971 resultados para interference of matter-wave


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The dynamics of a bright matter wave soliton in a quasi one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) with a periodically rapidly varying time trap is considered. The governing equation is based on averaging the fast modulations of the Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) equation. This equation has the form of a GP equation with an effective potential of a more complicated structure than an unperturbed trap. In the case of an inverted (expulsive) quadratic trap corresponding to an unstable GP equation, the effective potential can be stable. For the bounded space trap potential it is showed that bifurcation exists, i.e. the single-well potential bifurcates to the triple-well effective potential. The stabilization of a BEC cloud on-site state in the temporary modulated optical lattice is found. This phenomenon is analogous to the Kapitza stabilization of an inverted pendulum. The analytical predictions of the averaged GP equation are confirmed by numerical simulations of the full GP equation with rapid perturbations.


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Recent experimental and theoretical advances in the creation and description of bright matter wave solitons are reviewed. Several aspects are taken into account, including the physics of soliton train formation as the nonlinear Fresnel diffraction, soliton-soliton interactions, and propagation in the presence of inhomogeneities. The generation of stable bright solitons by means of Feshbach resonance techniques is also discussed. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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We propose a scheme for parametric amplification and phase conjugation of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) via stimulated dissociation of a BEC of molecular dimers consisting of bosonic atoms. This can potentially be realized via coherent Raman transitions or using a magnetic Feshbach resonance. We show that the interaction of a small incoming atomic BEC with a (stationary) molecular BEC can produce two counterpropagating atomic beams - an amplified atomic BEC and its phase-conjugate or "time-reversed" replica. The two beams can possess strong quantum correlation in the relative particle number, with squeezed number-difference fluctuations.


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Microwave Doppler radar has received considerable attention as a non-contact form of measuring human respiration; in particular for long term monitoring. One of the main challenges in converting this into a viable application is to suppress or separate the artefacts and other interfering signals from the desired respiration signal using a less complex and practically feasible design for regular and potentially real time use. Existing systems either require complex experimental setups or multiple Doppler radar modules to achieve this. In this paper, we propose an approach based on EMD-ICA and approximate entropy ideas to systematically separate received Doppler shifted signal into distinct components and reconstruct the desired respiration pattern pertaining to respective physiological activity. Indeed this allows suppression of the undesirable artefacts and interference from other competing signals. Practical experiments confirmed comparable performance of the proposed method to the measurements obtained through chest straps which are widely used clinically for monitoring respiration.


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Multiple beam interference of light in a wedge is considered when the wedge is filled with an absorbing medium. The aim is to examine a method that may give values of both the real and the imaginary parts of the refractive index of the absorbing medium. We propose here a method to determine these quantities from simple techniques like fringe counting and interferometry, by using as the incident wave either a single Gaussian beam or two parallel Gaussian beams.


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We analyse a four-wave mixing (FWM) scheme in a five-level atomic system in which double-dark resonances are present. It is found that the enhancement of FWM in both electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) windows can be obtained even without the condition of multiphoton resonance. Moreover, the conversion efficiency of FWM in one EIT window can be much larger than that in the other due to the presence of interacting dark resonances.


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A scheme of atom localization based on the interference of resonance of double-dark states is proposed, in which the atom interacts with a classical standing-wave field. It is found that the localization property is significantly improved due to the interaction of double-dark resonances. It is realized that the atom is localized just at the nodes of the standing-wave field with higher precision. Moreover, an improvement by a factor of 2 in the detecting probability of a single atom within the subwavelength domain can be achieved by adjusting the probe-field detuning. This scheme shows more advantages than other schemes of atom localization.


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We suggest a theoretical scheme for the simulation of quantum random walks on a line using beam splitters, phase shifters, and photodetectors. Our model enables us to simulate a quantum random walk using of the wave nature of classical light fields. Furthermore, the proposed setup allows the analysis of the effects of decoherence. The transition from a pure mean-photon-number distribution to a classical one is studied varying the decoherence parameters.


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This paper examines the DC power requirements of PIN diodes which, with suitable applied DC bias, have the potential to reflect or to permit transmission of millimetre wave energy through them by the process of inducing a semiconductor plasma layer in the i-region. The study is conducted using device level simulation of SOI and bulk PIN diodes and reflection modelling based on the Drude conduction model. We examined five diode lengths (60–140 µm) and seven diode thicknesses (4–100 µm). Simulation output for the diodes of varying thicknesses was subsequently used in reflection modelling to assess their performance for 100 GHz operation. It is shown that substantially high DC input power is required in order to induce near total reflection in SOI PIN diodes at 100 GHz. Thinner devices consume less DC power, but reflect less incident radiation for given input power. SOI diodes are shown to have improved carrier confinement compared with bulk diodes.


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We analyse a proposal that we have recently put forward for an interface between matter-wave and optomechanical technologies from the perspective of macroscopic quantumness. In particular, by making use of a measure of macroscopicity in quantum superpositions that is particularly well suited for continuous variables systems, we demonstrate the existence of working points for our interface at which a quantum mechanical superposition of genuinely mesoscopic states is achieved. Our proposal thus holds the potential to affirm itself as a viable atom-to-mechanics transducer of quantum coherences.


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In this paper we present an analysis of how matter waves, guided as propagating modes in potential structures, are split under adiabatic conditions. The description is formulated in terms of localized states obtained through a unitary transformation acting on the mode functions. The mathematical framework results in coupled propagation equations that are decoupled in the asymptotic regions as well before as after the split. The resulting states have the advantage of describing propagation in situations, for instance matter-wave interferometers, where local perturbations make the transverse modes of the guiding potential unsuitable as a basis. The different regimes of validity of adiabatic propagation schemes based on localized versus delocalized basis states are also outlined. Nontrivial dynamics for superposition states propagating through split potential structures is investigated through numerical simulations. For superposition states the influence of longitudinal wave-packet extension on the localization is investigated and shown to be accurately described in quantitative terms using the adiabatic formulations presented here.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Historically, the ichthyofauna of large Brazilian rivers has been subject to anthropogenic interference, such as impoundments. Currently, cage fish farming systems are a new source of impact on aquatic ecosystems. The objective of this study was to characterise the impact of freshwater fish farms on the feeding of five species of Neotropical freshwater fish. Specimens of Astyanax altiparanae, Galeocharax knerii, Iheringicthys labrosus, Pimelodus maculatus and Plagioscion squamosissimus were sampled in areas around two systems of cage fish farming (CF), and two control areas (CT) that were not influenced by this activity. Results show that there were significant changes in the diet of trophic generalist species (A. altiparanae, P. maculatus and I. labrosus) accompanied by a related increase in the condition factor values of these species in cage areas. Trophic specialist species, such as the carnivorous fish species G. knerii and P. squamosissimus, presented small differences between the CF and CT areas with regard to diet and showed no differences in other analyses performed. In conclusion, cage fish farms can affect the natural diet of trophic generalist fish species, directly affecting the nutritional status (condition factor), where food wastes was found to be one of the principal items consumed by this trophic guild. Results indicate that these species are responsible for recycling a great quantity of organic matter transferred by this type of activity, which, along with local fishery activities, contribute to mitigation of associated processes of eutrophication. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.