148 resultados para inaccuracy


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Despite the prominent use of the Suchey-Brooks (S-B) method of age estimation in forensic anthropological practice, it is subject to intrinsic limitations, with reports of differential inter-population error rates between geographical locations. This study assessed the accuracy of the S-B method to a contemporary adult population in Queensland, Australia and provides robust age parameters calibrated for our population. Three-dimensional surface reconstructions were generated from computed tomography scans of the pubic symphysis of male and female Caucasian individuals aged 15–70 years (n = 195) in Amira® and Rapidform®. Error was analyzed on the basis of bias, inaccuracy and percentage correct classification for left and right symphyseal surfaces. Application of transition analysis and Chi-square statistics demonstrated 63.9% and 69.7% correct age classification associated with the left symphyseal surface of Australian males and females, respectively, using the S-B method. Using Bayesian statistics, probability density distributions for each S-B phase were calculated, providing refined age parameters for our population. Mean inaccuracies of 6.77 (±2.76) and 8.28 (±4.41) years were reported for the left surfaces of males and females, respectively; with positive biases for younger individuals (<55 years) and negative biases in older individuals. Significant sexual dimorphism in the application of the S-B method was observed; and asymmetry in phase classification of the pubic symphysis was a frequent phenomenon. These results recommend that the S-B method should be applied with caution in medico-legal death investigations of Queensland skeletal remains and warrant further investigation of reliable age estimation techniques.


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Good management, supported by accurate, timely and reliable health information, is vital for increasing the effectiveness of Health Information Systems (HIS). When it comes to managing the under resourced health systems of developing countries, information-based decision making is particularly important. This paper reports findings of a self-report survey that investigated perceptions of local health managers (HMs) of their own regional HIS in Sri Lanka. Data were collected through a validated, pre-tested postal questionnaire, and distributed among a selected group of HMs to elicit their perceptions of the current HIS in relation to information generation, acquisition and use, required reforms to the information system and application of information and communication technology (ICT). Results based on descriptive statistics indicated that the regional HIS was poorly organised and in need of reform; that management support for the system was unsatisfactory in terms of relevance, accuracy, timeliness and accessibility; that political pressure and community and donor requests took precedence over vital health information when management decisions were made; and use of ICT was unsatisfactory. HIS strengths included user-friendly paper formats, a centralised planning system and an efficient disease notification system; weaknesses were lack of comprehensiveness, inaccuracy, and lack of a feedback system. Responses of participants indicated that HIS would be improved by adopting an internationally accepted framework and introducing ICT applications. Perceived barriers to such improvements were high initial cost of educating staff to improve computer literacy, introduction of ICTs, and HIS restructure. We concluded that the regional HIS of Central Province, Sri Lanka had failed to provide much needed information support to HMs. These findings are consistent with similar research in other developing countries and reinforce the need for further research to verify causes of poor performance and to design strategic reforms to improve HIS in regional Sri Lanka.


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After attending this presentation, attendees will gain awareness of: (1) the error and uncertainty associated with the application of the Suchey-Brooks (S-B) method of age estimation of the pubic symphysis to a contemporary Australian population; (2) the implications of sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry of the pubic symphysis through preliminary geometric morphometric assessment; and (3) the value of three-dimensional (3D) autopsy data acquisition for creating forensic anthropological standards. This presentation will impact the forensic science community by demonstrating that, in the absence of demographically sound skeletal collections, post-mortem autopsy data provides an exciting platform for the construction of large contemporary ‘virtual osteological libraries’ for which forensic anthropological research can be conducted on Australian individuals. More specifically, this study assesses the applicability and accuracy of the S-B method to a contemporary adult population in Queensland, Australia, and using a geometric morphometric approach, provides an insight to the age-related degeneration of the pubic symphysis. Despite the prominent use of the Suchey-Brooks (1990) method of age estimation in forensic anthropological practice, it is subject to intrinsic limitations, with reports of differential inter-population error rates between geographical locations1-4. Australian forensic anthropology is constrained by a paucity of population specific standards due to a lack of repositories of documented skeletons. Consequently, in Australian casework proceedings, standards constructed from predominately American reference samples are applied to establish a biological profile. In the global era of terrorism and natural disasters, more specific population standards are required to improve the efficiency of medico-legal death investigation in Queensland. The sample comprises multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) scans of the pubic symphysis (slice thickness: 0.5mm, overlap: 0.1mm) on 195 individuals of caucasian ethnicity aged 15-70 years. Volume rendering reconstruction of the symphyseal surface was conducted in Amira® (v.4.1) and quantitative analyses in Rapidform® XOS. The sample was divided into ten-year age sub-sets (eg. 15-24) with a final sub-set of 65-70 years. Error with respect to the method’s assigned means were analysed on the basis of bias (directionality of error), inaccuracy (magnitude of error) and percentage correct classification of left and right symphyseal surfaces. Morphometric variables including surface area, circumference, maximum height and width of the symphyseal surface and micro-architectural assessment of cortical and trabecular bone composition were quantified using novel automated engineering software capabilities. The results of this study demonstrated correct age classification utilizing the mean and standard deviations of each phase of the S-B method of 80.02% and 86.18% in Australian males and females, respectively. Application of the S-B method resulted in positive biases and mean inaccuracies of 7.24 (±6.56) years for individuals less than 55 years of age, compared to negative biases and mean inaccuracies of 5.89 (±3.90) years for individuals greater than 55 years of age. Statistically significant differences between chronological and S-B mean age were demonstrated in 83.33% and 50% of the six age subsets in males and females, respectively. Asymmetry of the pubic symphysis was a frequent phenomenon with 53.33% of the Queensland population exhibiting statistically significant (χ2 - p<0.01) differential phase classification of left and right surfaces of the same individual. Directionality was found in bilateral asymmetry, with the right symphyseal faces being slightly older on average and providing more accurate estimates using the S-B method5. Morphometric analysis verified these findings, with the left surface exhibiting significantly greater circumference and surface area than the right (p<0.05). Morphometric analysis demonstrated an increase in maximum height and width of the surface with age, with most significant changes (p<0.05) occurring between the 25-34 and 55-64 year age subsets. These differences may be attributed to hormonal components linked to menopause in females and a reduction in testosterone in males. Micro-architectural analysis demonstrated degradation of cortical composition with age, with differential bone resorption between the medial, ventral and dorsal surfaces of the pubic symphysis. This study recommends that the S-B method be applied with caution in medico-legal death investigations of unknown skeletal remains in Queensland. Age estimation will always be accompanied by error; therefore this study demonstrates the potential for quantitative morphometric modelling of age related changes of the pubic symphysis as a tool for methodological refinement, providing a rigor and robust assessment to remove the subjectivity associated with current pelvic aging methods.


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Current forensic practice in age estimation relies on the application of morphological standards as a means to characterize complex threedimensional skeletal surfaces. Research in our laboratory has demonstrated that the application of the morphologically based Suchey-Brooks method to a contemporary Queensland, Australian population demonstrated significant inaccuracy in age-estimation. Consequently, this study presents preliminary results to quantify age-related skeletal changes of the pubic symphysis in Queensland individuals using novel geometric and micro-architectural protocols that have the potential of improving age estimation in the forensic context. Computed tomography scans of the right and left pubis were obtained from Caucasian individuals aged 15–70 years (n=195) from the Queensland Health Forensic and Scientific Services. Morphometric variables including surface area, circumference, maximum height and width of the symphyseal surface, and micro-architectural assessment of cortical and trabecular bone structure were conducted in Rapidform XOS and Osteomeasure, respectively. Morphometric analysis demonstrated increases in maximum height and width of the surface with age independent of gender, with most significant (P<0.05) changes between the 25–34 and 55–64 year subsets. Sexual dimorphism and bilateral asymmetry were prominent features in the Queensland population. Micro-architectural analysis demonstrated degradation of cortical composition with age, with differential bone resorption between the medial, ventral and dorsal aspects of the symphysis. The ability to quantitatively model age-related changes to the pubic symphysis provides potential for future methodological refinement, where rigor and robust geometric assessment of the surface may remove the subjectivity associated with aging the pubic symphysis.


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The overall aim of our research was to characterize airborne particles from selected nanotechnology processes and to utilize the data to develop and test quantitative particle concentration-based criteria that can be used to trigger an assessment of particle emission controls. We investigated particle number concentration (PNC), particle mass (PM) concentration, count median diameter (CMD), alveolar deposited surface area, elemental composition, and morphology from sampling of aerosols arising from six nanotechnology processes. These included fibrous and non-fibrous particles, including carbon nanotubes (CNTs). We adopted standard occupational hygiene principles in relation to controlling peak emission and exposures, as outlined by both Safe Work Australia, (1) and the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®). (2) The results from the study were used to analyses peak and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values measured during the operation of the nanotechnology processes. Analysis of peak (highest value recorded) and 30-minute averaged particle number and mass concentration values revealed: Peak PNC20–1000 nm emitted from the nanotechnology processes were up to three orders of magnitude greater than the local background particle concentration (LBPC). Peak PNC300–3000 nm was up to an order of magnitude greater, and PM2.5 concentrations up to four orders of magnitude greater. For three of these nanotechnology processes, the 30-minute average particle number and mass concentrations were also significantly different from the LBPC (p-value < 0.001). We propose emission or exposure controls may need to be implemented or modified, or further assessment of the controls be undertaken, if concentrations exceed three times the LBPC, which is also used as the local particle reference value, for more than a total of 30 minutes during a workday, and/or if a single short-term measurement exceeds five times the local particle reference value. The use of these quantitative criteria, which we are terming the universal excursion guidance criteria, will account for the typical variation in LBPC and inaccuracy of instruments, while precautionary enough to highlight peaks in particle concentration likely to be associated with particle emission from the nanotechnology process. Recommendations on when to utilize local excursion guidance criteria are also provided.


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Nanowires (NWs) have attracted appealing and broad application owing to their remarkable mechanical, optical, electrical, thermal and other properties. To unlock the revolutionary characteristics of NWs, a considerable body of experimental and theoretical work has been conducted. However, due to the extremely small dimensions of NWs, the application and manipulation of the in situ experiments involve inherent complexities and huge challenges. For the same reason, the presence of defects appears as one of the most dominant factors in determining their properties. Hence, based on the experiments' deficiency and the necessity of investigating different defects' influence, the numerical simulation or modelling becomes increasingly important in the area of characterizing the properties of NWs. It has been noted that, despite the number of numerical studies of NWs, significant work still lies ahead in terms of problem formulation, interpretation of results, identification and delineation of deformation mechanisms, and constitutive characterization of behaviour. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to characterize both perfect and defected metal NWs. Large-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were utilized to assess the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of different NWs under diverse loading conditions including tension, compression, bending, vibration and torsion. The target samples include different FCC metal NWs (e.g., Cu, Ag, Au NWs), which were either in a perfect crystal structure or constructed with different defects (e.g. pre-existing surface/internal defects, grain/twin boundaries). It has been found from the tensile deformation that Young's modulus was insensitive to different styles of pre-existing defects, whereas the yield strength showed considerable reduction. The deformation mechanisms were found to be greatly influenced by the presence of defects, i.e., different defects acted in the role of dislocation sources, and many affluent deformation mechanisms had been triggered. Similar conclusions were also obtained from the compressive deformation, i.e., Young's modulus was insensitive to different defects, but the critical stress showed evident reduction. Results from the bending deformation revealed that the current modified beam models with the considerations of surface effect, or both surface effect and axial extension effect were still experiencing certain inaccuracy, especially for the NW with ultra small cross-sectional size. Additionally, the flexural rigidity of the NW was found to be insensitive to different pre-existing defects, while the yield strength showed an evident decrease. For the resonance study, the first-order natural frequency of the NW with pre-existing surface defects was almost the same as that from the perfect NW, whereas a lower first-order natural frequency and a significantly degraded quality factor was observed for NWs with grain boundaries. Most importantly, the <110> FCC NWs were found to exhibit a novel beat phenomenon driven by a single actuation, which was resulted from the asymmetry in the lattice spacing in the (110) plane of the NW cross-section, and expected to exert crucial impacts on the in situ nanomechanical measurements. In particular, <110> Ag NWs with rhombic, truncated rhombic, and triangular cross-sections were found to naturally possess two first-mode natural frequencies, which were envisioned with applications in NEMS that could operate in a non-planar regime. The torsion results revealed that the torsional rigidity of the NW was insensitive to the presence of pre-existing defects and twin boundaries, but received evident reduction due to grain boundaries. Meanwhile, the critical angle decreased considerably for defected NWs. This study has provided a comprehensive and deep investigation on the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of perfect and defected NWs, which will greatly extend and enhance the existing knowledge and understanding of the properties/performance of NWs, and eventually benefit the realization of their full potential applications. All delineated MD models and theoretical analysis techniques that were established for the target NWs in this research are also applicable to future studies on other kinds of NWs. It has been suggested that MD simulation is an effective and excellent tool, not only for the characterization of the properties of NWs, but also for the prediction of novel or unexpected properties.


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Introduction This study investigates uncertainties pertaining to the use of optically stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLDs) in radiotherapy dosimetry. The sensitivity of the luminescent material is related to the density of recombination centres [1], which is in the range of 1015–1016 cm-3. Because of this non-uniform distribution of traps in crystal growth the sensitivity varies substantially within a batch of dosimeters. However, a quantitative understanding of the relationship between the response of an OSLD and its sensitive volume has not yet been investigated or reported in literature. Methods In this work, OSLDs are scanned with a MicroCT scanner to determine potential sources for the variation in relative sensitivity across a selection of Landauer nanoDot dosimeters. Specifically, the correlation between a dosimeters relative sensitivity and the loading density of Al2O3:C powder was determined. Results When extrapolating the sensitive volume’s radiodensity from the CT data, it was shown that there is a non-uniform distribution incrystal growth as illustrated in Fig. 1. A plot of voxel count versus the element-specific correction factor is shown in Fig. 2 where each point represents a single OSLD. A line was fitted which has an R2-value of 0.69 and a P-value of 8.21 9 10-19. This data shows that the response of a dosimeter decreases proportionally with sensitive volume. Extrapolating from this data, a quantitative relationship between response and sensitive volume was roughly determined for this batch of dosimeters. A change in volume of 1.176 9 10-5 cm3 corresponds to a 1 % change in response. In other words, a 0.05 % change in the nominal volume of the chip would result in a 1 % change in response. Discussion and conclusions This work demonstrated that the amount of sensitive material is approximately linked to the total correction factor. Furthermore, the ‘true’ volume of an OSLD’s sensitive material is, on average, 17.90 % less than that which has been reported in literature, mainly due to the presence of air cavities in the material’s structure. Finally, the potential effects of the inaccuracy of Al2O3:C deposition increases with decreasing chip size. If a luminescent dosimeter were manufactured with a smaller volume than currently employed using the same manufacturing protocol, the variation in response from chip to chip would more than likely exceed the current 5 % range.


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Utilising computed tomography scans to allow a virtual analysis of three-dimensional reconstructions of the femur, this project confirms that the traditional 1952 Trotter and Gleser stature estimation equations are inapplicable for a contemporary Queensland population. Therefore, this study introduces modern stature estimation equations for femoral length and fragmentary femoral remains using Bayesian statistics for application in forensic anthropological casework. In addition, it was found that caution needs to be applied when comparing estimated stature to reported stature on the missing persons database due to inaccuracy in Queensland drivers' licences.


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This study aims to assess the accuracy of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) which is generated by using Toutin’s model. Thus, Toutin’s model was run by using OrthoEngineSE of PCI Geomatics 10.3.Thealong-track stereoimages of Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection radiometer (ASTER) sensor with 15 m resolution were used to produce DEM on an area with low and near Mean Sea Level (MSL) elevation in Johor Malaysia. Despite the satisfactory pre-processing results the visual assessment of the DEM generated from Toutin’s model showed that the DEM contained many outliers and incorrect values. The failure of Toutin’s model may mostly be due to the inaccuracy and insufficiency of ASTER ephemeris data for low terrains as well as huge water body in the stereo images.


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This study investigated a potential source of inaccuracy for diode measurements in modulated beams; the effect of diode housing asymmetry on measurement results. The possible effects of diode housing asymmetry on the measurement of steep dose gradients were evaluated by measuring 5x5 cm2 beam profiles, with three cylindrical diodes and two commonly used ionization chambers, with each dosimeter positioned in a 3D scanning water tank with its stem perpendicular to the beam axis (horizontal) and parallel to the direction of scanning. The resulting profiles were used to compare the penumbrae measured with the diode stem pointing into (equivalent to a “stem-first” setup) and out of the field (equivalent to a “stem-last” setup) in order to evaluate the effects of dosimeter alignment and thereby identify the effects of dosimeter asymmetry. The stem-first and stem-last orientations resulted in differences of up to 0.2 mm in the measured 20-80% penumbra widths and differences of up to 0.4 mm in the off axis position of the 90% isodose. These differences, which are smaller than previously reported for older model dosimeters, were apparent in the profile results for both diodes and small volume ionization chambers. As an extension to this study, the practical use of all five dosimeters was exemplified by measuring point doses in IMRT test beams. These measurements showed good agreement (within 2%) between the diodes and the small volume ionization chamber, with all of these dosimeters being able to identify a region 3% under-dosage which was not identified by a larger volume (6 mm diameter) ionization chamber. The results of this work should help to remove some of the barriers to the use of diodes for modulated radiotherapy dosimetry in the future.


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This study examined the effect of an educational intervention utilizing principles of cognitive apprenticeship on students’ ability to apply clinical reasoning skills within the context of a purpose-built clinical vignette. A quasi-experimental, non-equivalent control-group design was used to evaluate the effect of the educational intervention on students’ accuracy, inaccuracy and self-confidence in clinical reasoning. This study makes an important contribution to nursing education by providing evidence to understand how best to facilitate nursing students’ development of clinical reasoning.


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Increased interest in the cholesterol-lowering effect of plant sterols has led to development of plant sterol-enriched foods. When products are enriched, the safety of the added components must be evaluated. In the case of plant sterols, oxidation is the reaction of main concern. In vitro studies have indicated that cholesterol oxides may have harmful effects. Due their structural similarity, plant sterol oxidation products may have similar health implications. This study concentrated on developing high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods that enable the investigation of formation of both primary and secondary oxidation products and thus can be used for oxidation mechanism studies of plant sterols. The applicability of the methods for following the oxidation reactions of plant sterols was evaluated by using oxidized stigmasterol and sterol mixture as model samples. An HPLC method with ultraviolet and fluorescence detection (HPLC-UV-FL) was developed. It allowed the specific detection of hydroperoxides with FL detection after post-column reagent addition. The formation of primary and secondary oxidation products and amount of unoxidized sterol could be followed by using UV detection. With the HPLC-UV-FL method, separation between oxides was essential and oxides of only one plant sterol could be quantified in one run. Quantification with UV can lead to inaccuracy of the results since the number of double bonds had effect on the UV absorbance. In the case of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), separation of oxides with different functionalities was important because some oxides of the same sterol have similar molecular weight and moreover epimers have similar fragmentation behaviour. On the other hand, coelution of different plant sterol oxides with the same functional group was acceptable since they differ in molecular weights. Results revealed that all studied plant sterols and cholesterol seem to have similar fragmentation behaviour, with only relative ion abundances being slightly different. The major advantage of MS detection coupled with LC separation is the capability to analyse totally or partly coeluting analytes if these have different molecular weights. The HPLC-UV-FL and LC-MS methods were demonstrated to be suitable for studying the photo-oxidation and thermo-oxidation reactions of plant sterols. The HPLC-UV-FL method was able to show different formation rates of hydroperoxides during photo-oxidation. The method also confirmed that plant sterols have similar photo-oxidation behaviour to cholesterol. When thermo-oxidation of plant sterols was investigated by HPLC-UV-FL and LC-MS, the results revealed that the formation and decomposition of individual hydroperoxides and secondary oxidation products could be studied. The methods used revealed that all of the plant sterols had similar thermo-oxidation behaviour when compared with each other, and the predominant reactions and oxidation rates were temperature dependent. Overall, these findings showed that with these LC methods the oxidation mechanisms of plant sterols can be examined in detail, including the formation and degradation of individual hydroperoxides and secondary oxidation products, with less sample pretreatment and without derivatization.


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Among different methods, the transmission-line or the impedance tube method has been most popular for the experimental evaluation of the acoustical impedance of any termination. The current state of method involves extrapolation of the measured data to the reflecting surface or exact locations of the pressure maxima, both of which are known to be rather tricky. The present paper discusses a method which makes use of the positions of the pressure minima and the values of the standing-wave ratio at these points. Lippert's concept of enveloping curves has been extended. The use of Smith or Beranek charts, with their inherent inaccuracy, has been altogether avoided. The existing formulas for the impedance have been corrected. Incidentally, certain other errors in the current literature have also been brought to light.Subject Classification: 85.20.


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Window technique is one of the simplest methods to design Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. It uses special functions to truncate an infinite sequence to a finite one. In this paper, we propose window techniques based on integer sequences. The striking feature of the proposed work is that it overcomes all the problems posed by floating point numbers and inaccuracy, as the sequences are made of only integers. Some of these integer window sequences, yield sharp transition, while some of them result in zero ripple in passband and stopband.


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A computational scheme has been developed for strongly interacting systems wherein the intermolecular interaction is introduced as a charge-induced-dipole term. Within this approximation, the model Hamiltonian is exactly solved using a valence-bond basis. The validity of the scheme has been checked by use of exact calculations on small model systems. The method has been applied to finite polyenes to study the shifts in the ground-state energies and dipole-allowed excited-state energies in the presence of neighbors. Our calculations show a red shift in the optical gap of the infinite polyene by 0.124 eV, which is rather small compared to the experimental red shift. This is traced to the larger inaccuracy in the calculated shift in the excited state. The calculated shift in the ground-state energies are more accurate and hence the method is better suited for studying the effect of intermolecular interactions on the properties of the ground state.