994 resultados para immigrant families


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Reconnus comme des acteurs de premier plan dans l’éducation et la socialisation de l’enfant, les parents jouent un rôle important en ce qui a trait à sa réussite éducative. Cette thèse a conséquemment pour but d’étudier la contribution de l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire à la réussite éducative de l’élève du primaire issu de l’immigration. En plus de proposer un modèle de l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire et d’élaborer un questionnaire visant à rendre compte de cette implication, cette thèse s’est attardée aux différences en fonction de la région de naissance du parent. Les données utilisées pour les fins de cette thèse sont issues du projet Culture et Engagement Scolaire. Ce projet a pris place dans cinq écoles primaires situées en milieu défavorisé sur l’Île de Montréal. Les données ont été recueillies auprès d’élèves de la première à la sixième année par le biais de questionnaires ainsi que d’entrevues individuelles. Les parents de ces élèves ainsi que leur enseignant ont également été sollicités pour compléter un questionnaire. D’abord, nous nous attardons à la définition de l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire et à la validation d’un instrument de mesure s’adressant aux parents d’élèves du primaire. Une synthèse des études proposant des définitions de l’implication parentale est présentée et une définition inspirée de ces études est retenue. Un questionnaire découlant de cette définition est par la suite validé. Les analyses ont permis de mettre en lumière l’existence de cinq dimensions pour rendre compte de l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire soit l’encadrement lors des devoirs, la communication parent-enfant au sujet de l’école, l’importance accordée à la réussite éducative ainsi que les dimensions comportementale et affective du lien école-parent. De plus, des liens prédictifs ont été établis entre certaines de ces dimensions et le rendement scolaire de l’élève. Ensuite, nous reprenons l’instrument validé et examinons dans quelle mesure les dimensions de l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire prédisent deux aspects de la réussite éducative de l’élève, soit le rendement et l’engagement scolaire. Puis les différences au plan de l’implication parentale en fonction de la région de naissance du parent sont observées. Trois régions de naissance sont prises en compte, soit le Canada, l’Afrique du Nord et les Antilles. Les résultats permettent de mettre en évidence l’existence de différences entre ces trois sous-groupes au plan de la réussite éducative de l’élève, des pratiques privilégiées par les parents et de l’association entre ces pratiques et la réussite éducative de l’élève. Somme toute, les études présentées dans la thèse mettent en évidence l’association entre l’implication parentale dans le suivi scolaire et la réussite éducative de l’élève issu de l’immigration et fréquentant une école en milieu défavorisé. Cette thèse met également en lumière que la prise en compte des différences attribuables à la région de naissance du parent représente une voie à privilégier pour la recherche à venir sur la réussite éducative des élèves issus de l’immigration.


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Este libro reúne los pensamientos, las ideas, las propuestas y las experiencias en torno al tema de la violencia familiar de 20 autores sistémicos de habla hispana, entre ellos, algunos de los más reconocidos y destacados por sus contribuciones al paradigma en la posmodernidad. El contenido del texto, con los aportes de cada uno, ha sido cuidadosamente dispuesto por las editoras académicas, en una estructura que busca proporcionar a la complejidad del tema, un armonioso conjunto de los diferentes aspectos del fenómeno de la violencia.


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In many countries, early childhood educators have to confront the issue of how to assist immigrant children adapt to life in a new context. For example, in 2007-08, 44 771 children aged 0- 14 years old came to Australia with their familes to start life afresh (Australian Government 2009). Countries need to put into place policies and Practices that minimise the dislocation that immigrant families and their children face. Knowledge of what other countries are doing to educationally support immigrant children can assist professionals to better understand what is sound practice and what should be avoided. This chapter discusses some of the identified immigration issues of a small sample of Chinese children who have PMR parents/caregivers in Hong Kong. This chapter also examines how the
role of play in early childhood settings can help immigrant children adjust to their new teaching and learning context. Seven early childhood teachers and the principal of a local childcare centre were invited to participate in a small scalc study that is reported on in this chapter. Using convenience sampling, interviews were conducted for qualitative data collection.


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A dissertação aborda o processo de socialização das gerações de descendentes de imigrantes japoneses nascidos na colônia de Tomé-Açú/PA a partir da compreensão do significado e representação da (e)imigração, assim como de sua forma de inserção na sociedade brasileira e paraense e, dessa forma, como se estabelecem os elos explicativos das formas pelas quais as famílias buscam socializar as novas gerações. A análise do material empírico parte de restituição das trajetórias de vida das famílias imigrantes que impulsionadas pela extrema pobreza no Japão imigraram para o estado do Pará e chegaram à colônia de Tomé-Açú. Ao se reconstituir as redes de parentesco das famílias desde a saída do Japão, se percebe a reprodução de valores e percepções nas redes de sociabilidade que permitirão às famílias inserir seus descendentes no âmbito social local.


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This dissertation aims to examine and deepen the knowledge of family member caregiving where the care recipient is an elderly person who immigrated late in life. It also aims to contribute to the knowledge of the complexities underlying informal care giving and add to our understandings of what it means to be an immigrant in Sweden. The caregiver is in focus. The research conducted is explorative and partly inductive. The main material used is a qualitative interview study carried out with family members from different countries who are providing informal care to elderly immigrant relatives. The analysis gives three patterns of caregiving. One shows help from informal caregivers only who are not compensated economically. Another shows help from family members who are compensated. The third shows help from family members and staff from the public care system. Three ideal-typical informal caregiver roles show different positions vis-à-vis the new: “guardian”, “filter” and “reinterpreter of traditional care ideals”. Swedish born and immigrated informal caregivers are also compared through analysis of data gathered in telephone interviews with a representative selection of inhabitants in the County of Stockholm. A philosophy of action together with theory on integration and multiculturalism serves as theoretical frameworks to understand discrepancies and ambiguities in the data. Young immigrants experience different integration processes than do the older ones. They strive to protect older family members from changes linked to the migration experience. Talk about dependence on culture underlines family feelings and legitimates the processes of protection. Preconceptions about great differences between Swedish born and immigrant families are not supported by quantitative data. A conclusion is that protection can be understood in relation both to the traditional and the new, the latter in the forms of meetings with Swedish society where unequal relations prevail. It is a kind of counter-strategy where the range of actions is diminished, and thus it has its own logic. Protection can be loosened up when the circumstances change and the range of actions grow.


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The main aim of this study is to provide a description of the phenomenon defined as Child Language Brokering (CLB), a common practice among language minority communities but which has received less attention in the academic literature. As the children of immigrants often learn the host language much more quickly than their parents, they contribute to family life by acting as language and cultural mediators between a family members and different language speakers. Many immigrant families prefer a language broker from within their own family to an external mediator or interpreter, even though there is a well-found resistance to the use of these young interpreters by professionals. In this study I report some findings from surveys of teachers in schools in Ravenna where there has been some use of students as CLBs and of students who have acted or are still acting as mediators for their families in different contexts, not only while at school. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter one aims at providing an overview of recent migration to Italy and of the differences between first-generation immigrants and second-generation immigrants. The chapter also discusses the available professional interpreting facilities provided by the municipality of Ravenna. Chapter two presents an overview of the literature on child language brokering. Chapter three provides a description of the methodology used in order to analyze the data collected. Chapter four contains a detailed analysis of the questionnaires administered to the students and the interviews submitted to the teachers in four schools in Ravenna. Chapter five focuses on the studies carried out by the researchers of the Thomas Coram Research Unit and University College London and draws a general comparison between their findings from on-line surveys of teachers in schools and my own findings on teachers’ points of view. The results of this study demonstrate that CLB is a common practice among immigrant children living in Ravenna and, although almost all students reported positive appreciation, further work is still needed to assess the impact of this phenomenon.


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This study examined family influences on coping and adjustment among 90 low-income Latino middle school children (46% Female; Average age = 11.38, SD = .66) and their primary caregivers (93% Female; Average age = 36.12, SD = 6.13). All participants identified as Hispanic/Latino, with 75% of families identifying as Mexican-origin Latino, 77% of parents identifying as immigrants, and 32% of children identifying immigrants. All children participating in the study were receiving free or reduced lunch, a poverty indicator. Hierarchical linear modeling analyses revealed that family reframing is related to fewer symptoms of psychopathology and that familism enhances the protective effect of family reframing, while passive appraisal is linked to worse functioning. Path analyses showed that family reframing also has indirect effects on symptoms through child primary control coping. Additional analyses identified family mobilizing support and family ethnic socialization as potential contributors to child secondary control coping. Family mobilizing support may also be helpful for single-parent families, while family spiritual support is helpful for immigrant families. Qualitative findings from an initial focus group and from the larger sample are also discussed. Results are discussed with regard to the implications of this research for preventive interventions with families in poverty. Understanding the protective links of family coping and cultural strengths to mental health outcomes of poor children can influence intervention or prevention programming and policy targeting at-risk youth and families.


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The National Center for Family Literacy (2003a) and the National Even Start Association (2005) have stated that the single most effective and influential factor in increasing student academic achievement is parental involvement. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine how participation in adult literacy courses influences parent-child interaction in various educationally related activities known as Interactive Literacy Activities (ILAs). This study investigated ILAs from the mothers? perspective, and examines the changes that occur in parental involvement or ILAs when immigrant parents of a limited educational background participate in an adult education program. The principal method of data collection was key informant interviews (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996). Other methods of data collection included observations of parent-child interactions and field observations. Data analysis methods included Memo-ing (Miles & Huberman, 1994), within case analysis and cross-case analysis. ^ Findings demonstrate that changes occurred in the parent-child relationship when mothers of a limited educational background participated in an adult literacy course. When participating in ILAs or English literacy activities related to second language acquisition (including reading and speaking for comprehension and pronunciation), the children of these mothers took on the role of the adult. Participation in literacy activities was often initiated by the child and the children were frequently concerned with their mother's literacy acquisition. Mothers reported that their children were more confident, worked harder on school related activities and were more open to communication. ^ It can be concluded from this study that, in the case of these immigrant families, a mother's participation in adult literacy classes is influential in the relationship between mother and child. These children participated in ILAs for the benefit of their mothers and initiated literacy activities more frequently. The children responded better to their parents during literacy activities because there was a positive change in the relationship between mother and child. The relationship between mother and child appeared to be strengthened by greater trust, a sense of pride and more communication. ^


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Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.


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La inclusión del alumnado inmigrante resulta fundamental para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y el desarrollo de una ciudadanía crítica y participativa. Por ello, el presente artículo corresponde a un estudio longitudinal en un centro escolar con el objetivo de conocer las percepciones de los docentes hacia las familias inmigrantes y justificar la importancia de potenciar la participación de las dichas familias en la vida educativa. El análisis sobre dicho enfoque inclusivo se inició en el curso 2010/11 y finaliza tres años después. Los resultados obtenidos a través de la observación participante, entrevistas a informadores clave y el análisis de documentos del centro se exponen clasificados en diferentes estrategias tanto a nivel organizativo como de aula.


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This study reports on research that examines the family language policy (FLP) and biliteracy practices of middle-class Chinese immigrant families in a metropolitan area in the southwest of the U.S. by exploring language practices pattern among family members, language and literacy environment at home, parents’ language management, parents’ language attitudes and ideologies, and biliteracy practices. In this study, I employed mixed methods, including survey and interviews, to investigate Chinese immigrant parents’ FLP, biliteracy practices, their life stories, and their experience of raising and nurturing children in an English-dominant society. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 55 Chinese immigrant parents and interviews were conducted with five families, including mothers and children. One finding from this study is that the language practices pattern at home shows the trend of language shift among the Chinese immigrants’ children. Children prefer speaking English with parents, siblings, and peers, and home literacy environment for children manifests an English-dominant trend. Chinese immigrant parents’ language attitudes and ideologies are largely influenced by English-only ideology. The priority for learning English surpasses the importance of Chinese learning, which is demonstrated by the English-dominant home literacy practices and an English-dominant language policy. Parents invest more in English literacy activities and materials for children, and very few parents implement Chinese-only policy for their children. A second finding from this study is that a multitude of factors from different sources shape and influence Chinese immigrants’ FLP and biliteracy practices. The factors consist of family-related factors, social factors, linguistic factors, and individual factors. A third finding from this study is that a wide variety of strategies are adopted by Chinese immigrant families, which have raised quite balanced bilingual children, to help children maintain Chinese heritage language (HL) and develop both English and Chinese literacy. The close examination and comparison of different families with English monolingual children, with children who have limited knowledge of HL, and with quite balanced bilingual children, this study discovers that immigrant parents, especially mothers, play a fundamental and irreplaceable role in their children’s HL maintenance and biliteracy development and it recommends to immigrant parents in how to implement the findings of this study to nurture their children to become bilingual and biliterate. Due to the limited number and restricted area and group of participant sampling, the results of this study may not be generalized to other groups in different contexts.


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The purpose of this study is to explore attitudes and practices regarding their heritage language and the dominant English language among Korean American immigrant families. Using the framework of Language Ideology (Silverstein, 1979), I had three research questions: a) why do parents send their children to a Korean language school, b) what attitudes do immigrant parents and their children show toward Korean and English, and c) how are the parents and children involved in the practices of these two languages? I conducted a survey of parents whose children attended a Korean language school in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, where the number of Korean sojourners (temporary residents) exceeds that of Korean immigrants. Forty participant parents provided demographic information. They described their children's language-use patterns depending on interlocutors as well as their language proficiency in both Korean and English. The reasons for sending their children to the Korean language school were significantly different depending on the respondents' residential status. In comparison to the sojourners, immigrants tended to give more priority to their children's oral language development and Korean identity construction. I also conducted case studies of three Korean immigrant families with 3- to 5-year-old children, using interviews, observations, and photographs of children's work. The collected data were analyzed according to themes such as daily life, parental beliefs about two languages, practices in two languages, children's attitudes toward two languages, and challenges and needs. Despite individual families' different immigration histories, the three families faced some common challenges. Because of their busy daily routines and different lifestyles, the immigrant families had limited interactions with other Koreans. The parents wanted their children to benefit from two communities and build a combined ethnic identity as Korean Americans. I argue that a Korean language school should expand its role as a comfort zone for all Koreans and Korean Americans. This study explores the heterogeneity among Korean sojourner and immigrant families and their language use and identity construction.