993 resultados para implicit memory


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A review of the literature shows that explicit memory develops substantially from three years of age to adulthood, while implicit memory remains stable across this age range. Previously, this developmental dissociation has been attributed to different memory systems, or to confounds with perceptual vs. conceptual processing. Prompted by an alternative developmental framework, the experiments reported here provide evidence against both interpretations. Instead, it will be argued that (a) the implicit - explicit developmental dissociation reflects differences in strategic processing (strategy use and metamemory) across childhood and (b) that implicit memory can show development if a child's knowledge base in the tested domain is developing with age.


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Provides evidence that familiarity as well as recollection contributes to the recognition advantage for low-frequency words. The importance for explanations of the low-frequency word advantage to account for the influence of both explicit and implicit memory processes is discussed with emphasis given to developing the dual-process model.


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After a crime has occurred, one of the most pressing objectives for investigators is to identify and interview any eyewitness that can provide information about the crime. Depending on his or her training, the investigative interviewer will use (to varying degrees) mostly yes/no questions, some cued and multiple-choice questions, with few open-ended questions. When the witness cannot generate any more details about the crime, one assumes the eyewitness' memory for the critical event has been exhausted. However, given what we know about memory, is this a safe assumption? In line with the extant literature on human cognition, if one assumes (a) an eyewitness has more available memories of the crime than he or she has accessible and (b) only explicit probes have been used to elicit information, then one can argue this eyewitness may still be able to provide additional information via implicit memory tests. In accordance with these notions, the present study had two goals: demonstrate that (1) eyewitnesses can reveal memory implicitly for a detail-rich event and (2) particularly for brief crimes, eyewitnesses can reveal memory for event details implicitly that were inaccessible when probed for explicitly. Undergraduates (N = 227) participated in a psychological experiment in exchange for research credit. Participants were presented with one of three stimulus videos (brief crime vs. long crime vs. irrelevant video). Then, participants either completed a series of implicit memory tasks or worked on a puzzle for 5 minutes. Lastly, participants were interviewed explicitly about the previous video via free recall and recognition tasks. Findings indicated that participants who viewed the brief crime provided significantly more crime-related details implicitly than those who viewed the long crime. The data also showed participants who viewed the long crime provided marginally more accurate details during free recall than participants who viewed the brief crime. Furthermore, participants who completed the implicit memory tasks provided significantly less accurate information during the explicit interview than participants who were not given implicit memory tasks. This study was the first to investigate implicit memory for eyewitnesses of a crime. To determine its applied value, additional empirical work is required.


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After a crime has occurred, one of the most pressing objectives for investigators is to identify and interview any eyewitness that can provide information about the crime. Depending on his or her training, the investigative interviewer will use (to varying degrees) mostly yes/no questions, some cued and multiple-choice questions, with few open-ended questions. When the witness cannot generate any more details about the crime, one assumes the eyewitness’ memory for the critical event has been exhausted. However, given what we know about memory, is this a safe assumption? In line with the extant literature on human cognition, if one assumes (a) an eyewitness has more available memories of the crime than he or she has accessible and (b) only explicit probes have been used to elicit information, then one can argue this eyewitness may still be able to provide additional information via implicit memory tests. In accordance with these notions, the present study had two goals: demonstrate that (1) eyewitnesses can reveal memory implicitly for a detail-rich event and (2) particularly for brief crimes, eyewitnesses can reveal memory for event details implicitly that were inaccessible when probed for explicitly. Undergraduates (N = 227) participated in a psychological experiment in exchange for research credit. Participants were presented with one of three stimulus videos (brief crime vs. long crime vs. irrelevant video). Then, participants either completed a series of implicit memory tasks or worked on a puzzle for 5 minutes. Lastly, participants were interviewed explicitly about the previous video via free recall and recognition tasks. Findings indicated that participants who viewed the brief crime provided significantly more crime-related details implicitly than those who viewed the long crime. The data also showed participants who viewed the long crime provided marginally more accurate details during free recall than participants who viewed the brief crime. Furthermore, participants who completed the implicit memory tasks provided significantly less accurate information during the explicit interview than participants who were not given implicit memory tasks. This study was the first to investigate implicit memory for eyewitnesses of a crime. To determine its applied value, additional empirical work is required.


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There is evidence that patients with schizophrenia have impaired explicit memory and intact implicit memory. The present study sought to replicate and extend that of O'Carroll et al. [O'Carroll, R.E., Russell, H.H., Lawrie, S.M. and Johnstone, E.C., 1999. Errorless learning and the cognitive rehabilitation of memory-impaired schizophrenic patients. Psychological Medicine 29, 105-112.] which reported that for memory-impaired patients with schizophrenia performance on a (cued) word recall task is enhanced using errorless learning techniques (in which errors are prevented during learning) compared to errorful learning (the traditional trial-and-error approach). Thirty patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia and fifteen healthy controls (HC) participated. The Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test was administered and from their scores, the schizophrenic patients were classified as either memory-impaired (MIS), or memory-unimpaired (MUS). During the training phase two lists of words were learned separately, one using the errorless learning approach and the other using an errorful approach. Subjects were then tested for their recall of the words using cued recall. After errorful learning training, performance on word recall for the MIS group was impaired compared to the MUS and HC groups. However, after errorless learning training, no significant differences in performance were found between the three groups. Errorless learning may play an important role in remediation of cognitive deficits for patients with schizophrenia. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Possible impairments of memory in end-stage renal disease (ESRD) were investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, in which stimulus words were presented visually, participants were tested on conceptual or perceptual memory tasks, with retrieval being either explicit or implicit. Compared with healthy controls, ESRD patients were impaired when memory required conceptual but not when it required perceptual processing, regardless of whether retrieval was explicit or implicit. An impairment of conceptual implicit memory (priming) in the ESRD group represented a previously unreported deficit compared to healthy aging. There were no significant differences between pre- and immediate post-dialysis memory performance in ESRD patients on any of the tasks. In Experiment 2, in which presentation was auditory, patients again performed worse than controls on an explicit conceptual memory task. We conclude that the type of processing required by the task (conceptual vs. perceptual) is more important than the type of retrieval (explicit vs. implicit) in memory failures in ESRD patients, perhaps because temporal brain regions are more susceptible to the effects of the illness than are posterior regions.


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We investigated the effects of different encoding tasks and of manipulations of two supposedly surface parameters of music on implicit and explicit memory for tunes. In two experiments, participants were first asked to either categorize instrument or judge familiarity of 40 unfamiliar short tunes. Subsequently, participants were asked to give explicit and implicit memory ratings for a list of 80 tunes, which included 40 previously heard. Half of the 40 previously heard tunes differed in timbre (Experiment 1) or tempo (Experiment 2) in comparison with the first exposure. A third experiment compared similarity ratings of the tunes that varied in timbre or tempo. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results suggest first that the encoding task made no difference for either memory mode. Secondly, timbre and tempo change both impaired explicit memory, whereas tempo change additionally made implicit tune recognition worse. Results are discussed in the context of implicit memory for nonsemantic materials and the possible differences in timbre and tempo in musical representations.


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While it is generally agreed that perception can occur without awareness, there continues to be debate about the type of representational content that is accessible when awareness is minimized or eliminated. Most investigations that have addressed this issue evaluate access to well-learned representations. Far fewer studies have evaluated whether or not associations encountered just once prior to testing might also be accessed and influence behavior. Here, eye movements were used to examine whether or not memory for studied relationships is evident following the presentation of subliminal cues. Participants (assigned to experimental or control groups) studied scene-face pairs and test trials evaluated implicit and explicit memory for these pairs. Each test trial began with a subliminal scene cue, followed by three visible studied faces. For experimental group participants, one face was the studied associate of the scene (implicit test); for controls none were a match. Subsequently, the Display containing a match was presented to both groups, but now it was preceded by a visible scene cue (explicit test). Eye movements were recorded and recognition Memory responses were made. Participants in the experimental group looked disproportionately at matching faces on implicit test trials and participants from both groups looked disproportionately at matching faces on explicit test trials, even when that face had not been successfully identified as the associate. Critically, implicit memory-based viewing effects seemed not to depend on residual awareness of subliminal scenes cues, as subjective and objective measures indicated that scenes were successfully masked from view. The reported outcomes indicate that memory for studied relationships can be expressed in eye movement behavior without awareness.


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Drawing inferences from past experiences enables adaptive behavior in future situations. Inference has been shown to depend on hippocampal processes. Usually, inference is considered a deliberate and effortful mental act which happens during retrieval, and requires the focus of our awareness. Recent fMRI studies hint at the possibility that some forms of hippocampus-dependent inference can also occur during encoding and possibly also outside of awareness. Here, we sought to further explore the feasibility of hippocampal implicit inference, and specifically address the temporal evolution of implicit inference using intracranial EEG. Presurgical epilepsy patients with hippocampal depth electrodes viewed a sequence of word pairs, and judged the semantic fit between two words in each pair. Some of the word pairs entailed a common word (e.g.,‘winter - red’, ‘red - cat’) such that an indirect relation was established in following word pairs (e.g, ‘winter - cat’). The behavioral results suggested that drawing inference implicitly from past experience is feasible because indirect relations seemed to foster ‘fit’ judgments while the absence of indirect relations fostered 'do not fit' judgments, even though the participants were unaware of the indirect relations. A event-related potential (ERP) difference emerging 400 ms post-stimulus was evident in the hippocampus during encoding, suggesting that indirect relations were already established automatically during encoding of the overlapping word pairs. Further ERP differences emerged later post-stimulus (1500 ms), were modulated by the participants' responses and were evident during encoding and test. Furthermore, response-locked ERP effects were evident at test. These ERP effects could hence be a correlate of the interaction of implicit memory with decision-making. Together, the data map out a time-course in which the hippocampus automatically integrates memories from discrete but related episodes to implicitly influence future decision making.


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Two studies investigated the context deletion effect, the attenuation of priming in implicit memory tests of words when words have been studied in text rather than in isolation. In Experiment 1, stem completion for single words was primed to a greater extent by words studied alone than in sentence contexts, and a higher proportion of completions from studied words was produced under direct instructions (cued recall) than under indirect instructions (produce the first completion that comes to mind). The effect of a sentence context was eliminated when participants were instructed to attend to the target word during the imagery generation task used in the study phase. In Experiment 2, the effect of a sentence context at study was reduced when the target word was presented in distinctive format within the sentence, and the study task (grammatical judgment) was directed at a word other than the target. The results implicate conceptual and perceptual processes that distinguish a word from its context in priming in word stem completion.


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The decision making of customers has been a great concern in the field of customer research. Although China has entered the era of brand consumption and development, due to the different understanding of the regarded attributes between companies and customers, the phenomenon of “The awarded products don’t sell well, but the products which sell well can’t get the award.” appears. At the same time there is little research on the relationship between the brand and the customers has been conducted in China now. Traditional research on customer psychology employ questionnaires, depth interview and group discussions as the major methods. In cognitive psychology, the limitation of explicit memory has been revealed by implicit memory; moreover, unconscious cognition and implicit memory can also influence customers' remark of the brand. Therefore, the traditional methods are not accurate enough. Reaction time is an effective way to reveal testing equality, and it can also reveal implicit cognition. Based on the researches intends to investigate the validity of attention attributes in the method of reaction time by questionnaires and time reaction testing of 360 customers in 3 cities, which may, probably, overcomes the limitation of the traditional research methods. The 352 valid samples were analyzed by SPSS. The results showed there was no distinct corresponding relationship between the product attributes and reaction time. The different key attributes from questionnaire importance rating and the shortest reaction time standards were used to regressively analyze the results of customers’ overall rating (such as overall satisfaction,objective quality, recommend intention).The results indicated that the coefficiency of regression of the special attributes chosen from reaction time to overall rating was distinct, while the coefficiency of the special attributes chosen from importance rating to overall rating was not. The main conclusions are: 1. Regarded attributes can be obtained by the reaction time of brand performance rating. 2. Regarded attributes obtained by the reaction time of brand performance rating are more accurate than those by importance rating questionnaires. 3. The brand’s core attributes should includes regarded attributes during the decision making process.


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The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of attention resourse requirement and allocation on implicit memory and explicit memory for object-location associations in driving situation based on Adams theory on the function of implicit knowledge in the Situation Awareness(SA). This study adopted Musen’s implicit learning of object-location associations, sysmemtly manipulated the type and difficuty of the naming task. This research includes three studies and ten experiments. Their aim are separately to explore the influence of attention on implicit and explicit memory for object-loction assocaitons in simple stimulus and the driving situation. And it is needed to confirme the condition and the influencing factors of implicit memory for car-location association in different condition. It is also our aim to explore the feasibility of introduce of implicit learning methods in SA measurement. The results indicted that: ⑴ The influence of attention resourse allocation ,the difficulty of naming task , the deepness of processing on on implicit memory for object-location associations in driving situation are different . the dissociated results support the standpoint that there are two independent knowledge system; ⑵ The type of naming task more influenced the implicit and explicit memory for object-location associations than the difficulty of the naming task. The attention resourse requirement of the different type can not be compared; ⑶ The implicit memory seldom appears in the location naming task resulted from the defiency of processing on object-location association, and not as a results of the overtaxed; ⑷ The reaction time methods in the implicit learning could be used in SA measurement , it is a complementarity of the existing explicit SA measurement. These findings not only contribute to resolve ongoing debates about the process of cognition and mechanism of SA structure, but also have significant practical application in traffic safety.


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The cognition and memory functions of the Basal Ganglia have been the focus of contemporary cognitive neuroscience researches. This study, from neuroanatomical and neurophysiological point of view, thoroughly surveyed the recent relevant research progress, carefully examined the evidences of the neurological basis for the Basal Ganglia possessing or participating cognition or memory functions. Moreover, it reviewed recent achievements on the cognitive functions of the basal ganglia based on researches on rodent animals, primate animals and human beings. Then it presented a series of experiments conducted, by neuropsychological and cognitive psychological methods, on neurological patients with focal lesions to the basal ganglia or combining with bilateral hippocampus or thalamus impaired to explore what the role of the basal ganglia play in human explicit and implicit memory. It was found that the lesions to the basal ganglia partially handicapped explicit verbal memory and completely impaired perceptual priming. It was also found that right cerebral cortex dysplasia but basal ganglia spared had no effects on priming tasks performances. The results suggested that the basal ganglia contain or accommodate higher cognitive functions and further suggested that priming be irrelevant to right cerebral cortex. It was posited that the basal ganglia, on the basis of interaction with prefrontal or temporal cortices, mediate movement function as well as cognition and memory functions.


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Objectives. The hypotheses that automatic, non-volitional, attentional and memory biases for addiction-related constructs exist is tested with compulsive gamblers.

Design. An independent groups design was employed. Processing of gambling, compared to neutral and drug-related information was examined in 15 gamblers recruited from new members of Gamblers Anonymous. Comparisons were made with the performance of their spouses (N = 15) to help distinguish addiction mechanisms from more non-specific emotional experiences with gambling, and an independent control group (N = 15), recruited from the staff and students of a university department.

Methods. A modified Stroop procedure was first employed. Automative cognitive interference was assessed relatively, by comparing colour-naming times on the gambling, drug and neutral Stroops. A subsequent word-stem completion task of implicit memory was then used to assess selective and automatic priming of the gambling constructs in memory.

Results. Only the gamblers showed selective and automatic interference for gambling-related constructs on the Stroop task. Spouses behaved like the control group on this task. An implicit memory bias for gambling-related words was statistically detected only in the gamblers compared to the control group, although the trend was similar in the comparison with spouses. Further evidence for the specificity of these effects was obtained in subgroup comparisons involving fruit-machine with racing gamblers.

Conclusions. Results are generally consistent with an automaticity in the cognitive biases gamblers show for gambling-related information. implications for cognitive understanding and treatments are highlighted.


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The aim of the present study was to determine whether and how rats can use local olfactory cues for spatial orientation. Rats were trained in an eight-arm radial maze under different conditions as defined by the presence or absence of supplementary olfactory cues marking each arm, the availability of distant visuospatial information, and the illumination of the maze (light or darkness). The different visual conditions were designed to dissociate among the effects of light per se and those of visuospatial cues, on the use of olfactory cues for accurate arm choice. Different procedures with modifications of the arrangement of olfactory cues were used to determine if rats formed a representation of the spatial configuration of the olfactory cues and if they could rely on such a representation for accurate arm choice in the radial maze. The present study demonstrated that the use of olfactory cues to direct arm choice in the radial arm maze was critically dependent on the illumination conditions and implied two different modes of processing of olfactory information according to the presence or the absence of light. Olfactory cues were used in an explicit manner and enabled accurate arm choice only in the absence of light. Rats, however, had an implicit memory of the location of the olfactory cues and formed a representation of the spatial position of these cues, whatever the lighting conditions. They did not memorize the spatial configuration of the olfactory cues per se but needed these cues to be linked to the external spatial frame of reference.