsorption of a large number of gases and vapors on graphitized thermal carbon black. The Henry constant was used to determine the adsorbate-adsorbent interaction energy, which is found to be a modest decreasing function of temperature. Analysis of the complete adsorption isotherm over a wider range of pressure yields information on the monolayer coverage concentration and the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction energy. Among the various equations tested, the Hill-de Boer equation accounting for BET-postulated multilayer formation describes well the adsorption isotherms of all adsorbates. On average, the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction energy in the adsorbed phase is less than that in the bulk phase, suggesting that the distance between adsorbed molecules in the first layer of the adsorbed phase is slightly less than the equilibrium distance between two adsorbate molecules in the bulk phase. This suggests that the first layer is in a compressed state, which is due to the attraction of the adsorbent surface. The monolayer concentration as determined from the fitting of the Hill-de Boer equation with experimental data is slightly larger than the values calculated from the molecular projection area, suggesting that molecules can be oriented such that a larger number of molecules can be accommodated on the carbon black surface. This further supports the shorter distance between adsorbate molecules in the adsorbed phase.
The process of adsorption of two dissociating and two non-dissociating aromatic compounds from dilute aqueous solutions on an untreated commercially available activated carbon (B.D.H.) was investigated systematically. All adsorption experiments were carried out in pH controlled aqueous solutions. The experimental isotherms were fitted into four different models (Langmuir homogenous Models, Langmuir binary Model, Langmuir-Freundlich single model and Langmuir-Freundlich double model). Variation of the model parameters with the solution pH was studied and used to gain further insight into the adsorption process. The relationship between the model parameters and the solution pH and pK(a) was used to predict the adsorption capacity in molecular and ionic form of solutes in other solution. A relationship was sought to predict the effect of pH on the adsorption systems and for estimating the maximum adsorption capacity of carbon at any pH where the solute is ionized reasonably well. N-2 and CO2 adsorption were used to characterize the carbon. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurement was used for surface elemental analysis of the activated carbon.
In this paper, we present an analysis of argon adsorption in cylindrical pores having amorphous silica structure by means of a nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT). In the modeling, we account for the radial and longitudinal density distributions, which allow us to consider the interface between the liquidlike and vaporlike fluids separated by a hemispherical meniscus in the canonical ensemble. The Helmholtz free energy of the meniscus was determined as a function of pore diameter. The canonical NLDFT simulations show the details of density rearrangement at the vaporlike and liquidlike spinodal points. The limits of stability of the smallest bridge and the smallest bubble were also determined with the canonical NLDFT. The energy of nucleation as a function of the bulk pressure and the pore diameter was determined with the grand canonical NLDFT using an additional external potential field. It was shown that the experimentally observed reversibility of argon adsorption isotherms at its boiling point up to the pore diameter of 4 nm is possible if the potential barrier of 22kT is overcome due to density fluctuations.
In this paper, we investigate the suitability of the grand canonical Monte Carlo in the description of adsorption equilibria of flexible n-alkane (butane, pentane and hexane) on graphitized thermal carbon black. Potential model of n-alkane of Martin and Siepmann (J. Phys. Chem. 102 (1998) 2569) is employed in the simulation, and we consider the flexibility of molecule in the simulation. By this we study two models, one is the fully flexible molecular model in which n-alkane is subject to bending and torsion, while the other is the rigid molecular model in which all carbon atoms reside on the same plane. It is found that (i) the adsorption isotherm results of these two models are close to each other, suggesting that n-alkane model behaves mostly as rigid molecules with respect to adsorption although the isotherm for longer chain n-hexane is better described by the flexible molecular model (ii) the isotherms agree very well with the experimental data at least up to two layers on the surface.
We model nongraphitized carbon black surfaces and investigate adsorption of argon on these surfaces by using the grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. In this model, the nongraphitized surface is modeled as a stack of graphene layers with some carbon atoms of the top graphene layer being randomly removed. The percentage of the surface carbon atoms being removed and the effective size of the defect ( created by the removal) are the key parameters to characterize the nongraphitized surface. The patterns of adsorption isotherm and isosteric heat are particularly studied, as a function of these surface parameters as well as pressure and temperature. It is shown that the adsorption isotherm shows a steplike behavior on a perfect graphite surface and becomes smoother on nongraphitized surfaces. Regarding the isosteric heat versus loading, we observe for the case of graphitized thermal carbon black the increase of heat in the submonolayer coverage and then a sharp decline in the heat when the second layer is starting to form, beyond which it increases slightly. On the other hand, the isosteric heat versus loading for a highly nongraphitized surface shows a general decline with respect to loading, which is due to the energetic heterogeneity of the surface. It is only when the fluid-fluid interaction is greater than the surface energetic factor that we see a minimum-maximum in the isosteric heat versus loading. These simulation results of isosteric heat agree well with the experimental results of graphitization of Spheron 6 (Polley, M. H.; Schaeffer, W. D.; Smith, W. R. J. Phys. Chem. 1953, 57, 469; Beebe, R. A.; Young, D. M. J. Phys. Chem. 1954, 58, 93). Adsorption isotherms and isosteric heat in pores whose walls have defects are also studied from the simulation, and the pattern of isotherm and isosteric heat could be used to identify the fingerprint of the surface.
Solvation. pressure due to adsorption of fluids in porous materials is the cause of elastic deformation of an adsorbent, which is accessible to direct experimental measurements. Such a deformation contributes to the Helmholtz free energy of the whole adsorbent-adsorbate system due to accumulation of compression or tension energy by the solid. It means that in the general case the solid has to be considered as not solely a source of the external potential field for the fluid confined in the pore volume, but also as thermodynamically nonmert component of the solid-fluid system. We present analysis of nitrogen adsorption isotherms and heat of adsorption in slit graphitic pores accounting for the adsorption deformation by means of nonlocal density functional theory. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several procedures for calculating the heat of adsorption from Monte Carlo simulations for a heterogeneous adsorbent are presented. Simulations have been performed to generate isotherms for nitrogen at 77 K and methane at 273.15 K in graphitic slit pores of various widths. The procedures were then applied to calculate the heat of adsorption of an activated carbon with an arbitrary pore size distribution. The consistency of the different procedures shows them to be correct in calculating interaction energy contributions to the heat of adsorption. The currently favored procedure for this type of calculation, from the literature, is shown to be incorrect and in serious error when calculating the heat of adsorption of activated carbon.
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles with different sizes and crystalloid structures produced by the thermal method and doped with silver iodide (AgI), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S) and carbon (C) were applied as adsorbents. The adsorption of Methyl Violet (MV), Methylene Blue (MB), Methyl Orange (MO) and Orange II on the surface of these particles was studied. The photocatalytic activity of some particles for the destruction of MV and Orange II was evaluated under sunlight and visible light. The equilibrium adsorption data were fitted to the Langmuir, Freundlich, Langmuir-Freundlich and Temkin isotherms. The equilibrium data show that TiO2 particles with larger sizes and doped with AgI, N, S and C have the highest adsorption capacity for the dyes. The kinetic data followed the pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order models, while desorption data fitted the zero order, first order and second order models. The highest adsorption rate constant was observed for the TiO2 with the highest anatase phase percentage. Factors such as anatase crystalloid structure, particle size and doping with AgI affect the photocatalytic activity significantly. Increasing the rutile phase percentage also decreases the tendency to desorption for N-TiO2 and S-TiO2. Adsorption was not found to be important in the photocatalytic decomposition of MV in an investigation with differently sized AgI-TiO2 nanoparticles. Nevertheless C-TiO2 was found to have higher adsorption activity onto Orange II, as the adsorption role of carbon approached synchronicity with the oxidation role.
In this work we investigate the influence of the adsorption of ions on the impedance spectroscopy of an electrolytic cell. We consider that the positive and negative ions present in a dielectric liquid are adsorbed in the electrode surfaces with different adsorption energies. This difference in adsorption energies causes an additional plateaux in the limit of the low-frequency range of the real part of the impedance Z. In the same frequency range, a second minimum in the imaginary part of Z is predicted. The theory is illustrated with measurements of the impedance of an electrolytic solution in the frequency range from 10(-2) Hz to 1 KHz. A comparison between the present model and others from the literature to describe the experimental results is also made.
The moving finite element collocation method proposed by Kill et al. (1995) Chem. Engng Sci. 51 (4), 2793-2799 for solution of problems with steep gradients is further developed to solve transient problems arising in the field of adsorption. The technique is applied to a model of adsorption in solids with bidisperse pore structures. Numerical solutions were found to match the analytical solution when it exists (i.e. when the adsorption isotherm is linear). The method is simple yet sufficiently accurate for use in adsorption problems, where global collocation methods fail. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.