995 resultados para inland sport fisheries


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The swordfish, Xiphias gladius, is a large migratory oceanic species. It is widely distributed in tropical, temperate, and sometimes cold waters of all oceans, and is usually found in areas with sea-surface temperatures above 13°C. It can reach a maximum size of 540 kg, and is a favorite food fish in many countries. It is excellent for steaks, canning, or teriyaki, the Japanese dish of meat grilled with sugar, soy sauce, and rice wine. Swordfish is harvested commercially throughout its distribution, in both coastal and high-seas fisheries. Sport fisheries for swordfish are very small compared to those for other billfishes, accounting for no more than a few hundred fish per year. (PDF file contains 284 pages.)


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The fisheries laws and regulations presently operative in Nigeria are on marine waters. These include: 1) The Sea Fisheries Decree (Act) of 1971; 2) The Sea Licencing Regulations of 1971; 3) The Sea Fisheries (Fishing) Regulations of 1972; and 4) The exclusive Economic Zone Decree of 1978. Attempts have also been made to produce the Inland waters Fisheries Regulation


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All abalones belong to the genus Haliotis sensu latu, family Haliotidae. The 75 species known worldwide (Booloot ian et, al. 1962) are anatomically similar and all are adapted for attachment to hard substrates. Seven species are widely distributed along the coast of California (Cox 1962; Mottet 19781, of which several are important in the comercial and sport fisheries of the Pacific Southwest. (PDF has 19 pages.)


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About 72 species of Sebastes (Family Scorpaenidae) are found along the eastern Pacific coast of North America, some of which are heavily exploited by both commercial and sport fisheries. Because of the large number of species, the identification of early life stages has progressed slowly. The objectives of this study were 1) to rear the larvae of four species of rockfish (Sebastes mystinus, S. carnatus, S. atrovirens, and S. rastrelliger); and 2) to describe the larvae using morphometric measurements, pigmentation patterns, and head spination. Pigmentation was the most useful feature for identification purposes. Two general patterns were found: 1) a short row of ventral midline melanophores on the tail, and none or very little postero-dorsal pigmentation (S. mystinus); and 2) complete ventral midline pigmentation on the tail, and anterior and postero-dorsal melanophores (S. carnatus, S. atrovirens, and S. rastrelliger). With the exception of very early stages of S. carnatus and S. atrovirens, these species can be readily identified. Morphometric proportions and head spination did not show major differences among species. Because of the great similarities found among species in this genus, descriptions from field studies are uncertain to some extent. Laboratory rearings, although difficult, can at least provide early larvae from known species which allow precise identification as well as an estimation ofvariability of characters (e.g., pigmentation) within and between broods.(PDF file contains 22 pages.)


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. Inland capture fisheries in India have declined in recent years, leaving thousands of fishers to sink deeper into poverty. Freshwater aquaculture in small water bodies like ponds now contributes 80% of the country¡¯s inland fish production. This manual outlines the use of small reservoir for freshwater aquacultureas a means of providing rural areas with food and livelihoods and protecting aquatic ecosystems, in particular by facilitating the conservation of indigenous fish species. (PDF contains 22 pages)


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A decline in the abundance of blackback flounders, together with the withdrawal of vessels from this fishery, has resulted in a lowered catch in recent years compared to the peak period 1928 through 1931. Data obtained from U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Hatchery catch records and from fishermen's log book records show a drop in abundance of 63 per cent from the early 1930's to the present in the Boothbay Harbor region and of 31 to 40 per cent in the area south of Cape Cod. Information on the early life history and distribution of young blackback flounders and the size and age composition and distribution of fish subject to the commercial and sport fisheries indicates that the young are the product of local spawning and that the sport and commercial fisheries draw on a resident stock of primarily adult fish.


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The findings are presented of a study conducted in Calauag Bay, Quezon Province, Philippines in order to estimate resource rent of mangrove areas converted to fishpond production. The rents were calculated based on the technology practised by the farmers and the prices of inputs and outputs that prevailed during the study period. The major causes of mangrove depletion are cutting of mangroves for fuelwood and charcoal and clearing for fishpond development. It was concluded that there is justification for the government to increase the feed which could be used to rehabilitate the inland-coastal fisheries to improve productivity and ensure sustainability of the ecosystem for future generations.


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As pescarias no reservatório da UHE-Tucuruí no rio Tocantins, Pará, envolvem cerca de 6.000 pescadores e movimentam cerca de R$ 4,2 milhões/ano. A atividade se concentra em três espécies principais: tucunaré Cichla monoculus (capturado com anzol), pescada Plagioscion squamosissimus (capturado com rede e/ou anzol) e mapará Hypophthalmus marginatus (capturado com rede). Com o objetivo de caracterizar os pescadores e as pescarias do reservatório, criar cenários de aumento do esforço pesqueiro e prever os momentos de conflito pela escassez de recursos, foram levantadas informações da literatura e realizadas duas campanhas de coleta de dados nos anos de 1999 e 2000, envolvendo entrevistas com líderes comunitários e pescadores. As seguintes variáveis foram consideradas: desembarque por espécie-alvo (de acordo com os registros fornecidos pelas colônias de pescadores), artes de pesca, estratégias dos pescadores, conflitos e formas de apropriação do espaço e rendimentos da atividade. Estas variáveis foram inseridas em um modelo dinâmico, simulado no software Vensim PLE para um período de 10 anos a partir de 1999. Os resultados indicam que a pesca de anzol é a estratégia mais rentável, e que possíveis momentos de conflito devido à escassez de recursos podem acontecer em curto prazo (2005). A metodologia utilizada para as simulações e análises de risco também se revelou adequada à realidade local e ao conjunto de dados disponíveis.


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"How large a sample is needed to survey the bird damage to corn in a county in Ohio or New Jersey or South Dakota?" Like those in the Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife and the U.S.D.A. who have been faced with a question of this sort we found only meager information on which to base an answer, whether the problem related to a county in Ohio or to one in New Jersey, or elsewhere. Many sampling methods and rates of sampling did yield reliable estimates but the judgment was often intuitive or based on the reasonableness of the resulting data. Later, when planning the next study or survey, little additional information was available on whether 40 samples of 5 ears each or 5 samples of 200 ears should be examined, i.e., examination of a large number of small samples or a small number of large samples. What information is needed to make a reliable decision? Those of us involved with the Agricultural Experiment Station regional project concerned with the problems of bird damage to crops, known as NE-49, thought we might supply an ans¬wer if we had a corn field in which all the damage was measured. If all the damage were known, we could then sample this field in various ways and see how the estimates from these samplings compared to the actual damage and pin-point the best and most accurate sampling procedure. Eventually the investigators in four states became involved in this work1 and instead of one field we were able to broaden the geographical base by examining all the corn ears in 2 half-acre sections of fields in each state, 8 sections in all. When the corn had matured well past the dough stage, damage on each corn ear was assessed, without removing the ear from the stalk, by visually estimating the percent of the kernel surface which had been destroyed and rating it in one of 5 damage categories. Measurements (by row-centimeters) of the rows of kernels pecked by birds also were made on selected ears representing all categories and all parts of each field section. These measurements provided conversion factors that, when fed into a computer, were applied to the more than 72,000 visually assessed ears. The machine now had in its memory and could supply on demand a map showing each ear, its location and the intensity of the damage.


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1968/69 report covers Jan. 1968-June 1969; 1969/70-1972/73 reports cover academic year.


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Many numbers issued in revised editions


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"Iowa State Conservation Commission, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, and Wildlife Management Institute, cooperating."


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Caption title.


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