988 resultados para in-hadron condensates


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We investigate, analytically and numerically, families of bright solitons in a system of two linearly coupled nonlinear Schrodinger/Gross-Pitaevskii equations, describing two Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in an asymmetric double-well potential, in particular, when the scattering lengths in the condensates have arbitrary magnitudes and opposite signs. The solitons are found to exist everywhere where they are permitted by the dispersion law. Using the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion and numerical methods, we show that, except for small regions in the parameter space, the solitons are stable to small perturbations. Some of them feature self-trapping of almost all the atoms in the condensate with no atomic interaction or weak repulsion is coupled to the self-attractive condensate. An unusual bifurcation is found, when the soliton bifurcates from the zero solution with vanishing amplitude and width simultaneously diverging but at a finite number of atoms in the soliton. By means of numerical simulations, it is found that, depending on values of the parameters and the initial perturbation, unstable solitons either give rise to breathers or completely break down into incoherent waves (radiation). A version of the model with the self-attraction in both components, which applies to the description of dual-core fibers in nonlinear optics, is considered too, and new results are obtained for this much studied system. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have observed the reactions p+pbar --> p+X+pbar, with X being a centrally produced J/psi, psi(2S) or chi_c0, and gamma+gamma --> mu+mu-, in proton- antiproton collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV using the Run II Collider Detector at Fermilab. The event signature requires two oppositely charged muons, each with pseudorapidity |eta| mu+mu-. Events with a J/psi and an associated photon candidate are consistent with exclusive chi_c0 production through double pomeron exchange. The exclusive vector meson production is as expected for elastic photo- production, gamma+p --> J/psi(psi(2S)) + p, which is observed here for the first time in hadron-hadron collisions. The cross sections ds/dy(y=0) for p + pbar --> p + X + pbar with X = J/psi, psi(2S) orchi_c0 are 3.92+/-0.62 nb, 0.53+/-0.14 nb, and 75+/-14 nb respectively. The cross section for the continuum, with |eta(mu+/-)|


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We present a search for exclusive Z boson production in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV, using the CDF II detector at Fermilab. We observe no exclusive Z->ll candidates and place the first upper limit on the exclusive Z cross section in hadron collisions, sigma(exclu) gammagamma->p+ll+pbar, and measure the cross section for M(ll) > 40 GeV/c2 and |eta(l)|


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We have observed the reactions p+pbar --> p+X+pbar, with X being a centrally produced J/psi, psi(2S) or chi_c0, and gamma+gamma --> mu+mu-, in proton- antiproton collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV using the Run II Collider Detector at Fermilab. The event signature requires two oppositely charged muons, each with pseudorapidity |eta| mu+mu-. Events with a J/psi and an associated photon candidate are consistent with exclusive chi_c0 production through double pomeron exchange. The exclusive vector meson production is as expected for elastic photo- production, gamma+p --> J/psi(psi(2S)) + p, which is observed here for the first time in hadron-hadron collisions. The cross sections ds/dy(y=0) for p + pbar --> p + X + pbar with X = J/psi, psi(2S) orchi_c0 are 3.92+/-0.62 nb, 0.53+/-0.14 nb, and 75+/-14 nb respectively. The cross section for the continuum, with |eta(mu+/-)|


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We have observed the reactions p+pbar --> p+X+pbar, with X being a centrally produced J/psi, psi(2S) or chi_c0, and gamma+gamma --> mu+mu-, in proton- antiproton collisions at sqrt{s} = 1.96 TeV using the Run II Collider Detector at Fermilab. The event signature requires two oppositely charged muons, each with pseudorapidity |eta| mu+mu-. Events with a J/psi and an associated photon candidate are consistent with exclusive chi_c0 production through double pomeron exchange. The exclusive vector meson production is as expected for elastic photo- production, gamma+p --> J/psi(psi(2S)) + p, which is observed here for the first time in hadron-hadron collisions. The cross sections ds/dy(y=0) for p + pbar --> p + X + pbar with X = J/psi, psi(2S) orchi_c0 are 3.92+/-0.62 nb, 0.53+/-0.14 nb, and 75+/-14 nb respectively. The cross section for the continuum, with |eta(mu+/-)|


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We present a search for exclusive Z boson production in proton-antiproton collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV, using the CDF II detector at Fermilab. We observe no exclusive Z->ll candidates and place the first upper limit on the exclusive Z cross section in hadron collisions, sigma(exclu) gammagamma->p+ll+pbar, and measure the cross section for M(ll) > 40 GeV/c2 and |eta(l)|


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We consider the (2 + 1) flavor Polyakov quark meson model and study the fluctuations (correlations) of conserved charges up to sixth (fourth) order. A comparison is made with lattice data wherever available and overall good qualitative agreement is found, more so for the case of the normalized susceptibilities. The model predictions for the ratio of susceptibilities go to that of an ideal gas of hadrons as in hadron resonance gas model at low temperatures while at high temperature the values are close to that of an ideal gas of massless quarks. Our study provides a strong basis for the use of the Polyakov quark meson model as an effective model to understand the topology of the QCD phase diagram. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.86.114021 PACS numbers: 12.39.-x, 05.40.-a, 12.38.Aw, 12.38.Mh


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Boron and chlorine were determined in rain water and in atmospheric moisture condensed in a "Saratov" refrigerator. Ocean is the main source of boron on the earth surface. Boron evaporates from the ocean and enriches atmospheric precipitation: B/Cl ratio of ocean water (0.00024) increases by factor of 10-15. Assuming that the average Cl content in global river runoff is 7.8 mg/l and boron content 0.013 mgl, B/Cl ratio in this runoff is 0.0017. The average B/Cl ratio in rain water of the Golubaya (Blue) Bay (Gelendzhik, Black Sea region) is 0.0026 and in condensates of atmospheric moisture during onshore and offshore winds in the same region it averages from 0.0029 to 0.0033. The maximum boron content in the condensates of this region during onshore winds was 0.032 mg/l and the minimum during offshore winds, 0.004 mg/l. /Cl ratio in sea water over the Atlantic Ocean and in the Gelendzhik area of the Black Sea varied within narrow range, mostly from 0.0025 to 0.0035. Similar B/Cl ratio (0.0024) was found for atmospheric precipitation on the slope of the Terskei Ala-Tau near the Issyk-Kul Lake in 1969. Thus, although chemistries of boron and chlorine (in chlorides) are very different, the B/Cl ratio in the atmosphere is fairly constant. This can be taken as a confirmation of an assumption that salt composition of sea water passes into the atmosphere in molecularly dispersed state. Supposing that the ocean-atmosphere system is in equilibrium as regards to the boron budget, it can be assumed that the same amount of boron passes from the ocean into bottom sediments and from lithosphere rocks and soils into the hydrosphere.


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A review is presented of the statistical bootstrap model of Hagedorn and Frautschi. This model is an attempt to apply the methods of statistical mechanics in high-energy physics, while treating all hadron states (stable or unstable) on an equal footing. A statistical calculation of the resonance spectrum on this basis leads to an exponentially rising level density ρ(m) ~ cm-3 eβom at high masses.

In the present work, explicit formulae are given for the asymptotic dependence of the level density on quantum numbers, in various cases. Hamer and Frautschi's model for a realistic hadron spectrum is described.

A statistical model for hadron reactions is then put forward, analogous to the Bohr compound nucleus model in nuclear physics, which makes use of this level density. Some general features of resonance decay are predicted. The model is applied to the process of NN annihilation at rest with overall success, and explains the high final state pion multiplicity, together with the low individual branching ratios into two-body final states, which are characteristic of the process. For more general reactions, the model needs modification to take account of correlation effects. Nevertheless it is capable of explaining the phenomenon of limited transverse momenta, and the exponential decrease in the production frequency of heavy particles with their mass, as shown by Hagedorn. Frautschi's results on "Ericson fluctuations" in hadron physics are outlined briefly. The value of βo required in all these applications is consistently around [120 MeV]-1 corresponding to a "resonance volume" whose radius is very close to ƛπ. The construction of a "multiperipheral cluster model" for high-energy collisions is advocated.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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We derive the node structure of the radial functions which are solutions of the Dirac equation with scalar S and vector V confining central potentials, in the conditions of exact spin or pseudospin symmetry, i.e., when one has V=±S+C, where C is a constant. We show that the node structure for exact spin symmetry is the same as the one for central potentials which go to zero at infinity but for exact pseudospin symmetry the structure is reversed. We obtain the important result that it is possible to have positive energy bound solutions in exact pseudospin symmetry conditions for confining potentials of any shape, including naturally those used in hadron physics, from nuclear to quark models. Since this does not occur for potentials going to zero at large distances, which are used in nuclear relativistic mean-field potentials or in the atomic nucleus, this shows the decisive importance of the asymptotic behavior of the scalar and vector central potentials on the onset of pseudospin symmetry and on the node structure of the radial functions. Finally, we show that these results are still valid for negative energy bound solutions for antifermions. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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Among the three forms of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics proposed by Dirac in 1949, the front form has the largest number of kinematic generators. This distinction provides useful consequences in the analysis of physical observables in hadron physics. Using the method of interpolation between the instant form and the front form, we introduce the interpolating scattering amplitude that links the corresponding time-ordered amplitudes between the two forms of dynamics and provide the physical meaning of the kinematic transformations as they allow the invariance of each individual time-ordered amplitude for an arbitrary interpolation angle. We discuss the rationale for using front form dynamics, nowadays known as light-front dynamics (LFD), and present a few explicit examples of hadron phenomenology that LFD uniquely can offer from first-principles quantum chromodynamics. In particular, model-independent constraints are provided for the analyses of deuteron form factors and the N Delta transition form factors at large momentum transfer squared Q(2). The swap of helicity amplitudes between the collinear and non-collinear kinematics is also discussed in deeply virtual Compton scattering.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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he physics program of the NA61/SHINE (SHINE = SPS Heavy Ion and Neutrino Experiment) experiment at the CERN SPS consists of three subjects. In the first stage of data taking (2007-2009) measurements of hadron production in hadron-nucleus interactions needed for neutrino (T2K) and cosmic-ray (Pierre Auger and KASCADE) experiments will be performed. In the second stage (2009-2010) hadron production in proton-proton and proton-nucleus interactions needed as reference data for a better understanding of nucleus-nucleus reactions will be studied. In the third stage (2009-2013) energy dependence of hadron production properties will be measured in p+p, p+Pb interactions and nucleus-nucleus collisions, with the aim to identify the properties of the onset of deconfinement and find evidence for the critical point of strongly interacting matter. The NA61 experiment was approved at CERN in June 2007. The first pilot run was performed during October 2007. Calibrations of all detector components have been performed successfully and preliminary uncorrected spectra have been obtained. High quality of track reconstruction and particle identification similar to NA49 has been achieved. The data and new detailed simulations confirm that the NA61 detector acceptance and particle identification capabilities cover the phase space required by the T2K experiment. This document reports on the progress made in the calibration and analysis of the 2007 data.