61 resultados para imitating


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The imperial cult area of Tarraco was built in the 1st century AD in the highest part of the city and presided over the seat of the Concilium Prouinciae Hispaniae Citerioris. It was a temenos with a similar layout to that of the Forum Pacis and architectural decoration imitating that of the Forum Augustum in Rome, where the use of marble was a fundamental part of the architectural and sculptural decorative programme. An extensive assemblage of marble was recovered during the excavations carried out under the Tarragona Cathedral Master Plan. It reflects the use of imperial quarries in the decorative programme and has been analyzed at the Unitat d’Estudis Arqueomètrics (ICAC) facilities. This assemblage reflects the wide panorama of marmora imported and used in the decoration of the temenos. Local varieties of marmora have been identified in Tarraco, plus a series of foreign marmora from quarries all over the Roman Empire (Greece, Turkey, Egypt and North Africa). All this shows the involvement of the imperial power in the monumental architecture of the capital of the prouincia Hispania Citerior.


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Flowers of Annonaceae are characterized by fleshy petals, many stamens with hard connective shields and numerous carpels with sessile stigmas often covered by sticky secretions. The petals of many representatives during anthesis form a closed pollination chamber. Protogynous dichogamy with strong scent emissions especially during the pistillate stage is a character of nearly all species. Scent emissions can be enhanced by thermogenesis. The prevailing reproductive system in the family seems to be self-compatibility. The basal genus Anaxagorea besides exhibiting several ancestral morphological characters has also many characters which reappear in other genera. Strong fruit-like scents consisting of fruit-esters and alcohols mainly attract small fruit-beetles (genus Colopterus, Nitidulidae) as pollinators, as well as several other beetles (Curculionidae, Chrysomelidae) and fruit-flies (Drosophilidae), which themselves gnaw on the thick petals or their larvae are petal or ovule predators. The flowers and the thick petals are thus a floral brood substrate for the visitors and the thick petals of Anaxagorea have to be interpreted as an antipredator structure. Another function of the closed thick petals is the production of heat by accumulated starch, which enhances scent emission and provides a warm shelter for the attracted beetles. Insight into floral characters and floral ecology of Anaxagorea, the sister group of the rest of the Annonaceae, is particularly important for understanding functional evolution and diversification of the family as a whole. As beetle pollination (cantharophily) is plesiomorphic in Anaxagorea and in Annonaceae, characters associated with beetle pollination appear imprinted in members of the whole family. Pollination by beetles (cantharophily) is the predominant mode of the majority of species worldwide. Examples are given of diurnal representatives (e.g., Guatteria, Duguetia, Annona) which function on the basis of fruit-imitating flowers attracting mainly fruit-inhabiting nitidulid beetles, as well as nocturnal species (e.g., large-flowered Annona and Duguetia species), which additionally to most of the diurnal species exhibit strong flower warming and provide very thick petal tissues for the voracious dynastid scarab beetles (Dynastinae, Scarabaeidae). Further examples will show that a few Annonaceae have adapted in their pollination also to thrips, flies, cockroaches and even bees. Although this non-beetle pollinated species have adapted in flower structure and scent compounds to their respective insects, they still retain some of the specialized cantharophilous characters of their ancestors.


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Previous research has shown that different foods are stereotypically associated with gender and that eating in a role-congruent way fulfills an impression management function. On the other hand, other studies revealed that adapting one's food consumption to that of the co-eaters is a means to gain social approval as well. In the present study, we bridge these two distinct lines of research by studying what happens when the two norms (conforming to the gender-based stereotype and imitating the co-eater) conflict, that is with opposite-sex co-eaters. Results indicated that the tendency to match the co-eaters' supposed consumption generally appeared over and above one's gender-congruent choice. In addition, as expected, gender differences also emerged: while men were always willing to adapt to the co-eaters, women's intention to eat the feminine food was independent from the co-eaters' gender.


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El tractament de les aigües en nuclis menors de 2000 habitants es troba pendent de completar per part de l’Agència Catalana de l’Aigua més concretament al corresponent Pla de Sanejament d’Aigües Residuals Urbanes (PSARU). El nucli de La Nou de Gaià (al Tarragonès) es troba pendent de la construcció de la corresponent instal·lació de sanejament, projectada al 2007. Alternativament a les depuradores tradicionals basades en l’ús de formigó (o materials alternatius) i en la despesa elèctrica per assegurar una aeració i una evacuació dels fangs generats, existeixen tecnologies “toves”. Aquestes tecnologies, també conegudes com a “verdes”, es basen en imitar els sistemes naturals maximitzant el seu potencial d’autodepuració. A grans trets existeixen dos formes de depurar les aigües de forma ecològica”: llacunatges (existeix una capa d’aigua lliure) i filtres verds. El present estudi es basa en l’aplicació de filtres verds de morfologia vertical i flux subsuperficial, plantat amb canyes dels generes Scirpus o Phragmites. El resultat han estat 4 bases de 35*35 per a tractar un cabal de 150 m3/d i una població equivalent de 1272.


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An emerging clinical entity that reproduces clinical manifestations similar to those observed in Lyme disease (LD) has been recently under discussion in Brazil. Due to etiological and laboratory particularities it is named LD-like syndrome or LD imitator syndrome. The condition is considered to be a zoonosis transmitted by ticks of the genus Amblyomma, possibly caused by interaction of multiple fastidious microorganisms originating a protean clinical picture, including neurological, osteoarticular and erythema migrans-like lesions. When peripheral blood of patients with LD-like syndrome is viewed under a dark-field microscope, mobile uncultivable spirochete-like bacteria are observed. PCR carried out with specific or conservative primers to recognize Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto or the genus Borrelia has been negative in ticks and in biological samples. Two different procedures, respectively involving hematoxylin and eosin staining of cerebrospinal fluid and electron microscopy analysis of blood, have revealed spirochetes not belonging to the genera Borrelia, Leptospira or Treponema. Surprisingly, co-infection with microorganisms resembling Mycoplasma and Chlamydia was observed on one occasion by electron microscopy analysis. We discuss here the possible existence of a new tick-borne disease in Brazil imitating LD, except for a higher frequency of recurrence episodes observed along prolonged clinical follow-up.


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Wood-based bioprocesses present one of the fields of interest with the most potential in the circular economy. Expanding the use of wood raw material in sustainable industrial processes is acknowledged on both a global and a regional scale. This thesis concerns the application of a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method with the aim of monitoring wood-based bioprocesses. The range of detectable carbohydrate compounds is expanded to furfural and polydatin in aquatic matrices. The experimental portion has been conducted on a laboratory scale with samples imitating process samples. This thesis presents a novel strategy for the uncertainty evaluation via in-house validation. The focus of the work is on the uncertainty factors of the CZE method. The CZE equipment is sensitive to ambient conditions. Therefore, a proper validation is essential for robust application. This thesis introduces a tool for process monitoring of modern bioprocesses. As a result, it is concluded that the applied CZE method provides additional results to the analysed samples and that the profiling approach is suitable for detecting changes in process samples. The CZE method shows significant potential in process monitoring because of the capability of simultaneously detecting carbohydrate-related compound clusters. The clusters can be used as summary terms, indicating process variation and drift.


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The aim of this thesis was to examine efficiency of freeze crystallization and eutectic freeze crystallization in purification of wastewater by imitating natural freezing. In addition, a mathematic model based on heat transfer to determine ice thickness and ice growth rate was examined. Also, the amount of sodium sulfate crystallized at the eutectic point was under investigation. In literature part, advantages and applications of the freeze crystallization are discussed, and possibility to apply it in Northern hemisphere winter weather conditions is under study. Furthermore, main sources of sodium sulfate from Finnish industries are described. The experiments were carried out in modified chest freezer, where a fan was placed in order to obtain laminar air flow inside. Picolog PT-104 data logger was used to monitor temperature changes in the salt-water solution, and constant temperature was maintained in the crystallizer with Lauda RP 850 thermostat. The impurity of formed ice layer was determined by weighing ice samples after experiment and again after 24 hours drying to full dryness in oven. Volume of salt-water solution was also measured after experiment. The highest purity of formed ice layer was obtained with small temperature difference and with long freezing time. On the other hand, the amount of crystallized sodium sulfate was its greatest with long freezing time and higher temperature difference. The results obtained by the mathematic model and empirical results did not differ significantly in most of the experiments. However, the difference increased when salt-water mixture reached its eutectic point, leading to simultaneous ice and salt crystallization. Eutectic point was reached only with the highest salt concentration with one exception. In these cases, calculated values were in many cases greater than the experimental ones. In winter weather conditions freeze crystallization is cost-effective wastewater treatment method and rather simple. Nonetheless, the efficiency and separation rate are strongly depended on ambient temperature and its changes


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Ce triptyque d’essais présente le caractère versatile et évasif du concept moderne de capital social à plusieurs niveaux – global, national et régional, ainsi que dans le présent et dans le passé. Le premier article conteste l’hypothèse prédominante selon laquelle il y a une cohabitation entre l’engagement civique et la démocratie. Malgré sa validité au niveau général, la relation n’est pas confirmée si les catégories hétérogènes sont désagrégées. Pour les pays post-communistes de l'Europe, la relation entre le type de régime et la tendance de s'associer ressemble à celle des démocraties latines consolidées si la participation dans les associations volontaires est choisie comme mesure de la vitalité du capital social. Par conséquent, la vie civique moins intense ne prédit pas de difficultés pour la démocratie. Le deuxième article est une compilation originale de plus de 100 organisations classifiées selon les standards contemporains et une collection de présentations d'une douzaine d'organisations bulgares, les plus populaires depuis le XIXème siècle. Cette contribution importante à l’historiographie de la vie associative bulgare jusqu’à 1944 est le résultat d'un travail qui combine des entrevues avec des historiens et une recherche dans les archives. Le panoptique organisationnel sert de réfutation empirique de l’hypothèse qui attribue la faiblesse organisationnelle présente du poste-communisme à la pénurie de vie organisationnelle développée par le passé. ii Les mérites du troisième article sont doubles. Au niveau empirique on démontre que l’organisation culturelle la plus importante en Bulgarie a apparu comme une institution nationaliste imitant les organisations similaires des autres pays Européens. Elle s’est développée graduellement par une adaptation des expériences étrangères aux conditions locales. La collection des références bulgares est unique et représente le produit d’un travail méticuleux sur les documents et les entrevues. Au niveau abstrait, on confirme l’applicabilité de la théorie du transfert de la politique publique à un cas historique existant avant la théorie elle-même. Finalement, l’analyse détaillée des précurseurs du cabinet de lecture bulgare représente une contribution à la sociologie politique de l’histoire de la lecture. Mots clés: Europe de l’Est, poste-communisme, démocratie, société civile, engagement civique, organisations volontaires, troisième secteur, affiliation, transfert d'idées, apprentissage organisationnel.


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Ce mémoire veut, de prime abord, porter un regard sur la rue Saint-Laurent qui, depuis ses débuts, joue un rôle fondamental dans le tissu montréalais. Grâce à son visage bigarré et à son hétérogénéité, elle a su marquer l’histoire de la métropole et alimenter l’imaginaire d’un bon nombre d’écrivains. Michel Tremblay demeure un de ceux qui, dans l’ensemble de son oeuvre, explore le plus abondamment les clairs-obscurs et l’étrangeté de ce corridor urbain. Son écriture à la fois crue, marginale et théâtrale, s’inscrit pertinemment dans l’univers de la Main et, plus particulièrement, dans la partie du Redlight où aboutissent et se meuvent ses personnages les plus colorés. Ayant délaissé leur milieu d’origine, ces derniers s’imposent des changements radicaux afin de mieux cadrer avec la nature et les activités de leur terre d’accueil. Ce mémoire visera donc à penser l’« identité trafiquée » des personnages de Tremblay comme condition de leur inscription sur la rue Saint-Laurent. En outre, il sera question de l’esprit théâtral de cette artère qui pousse les travestis et les artistes en tout genre à se donner « en représentation » et à incarner un rôle de composition. Par l’entremise des masques – notamment celui du déguisement, du maquillage et du travestissement, mais aussi celui de la langue qu’ils modulent afin de mieux coller à leur personnage –, ils projettent une identité individuelle instable qui dévoile l’ambiguïté qui les habite. Plus largement, la présente étude s’intéressera à l’ensemble des marginaux qui arpentent la Main et qui cherchent à (re)définir leur identité culturelle, au milieu des cultures américaine et française. Bien qu’elle essaie de se forger une identité propre, cette collectivité peine à se définir sans calquer les modèles dont elle tente de se dissocier. Une telle contradiction évoque à bien des égards le paradoxe auquel se sont heurtées les communautés immigrantes de la rue Saint-Laurent, dont la lente adaptation à la culture nord-américaine s’est faite non sans un difficile constat de pertes et de gains face à la culture d’origine. Il s’agira donc de voir comment ces groupes, en apparence irréconciliables, trouvent dans le même univers un contexte favorable pour mener leur quête identitaire.


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Cette recherche porte sur le langage cinématographique (ou mode de représentation) adopté par Mizoguchi en contraste avec le style classique hollywoodien. Notre hypothèse est que le refus de Mizoguchi de recourir au découpage classique et au gros-plan procurerait au spectateur une expérience de perception qui tendrait à se rapprocher de celle vécue par un spectateur de théâtre ou le témoin d’une action se déroulant dans notre monde physique. Mizoguchi a débuté son métier au début des années 1920. Le cinéma japonais venait tout juste de prendre la voie d’un art nouveau en quittant son statut de simple captation de spectacles théâtraux. L’industrie cinématographique japonaise était alors en incubation marquée par diverses influences occidentales. Nous nous pencherons plus particulièrement sur les questions stylistiques à partir du moment où le cinéma japonais s’engageait dans le parlant en imitant le style classique hollywoodien. Ce cinéma dominant devenait une norme que Mizoguchi décida de ne pas suivre pour préférer un style caractérisé par des plans-séquences. Ce style plus « neutre » et «objectif » allait être encensé par Bazin après la guerre au moment où ce dernier découvrit notamment Welles et Wyler. À partir de plusieurs extraits filmiques, nous analysons le plan-séquence mizoguchien comme substitution à une série de plans rapprochés qui se serait imposé normalement avec le style classique hollywoodien. Et ce, afin de discuter des enjeux de réalisme et de théâtralité soulevés par Bazin.


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The development of markets for technology has eased the acquisition of technology and reshaped the innovation strategies of firms that we classify as producers of innovations or as imitators. Innovative activities of firms include research, acquisition of technology and downstream activities. Within an industry, firms producing innovations tend to conduct more research and downstream activities than those imitating innovations. Acquisition of technology is equally important for both. To implement innovation strategies, firms producing innovations require both the capability to scan the external environment for technology and the capability to integrate new technology. Firms producing innovations require both, while firms imitating innovations require scan capabilities only


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La tesis se centra en la Visión por Computador y, más concretamente, en la segmentación de imágenes, la cual es una de las etapas básicas en el análisis de imágenes y consiste en la división de la imagen en un conjunto de regiones visualmente distintas y uniformes considerando su intensidad, color o textura. Se propone una estrategia basada en el uso complementario de la información de región y de frontera durante el proceso de segmentación, integración que permite paliar algunos de los problemas básicos de la segmentación tradicional. La información de frontera permite inicialmente identificar el número de regiones presentes en la imagen y colocar en el interior de cada una de ellas una semilla, con el objetivo de modelar estadísticamente las características de las regiones y definir de esta forma la información de región. Esta información, conjuntamente con la información de frontera, es utilizada en la definición de una función de energía que expresa las propiedades requeridas a la segmentación deseada: uniformidad en el interior de las regiones y contraste con las regiones vecinas en los límites. Un conjunto de regiones activas inician entonces su crecimiento, compitiendo por los píxeles de la imagen, con el objetivo de optimizar la función de energía o, en otras palabras, encontrar la segmentación que mejor se adecua a los requerimientos exprsados en dicha función. Finalmente, todo esta proceso ha sido considerado en una estructura piramidal, lo que nos permite refinar progresivamente el resultado de la segmentación y mejorar su coste computacional. La estrategia ha sido extendida al problema de segmentación de texturas, lo que implica algunas consideraciones básicas como el modelaje de las regiones a partir de un conjunto de características de textura y la extracción de la información de frontera cuando la textura es presente en la imagen. Finalmente, se ha llevado a cabo la extensión a la segmentación de imágenes teniendo en cuenta las propiedades de color y textura. En este sentido, el uso conjunto de técnicas no-paramétricas de estimación de la función de densidad para la descripción del color, y de características textuales basadas en la matriz de co-ocurrencia, ha sido propuesto para modelar adecuadamente y de forma completa las regiones de la imagen. La propuesta ha sido evaluada de forma objetiva y comparada con distintas técnicas de integración utilizando imágenes sintéticas. Además, se han incluido experimentos con imágenes reales con resultados muy positivos.


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The aim of this study was to compare the prosodic profiles of English and Spanish-speaking children with WS, examining cross-linguistic differences. Two groups of children with WS, English and Spanish, of similar chronological and nonverbal mental age, were compared on performance in expressive and receptive prosodic tasks from the Profiling Elements of Prosody in Speech-Communication (PEPS-C) battery in its English or Spanish version. Differences between the English and Spanish WS groups were found regarding the understanding of affect through prosodic means,using prosody to make words more prominent, and imitating different prosodic patterns. Such differences between the two WS groups on function prosody tasks mirrored the cross-linguistic differences already reported in typically developing children.


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This article analyses how listening is used to develop performances in Alecky Blythe’s verbatim theatre. Listening includes Blythe’s use of recorded oral interviews for devising performances, and also the actors’ creation of performance by precisely imitating an interviewee’s voice. The article focuses on listening, speaking and embodiment in London Road, Blythe’s recent musical play at London’s National Theatre, which adopted and modified theatre strategies used in her other plays, especially The Girlfriend Experience and Do We look Like Refugees. The article draws on interviews with performers and with Blythe herself, in its critical analysis of how voice legitimates claims to authenticity in performance. The work on Blythe is contextualised by brief comparative analyses. One is Clio Barnard’s film The Arbor, a ‘quasi-documentary’ on the playwright, Andrea Dunbar which makes use of an oral script to which the actors lip-sync. The other comparator is the Wooster Group’s Poor Theater, which attempts to recreate Grotowski's Akropolis via vocal impersonation. The article argues that voice in London Road both claims and defers authenticity and authority, inasmuch as voice signifies presence and embodied identity but the reworking of speech into song signals the absence of the real. The translation of voice into written surtitles works similarly in Do We Look Like Refugees. Blythe’s theatre, Barnard’s film and The Wooster Group’s performances are a useful framework for addressing questions of voice and identity, and authenticity and replication in documentary theatre. The article concludes by placing Blythe’s oral texts amid current debates around theatre’s textual practices.


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Imitation is an important form of social behavior, and research has aimed to discover and explain the neural and kinematic aspects of imitation. However, much of this research has featured single participants imitating in response to pre-recorded video stimuli. This is in spite of findings that show reduced neural activation to video vs. real life movement stimuli, particularly in the motor cortex. We investigated the degree to which video stimuli may affect the imitation process using a novel motion tracking paradigm with high spatial and temporal resolution. We recorded 14 positions on the hands, arms, and heads of two individuals in an imitation experiment. One individual freely moved within given parameters (moving balls across a series of pegs) and a second participant imitated. This task was performed with either simple (one ball) or complex (three balls) movement difficulty, and either face-to-face or via a live video projection. After an exploratory analysis, three dependent variables were chosen for examination: 3D grip position, joint angles in the arm, and grip aperture. A cross-correlation and multivariate analysis revealed that object-directed imitation task accuracy (as represented by grip position) was reduced in video compared to face-to-face feedback, and in complex compared to simple difficulty. This was most prevalent in the left-right and forward-back motions, relevant to the imitator sitting face-to-face with the actor or with a live projected video of the same actor. The results suggest that for tasks which require object-directed imitation, video stimuli may not be an ecologically valid way to present task materials. However, no similar effects were found in the joint angle and grip aperture variables, suggesting that there are limits to the influence of video stimuli on imitation. The implications of these results are discussed with regards to previous findings, and with suggestions for future experimentation.