985 resultados para irradiation non-uniformity


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Consumers increasingly demand convenience foods of the highest quality in terms of natural flavor and taste, and which are freedom additives and preservatives. This demand has triggered the need for the development of a number of nonthermal approaches to food processing, of which high-pressure technology has proven to be very valuable. A number of recent publications have demonstrated novel and diverse uses of this technology. Its novel features, which include destruction of microorganisms at room temperature or lower, have made the technology commerically attractive. Enzymes forming bacteria can be by the application of pressure-thermal combinations. This review aims to identify the opportunities and challenges associated with this technology. In addition to discussing the effects of high pressure on food components, this review covers the combined effects of high pressure processing with: gamma irradiation, alternating current, ultrasound, and carbon dioxide or anti-microbial treatment. Further, the applications of this technology in various sectors-fruits and vegetables, dairy and meat processing-have been dealt with extensively. The integration of high-pressure with other matured processing operations such as blanching, dehydration, osmotic dehydration, rehyrdration, frying, freezing/thawing and solid-liquid extraction has been shown to open up new processing options. The key challenges identified include: heat transfer problems and resulting non-uniformity in processing, obtaining reliable and reproducible data, for process validation, lack of detailed knowledge about the interaction between high pressure, and a number of food constituents, packaging and statutory issues.


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A non-uniform mesh scheme is presented for the computation of compressible flows governed by the Euler equations of gas dynamics. The scheme is based on flux-difference splitting and represents an extension of a similar scheme designed for uniform meshes. The numerical results demonstrate that little, if any, spurious oscillation occurs as a result of the non-uniformity of the mesh; and importantly, shock speeds are computed correctly.


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The maximum strain experienced by the thinnest segment of a non-uniform fiber governs fiber breakage, yet this maximum strain can not be obtained from a normal single fiber test. Only the average strain of the whole fiber specimen can be obtained from a normal single fiber tensile test. This study has examined the relationship between the average strain, the maximum strain and the degree of fiber non-uniformity, expressed in coefficient of variation (CV) of fiber diameters along fiber length. The tensile strain of irregular fibers has been simulated using the finite element method (FEM). Using this method, average and maximum tensile strains of non-uniform fibers were calculated. The results indicate that for irregular fibers such as wool, there is an exponential relationship (i.e.ɛ ave ɛ max=ae −b CV ) between the ratio of average breaking strain and maximum breaking strain (ɛ ave ɛ max) and the along-fiber diameter variation (CV). The strain ratio decreases with the increase of the along-fiber diameter variation.


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Detector uniformity is a fundamental performance characteristic of all modern gamma camera systems, and ensuring a stable, uniform detector response is critical for maintaining clinical images that are free of artifact. For these reasons, the assessment of detector uniformity is one of the most common activities associated with a successful clinical quality assurance program in gamma camera imaging. The evaluation of this parameter, however, is often unclear because it is highly dependent upon acquisition conditions, reviewer expertise, and the application of somewhat arbitrary limits that do not characterize the spatial location of the non-uniformities. Furthermore, as the goal of any robust quality control program is the determination of significant deviations from standard or baseline conditions, clinicians and vendors often neglect the temporal nature of detector degradation (1). This thesis describes the development and testing of new methods for monitoring detector uniformity. These techniques provide more quantitative, sensitive, and specific feedback to the reviewer so that he or she may be better equipped to identify performance degradation prior to its manifestation in clinical images. The methods exploit the temporal nature of detector degradation and spatially segment distinct regions-of-non-uniformity using multi-resolution decomposition. These techniques were tested on synthetic phantom data using different degradation functions, as well as on experimentally acquired time series floods with induced, progressively worsening defects present within the field-of-view. The sensitivity of conventional, global figures-of-merit for detecting changes in uniformity was evaluated and compared to these new image-space techniques. The image-space algorithms provide a reproducible means of detecting regions-of-non-uniformity prior to any single flood image’s having a NEMA uniformity value in excess of 5%. The sensitivity of these image-space algorithms was found to depend on the size and magnitude of the non-uniformities, as well as on the nature of the cause of the non-uniform region. A trend analysis of the conventional figures-of-merit demonstrated their sensitivity to shifts in detector uniformity. The image-space algorithms are computationally efficient. Therefore, the image-space algorithms should be used concomitantly with the trending of the global figures-of-merit in order to provide the reviewer with a richer assessment of gamma camera detector uniformity characteristics.


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A two-dimensional finite element model of current flow in the front surface of a PV cell is presented. In order to validate this model we perform an experimental test. Later, particular attention is paid to the effects of non-uniform illumination in the finger direction which is typical in a linear concentrator system. Fill factor, open circuit voltage and efficiency are shown to decrease with increasing degree of non-uniform illumination. It is shown that these detrimental effects can be mitigated significantly by reoptimization of the number of front surface metallization fingers to suit the degree of non-uniformity. The behavior of current flow in the front surface of a cell operating at open circuit voltage under non-uniform illumination is discussed in detail.


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Refractive smoothing of weak non-uniformities in the illumination of laser targets is analyzed, assuming absorption at the critical density and restricting conduction to a thin layer, and using results from thermal smoothing, which is uncoupled from the refraction. Magnetic effects are included. Non-uniformity wavelengths comparable to the thickness of the conduction layer are considered; efficient smoothing exists at both short and long wavelengths in this range. Thermal focusing could make the ablated plasma unstable.


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Thermal-infrared images have superior statistical properties compared with visible-spectrum images in many low-light or no-light scenarios. However, a detailed understanding of feature detector performance in the thermal modality lags behind that of the visible modality. To address this, the first comprehensive study on feature detector performance on thermal-infrared images is conducted. A dataset is presented which explores a total of ten different environments with a range of statistical properties. An investigation is conducted into the effects of several digital and physical image transformations on detector repeatability in these environments. The effect of non-uniformity noise, unique to the thermal modality, is analyzed. The accumulation of sensor non-uniformities beyond the minimum possible level was found to have only a small negative effect. A limiting of feature counts was found to improve the repeatability performance of several detectors. Most other image transformations had predictable effects on feature stability. The best-performing detector varied considerably depending on the nature of the scene and the test.


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Parabolic Trough Concentrators (PTC) are the most proven solar collectors for solar thermal power plants, and are suitable for concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) applications. PV cells are sensitive to spatial uniformity of incident light and the cell operating temperature. This requires the design of CPV-PTCs to be optimised both optically and thermally. Optical modelling can be performed using Monte Carlo Ray Tracing (MCRT), with conjugate heat transfer (CHT) modelling using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to analyse the overall designs. This paper develops and evaluates a CHT simulation for a concentrating solar thermal PTC collector. It uses the ray tracing work by Cheng et al. (2010) and thermal performance data for LS-2 parabolic trough used in the SEGS III-VII plants from Dudley et al. (1994). This is a preliminary step to developing models to compare heat transfer performances of faceted absorbers for concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) applications. Reasonable agreement between the simulation results and the experimental data confirms the reliability of the numerical model. The model explores different physical issues as well as computational issues for this particular kind of system modeling. The physical issues include the resultant non-uniformity of the boundary heat flux profile and the temperature profile around the tube, and uneven heating of the HTF. The numerical issues include, most importantly, the design of the computational domain/s, and the solution techniques of the turbulence quantities and the near-wall physics. This simulation confirmed that optical simulation and the computational CHT simulation of the collector can be accomplished independently.


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Microwave power is used for heating and drying processes because of its faster and volumetric heating capability. Non-uniform temperature distribution during microwave application is a major drawback of these processes. Intermittent application of microwave potentially reduces the impact of non-uniformity and improves energy efficiency by redistributing the temperature. However, temperature re-distribution during intermittent microwave heating has not been investigated adequately. Consequently, in this study, a coupled electromagnetic with heat and mass transfer model was developed using the finite element method embedded in COMSOL-Multyphysics software. Particularly, the temperature redistribution due to intermittent heating was investigated. A series of experiments were performed to validate the simulation. The test specimen was an apple and the temperature distribution was closely monitored by a TIC (Thermal Imaging Camera). The simulated temperature profile matched closely with thermal images obtained from experiments.


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The self-organized growth of uniform carbon nanocone arrays using low-temperature non-equilibrium Ar + H 2 + CH 4 plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is studied. The experiment shows that size-, shape-, and position-uniform carbon nanocone arrays can develop even from non-uniformly fragmented discontinuous nickel catalyst films. A three-stage scenario is proposed where the primary nanocones grow on large catalyst particles during the first stage, and the secondary nanocones are formed between the primary ones at the second stage. Finally, plasma-related effects lead to preferential growth of the secondary nanocones and eventually a uniform nanopattern is formed. This does not happen in a CVD process with the same gas feedstock and surface temperature. The proposed three-stage growth scenario is supported by the numerical experiment which generates nanocone arrays very similar to the experimentally synthesized nanopatterns. The self-organization process is explained in terms of re-distribution of surface and volumetric fluxes of plasma-generated species in a developing nanocone array. Our results suggest that plasma-related self-organization effects can significantly reduce the non-uniformity of carbon nanostructure arrays which commonly arises from imperfections in fragmented Ni-based catalyst films.


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Plasma-assisted reactive rf magnetron sputtering deposition is used to fabricate vanadium oxide films on glass, silica and silicon substrates. The process conditions are optimized to synthesize phase-pure vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) featuring a nanocrystalline structure with the predominant (0 0 1) crystallographic orientation, surface morphology with rod-like nanosized grains and very uniform (the non-uniformity does not exceed 4%) coating thickness over large surface areas. The V2O5 films also show excellent and temperature-independent optical transmittance in a broad temperature range (20-95 °C). The results are relevant to the development of smart functional coatings with temperature-tunable properties. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The results of two-dimensional fluid simulation of number densities and fluxes of the main building blocks and surface preparation species involved in nanoassembly of carbon-based nanopatterns in Ar+H2+C2H2 reactive plasmas are reported. It is shown that the process parameters and non-uniformity of surface fluxes of each particular species may affect the targeted nanopattern quality. The results can be used to improve predictability of plasma-aided nanofabrication processes and optimize the parameters of plasma nanotools.KGaA, Weinheim.


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Line-transect distance sampling is a widely used method for estimating animal density from aerial surveys. Analysis of line-transect distance data usually relies on a requirement that the statistical distribution of distances of animal groups from the transect line is uniform. We show that this requirement is satisfied by the survey design if all other assumptions of distance sampling hold, but it can be violated by consistent survey problems such as responsive movement of the animals towards or away from the observer. We hypothesise that problems with the uniform requirement are unlikely to be encountered for immobile taxa, but might become substantial for species of high mobility. We test evidence for non-uniformity using double-observer distance data from two aerial surveys of five species with a spectrum of mobility capabilities and tendencies. No clear evidence against uniformity was found for crabeater seals or emperor penguins on the pack-ice in East Antarctica, while minor non-uniformity consistent with responsive movement up to 30 m was found for Adelie penguins. Strong evidence of either non-uniformity or a failure of the capture-recapture validating method was found for eastern grey kangaroos and red kangaroos in Queensland.


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Adoption of conservation tillage practices on Red Ferrosol soils in the inland Burnett area of south-east Queensland has been shown to reduce runoff and subsequent soil erosion. However, improved infiltration resulting from these measures has not improved crop performance and there are suggestions of increased loss of soil water via deep drainage. This paper reports data monitoring soil water under real and artificial rainfall events in commercial fields and long-term tillage experiments, and uses the data to explore the rate and mechanisms of deep drainage in this soil type. Soils were characterised by large drainable porosities (≥0.10 m3/m3) in all parts of the profile to depths of 1.50 m, with drainable porosity similar to available water content (AWC) at 0.25 and 0.75 m, but >60% higher than AWC at 1.50 m. Hydraulic conductivity immediately below the tilled layer in both continuously cropped soils and those after a ley pasture phase was shown to decline with increasing soil moisture content, although the rate of decline was much greater in continuously cropped soil. At moisture contents approaching the drained upper limit (pore water pressure = -100cm H2O), estimates of saturated hydraulic conductivity after a ley pasture were 3-5 times greater than in continuously cropped soil, suggesting much greater rates of deep drainage in the former when soils are moist. Hydraulic tensiometers and fringe capacitance sensors monitored during real and artificial rainfall events showed evidence of soils approaching saturation in the surface layers (top 0.30-0.40 m), but there was no evidence of soil moistures exceeding the drained upper limit (i.e. pore water pressures ≤ -100 cm H2O) in deeper layers. Recovery of applied soil water within the top 1.00-1.20 m of the profile during or immediately after rainfall events declined as the starting profile moisture content increased. These effects were consistent with very rapid rates of internal drainage. Sensors deeper in the profile were unable to detect this drainage due to either non-uniformity of conducting macropores (i.e. bypass flow) or unsaturated conductivities in deeper layers that far exceed the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the infiltration throttle at the bottom of the cultivated layer. Large increases in unsaturated hydraulic conductivities are likely with only small increases in water content above the drained upper limit. Further studies with drainage lysimeters and large banks of hydraulic tensiometers are planned to quantify drainage risk in these soil types.


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Transfer from aluminum to copper metallization and decreasing feature size of integrated circuit devices generated a need for new diffusion barrier process. Copper metallization comprised entirely new process flow with new materials such as low-k insulators and etch stoppers, which made the diffusion barrier integration demanding. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was seen as one of the most promising techniques to deposit copper diffusion barrier for future devices. Atomic Layer Deposition technique was utilized to deposit titanium nitride, tungsten nitride, and tungsten nitride carbide diffusion barriers. Titanium nitride was deposited with a conventional process, and also with new in situ reduction process where titanium metal was used as a reducing agent. Tungsten nitride was deposited with a well-known process from tungsten hexafluoride and ammonia, but tungsten nitride carbide as a new material required a new process chemistry. In addition to material properties, the process integration for the copper metallization was studied making compatibility experiments on different surface materials. Based on these studies, titanium nitride and tungsten nitride processes were found to be incompatible with copper metal. However, tungsten nitride carbide film was compatible with copper and exhibited the most promising properties to be integrated for the copper metallization scheme. The process scale-up on 300 mm wafer comprised extensive film uniformity studies, which improved understanding of non-uniformity sources of the ALD growth and the process-specific requirements for the ALD reactor design. Based on these studies, it was discovered that the TiN process from titanium tetrachloride and ammonia required the reactor design of perpendicular flow for successful scale-up. The copper metallization scheme also includes process steps of the copper oxide reduction prior to the barrier deposition and the copper seed deposition prior to the copper metal deposition. Easy and simple copper oxide reduction process was developed, where the substrate was exposed gaseous reducing agent under vacuum and at elevated temperature. Because the reduction was observed efficient enough to reduce thick copper oxide film, the process was considered also as an alternative method to make the copper seed film via copper oxide reduction.