994 resultados para infestans hemiptera
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study reports the embryogenesis of T. infestans (Hemiptera, Reduviidae). Morphological parameters of growth sequences from oviposition until hatching (12-14 d 28ºC) were established. Five periods, as percent of time of development (TD), were characterized from oviposition until hatching. The most important morphological features were: 1) formation of blastoderm within 7% of TD; 2) germ band and gastrulation within 30% of TD; 3) nerve cord, limb budding, thoracic and abdominal segmentation and formation of body cavity within 50% of TD; 4) nervous system and blastokinesis end, and development of embryonic cuticle within 65% of TD; 5) differentiation of the mouth parts, fat body, and Malphigian tubules during final stage and completion of embryo at day 12 to day 14 around hatching. These signals were chosen as appropriate morphological parameters which should enable the evaluation of embryologic modifications due to the action/s of different insecticides
The Bolivian Chaco is part of the endemic region of Chagas disease and an area where pyrethroid resistant Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations has been reported. The World Health Organization identified these resistant populations as an important focus for research. The objective of this study was to evaluate the residual effect of a micro-encapsulated formulation containing organophosphate active ingredients and a juvenile hormone analogue (Inesfly 5A IGR) on the mortality of T. infestans. Studies took place in rural houses of the Bolivian Chaco that were treated up to 34 months before and evaluated the susceptibility to pyrethroids of the offspring of field collected insects. Thirty houses were randomly selected within three communities to carry out wall bio-assays with T. infestans nymphs. Mortality was recorded 24, 48 and 72 h after wall contact. Eggs laid by females collected in the area were used to obtain first-instar nymphs and carry out pyrethroid susceptibility tests. The wall bio-assays showed that the micro-encapsulated insecticide eliminates T. infestans populations and produces detectable mortality of insects exposed to walls treated 34 months prior to the tests. The discriminant dose of deltamethrin (0.01 mg/mL) showed 65% nymph survival, whereas at the highest tested dose (1.0 mg/mL) 14% of the nymphs survived. These results show that Inesfly 5A IGR is an appropriate tool for the elimination of intradomestic and peridomestic populations of T. infestans resistant to pyrethroids.
Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) is a hematophagous insect that transmits the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas` disease. Its saliva contains trialysin, a protein that forms pores in membranes. Peptides based on the N-terminus of trialysin lyse cells and fold into alpha-helical amphipathic segments resembling antimicrobial peptides. Using a specific antiserum against trialysin, we show here that trialysin is synthesized as a precursor that is less active than the protein released after saliva secretion. A synthetic peptide flanked by a fluorophore and a quencher including the acidic proregion and the lytic N-terminus of the protein is also less active against cells and liposomes, increasing activity upon proteolysis. Activation changes the peptide conformation as observed by fluorescence increase and CD spectroscopy. This mechanism of activation could provide a way to impair the toxic effects of trialysin inside the salivary glands, thus restricting damaging lytic activity to the bite site.
A sobrevivência e a ocorrência de mudas em espécimes de Triatoma infestans foram estudados num período de 30 dias após choques de temperatura. Foi demonstrado que choques hipertérmico e hipotérmico interferem nesses processos, na dependência da temperatura do choque, tempo de sua duração, fase de desenvolvimento e sexo dos espécimes. Dentre as situações experimentais utilizadas, o choque a 0°C por 12 h pareceu produzir a ação mais deletéria, porém choques a 40°C e 0°C mesmo por uma hora são admitidos como afetando o desenvolvimento hormonal que controla a muda. Casos de aumento de sobrevivência pós-choque são sugeridos como tendo sido favorecidos por ação de proteínas de choque térmico.
INTRODUCTION: Despite years of efforts towards the elimination of Triatoma infestans in Brazil, residual foci still persist in some areas of the States of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul. The persistence of these T. infestans populations in the country has two different origins of equal concern: operational failures or insecticide resistance. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the susceptibility profile of the residual Brazilian populations of T. infestans to deltamethrin. METHODS: The susceptibility reference lineage was derived from Cipein/Argentina. The populations studied were manually collected using a dislodging agent in peridomiciles in the States of Bahia (Novo Horizonte) and of Rio Grande do Sul (Santa Rosa and Doutor Maurício Cardoso). Serial dilutions of deltamethrin were prepared and applied at the dorsal abdomen of first instar nymphs. The control group received only pure acetone. Mortality was evaluated after 72h. Qualitative tests assessed the mortality of a diagnostic dose of 1xLD99 (2.76ng a.i./nymph) determined for the susceptibility reference lineage. RESULTS: The susceptibility profile characterization of the T. infestans populations revealed an RR50 ranging from 1.73 to 3.26. The mortality percentage in response to a diagnostic dose was 100%. The results obtained in the quantitative and qualitative assays corresponded for all populations. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the persistence of residual foci of T. infestans in Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul is not related to insecticide resistance but may be associated with operational failures. In Rio Grande do Sul, we must consider the possibility of continuous reinfestation by Argentinian individuals, which justifies active and efficient epidemiological surveillance.
No Uruguai, são conhecidas 10 espécies de triatomíneos com importância epidemiológica variável, dentre as quais destacamse Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834) e T. rubrovaria (Blanchard, 1843), consideradas as principais espécies vetoras. Triatoma platensis Neiva, 1913, apesar de ser uma espécie silvestre, pode conviver com T. infestans em galinheiros, chegando a gerar híbridos férteis. Estas três espécies fazem parte do "complexo T. infestans", formado por cinco espécies. Devido à importância epidemiológica dessas espécies no Uruguai e com a finalidade de ampliar o conjunto dos parâmetros morfológicos diferenciais destas espécies apresentamos uma abordagem morfométrica comparativa da cabeça e do pronoto. Foram medidas quatro variáveis da cabeça e quatro do pronoto a partir de 50 machos e 50 fêmeas, de cada espécie, provenientes de criação de laboratório. O programa JMP foi utilizado para as análises de Componentes Principais (ACP) e Discriminante (AD). Os resultados demonstraram que os dois primeiros componentes principais (CP1 e CP2) exibem aproximadamente 77% da variação total. Os caracteres mais importantes para a distinção das espécies foram a região anteocular (RAO) e a região pós-ocular (RPO), indicando que a morfometria da cabeça se mostrou mais eficiente que o pronoto para diferenciar estas espécies. A análise discriminante possibilitou separar T. platensis e T. rubrovaria mas não foi capaz de separá-las de T. infestans.
A observação de oito exemplares de Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille, 1811) de procedência diversas, com vistas a procurar caracterizar as estruturas da genitália externa dos machos (processo do endosoma, suporte do falosoma, falosoma e visica) levou-nos a constatar a mesma variabilidade que a espécie demonstra em relação aos seus caracteres externos de colorido e relações da cabeça e do rosto. Por associação de idéias, ampliamos um estudo anterior sobre a genitália masculina de Triatoma infestans (Klug, 1834), também espécie de larga distribuição geográfica, porém com caracteres externos estáveis. Encontramos assim mesmo, embora em percentagem pequena, que os espinhos do processo do endosoma, habitualmente em número reduzido, podiam não existir. Desta espécie observamos quinze exemplares, de procedências diversas.
O precoceno II aplicado topicamente em ninfas de 4ª estádio, nas dosagens de 200, 300 e 400 micron-grama/1 micron-litro de acetona, proporcionou o aparecimento de adultóides, em diferentes percentagens com as seguintes características: tegumento alterado, aparelho bucal deformado, asas braquípteras, tarsos trímeros, ocelos, evidentes e genitália externa com estruturas desenvolvidas e deformadas; genitália interna em estágio intermediário entre ninfas de 4§ e 5§ estádios. Os adultóides apresentaram um período de sobrevivência inversamente proporcional à dosagem aplicada, variando de 3 a 22 dias, não tendo se alimentado devido as alterações.
Triatoma infestans melanosoma was described in 1987 by Martinez, Olmedo & Carcavallo. In the present work the authors make a redescription, adding new characters, and based on biological and morphological aspects raise up to the level of species and being identified as Triatoma melanosoma. A detailed morphological study of the external male genitalia was made.
This paper compares the predation pressure that ducks and chickens exert on triatomines. For the tests, these birds were placed in individual boxes together with a known number of Triatoma infestans and left to interact from 6 p.m. till the next morning, involving a long lasting period of complete darkness limited by two short-term periods of semi-darkness. There was a shelter which could prevent the bugs from being predated. The number of live and dead triatomines was recorded, considering missing bugs as predated by the birds. Ducks exhibited a greater predatory activity than chickens, that could be due to a long term active period at night while chickens sleep motionless from sunset to dawn. Surviving triatomines that had fed on chickens outnumbered those fed on ducks suggesting that these were less accessible to the triatomine biting. If ducks are better than chickens to detect and eat bugs and to interfere with their feeding in the field, an increase in duck number might help to diminish triatomine density. Further research is needed to determine the feasibility of application of these experimental results.
The flight initiation of T. infestans, the main vector of Chagas disease in the Southern Cone countries of Latin America, and of the closely-related species T. melanosoma was studied in laboratory. The results demonstrated that after the beginning of observations the peak of the flight activity was about 14 days after feeding in both species and it was usually more marked in the females than in the males, but there were no significant differences in the flight behaviour of the two species.
Eye colour of Triatoma infestans is controlled at a single autosomal locus, with black-eye as the dominant gene and red-eye as the recessive. Inheritance of these characters follows a classical Mendelian system, enabling eye colour to be used as a marker for studies of mating frequency. We found no significant differences in oviposition rates and egg hatching rates irrespective of parental phenotypes. Different mating schedules between red-eye and black-eye parents showed that eye colour did not affect mating competence. Females mated with a single male or with different males together or in succession produced similar numbers of fertile eggs, with the eye colour of the offspring reflecting exposure to the different males. We conclude that although a single mating can provide sufficient sperm for the whole reproductive life of the female, multiple matings can result in balanced assortative sperm usage from the spermatheca.
We examined changes in the array of antennal sensilla of three species of Triatominae (Triatoma infestans, Rhodnius prolixus, and R. pallescens) following their establishment for different periods in laboratory culture. In each case, the laboratory colonies were compared with conspecific samples taken directly from the field, by quantitative analysis of the sensilla arrays on the three distal segments of the antenna in terms of the densities of three types of chemoreceptors (basiconics and thick and thin walled trichoids) and one type of mechanoreceptor (bristles). Sensilla densities were compared by ANOVA or non-parametric tests, and by multivariate discriminant analysis. Strains of the same species reared in different laboratories showed significant differences in their sensilla arrays, especially when compared to field-collected material from the same geographic origin. A Bolivian strain of T. infestans reared in the laboratory for 15 years and fed at monthly intervals, showed greatest differences from its conspecific wild forms, especially in terms of reductions in the number of chemoreceptors. By contrast, an Argentine strain of T. infestans reared for 25 years in the laboratory and fed weekly, showed a relative increase in the density of mechanoreceptors. A Colombian strain of R. prolixus reared for 20 years and fed weekly or fortnightly, showed only modest differences in the sensilla array when compared to its wild populations from the same area. However, a Colombian strain of R. pallescens reared for 12 years and fed fortnightly, did show highly significant reductions in one form of chemoreceptor compared to its conspecific wild populations. For all populations, multivariate analysis clearly discriminated between laboratory and field collected specimens, suggesting that artificial rearing can lead to modifications in the sensory array. This not only supports the idea of morphological plasticity in these species, but also suggests caution in the use of long-established laboratory material for experimental studies designed to extrapolate the natural behaviour and physiology of these species.