37 resultados para interiority


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper we present a weak maximum principle for optimal control problems involving mixed constraints and pointwise set control constraints. Notably such result holds for problems with possibly nonsmooth mixed constraints. Although the setback of such result resides on a convexity assumption on the extended velocity set, we show that if the number of mixed constraints is one, such convexity assumption may be removed when an interiority assumption holds. © 2008 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O artigo discute a possibilidade do acolhimento da Alteridade no processo terapêutico da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa. Tem-se como referência a ética de Emmanuel Lévinas, para quem a subjetividade seria constituída a partir da relação com o absolutamente outro. Questiona-se o processo de mudança terapêutica que visa uma maior integração da experiência pelo self. Em direção distinta, a partir de uma releitura de um caso clínico rogeriano, aponta-se a exterioridade da experiência como estranhamento que permite uma recriação de si. O relato analisado mostra a interioridade ser solapada pelo organismo que se coloca como um outro-de-si, crivo para as experiências. Conclui-se que a psicoterapia centrada na pessoa, além de um encontro consigo mesmo, parece apontar como um de seus efeitos o embate com o radicalmente diferente. Tal discussão alude a um reposicionamento político da Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa em sua lida com a diferença.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Questa ricerca è un’indagine semasiologica del lessico agostiniano della provvidenza divina, costituito dalle parole-chiave prouidentia, prouideo, prouidens, prouidus, prouisio, prouisor, prouisus, e dai lessemi in relazione logico-sintattica diretta con esse. La prospettiva è sia sincronica (si considerano tutte le attestazioni delle parole-chiave presenti nel corpus agostiniano), sia diacronica: si soppesano di volta in volta analogie e differenze agostiniane rispetto agli antecedenti, nell’intento di arricchire il panorama dei possibili modelli lessicali latini (pagani, biblici, patristici) di Agostino. I dati lessicali sono stati raccolti in una banca dati appositamente costituita, selezionati secondo i criteri di frequenza e pregnanza semantica, e analizzati per nuclei tematici, coincidenti in parte con i capitoli della tesi. Si studiano dapprima i lessemi che esprimono il governo della provvidenza (le famiglie lessicali di administro, guberno e rego, e altri lessemi che designano l’azione della provvidenza); sono poi analizzati lessemi e iuncturae in cui prevale l’idea del mistero della provvidenza. Gli ultimi due capitoli sono dedicati al tema della cura divina, e a quello della cosiddetta “pedagogia divina”: attraverso i segni esteriori, la provvidenza ‘richiama’ l’uomo a rientrare in se stesso. Un’appendice approfondisce infine l’uso agostiniano di Sap 6,16 e Sap 8,1. L’apporto di Agostino al lessico filosofico latino va individuato a livello semantico più che nell’innovazione lessicale. Accanto a suffissazione, composizione, calco, la metafora svolge un ruolo essenziale nella formazione del lessico dell’Ipponate, e proviene spesso da altre lingue tecniche oppure è radicata nel patrimonio di immagini tradizionali della religione pagana. Il debito di Agostino è indubbiamente verso Cicerone, ma anche verso Seneca, per l’uso in ambito esistenziale-biografico di alcuni lessemi. Agostino li trasferisce però dal piano umano a quello divino, come nel caso del concetto di admonitio: parte integrante del programma filosofico senecano; ‘richiamo’ della provvidenza per Agostino, concetto che risente anche dell’apporto di retorica ed esegesi.


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El propósito de esta tesis era analizar las consecuencias arquitectónicas de la obsesión orientalista en tres autores de finales del XIX, intentando plantear con ello los fundamentos de lo que llamamos “imaginario” orientalista. Las autores estudiados son, un escritor, Pierre Loti, y dos pintores, Sir Frederic Leighton y Claude Monet, exponentes cada uno de un enfoque particular del orientalismo. Los tres casos estudiados incluyen las casas donde vivieron transformadas ahora en museos abiertos a la curiosidad de cualquiera. El estudio de estos casos nos llevó a acometer una serie de temáticas que se perfilan en el transcurso de la escritura como lo mas importante del trabajo. Estas temáticas son: la construcción de la interioridad, el rol del vacío como entidad material y física en esas arquitecturas, el orden de los objetos y su protagonismo en esos interiores, las categorías ontológicas del habitar en esas viviendas. Estas temáticas de alguna manera fueron enfocadas y realizadas por el “orientalismo” como dispositivos que intervienen poderosamente en los imaginarios relacionados con Oriente… con ramificaciones en las problemáticas políticas, sociales y culturales que estaba viviendo el “sujeto europeo culto” en el advenimiento de la modernidad. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis in the first instance was to analyze three expressions of Orientalism from the field of architecture , trying to prove through them as these examples constituted a closure of Orientalist discourse , while they complete the Orientalist imaginary that starts its construction through literature and painting finishing in architecture. Because of this, the case studies comprise a writer, Pierre Loti, and two painters, Sir Frederic Leighton and Claude Monet, each one as an exponent of a different facet of Orientalism. In each case the legacy of these artists has included his house , which now transformed into a museum , it is possible to visit and study despite the time of its construction. The study of these cases allowed on a second instance, to present a number of issues that in the end were the most important thing in this work, these issues deal with problems such as the construction of interiority in the late nineteenth century , the role which the vacuum play as a mental and physical entity in this architecture , the order of the objects and their role in the interiors of the time, the political and social control and discipline of housing space , the ontological categories of dwelling , etc. . All these issues somehow were enhanced by Orientalism , which with their devices intervened powerfully in building an imaginary not only related to East, but also with the political, social and cultural issues , that Europeans were living in the transit to the advent of modernity, and that will put under a critical view all these issues.


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In the late 60s it had become clear how the environment technification had allowed some typologies (supermarkets, car parks, factories) to reach potentially unlimited built depths becoming, therefore, independent from the outside. The No-Stop City is born from a very simple idea: to extend this technification to the totality of built reality encompassing, not only almost all functions, but ultimately, the whole city. This operation has paradoxical effects: as architecture grows, it loses most of the features that have traditionally defined it. A dissolution by hypertrophy that gives rise to an homogeneous, concave and potentially infinite space. But beyond the pure technical feasibility, there are two key influences, seemingly contradictory, that explain this endeavor for an interior and endless city: Marxism and Pop Art. The project is, in many senses, a built manifesto reflecting the militancy of the group members within the Italian Marxism. But it is also the embodiment of the groups declared interest in Pop Art, popular culture and mass society. The cross-influence of communism and consumerism explains this "quantitative utopia" in which the society and the factory, the production and consumption, would match. A city based on the centrality of consumer products and the subsequent loss of prominence of architecture, in which the urban phenomenon, while spreading endlessly over territory, ignoring its rural exteriority, dissolves the home as a sphere of privacy, ignoring its domestic interiority. A project, also in the wake of Marshall McLuhan, that illustrates like few others the conversion of the urbane into a virtually omnipresent "condition" and that still interrogates us with questions that are, on the other hand, eternal: What is a building? What is a city?


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Desde hace ya varias décadas la praxis de la ecología ha venido reconociendo la necesidad de estudiar los múltiples sistemas de interacción del ser humano, como especie viva, y su entorno. Entidades espaciales como el paisaje geográfico son empleadas para delimitar sistemas territoriales operados por la sociedad, precisando campos concretos de su acción física, biológica y cultural. La ecología aborda así el conocimiento científico del territorio como asentamiento humano, rastrea sus patrones espaciales y analiza su compleja estructura funcional. En ese contexto, la transferencia de herramientas e instrumentos desde la ecología al ámbito proyectivo posee ya un bagaje de más de cinco décadas. Cada vez con más frecuencia el proyecto emplea parámetros, inventarios, fórmulas, indicadores y tecnologías que tratan de dar una respuesta ambientalmente adecuada a los condicionantes de contorno, por ejemplo aprovechando las condiciones climáticas en la optimización energética o proponiendo programas de usos del suelo que eviten perturbaciones en ecosistemas de interés. Con todo, en el momento presente surgen voces que, ante el dominio indiscutible de los enfoques netamente deterministas, tratan de recordar que los principios del pensamiento ecológico van más allá del mero control cuantitativo de los procesos biofísicos. Recuerdan que la etología demostró a principios del XX que el ser humano, como ser consciente, inviste una relación de intimidad con su entorno que supera tales perspectivas: a través de la correspondencia entre percepción y significación, entre lo físico y lo psíquico, entre interioridad y exterioridad, las personas abrazan la plenitud de aquello que les rodea en un acto de profunda conciliación afectiva. De tal ligadura de intimidad depende, sí o sí, y en toda su profundidad, la aceptación humana del entorno construido. A través de la noción de ambiente [Umwelt] se demuestra que la relación del hombre con su entorno es inseparable, bidireccional y coordinada y, por lo tanto, desde una posición coherente, la experiencia del espacio puede ser examinada a partir de la reciprocidad que constituyen, en continuidad, la persona y el lugar. De esta forma, la tesis dirige su objetivo principal a explorar y considerar, desde el proyecto, el significado y la influencia de la experiencia ambiental del espacio construido en la vida humana. Es más que probable que buena parte de los problemas de desafección del hombre con los paisajes transformados de su contemporaneidad tenga que ver con que tanto las intensidades de la experiencia y percepción humana, como la potestad interpretativa de sus productos culturales, incluyendo la arquitectura, han sido fuertemente reducidas. Ante este problema, la investigación toma como hipótesis la oportunidad que ofrece el pensamiento ecológico de reformular la experiencia estética como un acto de conocimiento, como un evento donde se da el encuentro físico y se construyen significados, donde se sancionan valores sociales y se mira hacia el futuro. Se ha de señalar que la presente tesis doctoral arranca en el Laboratorio de Paisaje del Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid dirigido por Concha Lapayese y Darío Gazapo, y por tanto hace suyos para el estado del arte los principales conceptos e ideas bajo los que el trabajo teórico y práctico del grupo se viene orientando desde hace años: la consideración del paisaje como acontecimiento; la oscilación de la interpretación entre un paisaje específico y un paisaje genérico en un mundo globalizado; el reconocimiento de la experiencia estética del paisaje como una toma de conciencia social; y en definitiva, la reivindicación de la interioridad en el proyecto contemporáneo. La investigación profundiza en una línea de oportunidad que se abre al promover lo que se ha llamado un conocimiento por lo sentido como estrategia ambiental que permite contrarrestar mitos profundamente arraigados en las estructuras sociales. El primer paso en ese recorrido sería explorar ecológicamente el aporte de la experiencia estética; esto es, su consideración como forma de conocimiento específico. Resultaría pertinente impulsar la idea de la inmersión en el paisaje como fenómeno experiencial, sensual y corporal, y enfrentar, desde ahí, el problema de la aceptación social de lo nuevo y lo trasformado de acuerdo con el momento actual. La exploración sobre la afectividad en el ambiente no es, en cualquier caso, un asunto nuevo. Sin pretensiones de historiografía, dos momentos del siglo XX concentran el interés de la investigación. La primera se corresponde fundamentalmente con la segunda década del siglo, en relación a una serie de influencias que desde los avances científicos determinaron singulares aventuras del arte más experimental. La segunda se posiciona en el entorno de 1970, época en la que es conocido el interés que despertaron las cuestiones ambientales. En ambos casos se han estudiado aportaciones que desvelan conceptos determinantes en la definición de la experiencia estética como un evento de adquisición de conocimiento por lo sentido. Es conveniente adelantar el rol de centralidad que para la investigación tiene el concepto de energía, tal como el propio título subraya. La energía como realidad material y sensible es el sustrato que permite navegar por el principio de unidad epistemológica que subyace al pensamiento ecológico. Sus continuas referencias simbólicas, físicas y metafóricas entre los artistas estudiados no son un mero recurso iconográfico: mantienen inherente el principio de continuidad ambiental en el cual el ser humano y la inmensidad del cosmos navegan indisociables. Un discurso unificado y consistente sobre los aportes de la experiencia estética enfocada como forma de conocimiento por lo sentido hila la lectura histórica, conceptual y práctica de toda la investigación. Con ello se alcanza a hilvanar un diagrama conceptual, modelo de análisis proyectivo, que recoge ideas científicas, filosóficas y proyectivas. De alguna manera, el diagrama trata de dibujar, desde los principios del pensamiento ecológico, la correlación de continuidad que, vacilante, tensa, sutil y frágil se desplaza incesante e irresuelta entre interioridad y exterioridad. ABSTRACT Over the last few decades ecological practice has come to acknowledge a need for studying the multiple systems of interaction between the human being - inasmuch as it is a living species - and its environment. Spatial entities such as the geographic notion of landscape have been used to delimitate the territorial systems operated by society and to describe in detail specific fields of its physical, biological and cultural action. Ecology has thus managed to address the scientific knowledge of the territory as a human settlement, tracking its spatial patterns and analysing its complex functional structure. In this context, the transfer of tools and instruments from the field of ecology to that of design has a tradition already going back more than fifty years. Increasingly more often, design makes use of parameters, inventories, formulas, indicators and technologies to give an environmentally sound response to contour conditions: for instance, taking advantage of the local climate for the optimisation of energy consumption or proposing land uses that avoid disturbing valuable ecosystems. Yet in the present day some voices have arisen that, against the uncontested domination of purely positivistic approaches, are trying to draw attention to the fact that the principles of ecological thought go beyond mere quantitative control of biophysical processes. They point out that, in the early 20th century, ethology proved that the human being, as a conscious entity, invests itself into a relationship of intimacy with its environment that surpasses such perspectives: through the correspondences between perception and signification, between physical and psychological or between inside and outside, people embrace the entirety of their surroundings in an action of deep affective conciliation. It is on this link of intimacy that - fully and unquestionably - human acceptance of the built environment depends. Through the notion of environment [Umwelt] it can be proven that the relationship between the human being and its environment is inseparable, bidirectional and coordinated; and that, therefore, from a coherent position the experience of space can be examined through the reciprocity constituted continuously by person and place. Thus, the main goal in this thesis is to explore and acknowledge, from the standpoint of design, the meaning and influence of the environmental experience in human life. It is extremely likely that many of the issues with mankind’s alienation from the transformed landscapes of the present day arise from the fact that both the intensity of human perception and experience and the interpretive capacity of its cultural products –including architecture - have been greatly reduced. Facing this issue, research has taken as hypothesis the opportunity offered by ecological thought of reformulating aesthetic experience as an act of knowledge – as an event where physical encounter takes place and meanings are constructed; where social values are sanctioned and the path towards the future is drawn. This notwithstanding, the present thesis began in the Landscape Laboratory of the Technical University of Madrid Cultural Landscape Research Group (GIPC-UPM), led by Concha Lapayese and Darío Gazapo; and has therefore appropriated for its state of the art the main concepts and ideas that have been orienting the practical and theoretical work of the latter: the understanding of landscape as an event, the oscillation of interpretation between a specific and a generic landscape within a globalised world; the acknowledgement of the aesthetic experience of landscape as a way of acquiring social awareness; and, all in all, a vindication of interiority in contemporary design. An exploration has been made of the line of opportunity that is opened when promoting what has been termed knowledge through the senses as an environmental strategy allowing to counter myths deeply rooted in social structures. The first step in this path would be an ecological exploration of the contribution of the aesthetic experience; that is, its consideration as a type of specific knowledge. It would be pertinent to further the idea of immersion into the landscape as an experiential, sensual and corporeal phenomenon and, from that point, to face the issue of social acceptance of what is new and transformed according to the values of the present day. The exploration of affectivity in the environment is not, at any rate, a new topic. Without aspiring to make a history of it, we can mark two points in the 20th century that have concentrated the interest of this research. The first coincides with the second decade of the century and relates to a number of influences that, arising from scientific progress, determined the singular adventures of the more experimental tendencies in art. The second is centred around 1970: a period in which the interest drawn by environmental matters is well known. In both cases, contributions have been studied that reveal crucial concepts in defining the aesthetic experience as an event for the acquisition of knowledge through the senses. It is necessary to highlight the role of centrality that the concept of energy has throughout this research, as is evident even in its title. Energy as a material, sensitive reality is the substrate making it possible to navigate through the principle of epistemological unity underlying ecological thought. The continuous symbolic, physical and metaphorical references to it among the artists studied here are not a mere iconographic source: they remind of the inherency of the principle of environmental continuity within which the human being and the immensity of cosmos travel indissociably. A unified, consistent discourse on the contributions of the aesthetic experience addressed as knowledge through the senses weaves together the historic, conceptual and practical reading of the whole research. With it, a conceptual diagram is constructed – a model of design analysis – gathering together scientific, philosophical and design ideas. Somehow, the diagram tries to draw from the principles of ecological thought the correlation of continuity that, vacillating, tense, subtle and fragile, shifts incessantly and unresolved between interiority and exteriority.


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Partindo das considerações de que os termos sujeito e subjetividade permeiam o discurso psicanalítico contemporâneo e de que são, direta e indiretamente, atribuídos a Freud a despeito de ele próprio nunca tê-los conceituado, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo caracterizar um perfil de sujeito a partir do discurso freudiano. O trabalho orientou-se pela metodologia da Análise Institucional do Discurso, uma analítica do domínio subjetivo que toma o discurso em seu caráter de ato e acontecimento. Primeiramente se realizou um estudo de As técnicas de si, de Michel Foucault, de modo a permitir o circunstanciamento da psicanálise como uma técnica que produz um si, um sujeito este circunstanciamento permitiu, então, tomar sujeito e subjetividade na qualidade de produções histórica, geográfica e analiticamente contextualizadas, não como formas de imanência ou transcendência. A partir desse pressuposto, elaborou-se uma análise institucional do discurso de O mal-estar na civilização que privilegiou não apenas seu conteúdo, mas principalmente seu modo de produção, colocando em relevo o contexto presente no texto, as interlocuções que se criam, os lugares atribuídos e ocupados, as expectativas assim mobilizadas, as estratégias discursivas utilizadas, os jogos de poder e verdade exercidos, bem como os efeitos de reconhecimento e desconhecimento então facultados. Esta análise mostrou que Freud exerce uma perspectiva de interioridade, pois o mal-estar que acomete a civilização é compreendido em analogia à concepção psicanalítica de desenvolvimento individual, explicando, em suma, a cultura pelo prisma do indivíduo; evidenciou que as teorizações sobre a vida instintiva são a principal sustentação do discurso sobre o mal-estar da civilização; apontou como as estratégias discursivas utilizadas por Freud promovem a subjetivação, por parte do leitor, daquilo que seu discurso produz como verdade; e que o conceito de indivíduo é ocasião de exercício daquela perspectiva de interioridade e de atualização dos pressupostos teóricos. Com base nisso, pôde-se caracterizar um sujeito universal; psicologizado; determinado sobretudo pelos movimentos da sexualidade e da agressividade; cuja tônica recai sobre o dito mundo interno; dotado de origens e propósitos concernentes à vida instintiva; e cujo perfil é delimitado pela tarefa de administração dos instintos, isto é, cujo perfil se dá entre os imperativos superegóicos de renúncia e a margem de liberdade de que dispõe para satisfazer as exigências do princípio de prazer. Observou-se também, na esteira do pontuado por Guirado (2010), que em geral Freud naturaliza os termos do discurso teórico, fazendo de sua universalização a condição e o limite para se pensar o domínio subjetivo e a singularidade; diferentemente de Foucault, que compreende esse domínio em referência às relações de poder e saber, de forma contextualizada. Do ponto de vista da análise institucional do discurso freudiano, concluiu-se, finalmente, que o si ao qual a técnica psicanalítica dá lastro é efeito da perspectiva exercida por Freud, que promove o reconhecimento da interioridade instintiva como crivo da civilização, de um modo de vida e de si mesmo


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In the early 20th century, authors increasingly experimented with literary techniques striving towards two common aims: to illumine the inner life of their protagonists and to diverge from conventional forms of literary representations of reality. This shared endeavour was sparked by changes in society: industrialisation, developments in psychology, and the gradual decay of empires, such as the Victorian (1837–1901) and the Austro-Hungarian (1867–1918). Those developments yielded a sense of uncertainty and disorientation, which led to a so-called “turn [inwards]” in the arts (Micale 2). In this context, this essay examines Virginia Woolf’s (1882–1941) development of her literary technique by comparing To the Lighthouse (1927), written in free indirect discourse, with Arthur Schnitzler’s (1862–1932) Fräulein Else (1924), written in interior monologue. Instead of applying Freud’s theories of consciousness, I will demonstrate how empiricist psychology informed and partly helped shape the two narrative techniques by referring to Ernst Mach’s (1838–1916) idea of the unstable self, and William James’ (1842–1910) concept of the stream of consciousness. Furthermore, I will show that there is a continuous progression of literary ideas from Schnitzler’s Viennese fin-de-siècle connected to impressionism, towards Woolf’s Bloomsbury aesthetics connected to Paul Cézanne’s post-impressionist logic of sensations. In addition to that, I address how the women’s movement, starting in the end of the 19th century, inspired Woolf and Schnitzler to utilise their techniques as a means of revealing women’s restricted position in society. Methodologically, I will analyse the two novels’ narrative techniques applying close reading and by that point out their differences and similarities in connection to the above-mentioned theories as well as the two author’s literary approaches. I argue that this comparison demonstrates that modernist literary techniques of representing interiority evolved from interior monologue towards free indirect discourse. This progression also implicates that modernism can be seen as a continuum reaching back to the fin-de-siècle and culminating in the 1920s. 


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This thesis is concerned with Maine de Biran’s and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s conceptions of will, and the way in which both thinkers’ posterities have been affected by the central role of these very conceptions in their respective bodies of thought. The research question that animates this work can therefore be divided into two main parts, one of which deals with will, while the other deals with its effects on posterity. In the first pages of the Introduction, I make the case for a comparison between two philosophers, and show how this comparison can bring one closer to truth, understood not in objective, but in subjective terms. I then justify my choice by underlining that, in spite of their many differences, Maine de Biran and Samuel Taylor Coleridge followed comparable paths, intellectually and spiritually, and came to similar conclusions concerning the essential activity of the human mind. Finally, I ask whether it is possible that this very focus on the human will may have contributed to the state of both thinkers’ works and of the reception of those works. This prologue is followed by five parts. In the first part, the similarities and differences between the two thinkers are explored further. In the second part, the connections between philosophy and singularity are examined, in order to show the ambivalence of the will as a foundation for truth. The third part is dedicated to the traditional division between subject and object in psychology, and its relevance in history and in moral philosophy. The fourth part tackles the complexity of the question of influence, with respect to both Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s cases, both thinkers being indebted to many philosophers of all times and places, and having to rely heavily on others for the publication, or the interpretation of their own works. The fifth part is concerned with the different aspects of the faculty of will, and primarily its relationship with interiority, as incommensurability, and actual, conditioned existence in a certain historical and spatial context. It ends with a return to the question of will and posterity and an announcement of what will be covered in the main body of the thesis. The main body is divided into three parts:‘L’émancipation’, ‘L’affirmation, and ‘La projection’. The first part is devoted to the way Maine de Biran and Samuel Taylor Coleridge extricated themselves from one epistemological paradigm to contribute to the foundation of another. It is divided in four chapters. The first chapter deals with the aforementioned change of paradigm, as corresponding to the emergence of two separate but associated movements, Romanticism and what the French philosopher refers to as ‘The Age of History’. The second chapter concerns the movement that preceded them, i.e. the Enlightenment, its main features according to both of our thinkers, and the two epistemological models that prevailed under it and influenced them heavily in their early years: Sensationism (Maine de Biran) and Associationism (Coleridge). The third chapter is about the probable influence of Immanuel Kant and his followers on Maine de Biran and Coleridge, and the various facts that allow us to claim originality for both thinkers’ works. In the fourth chapter, I contrast Maine de Biran and Coleridge with other movements and thinkers of their time, showing that, contrary to their respective thoughts, Maine de Biran and Coleridge could not but break free from the then prevailing systematic approach to truth. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the first part of its research question, namely, Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of the will. It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a reflection on the will as a paradox: on the one hand, the will cannot be caused by any other phenomenon, or it is no longer a will; but it cannot be left purely undetermined, as if it is, it is then not different from chance. It thus needs, in order to be, to be contradictorily already moral. The second chapter is a comparison between Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s accounts of the origin of the will, where it is found that the French philosopher only observes that he has a will, whereas the English philosopher postulates the existence of this will. The comparison between Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of the will is pursued in the third chapter, which tackles the question of the coincidence between the will and the self, in both thinkers’ works. It ends with the fourth chapter, which deals with the question of the relationship between the will and what is other to it, i.e. bodily sensations, passions and desires. The third part of the thesis focuses on the second part of its research question, namely the posterity of Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s works. It is divided into four chapters. The first chapter constitutes a continuation of the last chapter of the preceding part, in that that it deals with Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s relations to the ‘other’, and particularly their potential and actual audience, and with the way these relations may have affected their writing and publishing practices. The second chapter is a survey of both thinkers’ general reception, where it is found that, while Maine de Biran has been claimed by two important movements of thoughts as their initiator, Coleridge has been neglected by the only real movement he could have, or may indeed have pioneered. The third chapter is more directly concerned with the posterities of Maine de Biran’s and Coleridge’s conceptions of will, and attempts to show that the approach to, and the meaning of the will have evolved throughout the nineteenth century, and in the French Spiritualist and the British Idealist movements, from an essentially personal one to a more impersonal one. The fourth chapter is a partial conclusion, whose aim is to give a precise idea of where Maine de Biran and Coleridge stand, in relation to their century and to the philosophical movements and matters we are concerned with. The conclusion is a recapitulation of what has been found, with a particular emphasis on the dialogue initiated between Maine de Biran and Coleridge on the will, and the relation between will and posterity. It suggests that both thinkers have to pay the price of a problematic reception for the individuality that pervades their respective works, and goes further in suggesting that s/he who chooses to found his individuality on the will is bound to feel this incompleteness in his/her own personal life more acutely than s/he who does not. It ends with a reflection on fixedness and movement, as the two antagonistic states that the theoretician of the will paradoxically aspires to.