371 resultados para imine hydrogenation


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Modifiering av metallytor med starkt adsorberade kirala organiska molekyler är eventuellt den mest relevanta teknik man vet i dag för att skapa kirala ytor. Den kan utnyttjas i katalytisk produktion av enantiomeriskt rena kirala föreningar som behövs t.ex. som läkemedel och aromkemikalier. Trots många fördelar av asymmetrisk heterogen katalys jämfört med andra sätt för att få kirala föreningar, har den ändå inte blivit ett allmänt verktyg för storskaliga tillämpningar. Detta beror t.ex. på brist på djupare kunskaper i katalytiska reaktionsmekanismer och ursprunget för asymmetrisk induktion. I denna studie användes molekylmodelleringstekniker för att studera asymmetriska, heterogena katalytiska system, speciellt hydrering av prokirala karbonylföreningar till motsvarande kirala alkoholer på cinchona-alkaloidmodifierade Pt-katalysatorer. 1-Fenyl-1,2-propandion (PPD) och några andra föreningar, som innehåller en prokiral C=O-grupp, användes som reaktanter. Konformationer av reaktanter och cinchona-alkaloider (som kallas modifierare) samt vätebundna 1:1-komplex mellan dem studerades i gas- och lösningsfas med metoder som baserar sig på vågfunktionsteori och täthetsfunktionalteori (DFT). För beräkningen av protonaffiniteter användes också högst noggranna kombinationsmetoder såsom G2(MP2). Den relativa populationen av modifierarnas konformationer varierade som funktion av modifieraren, dess protonering och lösningsmedlet. Flera reaktant–modifierareinteraktionsgeometrier beaktades. Slutsatserna på riktning av stereoselektivitet baserade sig på den relativa termodynamiska stabiliteten av de diastereomeriska reaktant–modifierare-komplexen samt energierna hos π- och π*-orbitalerna i den reaktiva karbonylgruppen. Adsorption och reaktioner på Pt(111)-ytan betraktades med DFT. Regioselektivitet i hydreringen av PPD och 2,3-hexandion kunde förklaras med molekyl–yta-interaktioner. Storleken och formen av klustret använt för att beskriva Pt-ytan inverkade inte bara på adsorptionsenergierna utan också på de relativa stabiliteterna av olika adsorptionsstrukturer av en molekyl. Populationerna av modifierarnas konformationer i gas- och lösningsfas korrelerade inte med populationerna på Pt-ytan eller med enantioselektiviteten i hydreringen av PPD på Pt–cinchona-katalysatorer. Vissa modifierares konformationer och reaktant–modifierare-interaktionsgeometrier var stabila bara på metallytan. Teoretiskt beräknade potentialenergiprofiler för hydrering av kirala α-hydroxiketoner på Pt implicerade preferens för parvis additionsmekanism för väte och selektiviteter i harmoni med experimenten. De uppnådda resultaten ökar uppfattningen om kirala heterogena katalytiska system och kunde därför utnyttjas i utvecklingen av nya, mera aktiva och selektiva kirala katalysatorer.


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Under de senaste åren har intresset för utnyttjandet av förnybara resurser kraftigt ökat. I samband med detta utgör kolhydrater en viktig del av den tillgängliga förnybara biomassan och den har därefter blivit föremål för ett stort intresse inom hållbar kemi. Sockeralkoholer är en särskilt viktig grupp av molekyler som vanligtvis erhålls ur kolhydrater och som har mångsidiga tillämpningar som t.ex. lågkalorihaltiga sötningsmedel. Forskningen i doktorsarbetet omfattar hydreringen av naturligt förekommande sockerarter L-arabinos, D-galaktos, D-maltos och L-ramnos till respektive sockeralkoholer. Dessa sockeralkoholer kan användas bl.a. som hälsosamma sötningsmedel på samma sätt som xylitol. Grunden för detta arbete består av hydreringsexperiment som utfördes på en dispergerad ruteniumkatalysator i syfte att studera bildningskinetiken av de motsvarande sockeralkoholerna. Reaktionerna genomfördes vid temperaturer mellan 90 och 130 °C och vätetryck mellan 40 och 60 bar. Under dessa betingelser var det möjligt att åstadkomma sockeromvandlingar upp till 100 %. Reaktionshastigheterna modellerades matematiskt. Konkurrerande kinetiska modeller som baserades på Langmuir-Hinshelwood-konceptet föreslogs för att beskriva reaktionerna. Parametrar i hastighetsekvationerna bestämdes därefter genom icke-linjär regression. Dessa modeller kunde väl förutsäga hydreringsreaktionernas förlopp och de kan följaktligen användas för design av industriella anläggningar. Ytterligare hydreringsexperiment med sockerblandningar genomfördes för att fördjupa kunskaper i kinetik och reaktionsmekanismer av sockerhydreringen. Studierna genomfördes med syntetiska sockerblandningar av L-arabinos och D-galaktos (de viktigaste komponenterna i hemicellulosan arabinogalaktan). Fullständig omsättning uppnåddes med utmärkta selektiviteter som överskred 95 % och dessutom inverkade varken temperatur eller vätetryck på reaktionens förlopp på något oväntat sätt. Antagandet av konkurrerande adsorption för en samtidig reduktion av båda sockermolekylerna gav en kinetisk modell som noggrant beskrev de experimentella resultaten. Idén om att utforska potentiella sätt att påskynda bildningen av sockeralkoholer ledde till utföringen av hydreringsexperiment med L-arabinos och D-galaktos i närvaro av ultraljud. Det visade sig att ultraljudets inverkan var oberoende av sockerhalten och vätetrycket och att bestrålningen gynnade hydreringen av D-galaktos trots att den inte förhindrade Ru/C-katalysatorns deaktivering överhuvudtaget. En kinetisk modell som beaktade deaktiveringen utvecklades. Kontinuerlig hydrering av L-arabinos genomfördes med tre olika Ru-katalysatorer på tre olika bärare: tyg av aktivt kol, kolnanorör på svampliknande metalliska strukturer samt krossade partiklar av en kommersiell Ru/C-katalysator. Det visade sig att det var möjligt att omvandla L-arabinos till arabitol med höga selektiviteter med hjälp av Ru/koltyg-katalysatorn. Dessa experiment demonstrerade att hydreringen av de valda sockerarterna är en helt genomförbar rutt till framställning av fin- och specialkemikalier, som kan förverkligas i större skala.


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Iridium complexes with bidentate P,N ligands represent a class of catalysts that significantly expand the application range of asymmetric hydrogenation. New substrate classes, for which there have previously been no suitable catalysts, can now be efficiently hydrogenated in high conversion and enantioselectivity. These substrates are often of synthetic importance, thus iridium catalysis represents a significant advance in the field of asymmetric catalysis. Planar chiral ferrocenyl aminophosphine ligands in which both heteroatoms were directly bound to the cyclopentadienyl ring were prepared by BF3-activated lithiationsubstitution in the presence of a chiral diamine in 49-59% yield and 75-85% enantiomeric excess. Some of these ligands were recrystallized to enantiomeric purity via ammonium fluoroborate salt formation of the phosphine sulfide. A crystal structure of one of these compounds was obtained and features an intramolecular hydrogen bond between the nitrogen, hydrogen, and sulfur atoms. Neutralization, followed by desulfurization, provided the free ligands in enantiomeric purity. Iridium complexes with these ligands were formed via reaction with [Ir(COD)Clh followed by anion exchange with NaBArF. These complexes were successfully applied in homogeneous hydrogenation of several prochiral substrates, providing products in up to 92% enantiomeric excess. Variation of the dimethyl amino group to a pyrrolidine group had a negative effect on the selectivity of hydrogenation. Variation of the substituents on phosphorus to bulkier ortho-tolyl groups had a positive effect, while variation to the more electron rich dicyclohexyl phosphine had a negative effect on selectivity.


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This thesis describes the synthesis and use of an N-substituted ferrocene bearing a proline-derived chiral directing group and diastereoselective lithiation-electrophile quench of the pro-Sp hydrogen of the ferrocene to give planar chiral products in >95:5 dr. The auxiliary group is found to be stable to lithium bases of types RLi and R2NLi giving the same diastereoselectivity. The anti- epimer of the previously mentioned syn auxiliary induces lithiation of pro Rp rather than pro Sp hydrogen in >95:5 dr. Upon electrophile quench and elimination, the enantiomer of the syn-derived planar chiral imidazolone is obtained. Hence, this method provides a practical way to prepare planar chiral enantiomers in this series without the use of a more expensive D-proline derived starting material. The syn and anti epimers have β, γ-stereogenic centers and the origin of stereoselectivity in lithiation appears to be driven by the conformational bias exerted by the β-silyloxy moiety in each chiral auxiliary. In the thesis, this conclusion is supported using insensitivity of lithiation selectivity to the bulkiness of the base, comparison of enantiomers, deuteration experiments, nOe difference studies and computational modeling of the ground states and lithiation transition states for both substrates. The products are then converted to ligand precursors to make iridium and rhodium complexes. Among them, one of the cationic iridium complex is found to be effective in the asymmetric hydrogenation of 2-substituted quinolines with enantioselectivities up to 80% at pressures as low as 5 atm.


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The thesis deals with studies on the synthesis, characterisation and catalytic applications of some new transition metal complexes of the Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline 2-carboxaldehyde.. Schiff bases which are considered as ‘privileged ligands’ have the ability to stabilize different metals in different oxidation states and thus regulate the performance of metals in a large variety of catalytic transformations. The catalytic activity of the Schiff base complexes is highly dependant on the environment about the metal center and their conformational flexibility. Therefore it is to be expected that the introduction of bulky substituents near the coordination sites might lead to low symmetry complexes with enhanced catalytic properties. With this view new transition metal complexes of Schiff bases derived from 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde have been synthesised. These Schiff bases have more basic donor nitrogen atoms and the presence of the quinoxaline ring may be presumed to build a favourable topography and electronic environment in the immediate coordination sphere of the metal. The aldehyde was condensed with amines 1,8-diaminonaphthalene, 2,3-diaminomaleonitrile, 1,2-diaminocyclohexane, 2-aminophenol and 4-aminoantipyrine to give the respective Schiff bases. The oxovanadium(IV), copper(II) and ruthenium(II)complexes of these Schiff bases were synthesised and characterised. All the oxovanadium(IV) complexes have binuclear structure with a square pyramidal geometry. Ruthenium and copper form mononuclear complexes with the Schiff base derived from 4- aminoantipyrine while binuclear square planar complexes are formed with the other Schiff bases. The catalytic activity of the copper complexes was evaluated in the hydroxylation of phenol with hydrogen peroxide as oxidant. Catechol and hydroquinone are the major products. Catalytic properties of the oxovanadium(IV) complexes were evaluated in the oxidation of cyclohexene with hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant. Here allylic oxidation products rather than epoxides are formed as the major products. The ruthenium(II) complexes are found to be effective catalysts for the hydrogenation of benzene and toluene. The kinetics of hydrogenation was studied and a suitable mechanism has been proposed.


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Asymmetric catalysis is of paramount importance in organic synthesis and, in current practice, is achieved by means of homogeneous catalysts. The ability to catalyze such reactions heterogeneously would have a major impact both in the research laboratory and in the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceuticals, yet heterogeneous asymmetric hydrogenation of C═C bonds remains hardly explored. Very recently, we demonstrated how chiral ligands that anchor robustly to the surface of Pd nanoparticles promote asymmetric catalytic hydrogenation: ligand rigidity and stereochemistry emerged as key factors. Here, we address a complementary question: how does the enone reactant adsorb on the metal surface, and what implications does this have for the enantiodifferentiating interaction with the surface-tethered chiral modifiers? A reaction model is proposed, which correctly predicts the identity of the enantiomer experimentally observed in excess.


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The adsorption and hydrogenation of acrolein on the Ag(111) surface has been investigated by high resolution synchrotron XPS, NEXAFS, and temperature programmed reaction. The molecule adsorbs intact at all coverages and its adsorption geometry is critically important in determining chemoselectivity toward the formation of allyl alcohol, the desired but thermodynamically disfavored product. In the absence of hydrogen adatoms (H(a)), acrolein lies almost parallel to the metal surface; high coverages force the C=C bond to tilt markedly, likely rendering it less vulnerable toward reaction with hydrogen adatoms. Reaction with coadsorbed H(a) yields allyl alcohol, propionaldehyde, and propanol, consistent with the behavior of practical dispersed Ag catalysts operated at atmospheric pressure: formation of all three hydrogenation products is surface reaction rate limited. Overall chemoselectivity is strongly influenced by secondary reactions of allyl alcohol. At low H(a) coverages, the C=C bond in the newly formed allyl alcohol molecule is strongly tilted with respect to the surface, rendering it immune to attack by H(a) and leading to desorption of the unsaturated alcohol. In contrast with this, at high H(a) coverages, the C=C bond in allyl alcohol lies almost parallel to the surface, undergoes hydrogenation by H(a), and the saturated alcohol (propanol) desorbs.


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Two sets of ligands, set-1 and set-2, have been prepared by mixing 1,3-diaminopentane and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively, and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate, Ni(II) thiocyanate and Ni(II) chloride. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2)(L = L-1 [N-3-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1 or L-2[N-3-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 2) in which the Schiff bases are monocondensed terdentate, whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL(SCN)(2)] (L = L-3[N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2- yl-ethylidine)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 3 or L-4 [N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyline)-pentane-1,3- diamine] for complex 4) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Complexes 5 {[NiL3(N-3)(2)]} and 6 {[NiL4(N-3)(2)]} are prepared by adding sodium azide to the methanol solution of complexes 1 and 2. Addition of Ni(II) chloride to the set-1 or set-2 ligands produces [Ni(pn)(2)]Cl-2, 7, as the major product, where pn = 1,3-diaminopentane. Formation of the complexes has been explained by the activation of the imine bond by the counter anion and thereby favouring the hydrolysis of the Schiff base. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectral data. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies con. firm the structures of three representative members, 1, 4 and 7; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complex of terdentate ligands, 1, is the mer isomer, and complexes 4 and 7 possess trans geometry. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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The preparation of enantiomerically pure threo-beta-amino-alpha-hydroxy acids via 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of imine dipolarophiles with the chiral isomunchnone derived from (5R)-5-phenylmorpholin-3-one 1 is described. The cycloadducts were obtained with excellent diastereofacial- and exo-selectivity. Subsequent hydrolysis and chemoselective exocyclic amide cleavage afforded the threo-beta-amino-alpha-hydroxy acids with recovery of the initial chiral auxiliary. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In situ synthesis and testing of Ru and Pd nanoparticles as catalysts in the presence of ammonium perfluorohydrocarbo-carboxylate surfactant in supercritical carbon dioxide were carried out in a stainless steel batch reactor at 40 degrees C over a pressure range of 80-150 bar CO2/H-2. Direct Visualization of the formation of a supercritical phase at above 80 bar, followed by the formation of homogeneous microemulsions containing dispersed Ru nanoparticles and Pd nanoparticles in scCO(2) at above 95-100 bar, were conducted through a sapphire window reactor using a W-0 (molar water to surfactant ratio) of 30. The synthesised RU and Pd nanoparticles showed interesting product distributions in the selective hydrogenation of organic molecules, depending critically oil the density and polarity of the fluid (which ill turn depends on the pressure applied). Thus, selective hydrogenation of the citral molecule, which contains three reducible groups (aldehydes and double bonds at the 23 and 6,7 positions), is feasible Lis a chemical probe. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Homogeneous dispersion of microemulsion containing palladium nanoparticles in scCO(2) is, for the first time, observed via sapphire window reactor and these particles show an unusual reluctance for double bond hydrogenation of citral aldehyde at hydrophobic end rather than hydrophilic end (high regioselectivity) owing to the unique micelle environment in supercritical carbon dioxide that guide a head-on attack of the molecule.


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A new approach of employing metal particles in micelles for the hydrogenation of organic molecules in the presence of fluorinated surfactant and water in supercritical carbon dioxide has very recently been introduced. This is allegedly to deliver many advantages for carrying out catalysis including the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) as a greener solvent. Following this preliminary account, the present work aims to provide direct visual evidence on the formation of metal microemulsions and to investigate whether metal located in the soft micellar assemblies could affect reaction selectivity. Synthesis of Pd nanoparticles in perfluorohydrocarboxylate anionic micelles in scCO(2) is therefore carried out in a stainless steel batch reactor at 40 degreesC and in a 150 bar CO2/H-2 mixture. Homogeneous dispersion of the microemulsion containing Pd nanoparticles in scCO(2) is observed through a sapphire window reactor at W-0 ratios (molar water-to-surfactant ratios) ranging from 2 to 30. It is also evidenced that the use of micelle assemblies as new metal catalyst nanocarriers could indeed exert a great influence on product selectivity. The hydrogenation of a citral molecule that contains three reducible groups (aldehyde, double bonds at the 2,3-position and the 6,7-position) is studied. An unusually high selectivity toward citronellal (a high regioselectivity toward the reduction of the 2,3-unsaturation) is observed in supercritical carbon dioxide. On the other hand, when the catalysis is carried out in the conventional liquid or vapor phase over the same reaction time, total hydrogenation of the two double bonds is achieved. It is thought that the high kinetic reluctance for double bond hydrogenation of the citral molecule at the hydrophobic end (the 6,7-position) is due to the unique micelle environment that is in close proximity to the metal surface in supercritical carbon dioxide that guides a head-on attack of the molecule toward the core metal particle.


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C-1-Symmetric phosphino/phosphonite ligands are prepared by the reactions of Ph2P(CH2)(2)P(NMe2)(2) with (S)-1,11'-bi-2-naphthol (to give L-A) or (S)-10,10'-bi-9-phenanthrol (to give L-B). Racemic 10,10'-bi-9-phenanthrol is synthesized in three steps from phenanthrene in 44% overall yield. The complexes [PdCl2(L-A,L-B)] (1a,b), [PtCl2(L-A,L-B)] (2a,b), [Rh(cod)(L-A,L-B)]BF4 (3a,b) and [Rh(L-A,L-B)(2)]BF4 (4a,b) are reported and the crystal structure of la has been determined. A P-31 NMR study shows that M, a 1:1 mixture of the monodentates, PMePh2 and methyl monophosphonite L-1a (based on (S)-1,11'-bi-2-naphthol), reacts with 1 equiv of [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 to give the heteroligand complex [Rh(cod)(PMePh2)(L-1a)]BF4 (5) and homoligand complexes [Rh(cod)(PMePh2)(2)]BF4 (6) and [Rh(cod)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (7) in the ratio 2:1:1. The same mixture of 5-7 is obtained upon mixing the isolated homoligand complexes 6 and 7 although the equilibrium is only established rapidly in the presence of an excess of PMePh2. The predominant species 5 is a monodentate ligand complex analogue of the chelate 3a. When the mixture of 5-7 is exposed to 5 atm H-2 for 1 h (the conditions used for catalyst preactivation in the asymmetric hydrogenation studies), the products are identified as the solvento species [Rh(PMePh2)(L-1a)(S)(2)]BF4 (5'), [Rh(S)(2)(PMePh2)(2)]BF4 (6') and [Rh(S)(2)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (7') and are formed in the same 2:1:1 ratio. The reaction of M with 0.5 equiv of [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 gives exclusively the heteroligand complex cis-[Rh(PMePh2)(2)(L-1a)(2)]BF4 (8), an analogue of 4a. The asymmetric hydrogenation of dehydroamino acid derivatives catalyzed by 3a,b is reported, and the enantioselectivities are compared with those obtained with (a) chelate catalysts derived from analogous diphosphonite ligands L-2a and L-2b, (b) catalysts based on methyl monophosphonites L-1a and L-1b, and (c) catalysts derived from mixture M. For the cinnamate and acrylate substrates studied, the catalysts derived from the phosphino/phosphonite bidentates L-A,L-B generally give superior enantioselectivities to the analogous diphosphonites L-2a and L-2b; these results are rationalized in terms of delta/lambda-chelate conformations and allosteric effects of the substrates. The rate of hydrogenation of acrylate substrate A with heterochelate 3a is significantly faster than with the homochelate analogues [Rh(L-2a)(cod)]BF4 and [Rh(dppe)(cod)]BF4. A synergic effect on the rate is also observed with the monodentate analogues: the rate of hydrogenation with the mixture containing predominantly heteroligand complex 5 is faster than with the monophosphine complex 6 or monophosphonite complex 7. Thus the hydrogenation catalysis carried out with M and [Rh(cod)(2)]BF4 is controlled by the dominant and most efficient heteroligand complex 5. In this study, the heterodiphos chelate 3a is shown to be more efficient and gives the opposite sense of optical induction t the heteromonophos analogue


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Asymmetric hydrogenation of C=C bonds is of the highest importance in organic synthesis, and such reactions are currently carried out with organometallic homogeneous catalysts. Achieving heterogeneous metal-catalyzed hydrogenation, a highly desirable goal, necessitates forcing the crucial enantiodifferentiating step to take place at the metal surface. By synthesis and application of six chiral sulfide ligands that anchor robustly to Pd nanoparticles and resist displacement, we have for the first time accomplished heterogeneous enantioselective catalytic hydrogenation of isophorone. High resolution XPS data established that ligand adsorption from solution occurred exclusively on the Pd nanoparticles and not on the carbon support. All ligands contained a pyrrolidine nitrogen to enable their interaction with the isophorone substrate while the sulfide functionality provided the required interaction with the Pd surface. Enantioselective turnover numbers of up to similar to 100 product molecules per ligand molecule were found with a very large variation in asymmetric induction between ligands: observed enantiomeric excesses increased with increasing size of the alkyl group in the sulfide. This likely reflects varying degrees of ligand dispersion on the surface: bulky substituent groups hinder close approach of ligand molecules to each other, inhibiting close-packed island formation, favoring dispersion as separate molecules, and leading to effective asymmetric induction. Conversely, small substituents favor island formation leading to very low asymmetric induction. Enantioselective reaction most likely involves initial formation of an enamine or iminium species, confirmed by use of an analogous tertiary amine, which leads to racemic product. Ligand rigidity and resistance to self-assembled monolayer formation are important attributes that should be designed into improved chiral modifiers.


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Bimetallic Pd-Ru nanoparticles of different elemental ratios are prepared via in situ reduction of their simple salts in reverse micelles in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)). The optimised Pd:Ru (1: 1) nanoparticle shows the highest activity for hydrogenation of functionalised alkene under mild conditions, which can be easily recycled under the reaction conditions without use of organic solvent. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.