945 resultados para innovation university
Trabalho apresentado na conferência Os Desafios das Bibliotecas Digitais realizado na Fundação Getulio Vargas em agosto 2014
Biotechnology is one of a series of new `generic technologies' that have been identified by western governments as possessing stategic economic opportunities. In this thesis I examine the characteristics of the technology and the government policies that have been developed to both promote and exploit the underpinning scientific research for biotechnology. The approach I have taken involves an in-depth analysis of the role of university-industry research relations in the development of biotechnology. To this end I carried out a detailed survey of biotechnology companies in the UK on the nature of their interactions and objectives. Through individual case studies of the SERC and DTI club mechanisms in biotechnology, I provide a contemporary appraisal of the development of new mechanisms involving co-ordination and cooperation between industry, government and academia, established to couple state funded science and national economic development. The public policy implications of the club funding systems for science in the UK are examined.
This research wants to lay emphasis on topics that historicize and rescue concepts, in addition, shows the relation between innovation and socioeconomic development resulted; reviews the legal framework to stimulate new innovation into Brazilian society; considers the definition and the entrepreneur university's new paradigm; and finally, this research highlights the importance of teaching entrepreneur at universities, with straight society benefits. The results suggests that innovation is directly enrolled with a successful development of certain society, as well, is actually the biggest business competitive differential into corporative universe. In one way of getting results of social advancement to inform entrepreneur research practice, it appears that entrepreneurs concepts, necessarily, must be incorporated into the array of Science/Technology/Innovation for the effective development of supported formula. This article develops a thought about actual scientific researches paradigm, the way that is built on today, and if it's sufficient to effectively get the results that society expects from main bodies to create human resource and researches, especially those with innovation aspects, at Brazilian economic improvement.
This chapter explores the impact of innovation technologies such as simulation, modelling, and rapid prototyping on engineering practice. Innovation technologies help redefine the role of engineers in the innovation process, creating a new division of innovative labour both with and across organizations. This chapter also explores the boundaries of experimentation and inertia within particular domains of problem-solving to create new opportunities and value.
The challenges in the business environment are forcing Australian firms to be innovative in all their efforts to serve customers. Reflecting this need there have been several innovation policy statements both at Federal and State government level aimed at encouraging innovation in Australian industry. In particular, the innovation policy statement launched by the Queensland government in the year 2000 primarily intends building a Sman State through innovation. During the last few decades the Australian government policy on innovation has emphasized support for industry R&D. However industry stakeholders demand a more firm-focused policy of innovation. Government efforts in this direction have been hindered by a lack of a consistent body of knowledge on innovation at the firm level. In particular the Australian literature focusing on firm level antecedents of innovation is limited and fragmented. This study examines the role of learning capabilities in innovation and competitive advantage. Based on a survey of manufacturing firms in Queensland the study finds that both technological and non·technological innovations lead to competitive advantage. The findings contribute to the theory competitive advantage and firm level antecedents of innovation. Implications for firm level innovation strategies and behaviour are discussed. In addition, the findings have important implications for Queensland government's current initiatives to build a Smart State through innovation.
Students of a Cardiopulmonary Sciences curriculum in a Portuguese higher education institution have shown poor learning outcomes and low satisfaction on a course about lung function tests. A transmissive pedagogical approach, mainly based on lectures, was the common teaching practice. Aiming for a change, PBL was considered as a powerful alternative and also as a contribution for progressively innovating the curriculum. Purpose: to create PBL activities in a lung function tests course. to describe their implementation, to analyse the effects of PBL integration in students’ performance and attitudes, to characterize the generated learning environment.
Introduction: University students are frequently exposed to events that can cause stress and anxiety, producing elevated cardiovascular responses. Repeated exposure to academic stress has implications to students’ success and well-being and may contribute to the development of long-term health problems. Objective: To identify stress levels and coping strategies in university students and assess the impact of stress experience in heart rate variability (HRV). Methods: 17 university students, 19-23 years, completed the University Students Stress Inventory, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire. Two 24h-Holter recordings were performed, on academic activity days, including one of them an exam situation. Results: Students tend to present moderate stress levels, and prefer problem-focused coping strategies in order to manage stress. Exam situations are perceived as significant stressors. Although we found no significant differences in HRV (SDNN), between days with and without an exam, we registered a lower SDNN score and a variation in heart rate (HR) related to exam situation (maximum HR peak at 10 minutes before the exam, and total HR recovery 20 minutes after the exam), reflecting sympathetic activation due to stress. Conclusions: These results suggest that academic events, especially those related to exam situations, are the cause of stress in university students, with implications at cardiovascular level, underlying the importance of interventions that help these students improve their coping skills and optimize stress management, in order to improve academic achievement and promote well-being and quality of life.
Anchored on a systemic perspective of innovation and particularly on the triple helix model, which highlights the state, university and companies as central players, this paper aims to discuss the factors that enable or constrain the processes of innovation, using the system thinking approach to understand the academia-industry symbiosis. The paper's empirical section is based on a case study on Portugal's major highway management concessionaire. In order to ensure a "healthy" co-innovation environment, the archetype studied emphasizes the need to implement coordination mechanisms such as communication routines and metrics to monitor collaborative behavior in addition to the need to develop global goals that align the efforts of the partners.