996 resultados para isolation procedure


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The interactions of tropical aquatic fulvic acids (AFA) with chlorine and formation of trihalomethanes were characterized by fluorescence spectroscopy. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were isolated from a dark-brown stream (located in a environmental protection area near Cubatão city in São Paulo State, Brazil) by means of the collector XAD 8 according the procedure recommended by the International Humic Substances Society. The photoluminescence measurements were made by using a Perkin Elmer spectrometer; AHS, aquatic humic acids (AHA) and AFA samples were assayed. The interactions of AFA and chlorine were characterized by using different reaction times (1, 24, 48, 72 and 168 h) and chlorine concentrations (2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 20.0 mg L-1). The relative fluorescence intensity for AFA was significantly decreased with the increasing of chlorine concentration and reaction time. The reduction of fluorescence intensity in the region of longer wavelength was interpreted as an indicative of interaction between condensed aromatic groups of AFA and chlorine.


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Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) are adult multipotent cells that have high therapeutic potential due to their immunological properties. They can be isolated from several different tissues with bone marrow (BM) being the most common source. Because the isolation procedure is invasive, other tissues such as human umbilical cord vein (UCV) have been considered. However, their interchangeability remains unclear. In the present study, total protein extracts of BM-hMSCs and UCV-hMSCs were quantitatively compared using gel-LC-MS/MS. Previous SAGE analysis of the same cells was re-annotated to enable comparison and combination of these two data sets. We observed a more than 63% correlation between proteomic and transcriptomic data. In silico analysis of highly expressed genes in cells of both origins suggests that they can be modulated by microRNA, which can change protein abundance. Our results showed that MSCs from both tissues shared high similarity in metabolic and functional processes relevant to their therapeutic potential, especially in the immune system process, response to stimuli, and processes related to the delivery of the hMSCs to a given tissue, such as migration and adhesion. Hence, our results support the idea that the more accessible UCV could be a potentially less invasive source of MSCs.


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Bei stammzelltransplantierten Patienten, die ein Rezidiv ihrer Leukämie erleiden, kann eine Donor-Lymphozyten-Infusion (DLI) dauerhafte vollständige Leukämieremissionen induzieren. T-Zellen in der DLI vermitteln sowohl den potentiell kurativen Graft-versus-Leukaemia (GVL) Effekt, als auch die potentiell lebensbedrohliche Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD). Hingegen könnte die Infusion von leukämiereaktiven T-Zellen einen selektiven GVL Effekt und einen Langzeitschutz vor Rezidiven durch eine spezifisch gegen die Leukämie gerichtete Immunantwort und Immunität vermitteln. Unsere Arbeitsgruppe hat Protokolle zur in vitro Generierung leukämiereaktiver T-Zellen entwickelt, die hohe zytotoxische Aktivität gegen akute myeloische Leukämie-Blasten (AML) bei minimaler Reaktion auf mögliche GVHD Zielstrukturen zeigen. Für die klinische Anwendung sind diese Protokolle jedoch zu aufwändig, wobei vor allem eine erhebliche Verkürzung der Kulturzeit auf wenige Wochen erforderlich ist. Diese Verkürzung der in vitro Kulturzeit könnte das Wachstum von T-Zellen vom central memory oder frühen effector memory Phänotyp fördern, für die eine bessere in vivo Effektorfunktion und längere Persistenz im Rezipienten verglichen mit T-Zellen aus Langzeitkultur gezeigt werden konnte. Der Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Rezeptor CD137 kann zur Erkennung und Isolation antigenspezifischer T-Zellen genutzt werden, ohne dass dafür das von den T-Zellen erkannte Peptidepitop bekannt sein muss. Eine CD137-vermittelte Anreicherung mit Hilfe von clinical grade Materialien könnte verwendet werden, um DLI-Produkte mit leukämiespezifischen T-Zellen herzustellen, die sich sowohl durch eine effizientere T-Zell Generierung durch in vitro Selektion und Kostimulation, als auch durch eine verbesserte Spezifität des T-Zell-Produkts auszeichnen. Lymphozyten-Leukämie Cokulturen (mixed lymphocyte leukaemia cultures) wurden mit CD8 T-Zellen gesunder Spender und HLA-identischen oder einzel-HLA-mismatch AML-Blasten angesetzt und wöchentlich restimuliert. Nach zwei Wochen wurden die T-Zellen 12 Stunden nach Restimulation über den Marker CD137 positiv isoliert und anschließend separat weiterkultiviert. Die isolierten Fraktionen und unseparierten Kontrollen wurden im ELISPOT-Assay und im Chrom-Freisetzungstest an Tag 5 nach der Restimulation getestet. Es wurden keine konsistent nachweisbaren Vorteile im Hinblick auf Wachstum und Funktion der isolierten CD137-positiv Fraktion im Vergleich zur unseparierten Kontrolle gefunden. Verschiedene Isolationsmethoden, Patient-Spender-Systeme, Methoden zur Restimulation, Temperaturbedingungen, Zytokinkombinationen und Methoden der Zytokinzugabe sowie zusätzliche Feeder-Zellen oder AML-Blasten konnten Wachstum, funktionelle Daten und die deutlichen Zellverluste während der Isolation nicht entscheidend beeinflussen. Vitalfärbungen zeigten, dass aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod CD137-positiver Zellen zu diesen Ergebnissen beitragen könnte. Im Gegensatz zur Stimulation mit AML-Blasten wurden erfolgreiche CD137-Anreicherungen für peptidstimulierte T-Zellen publiziert. Unterschiedliche CD137-Expressionskinetiken, aktivierungsinduzierter Zelltod und regulatorische T-Zellen sind mögliche Faktoren aufgrund derer die CD137-Anreicherung in diesem spezifischen Kontext ungeeinet sein könnte. Der stimulatorische Effekt eines CD137-Signals auf AML-reaktive CD8 T-Zellen wurde mit Hilfe von CD3/CD28 und CD3/CD28/CD137 Antikörper-beschichteten magnetischen beads untersucht. Für Nierenzellkarzinom-reaktive T-Zellen war die Stimulation mit CD3/CD28/CD137 beads genauso effektiv wie mit Tumorzellen und effektiver als mit CD3/CD28 beads. Beide Arten von beads waren für eine Stimulation während der ersten Wochen der Zellkultur geeignet, sodass ein zusätzliches CD137-Signal für die länger anhaltende Expansion tumorreaktiver T-Zellen zur klinischen Anwendung nützlich sein könnte. Die bead-Expansion veränderte die IFN-Sekretion im ELISPOT nicht, aber verursachte eine mäßige Verschlechterung der Zytotoxizität im Chrom-Freisetzungstest. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigten bei AML-reaktiven T-Zellen beide Arten von beads einen nicht apoptosevermittelten, dosisabhängigen zellschädigenden Effekt, der zu einer raschen Abnahme der Zellzahl in Kulturen mit beads führte. Unerwünschte Effekte auf die T-Zell-Funktionalität durch bead-Stimulation sind in der Literatur beschrieben, dennoch gibt es aktuell keine Veröffentlichungen, die eine fundierte Erklärung für den Effekt auf AML-reaktive T-Zellen bieten könnten. Abgesehen von Literaturdaten, die darauf hindeuten, dass CD137 ein vielversprechendes Kandidatenmolekül für die Anreicherung und Expansion von AML-reaktiven T-Zellen sein könnte, zeigen die eigenen Daten sowohl zur CD137-Isolation als auch zur bead-Stimulation, dass für diese spezielle Anwendung CD137 ein ungeeigneter Aktivierungsmarker und Kostimulations-Ligand ist.


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The discovery of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in perinatal sources, such as the amniotic fluid (AF) and the umbilical connective tissue, the so-called Wharton's jelly (WJ), has transformed them into promising stem cell grafts for the application in regenerative medicine. The advantages of AF-MSCs and WJ-MSCs over adult MSCs, such as bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs), include their minimally invasive isolation procedure, their more primitive cell character without being tumourigenic, their low immunogenicity and their potential autologous application in congenital disorders and when cryopreserved in adulthood. This chapter gives an overview of the biology of AF-MSCs and WJMSCs, and their regenerative potential based on the results of recent preclinical and clinical studies. In the end, open questions concerning the use of WJ-MSCs and AF-MSCs in regenerative medicine will be emphasized.


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We have studied the kinetics of the oxygen reaction of the fully reduced quinol oxidase, cytochrome bo3, using flow-flash and stopped flow techniques. This enzyme belongs to the heme-copper oxidase family but lacks the CuA center of the cytochrome c oxidases. Depending on the isolation procedure, the kinetics are found to be either nearly monophasic and very different from those of cytochrome c oxidase or multiphasic and quite similar to cytochrome c oxidase. The multiphasic kinetics in cytochrome c oxidase can largely be attributed to the presence Of CuA as the donor of a fourth electron, which rereduces the originally oxidized low-spin heme and completes the reduction of O2 to water. Monophasic kinetics would thus be expected, a priori, for cytochrome bo3 since it lacks the CuA center, and in this case we show that the oxygen reaction is incomplete and ends with the ferryl intermediate. Multiphasic kinetics thus suggest the presence of an extra electron donor (analogous to CuA). We observe such kinetics exclusively with cytochrome bo3 that contains a single equivalent of bound ubiquinone-8, whereas we find no bound ubiquinone in an enzyme exhibiting monophasic kinetics. Reconstitution with ubiquinone-8 converts the reaction kinetics from monophasic to multiphasic. We conclude that a single bound ubiquinone molecule in cytochrome bo3 is capable of fast rereduction of heme b and that the reaction with O2 is quite similar in quinol and cytochrome c oxidases.


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The most potent known naturally occurring Bowman-Birk inhibitor, sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), is a bicyclic 14-amino acid peptide from sunflower seeds comprising one disulfide bond and a cyclic backbone. At present, little is known about the cyclization mechanism of SFTI-1. We show here that an acyclic permutant of SFTI-1 open at its scissile bond, SFTI-1[ 6,5], also functions as an inhibitor of trypsin and that it can be enzymatically backbone-cyclized by incubation with bovine beta-trypsin. The resulting ratio of cyclic SFTI-1 to SFTI1[6,5] is similar to9:1 regardless of whether trypsin is incubated with SFTI-1[ 6,5] or SFTI-1. Enzymatic resynthesis of the scissile bond to form cyclic SFTI-1 is a novel mechanism of cyclization of SFTI-1[ 6,5]. Such a reaction could potentially occur on a trypsin affinity column as used in the original isolation procedure of SFTI-1. We therefore extracted SFTI-1 from sunflower seeds without a trypsin purification step and confirmed that the backbone of SFTI-1 is indeed naturally cyclic. Structural studies on SFTI-1[ 6,5] revealed high heterogeneity, and multiple species of SFTI-1[ 6,5] were identified. The main species closely resembles the structure of cyclic SFTI-1 with the broken binding loop able to rotate between a cis/trans geometry of the I7-P8 bond with the cis conformer being similar to the canonical binding loop conformation. The non-reactive loop adopts a beta-hairpin structure as in cyclic wild-type SFTI-1. Another species exhibits an isoaspartate residue at position 14 and provides implications for possible in vivo cyclization mechanisms.


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1. Phagocytic polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMNLs) or neutrophils have a marked avidity for the uptake of particulate material and are the first cell type to respond to inflammatory stimuli in vivo. 2. By harnessing these pathophysiological characteristics the inherent targeting capacity of the PMNL could be exploited to carry drug loaded particles to these sites. 3. In vitro chemotaxis of PMNLs was studied in response to N-formyl-L-methionyl-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanine (FMLP) in the Blindwell chamber assay. 4. After phagocytosis of 1.1m polystyrene latex (PSL) beads at a range of incubation concentrations (5,10,20, and 30 beads/cell) the migration of the PMNL population was not significantly different from control, without beads. 5. The distribution of the beads within the filter showed that a disproportionately large number of PSL (50%) were associated with the cells on the surface of the filter that had not penetrated the filter. Eighty per cent of the PMNL population migrated and despite containing less PSL beads/cell, 50% of the dose was carried into the filter. Between 5 and 10% of these PSL were carried beyond 60m in the assay. 6. These results suggested heterogeneity of the PMNL population and to achieve efficient targeting with these cells preferential selection of the migratory sub-population would be needed. 7. The air-pouch model was then developed to study the focal accumulation of PMNLs in vivo. The PMNL isolated did not survive long enough in the circulation due to the trauma of the isolation procedure used; an alternative method will have to be employed.


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Abstract is not available.


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A, M. Soares, V, M, Rodrigues, M. I. Homsi-Brandeburgo, M. H. Toyama, F, R, Lombardi, K. Arni and J. R, Giglio. A rapid procedure for the isolation of the Lys-49 myotoxin II from Bothrops moojeni (caissaca) venom: Biochemical characterization, crystallization, myotoxic and edematogenic activity. Toxicon 36, 503-514, 1998.-Bothrops moojeni snake venom was fractionated on a CM-Sepharose column which was previously equilibrated with 0.05 M ammonium bicarbonate buffer at pH 8.0 and subsequently eluted with an ammonium bicarbonate concentration gradient from 0.05 to 0.5 M at constant pH (8.0) and temperature (25 degrees C). The fraction which eluted last (M-VI) showed, after direct lyophilization, a single band by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and SDS-PAGE, indicating an approximate M,. of 14 000 and 77 000, in the presence and absence of dithiothreitol, respectively. Its amino acid composition revealed a high level of hydrophobic and basic amino acids as well as 13 half-cystine residues. Its isoelectric point and extinction coefficient (E-1.0cm(1.0mg/ml) at 278 nm and pH 7.0) were 8.2 and 1.170, respectively. M-VI was devoid of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) activity on egg yolk, as well as of hemorrhagic, anticoagulant and coagulant activities, but could induce drastic necrosis on skeletal muscle fibres as well as rapid and transient edema on the rat paw. Its N-terminal sequence: SLFELGKMILQETGKNPAKSYGVYGCNCGVGGRGKPKDATDRCCYVHKCCYK.... revealed high homology with other Lys 49 PLA(2)-like myotoxins from other bothropic venoms. Orthorhombic crystals of M-VI? which diffracted to a maximal resolution of 1.6 Angstrom. were obtained and indicated the presence of a dimer in the asymmetrical unit. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new enrichment procedure is proposed to improve the isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and related species from milk. This procedure uses tryptic soy broth plus Polymyxin (5 IU/ml) and Novobiocin (10 mug/ml) - TSPN broth - incubated at 18-degrees-C for 3 d. Using raw milk and pasteurized milk inoculated with Yersinia strains, the efficiency of this procedure was compared to that of SB broth (sorbitol bile salts broth) incubated at 4-degrees-C for up to 21 d. Despite of the presence of antibiotics in TSPN broth, there were difficulties in recovering Yersinia organisms. Nevertheless, TSPN broth incubated at 18-degrees-C for 3 d showed better efficiency than that other method. In pasteurized milk samples, TSPN medium at 18-degrees-C for 3 d gave better results than the SB broth at 4-degrees-C for 7 d, showing that the proposed procedure is the preferable one due to the shorter period of incubation.


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Selective introduction and removal of protecting groups is of great significance in organic synthesis.l The benzyl ether function is one of the most common protecting groups for alcohols. Selective oxidative removal of the 4-methoxybenzyl (MPM) ethers in the presence of benzyl ethers made the MPM moiety an alternative protecting group, and its utility in carbohydrate chemistry is well established. Several procedures have been developed for the cleavage of the 4-methoxybenzyl moiety, e.g. DDQ oxidation (eq 1),2e lectrochemical ~xidationh,~om ogeneous electron t r a n~f e rp,~ho toinduced single electron t r an~f e rb,o~ro n trichloride-dimethyl sulfide,6e tc. However, in all these methods isolation of the alcohol from the inevitable byproduct, 4-methoxybenzaldehyde [also dichlorodicyanohydroquinone (DDHQ) in the most commonly used method employing DDQI can be troublesome. Recently Wallace and Hedgetts7 discovered that acetic acid at 90 "C cleaves the aromatic MPM ethers into the corresponding phenols and 4-methoxybenzyl acetate (eq 21, whereas the aliphatic MPM ethers generated, instead of alcohols, the corresponding acetates (eq 3). Complimentary to this methodology, herein we report that sodium cyanoborohydride and boron trifluoride etherate reductively cleaves, cleanly and efficiently, the aliphatic MPM ethers to an easily separable mixture of the corresponding alcohols and 4-methylanisole


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Synthetically useful N-Fmoc amino-alkyl isothiocyanates have been described, starting from protected amino acids. These compounds have been synthesized in excellent yields by thiocarbonylation of the monoprotected 1,2-diamines with CS2/TEA/p-TsCl, isolated as stable solids, and completely characterized. The procedure has been extended to the synthesis of amino alkyl isothiocyanates from Boc- and Z-protected amino acids as well. The utility of these isothiocyanates for peptidomimetics synthesis has been demonstrated by employing them in the preparation of a series of dithioureidopeptide esters. Boc-Gly-OH and Boc-Phe-OH derived isothiocyanates 9a and 9c have been obtained as single crystals and their structures solved through X-ray diffraction. They belong to the orthorhombic crystal system, and have a single molecule in the asymmetric unit (Z′ = 1). 9a crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group Pbca, while 9c crystallizes in the noncentrosymmetric space group P212121.


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A procedure has been developed for the isolation of very low density lipoproteins from hen's egg yolk plasma using DEAE-cellulose chromatography. This procedure is rapid and does not require ultracentrifugation and should, therefore, serve as a useful procedure for use in laboratories where this facility does not exist.