894 resultados para integrity in closed-loop


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A recent area for investigation into the development of adaptable robot control is the use of living neuronal networks to control a mobile robot. The so-called Animat paradigm comprises a neuronal network (the ‘brain’) connected to an external embodiment (in this case a mobile robot), facilitating potentially robust, adaptable robot control and increased understanding of neural processes. Sensory input from the robot is provided to the neuronal network via stimulation on a number of electrodes embedded in a specialist Petri dish (Multi Electrode Array (MEA)); accurate control of this stimulation is vital. We present software tools allowing precise, near real-time control of electrical stimulation on MEAs, with fast switching between electrodes and the application of custom stimulus waveforms. These Linux-based tools are compatible with the widely used MEABench data acquisition system. Benefits include rapid stimulus modulation in response to neuronal activity (closed loop) and batch processing of stimulation protocols.


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This paper discusses a new method of impedance control that has been successfully implemented on the master robot of a teleoperation system. The method involves calibrating the robot to quantify the effect of adjustable controller parameters on the impedances along its different axes. The empirical equations relating end-effector impedance to the controller's feedback gains are obtained by performing system identification tests along individual axes of the robot. With these equations, online control of end-effector stiffness and damping is possible without having to monitor joint torques or solving complex algorithms. Hard contact conditions and compliant interfaces have been effectively demonstrated on a telemanipulation test-bed using appropriate combinations of stiffness and damping settings obtained by this method.


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Trust and reputation are important factors that influence the success of both traditional transactions in physical social networks and modern e-commerce in virtual Internet environments. It is difficult to define the concept of trust and quantify it because trust has both subjective and objective characteristics at the same time. A well-reported issue with reputation management system in business-to-consumer (BtoC) e-commerce is the “all good reputation” problem. In order to deal with the confusion, a new computational model of reputation is proposed in this paper. The ratings of each customer are set as basic trust score events. In addition, the time series of massive ratings are aggregated to formulate the sellers’ local temporal trust scores by Beta distribution. A logical model of trust and reputation is established based on the analysis of the dynamical relationship between trust and reputation. As for single goods with repeat transactions, an iterative mathematical model of trust and reputation is established with a closed-loop feedback mechanism. Numerical experiments on repeated transactions recorded over a period of 24 months are performed. The experimental results show that the proposed method plays guiding roles for both theoretical research into trust and reputation and the practical design of reputation systems in BtoC e-commerce.


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In this paper we propose a novel secure tag ownership transfer scheme for closed loop RFID systems. An important property of our method is that the ownership transfer is guaranteed to be atomic and the scheme is protected against desynchronisation leading to permanent DoS. Further, it is suited to the computational constraints of EPC Class-1 Gen-2 passive RFID tags as they only use the CRC and PRNG functions that passive RFID tags are capable of. We provide a detailed security analysis to show that our scheme satisfies the required security properties of tag anonymity, tag location privacy, forward secrecy, forward untraceability while being resistant to replay, desynchronisation and server impersonation attacks. Performance comparisons show that our scheme is practical and can be implemented on passive low-cost RFID tags.


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In recent years, many researchers in the field of biomedical sciences have made successful use of mathematical models to study, in a quantitative way, a multitude of phenomena such as those found in disease dynamics, control of physiological systems, optimization of drug therapy, economics of the preventive medicine and many other applications. The availability of good dynamic models have been providing means for simulation and design of novel control strategies in the context of biological events. This work concerns a particular model related to HIV infection dynamics which is used to allow a comparative evaluation of schemes for treatment of AIDS patients. The mathematical model adopted in this work was proposed by Nowak & Bangham, 1996 and describes the dynamics of viral concentration in terms of interaction with CD4 cells and the cytotoxic T lymphocytes, which are responsible for the defense of the organism. Two conceptually distinct techniques for drug therapy are analyzed: Open Loop Treatment, where a priori fixed dosage is prescribed and Closed Loop Treatment, where the doses are adjusted according to results obtained by laboratory analysis. Simulation results show that the Closed Loop Scheme can achieve improved quality of the treatment in terms of reduction in the viral load and quantity of administered drugs, but with the inconvenience related to the necessity of frequent and periodic laboratory analysis.


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Stereology is an essential method for quantitative analysis of lung structure. Adequate fixation is a prerequisite for stereological analysis to avoid bias in pulmonary tissue, dimensions and structural details. We present a technique for in situ fixation of large animal lungs for stereological analysis, based on closed loop perfusion fixation.


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Reflected at any level of organization of the central nervous system, most of the processes ranging from ion channels to neuronal networks occur in a closed loop, where the input to the system depends on its output. In contrast, most in vitro preparations and experimental protocols operate autonomously, and do not depend on the output of the studied system. Thanks to the progress in digital signal processing and real-time computing, it is now possible to artificially close the loop and investigate biophysical processes and mechanisms under increased realism. In this contribution, we review some of the most relevant examples of a new trend in in vitro electrophysiology, ranging from the use of dynamic-clamp to multi-electrode distributed feedback stimulation. We are convinced these represents the beginning of new frontiers for the in vitro investigation of the brain, promising to open the still existing borders between theoretical and experimental approaches while taking advantage of cutting edge technologies.


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This paper reports on the development of elements of an e-supply chain management system for managing maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) relationships in the aerospace industry. A standard systems development methodology has been followed to produce a process model (i.e. the AMSCR model); an information model (i.e. business rules) and a computerised information management capability (i.e. automated optimisation). The proof of concept for this web-based MRO supply chain system has been established through the collaboration with a sample of the different types of supply chain members. The proven benefit is a reduction in the stock-holding costs for the whole supply chain whilst also minimising non-flying time of the aircraft that the supply chain supports. This type of system is now vital in an industry that has continuously decreasing profit margins, which in turn means pressure to reduce servicing times and increase the interval between maintenance actions.


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In this paper, a fixed-switching-frequency closed-loop modulation of a voltage-source inverter (VSI), upon the digital implementation of the modulation process, is analyzed and characterized. The sampling frequency of the digital processor is considered as an integer multiple of the modulation switching frequency. An expression for the determination of the modulation design parameter is developed for smooth modulation at a fixed switching frequency. The variation of the sampling frequency, switching frequency, and modulation index has been analyzed for the determination of the switching condition under closed loop. It is shown that the switching condition determined based on the continuous-time analysis of the closed-loop modulation will ensure smooth modulation upon the digital implementation of the modulation process. However, the stability properties need to be tested prior to digital implementation as they get deteriorated at smaller sampling frequencies. The closed-loop modulation index needs to be considered maximum while determining the design parameters for smooth modulation. In particular, a detailed analysis has been carried out by varying the control gain in the sliding-mode control of a two-level VSI. The proposed analysis of the closed-loop modulation of the VSI has been verified for the operation of a distribution static compensator. The theoretical results are validated experimentally on both single- and three-phase systems.


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This paper describes a vision-based airborne collision avoidance system developed by the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation (ARCAA) under its Dynamic Sense-and-Act (DSA) program. We outline the system architecture and the flight testing undertaken to validate the system performance under realistic collision course scenarios. The proposed system could be implemented in either manned or unmanned aircraft, and represents a step forward in the development of a “sense-and-avoid” capability equivalent to human “see-and-avoid”.


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In this paper, a model-predictive control (MPC) method is detailed for the control of nonlinear systems with stability considerations. It will be assumed that the plant is described by a local input/output ARX-type model, with the control potentially included in the premise variables, which enables the control of systems that are nonlinear in both the state and control input. Additionally, for the case of set point regulation, a suboptimal controller is derived which has the dual purpose of ensuring stability and enabling finite-iteration termination of the iterative procedure used to solve the nonlinear optimization problem that is used to determine the control signal.


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The vast majority of current robot mapping and navigation systems require specific well-characterized sensors that may require human-supervised calibration and are applicable only in one type of environment. Furthermore, if a sensor degrades in performance, either through damage to itself or changes in environmental conditions, the effect on the mapping system is usually catastrophic. In contrast, the natural world presents robust, reasonably well-characterized solutions to these problems. Using simple movement behaviors and neural learning mechanisms, rats calibrate their sensors for mapping and navigation in an incredibly diverse range of environments and then go on to adapt to sensor damage and changes in the environment over the course of their lifetimes. In this paper, we introduce similar movement-based autonomous calibration techniques that calibrate place recognition and self-motion processes as well as methods for online multisensor weighting and fusion. We present calibration and mapping results from multiple robot platforms and multisensory configurations in an office building, university campus, and forest. With moderate assumptions and almost no prior knowledge of the robot, sensor suite, or environment, the methods enable the bio-inspired RatSLAM system to generate topologically correct maps in the majority of experiments.


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Textile waste is a significant contributor to landfill yet the majority of textiles can be recycled, allowing for the energy and fibre to be reclaimed. This chapter examines the open-loop and closed loop recycling of textile products with particular reference to the fashion and apparel context. It describes the fibres used within apparel, the current mechanical and chemical methods for textile recycling, LCA findings for each method, and applications within apparel for each. Barriers for more effective recycling include ease of integration into existing textile and apparel design methods as well as coordinated collection of post-consumer waste. The chapter concludes with a discussion of innovations that point to future trends in both open-loop and closed-loop recycling within the apparel industry.