988 resultados para industrial heritage
“Sounds of the City” is a large-scale community project and exhibition commissioned by the Metropolitan Arts Centre (MAC) and led by artists from the Sonic Arts Research Centre (SARC), Queen’s University Belfast. Over a four-month period, the artists worked together with two intergenerational groups in Belfast with the aim of addressing specific sound qualities of places, events and stories. Themes that surfaced from this process constitute the basis for the exhibition which promotes listening as a form of intersecting daily life, identity and memory. Five installations address aural contexts ranging from Belfast’s industrial heritage to the local family home. These are shaped by present and past experiences of workshop participants at Dee Street Community Centre in East Belfast and Tar Isteach in North Belfast. The themes and contents of these installations center upon the relationship between sound and memory, sound and place, and the documentation of everyday personal auditory experience.
All materials exhibited have emerged through workshops, interviews and field-recording sessions. Workshops acted as a basis from which to inform each group about the project’s aims, methods of listening, methods of documenting sound and the wider areas of soundscape studies and acoustic ecology. They also provided a central point allowing participants to organize outside activities and share material for exhibition.
“Sounds of the City” explores the relationship between sound and community through everyday life and presents a dynamic and ever-changing soundscape that shapes Belfast’s identity.
Sounds of the City has been exhibited at the MAC, Belfast 2012 and at Espaço Ecco, Brasilia 2013.
This thesis examines the independent alternative music scene in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, also known, with reference to its industrial heritage, as "Steeltown." Drawing on the growing literature on the relationship between place and popular music, on my own experience as a local musician, direct observation of performances and of venues and other sites of interaction, as well as ethnographic interviews with scene participants, I focus on the role of space, genre and performance within the scene, and their contribution to a sense of local identity. In particular, I argue that the live performance event is essential to the success of the local music scene, as it represents an immediate process, a connection between performers and audience, one which is temporally rooted in the present. My research suggests that the Hamilton alternative music scene has become postmodern, embracing forms of "indie" music that lie outside of mainstream taste, and particularly those which engage in the exploration and deconstruction of pre-existing genres. Eventually, however, the creative successes of an "indiescene" permeate mass culture and often become co-opted into the popular music mainstream, a process which, in turn, promotes new experimentation and innovation at the local level.
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio‐visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire [de la thèse] a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
O presente trabalho de investigação, realizado no âmbito do Mestrado de Museologia da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, pretendeu analisar a importância da conservação de objectos e memórias no seio de processos museológicos, tendo tido como base de estudo o caso do Museu da Indústria da Chapelaria de S. João da Madeira. Partindo do princípio chave de que os objectos museológicos são mudos, no sentido em que por si não exprimem mais do que a dimensão da sua materialidade, procurou-se entender qual o papel da conservação de objectos e de memórias (individuais e colectivas) e como se articulam museologicamente a materialidade de uns e a imaterialidade de outros, na construção da(s) Identidade(s) de uma comunidade e o valor dessa identidade no contexto da afirmação cultural e social local, analisando-se desta forma o valor e papel do acto de conservação de objectos e da conservação de memórias individuais, inerentes à criação de um museu e, mais especificamente, do Museu da Indústria da Chapelaria. Para tanto este trabalho estrutura-se em dois momentos fundamentais. O primeiro momento, de carácter teórico, explora quatro conceitos fundamentais, o de conservação, o de memória, o de identidade e o de desenvolvimento local e a sua interligação no processo museológico. O segundo momento, o estudo de caso propriamente dito, analisa estas condicionantes à luz de um caso prático, o da criação de um museu no seio de uma localidade altamente industrializada que teve na produção de chapéus uma das suas maiores fontes de riqueza e afirmação sócio-económica. O objectivo da investigação passa assim por entender qual o papel das memórias individuais, no caso concreto, das memórias individuais de ex-operários da indústria da chapelaria, e a sua articulação com uma significativa colecção material, quer no âmbito restrito da criação do museu quer, de forma mais ampla e abrangente, da construção da identidade colectiva da comunidade, e em que medida o património industrial assim tratado é um meio facilitador para a compreensão dessa mesma identidade.
A região de Estremoz, Borba, Vila Viçosa (o Anticlinal de Estremoz) é uma das mais antigas e mais produtivas superfícies de extracção de mármores do nosso país. A importância sócio-económica desta actividade é bem conhecida. As memórias pessoais e sociais que ela gerou ao longo dos tempos serão hoje impossíveis de reconstituir. Mas estamos ainda a tempo de resgatar as vivências das últimas gerações que trabalharam nas pedreiras – empresários, técnicos e operários. Será igualmente possível reconstituir os saberes técnicos e científicos que a extracção dos mármores foi gerando ao longo dos séculos de actividade.O trabalho humano transformou o mármore em bens patrimoniais históricos e artísticos, esses sim, visíveis não apenas na região, e em grande abundância, mas um pouco por todo o país e nos quatro cantos do mundo.Este conjunto de bens patrimoniais (materiais e imateriais) é um recurso inestimável que temos à nossa disposição para o desenvolvimento económico e social da região e para o desenvolvimento cultural de todos os que intencionadamente dele quiserem usufruir.
Industrial heritage tourism has been in focus for many academic studies and tourism is an alternative developmental tool for mines and contributes to their economic success. This thesis is about the Falu Mine in Dalarna, Sweden, which has World Heritage status since 2001 and is one of the biggest attractions in the region. Its history and cultural importance are reasons for the importance of preserving the heritage. The Falu Mine is under the management of the Great Copper Mountain Trust and one of their ambitions is to ensure the continuous popularity among domestic and international visitors. In order to gain a better understanding of the visitors and to find strategies to improve performance, a visitor survey has been conducted in the summer of 2011. It is the authors believe that the guides of the Falu Mine have the best available insight and that their perceptions help to add to the understanding about the visitors. Therefore, this thesis aims to explore the perceptions of the guides about their visitors, to investigate how the perceptions correspond to the statistical results and to study if there are any differences between domestic and international visitors. The mixed methods approach will increase the depth and accuracy of the results, by linking qualitative with quantitative data. The results show that differences between domestic and international visitors exist, both proven by interviews with the guides and the visitor survey. These differences occur in the factors, such as level of education of the visitors, group size and number of children in the group, knowledge of the visitors prior to and after the visit, sources of information and the fulfillment of the visitor expectations. The perceptions emphasize how these differences impact the guided tours. The guides of the Falu Mine have to be aware of those differences in order to adjust the tour accordingly, as well as the management of the Falu Mine can use this knowledge in order to identify strategies for improving performance.
The process of recognition by the State of E. F. Perus Pirapora records the progress along many different interests and opinions, differences and conflicts unresolved even after the definition of recognition. Different opinions identified and their possible relationships with the subsequent abandonment of the property justify research efforts. Result of discussions over the development of a scientific research about industrial heritage, this article identifies people interested in this subject and conflicts presented in recognition 21.273/80. We understand this identification as possible subsidy for reflections about values, uses and management of the property recognized. Among the methods highlight the documentary research and interviews with the people involved in the recognition of the property. The process 21.273/80 was the focus of our investigation and it has been taken as official record of interests and positions of the people involved. The research concludes that conflicts between requestor and owner limited the effectiveness of the tool of recognition, resulting in abandonment and degradation of the heritage recognized. We also identify the positive presence of the government in this case represented by the Department of Culture of the State of São Paulo and CONDEPHAAT, on the management of the conflicts and the actions to safeguard the E.F. Perus Pirapora.
This paper has as an objetive to present the survey outcomes on the railroad heritage listed by CONDEPHAAT (identification, state of conservation and public politics of use). In one hand, since the 1960s has been formulated the concept of industrial heritage, it would consider the relevance of this concept for the railroad heritage. In the other hand, it is also necessary to understand the concepts that have guided the tipping process of this organ for decades. Anyway, this is to assess the extent to these new concepts of heritage has guided the actions of the São Paulo State Council
This paper deals with one aspecto f a survey which has been carried out for my doctorate thesis, and with parto f what I have studied within the thematic Project FAPESP concerning the presence of foreign professional in São Paulo, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Ana Lúcia Duarte Lanna, between 2007 and 2011. My purpose is, starting from those thoughts , top ut in evidence the potential of sources and reports relating to the work porocesses of craftsmen and artists decorators linked with the environment of architectural practeces and the decoration of interiors in the first half of the XXth century. That preoccupation has accompanied me since the beginnings of my doctorate work, devoted to the study of the production, the circulation and the modes of appropriation of ornaments in teh field of architecture.
La Comunidad de Madrid ha tenido un pasado minero importante que ha dejado su vestigio en el territorio. Actualmente la explotación de minerales no metálicos y de rocas industriales y ornamentales continúa, pero no así la de la minería metálica que en el pasado fue abundante. Hoy en día todas estas minas están abandonadas, dando lugar a zonas degradadas con un elevado riesgo para la seguridad de las personas y de los animales terrestres que habitan por sus inmediaciones, y necesitan ser intervenidas atendiendo, además, a su integración o recuperación ecológica y paisajística en el territorio. El principal propósito de esta tesis es conocer la situación actual que presentan las minas abandonadas de metales y proponer unos modelos de actuación para la rehabilitación e integración de los espacios mineros abandonados de la Comunidad de Madrid, cuya ventaja también estriba en su posible extrapolación a otras aéreas de gestión con una problemática similar. Partiendo de una selección de cincuenta y siete minas de interior metálicas abandonadas, se ha hecho un diagnostico en función de su seguridad (riesgo), interés cultural, arqueológico e histórico y por su afección a espacios protegidos, resultando que en todas, excepto en tres de ellas, es preciso llevar a cabo medidas protectoras y de restauración e integración en el medio ambiente. El conjunto de minas catalogadas de alto riesgo para la seguridad son veintitrés, y sobre ellas se ha realizado un Análisis Clúster, en el que además de los criterios de gestión formulados: seguridad, protección del patrimonio minero-industrial e integración ecológico-paisajística, se han incorporado otros modificadores como distancia a poblaciones, caminos, pistas y vías pecuarias, y accesibilidad. Con los resultados de este análisis se obtienen una clasificación por grupos de las minas en relación con las características intrínsecas de las explotaciones preseleccionadas y la tipología de problemas que presentan, y a partir de ella se plantean soluciones viables que se concretan en la redacción de una serie de anteproyectos tipo. Una de las principales aportaciones es que se trata de un modelo de inventariocaracterización- actuación extrapolable a otros entornos similares con problemáticas parecidas. Las propuestas de actuación que figuran en los anteproyectos tipo se proponen como medidas aplicables en situaciones similares. La tesis además también incorpora una base de datos georreferenciada que permite la localización de las explotaciones mineras abandonadas, el acceso rápido a sus características y a la propuesta de restauración correspondiente. ABSTRACT The Community of Madrid had an important mining past that left its traces in the territory. Currently the explotation of non-metallic minerals and industrial and ornamental rocks continues, but not so much with the metal deposits that were abundant in the past. Today these mines are abandoned, resulting in degraded areas with a high risk to the safety of nearby people and animals that inhabit its vicinity, and they need to be intervened, by tending to their environment integration or ecological and landscape recovery. The main objective of this thesis is to know the current situation of abandoned metal mines and propose an action model for the rehabilitation and integration of abandoned mining areas of the Community of Madrid, whose advantage also is its possible extrapolation to other management areas with similar problems. From a selection of fifty-seven abandoned metal mines, a diagnosis has been made, based on safety (risk), cultural, archaeological and historical interests and how it can be related to protected areas, resulting that all but three of them need measures of protection, restoration and integration to the environment. The set of mines that are classified as a high security risk are twenty-three, and it has been made on them an Cluster Analysis, as in addition to the management formulated criteria, such as safety, protection of mining and industrial heritage and eco-landscape integration, it has been incorporated other modifying variables, such as distance to populations, roads, tracks and livestock paths, and accessibility. With the results of this analysis, a classification of similar groups of mines in relation with the intrinsic characteristics of the preselected mines and typology problems, and from it a set of viable solutions will be specified, being then drafted on a series of proposals. One of the main contributions of this research is that it consists of an inventorycharacterization- action model, which can be extrapolated to other similar environments with similar problems. The action measures that are contained in the proposals are defined as applicable to similar situations. The thesis also incorporates a geo-referenced database that allows finding the location of abandoned mines, thus giving quick access to its features and its corresponding restoration proposal.
This volume focuses on the closely allied yet differing linguistic varieties of Birmingham and its immediate neighbour to the west, the industrial heartland of the Black Country. Both of these areas rose to economic prominence and success during the Industrial Revolution, and both have suffered economically and socially as a result of post-war industrial decline. The industrial heritage of both areas has meant that tight knit and socially homogeneous individual areas in each region have demonstrated in many respects little linguistic change over time, and have continued to exhibit linguistic features, especially morphological constructions, peculiar to these areas or now restricted to these areas. At the same time, immigration from other areas of the British Isles over time, from Commonwealth countries and later from EU member states, together with increased social mobility, have meant that newly developing structures and more widespread UK linguistic phenomena have spread into these varieties. This volume provides a clear description of the structure of the linguistic varieties spoken in the two areas. Following the structure of the Dialects of English volumes, it provides: •A comprehensive overview of the phonological, grammatical and lexical structure of both varieties, as well as similarities between the two varieties and distinguishing features •Thorough discussion of the historical and social factors behind the development of the varieties and the stigma attached to these varieties •Discussion of the unusual situation of the Black Country as an area undefined in geographical and administrative terms, existing only in the imagination •Examples of the variety from native speakers of differing ethnicities, ages and genders •An annotated bibliography for further consultation
Esta dissertação pretende contribuir para um melhor conhecimento da complexidade das redes de transferência de conhecimentos e técnicas, no domínio da engenharia civil e mais concretamente através dos caminhos-de-ferro, nos séculos XIX e XX. Em Portugal, os caminhos-de-ferro estiveram no cerne de um vasto debate, sobretudo político, concomitante com uma instabilidade crescente no cenário político e uma fase de fragilidade económica. É neste contexto que a Linha do Sul e Sueste vai ser construída (seguida pela sua extensão até Vila Real de Santo António e pela construção do ramal de Portimão, que chegará a Lagos). Este empreendimento é uma clara ilustração da realidade portuguesa de então, no que concerne ao desenvolvimento desta rede de transportes, que nos permite, igualmente, conhecer e compreender quem interveio no processo de construção da linha (os engenheiros, as empresas, entre outros aspectos) e assim determinar quais as influências e transferências técnicas que tiveram lugar; RESUMEE: Cette mémoire attire à la contribution pour une meilleure connaissance de la complexité des réseaux de transfert de techniques et connaissances qui ont eu lieu dans le domaine de l’ingénierie civile, surtout dans les chemins de fer, au XIXème et XXème siècles. Au Portugal, les chemins de fer sont été le cerne d’un très vaste débat, coïncidant avec une croissante instabilité dans le scenario politique et aussi une phase économique fragile. C’est dans ce contexte que la Ligne du Sud et Sud-est va être bâti (suivi par l’extension jusqu’à Vila Real de Santo António et la construction de l’embranchement ferroviaire Portimão). Cette entreprise c’est une illustration claire de la réalité portugaise, en concernant l’implémentation de cette réseau de transport, que nous permettre de comprendre et également bien connaitre qui a intervenu dans le processus de construction de la ligne (les ingénieurs, entreprises, etcetera), ainsi que déterminer les influences et les transferts techniques qui ont eu lieu; ABSTRACT: With this master’s thesis, the aim is to be able to contribute to a better understanding of the complex network of technique’s and knowledge transfers, that took place within the field of civil engineering, in the 19th and 20th centuries, namely on the railways. In Portugal, railways take-up was a wide and ample debate, coinciding with an uprising turmoil on the Portuguese political outskirt and a phase of economic frailty. It’s in this context that the construction of the South and Southeast Line took place (followed, later on, by its extension until Vila Real de Santo António and by the construction of the Portimão’s branch). This enterprise is, as we pretend to prove in this master’s thesis, a clear example of the Portuguese reality, enabling us to understand and to get to know those who intervened in the construction’s process (the engineers and the companies) as well as determining influences and technique transfers that have taken place.
Mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista - Instituto Superior de Agronomia