996 resultados para infection index


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The triatomine species Rhodnius nasutus and Triatoma pseudomaculata were captured on palm trees Orbignya martiana "babaçu ", in the urban zone of Teresina. This kind of palm tree is largely distributed in Piauí State. The predominant species was R. nasutus; the young in stars predominated. The infestation index of palm trees and the infection index of triatomines by flagellates were 96.0 ana 29.1%, respectively. Marsupiais, bats and a rodent were captured in palm trees. The flagellates found in both triatomines ana marsupiais were morphologically and biologically indistinguishable from Trypanosoma cruzi. Forty seven percent (481/1,025) of triatomines were found concentrated in six palm trees where marsupiais circulated. Of the total of 1,025 triatomines 230 (22%) were infected by flagellates and 53.0% (123/230) of these infected triatomines were present in the same six palm trees. No evidence of triatomine domiciliation or human transmission was observed in the houses in the vicinity of palm trees. The results suggest that marsupiais play an important role in the life-cycle of T. cruzi in this region. The natural focus of Chagas' disease, demonstrated in the present study could represent a potential epidemiological threat.


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Three different interventions to control Triatoma dimidiata in the State of Veracruz were implemented: X-1 = whole dwelling spraying, X-2 = middle wall spraying, X-3 = household cleaning. Cyfluthrin was sprayed 3 times with 8 month intervals. After each spraying, insects were collected and sent to the laboratory to be recorded and to determine genus and species of the adult triatomine bugs, and nymphs were counted. Trypanosoma cruzi presence was determined. With X-1, the infestation, colonization, and natural infection indexes were reduced to 0% in the 3 localities, with respect to t0. With X-2, the infestation index was reduced to 10% at t3 in 3 localities; the colonization index was reduced to 0% in only 1 locality at t3, and the natural infection index was reduced to 0% at t3. With X-3 the 3 indexes were not effectively reduced but they decreased with respect to the baseline study. Insecticide application to the whole dwelling is a more efficient intervention than its application to only the lower half of the walls and to the cleaning of houses.


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Rhodnius prolixus, a blood-sucking triatomine with domiciliary anthropophilic habits, is the main vector of Chagas disease. The current paradigm of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in Columbia includes a sylvatic and domiciliary cycle co-existing with domestic and sylvatic populations of reservoirs. The aim of this study is to evaluate the population densities and relative abundance of triatomines and mammals that may be involved in the sylvatic cycle of Chagas disease to clarify the epidemiological scenario in an endemic area in the province of Casanare. Insect vectors on Attalea butyracea palms were captured using both manual searches and bait traps. The capture of mammals was performed using Sherman and Tomahawk traps. We report an infestation index of 88.5% in 148 palms and an index of T. cruzi natural infection of 60.2% in 269 dissected insects and 11.9% in 160 captured mammals. High population densities of triatomines were observed in the sylvatic environment and there was a high relative abundance of reservoirs in the area, suggesting a stable enzootic cycle. We found no evidence of insect domiciliation. Taken together, these observations suggest that eco-epidemiological factors shape the transmission dynamics of T. cruzi, creating diverse scenarios of disease transmission.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Os parasitos do gênero Leishmania apresentam variações de infectividade intra e inter específicas. Entretanto, são escassas as informações a respeito da infectividade das espécies de Leishmania do Novo Mundo, principalmente, daquelas encontradas na região Amazônica brasileira, onde, até o presente momento são conhecidas seis espécies pertencentes ao subgênero Viannia causadoras de LTA. Diante disso, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar, in vitro, o comportamento da infectividade de 5 espécies de Leishmania do subgênero Viannia em macrófagos peritoneais de camundongos BALB/c e sua correlação com a produção de óxido nítrico pelos macrófagos infectados. Trinta cepas de Leishmania foram distribuídas em seis grupos iguais, de acordo com as espécies seguintes: I- L. (V) braziliensis/LCL, II- L. (V) braziliensis/LCM, III- L. (V) guyanensis, IV- L. (V) shawi, V -L. (V) naiffi e VI- L. (V) lainsoni. As cepas foram cultivadas em meio RPMI suplementado com 10% de soro bovino fetal e 1% de penicilina-gentamicina, até atingir a fase estacionária de cultivo, quando foram usadas para infectar macrófagos na proporção de 4 parasitos/macrófago. As culturas foram incubadas a 35°C e 5% de CO2 e após 24h, as lamínulas foram coradas com Giemsa para contagem do número de parasitos e determinação do índice de infecção, enquanto a concentração de NO (nitrito) foi calculada pelo método de Griess. Observou-se que as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM apresentaram o maior índice de infecção (385), sendo este significativamente maior (P<0,005) que as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCL (264), L. (V) naiffi (215) e L. (V) lainsoni (272), porém, não significativamente maior que os índices das espécies L. (V) shawi (292) e L. (V) guyanensis (300). Quanto aos níveis de NO (nitrito), detectou-se maior concentração para a espécie L. (V) naiffi (4,1µM e menor concentração para as cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM (2,15µM). As demais espécies tiveram concentrações de: L. (v:) lainsom (3,14µM), L. (V) shawi (2,96µM), L. (V) guyanensis (2,76µM) e cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCL (3,1µM). Diante do exposto, concluímos que cepas de L. (V) braziliensis/LCM são mais infectivas do que as demais espécies estudadas e, também, mais infectivas que cepas homólogas isoladas de casos clínicos de LCL. Além disso, observou-se menor infectividade da espécie L. (V) naiffi. Desse modo, notou-se que os níveis de NO produzidos pelos macrófagos infectados foram inversamente proporcionais ao grau do parasitismo.


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A malária no município de Macapá é principalmente peri urbana, áreas estas caracterizadas por ressaca, pela presença de fragmentos de floresta e assentamentos desordenados (invasões). O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a importância dos Anopheles darlingi e Anopheles marajoara na transmissão de malária em Macapá. O estudo foi realizado de outubro de 2007 a setembro de 2008, na comunidade de Lagoa dos Índios, Macapá. Foram coletados 4.601 mosquitos, dos quais 3.029 foram Anopheles marajoara (65,8%), 917 Anopheles darlingi (19,9%), 429 Anopheles braziliensis (9,3%), 208 Anopheles triannulatus (4,5%), 18 Anopheles peryassui (0,4%) e cinco Anopheles nuneztovari (0,1%). Apenas 32,8% dos espécimes foram coletadas no intradomicilio (1.511) e 67,2% no peridomicilio (3.090). O Indice de Picada Homem Hora do An. darlingi no intradomicilio variou entre 0 a 6,5 e no peridomicilio de 0 a 22 picadas homem hora. Já para o An. marajoara a variaçao foi de 0 a 22 no intradomicilio e de 0 a 175,5 no peridomicilio. A analise das exúvias e da dissecção de genitália resultaram na confirmaçao das duas espécies estudadas, An. darlingi e An. marajoara, e que o An. marajoara é a única espécie do complexo albitarsis circulante na área. A abundância dos vetores flutuou associada com o padrão sazonal das chuvas. An. darlingi é mais abundante no final e inicio das chuvas, enquanto o An. marajoara esteve presente em alta densidade durante todo o período de chuvas. Dos 4.601 mosquitos testados, 100 foram positivos para plasmódios humanos pelo método de ELISA, resultando em uma taxa de infecção de 2,17%. Dos 3.029 An. marajoara testados 71 (2,34%) foram positivos e dos 917 An. darlingi, 28 (3,05%). Este estudo demonstrou que as duas espécies estudadas mantêm a transmissão de malária durante todo o ano, ratificando assim a importância das mesmas.


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In order to assay the triatomine infestation and domiciliation in the rural area of Jaguaruana district, state of Ceará, Brazil, we studied, from November 2000 to April 2002, 4 localities comprising 158 domiciles as a whole, with an average of 4 inhabitants/house, who are dwelling in there for more than 7 years. Most houses have tile-covered roofs and the walls built with plaster-covered bricks (57%), followed by bricks without plaster (33%), and mud walls (7.5%). A total of 3082 triatomines were captured from different locations, according to the following capture plan: (a) intradomiciles: 238 Triatoma brasiliensis, 6 T. pseudomaculata, 9 Rhodnius nasutus, and 2 Panstrongylus lutzi; (b) peridomiciles (annexes): 2069 T. brasiliensis, 223 T. pseudomaculata, 121 R. nasutus, and 1 P. lutzi; (c) wild, in carnauba palms (Copernicia prunifera): 413 R. nasutus. From the captured triatomines, 1773 (57.5%) were examined. The natural index of Trypanosoma cruzi infection ranged from 10.8% to 30.2% (average of 17%), depending on the species and the location from where the triatomines were captured.


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Prognosis for patients with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has improved with the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). Evidence over recent years suggests that the incidence of cardiovascular disease is increasing in HIV patients. The ankle-brachial index (ABI) is a cheap and easy test that has been validated in the general population. Abnormal ABI values are associated with increased cardiovascular mortality. To date, six series of ABI values in persons with HIV have been published, but none was a prospective study. No agreement exists concerning the risk factors for an abnormal ABI, though its prevalence is clearly higher in these patients than in the general population. Whether this higher prevalence of an abnormal ABI is associated with a higher incidence of vascular events remains to be determined.


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INTRODUCTION: For decades, clinicians dealing with immunocompromised and critically ill patients have perceived a link between Candida colonization and subsequent infection. However, the pathophysiological progression from colonization to infection was clearly established only through the formal description of the colonization index (CI) in critically ill patients. Unfortunately, the literature reflects intense confusion about the pathophysiology of invasive candidiasis and specific associated risk factors. METHODS: We review the contribution of the CI in the field of Candida infection and its development in the 20 years following its original description in 1994. The development of the CI enabled an improved understanding of the pathogenesis of invasive candidiasis and the use of targeted empirical antifungal therapy in subgroups of patients at increased risk for infection. RESULTS: The recognition of specific characteristics among underlying conditions, such as neutropenia, solid organ transplantation, and surgical and nonsurgical critical illness, has enabled the description of distinct epidemiological patterns in the development of invasive candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS: Despite its limited bedside practicality and before confirmation of potentially more accurate predictors, such as specific biomarkers, the CI remains an important way to characterize the dynamics of colonization, which increases early in patients who develop invasive candidiasis.


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The majority of histopathological classifications of primary chronic viral hepatitis and recurrence of HCV infection in liver transplants is based on the histological activity index (HAI) introduced by Knodell et al in 1981; however, correlation between HAI and clinical/laboratory data is poor. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present a modification of HAI (mHAI) adapted to distinct features of graft infection, and to evaluate its usefulness in the description of disease activity.


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Surgical site infection (SSI) in patients who underwent colorectal surgery is a common complication associated with increased morbidity and costs. The aim of this study was to assess risk factors for SSI in laparoscopic sigmoid resection for benign disease.


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The objective of this study was to estimate the regressions calibration for the dietary data that were measured using the quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) in the Natural History of HPV Infection in Men: the HIM Study in Brazil. A sample of 98 individuals from the HIM study answered one QFFQ and three 24-hour recalls (24HR) at interviews. The calibration was performed using linear regression analysis in which the 24HR was the dependent variable and the QFFQ was the independent variable. Age, body mass index, physical activity, income and schooling were used as adjustment variables in the models. The geometric means between the 24HR and the calibration-corrected QFFQ were statistically equal. The dispersion graphs between the instruments demonstrate increased correlation after making the correction, although there is greater dispersion of the points with worse explanatory power of the models. Identification of the regressions calibration for the dietary data of the HIM study will make it possible to estimate the effect of the diet on HPV infection, corrected for the measurement error of the QFFQ.


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O objetivo foi estimar as regressões de calibração dos dados dietéticos mensurados pelo questionário quantitativo de freqüência alimentar (QQFA) utilizado no Natural History of HPV Infection in Men: o Estudo HIM. Uma amostra de 98 indivíduos do estudo HIM respondeu, por meio de entrevista, a um QQFA e três recordatórios de 24 horas (R24h). A calibração foi feita por meio de análise de regressão linear, tendo os R24h como variável dependente e o QQFA como variável independente. Idade, índice de massa corporal, atividade física, renda e escolaridade foram utilizadas como variáveis de ajuste nos modelos. As médias geométricas dos R24h e do QQFA corrigido pela calibração são estatisticamente iguais. Os gráficos de dispersão entre os instrumentos demonstraram aumento da correlação após a correção dos dados, porém observa-se maior dispersão dos pontos de acordo com a piora do poder explicativo dos modelos. A identificação das regressões de calibração dos dados dietéticos do estudo HIM permitirá a estimativa do efeito da dieta sobre a infecção por HPV, corrigida pelo erro de medida do QQFA