941 resultados para human behaviour


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Automated human behaviour analysis has been, and still remains, a challenging problem. It has been dealt from different points of views: from primitive actions to human interaction recognition. This paper is focused on trajectory analysis which allows a simple high level understanding of complex human behaviour. It is proposed a novel representation method of trajectory data, called Activity Description Vector (ADV) based on the number of occurrences of a person is in a specific point of the scenario and the local movements that perform in it. The ADV is calculated for each cell of the scenario in which it is spatially sampled obtaining a cue for different clustering methods. The ADV representation has been tested as the input of several classic classifiers and compared to other approaches using CAVIAR dataset sequences obtaining great accuracy in the recognition of the behaviour of people in a Shopping Centre.


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Human behaviour recognition has been, and still remains, a challenging problem that involves different areas of computational intelligence. The automated understanding of people activities from video sequences is an open research topic in which the computer vision and pattern recognition areas have made big efforts. In this paper, the problem is studied from a prediction point of view. We propose a novel method able to early detect behaviour using a small portion of the input, in addition to the capabilities of it to predict behaviour from new inputs. Specifically, we propose a predictive method based on a simple representation of trajectories of a person in the scene which allows a high level understanding of the global human behaviour. The representation of the trajectory is used as a descriptor of the activity of the individual. The descriptors are used as a cue of a classification stage for pattern recognition purposes. Classifiers are trained using the trajectory representation of the complete sequence. However, partial sequences are processed to evaluate the early prediction capabilities having a specific observation time of the scene. The experiments have been carried out using the three different dataset of the CAVIAR database taken into account the behaviour of an individual. Additionally, different classic classifiers have been used for experimentation in order to evaluate the robustness of the proposal. Results confirm the high accuracy of the proposal on the early recognition of people behaviours.


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'Free will' and its corollary, the concept of individual responsibility are keystones of the justice system. This paper shows that if we accept a physics that disallows time reversal, the concept of 'free will' is undermined by an integrated understanding of the influence of genetics and environment on human behavioural responses. Analysis is undertaken by modelling life as a novel statistico-deterministic version of a Turing machine, i.e. as a series of transitions between states at successive instants of time. Using this model it is proven by induction that the entire course of life is independent of the action of free will. Although determined by prior state, the probability of transitions between states in response to a standard environmental stimulus is not equal to 1 and the transitions may differ quantitatively at the molecular level and qualitatively at the level of the whole organism. Transitions between states correspond to behaviours. It is shown that the behaviour of identical twins (or clones), although determined, would be incompletely predictable and non-identical, creating an illusion of the operation of 'free will'. 'Free will' is a convenient construct for current judicial systems and social control because it allows rationalization of punishment for those whose behaviour falls outside socially defined norms. Indeed, it is conceivable that maintenance of ideas of free will has co-evolved with community morality to reinforce its operation. If the concept is free will is to be maintained it would require revision of our current physical theories.


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As more of the economy moves from traditional manufacturing to the service sector, the nature of work is becoming less tangible and thus, the representation of human behaviour in models is becoming more important. Representing human behaviour and decision making in models is challenging, both in terms of capturing the essence of the processes, and also the way that those behaviours and decisions are or can be represented in the models themselves. In order to advance understanding in this area, a useful first step is to evaluate and start to classify the various types of behaviour and decision making that are required to be modelled. This talk will attempt to set out and provide an initial classification of the different types of behaviour and decision making that a modeller might want to represent in a model. Then, it will be useful to start to assess the main methods of simulation in terms of their capability in representing these various aspects. The three main simulation methods, System Dynamics, Agent Based Modelling and Discrete Event Simulation all achieve this to varying degrees. There is some evidence that all three methods can, within limits, represent the key aspects of the system being modelled. The three simulation approaches are then assessed for their suitability in modelling these various aspects. Illustration of behavioural modelling will be provided from cases in supply chain management, evacuation modelling and rail disruption.


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This paper presents the novel theory for performing multi-agent activity recognition without requiring large training corpora. The reduced need for data means that robust probabilistic recognition can be performed within domains where annotated datasets are traditionally unavailable. Complex human activities are composed from sequences of underlying primitive activities. We do not assume that the exact temporal ordering of primitives is necessary, so can represent complex activity using an unordered bag. Our three-tier architecture comprises low-level video tracking, event analysis and high-level inference. High-level inference is performed using a new, cascading extension of the Rao–Blackwellised Particle Filter. Simulated annealing is used to identify pairs of agents involved in multi-agent activity. We validate our framework using the benchmarked PETS 2006 video surveillance dataset and our own sequences, and achieve a mean recognition F-Score of 0.82. Our approach achieves a mean improvement of 17% over a Hidden Markov Model baseline.


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Automatic analysis of human behaviour in large collections of videos is gaining interest, even more so with the advent of file sharing sites such as YouTube. However, challenges still exist owing to several factors such as inter- and intra-class variations, cluttered backgrounds, occlusion, camera motion, scale, view and illumination changes. This research focuses on modelling human behaviour for action recognition in videos. The developed techniques are validated on large scale benchmark datasets and applied on real-world scenarios such as soccer videos. Three major contributions are made. The first contribution is in the area of proper choice of a feature representation for videos. This involved a study of state-of-the-art techniques for action recognition, feature extraction processing and dimensional reduction techniques so as to yield the best performance with optimal computational requirements. Secondly, temporal modelling of human behaviour is performed. This involved frequency analysis and temporal integration of local information in the video frames to yield a temporal feature vector. Current practices mostly average the frame information over an entire video and neglect the temporal order. Lastly, the proposed framework is applied and further adapted to real-world scenario such as soccer videos. A dataset consisting of video sequences depicting events of players falling is created from actual match data to this end and used to experimentally evaluate the proposed framework.


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Discrete Event Simulation (DES) is a very popular simulation technique in Operational Research. Recently, there has been the emergence of another technique, namely Agent Based Simulation (ABS). Although there is a lot of literature relating to DES and ABS, we have found less that focuses on exploring the capabilities of both in tackling human behaviour issues. In order to understand the gap between these two simulation techniques, therefore, our aim is to understand the distinctions between DES and ABS models with the real world phenomenon in modelling and simulating human behaviour. In achieving the aim, we have carried out a case study at a department store. Both DES and ABS models will be compared using the same problem domain which is concerning on management policy in a fitting room. The behaviour of staffs while working and customers’ satisfaction will be modelled for both models behaviour understanding.


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Understanding the complex dynamic and uncertain characteristics of organisational employees who perform authorised or unauthorised information security activities is deemed to be a very important and challenging task. This paper presents a conceptual framework for classifying and organising the characteristics of organisational subjects involved in these information security practices. Our framework expands the traditional Human Behaviour and the Social Environment perspectives used in social work by identifying how knowledge, skills and individual preferences work to influence individual and group practices with respect to information security management. The classification of concepts and characteristics in the framework arises from a review of recent literature and is underpinned by theoretical models that explain these concepts and characteristics. Further, based upon an exploratory study of three case organisations in Saudi Arabia involving extensive interviews with senior managers, department managers, IT managers, information security officers, and IT staff; this article describes observed information security practices and identifies several factors which appear to be particularly important in influencing information security behaviour. These factors include values associated with national and organisational culture and how they manifest in practice, and activities related to information security management.


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Video surveillance technology, based on Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, is one of the fastest growing markets in the field of security technologies. However, the existing video surveillance systems are still not at a stage where they can be used for crime prevention. The systems rely heavily on human observers and are therefore limited by factors such as fatigue and monitoring capabilities over long periods of time. To overcome this limitation, it is necessary to have “intelligent” processes which are able to highlight the salient data and filter out normal conditions that do not pose a threat to security. In order to create such intelligent systems, an understanding of human behaviour, specifically, suspicious behaviour is required. One of the challenges in achieving this is that human behaviour can only be understood correctly in the context in which it appears. Although context has been exploited in the general computer vision domain, it has not been widely used in the automatic suspicious behaviour detection domain. So, it is essential that context has to be formulated, stored and used by the system in order to understand human behaviour. Finally, since surveillance systems could be modeled as largescale data stream systems, it is difficult to have a complete knowledge base. In this case, the systems need to not only continuously update their knowledge but also be able to retrieve the extracted information which is related to the given context. To address these issues, a context-based approach for detecting suspicious behaviour is proposed. In this approach, contextual information is exploited in order to make a better detection. The proposed approach utilises a data stream clustering algorithm in order to discover the behaviour classes and their frequency of occurrences from the incoming behaviour instances. Contextual information is then used in addition to the above information to detect suspicious behaviour. The proposed approach is able to detect observed, unobserved and contextual suspicious behaviour. Two case studies using video feeds taken from CAVIAR dataset and Z-block building, Queensland University of Technology are presented in order to test the proposed approach. From these experiments, it is shown that by using information about context, the proposed system is able to make a more accurate detection, especially those behaviours which are only suspicious in some contexts while being normal in the others. Moreover, this information give critical feedback to the system designers to refine the system. Finally, the proposed modified Clustream algorithm enables the system to both continuously update the system’s knowledge and to effectively retrieve the information learned in a given context. The outcomes from this research are: (a) A context-based framework for automatic detecting suspicious behaviour which can be used by an intelligent video surveillance in making decisions; (b) A modified Clustream data stream clustering algorithm which continuously updates the system knowledge and is able to retrieve contextually related information effectively; and (c) An update-describe approach which extends the capability of the existing human local motion features called interest points based features to the data stream environment.


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Video surveillance systems using Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, is one of the fastest growing areas in the field of security technologies. However, the existing video surveillance systems are still not at a stage where they can be used for crime prevention. The systems rely heavily on human observers and are therefore limited by factors such as fatigue and monitoring capabilities over long periods of time. This work attempts to address these problems by proposing an automatic suspicious behaviour detection which utilises contextual information. The utilisation of contextual information is done via three main components: a context space model, a data stream clustering algorithm, and an inference algorithm. The utilisation of contextual information is still limited in the domain of suspicious behaviour detection. Furthermore, it is nearly impossible to correctly understand human behaviour without considering the context where it is observed. This work presents experiments using video feeds taken from CAVIAR dataset and a camera mounted on one of the buildings Z-Block) at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. From these experiments, it is shown that by exploiting contextual information, the proposed system is able to make more accurate detections, especially of those behaviours which are only suspicious in some contexts while being normal in the others. Moreover, this information gives critical feedback to the system designers to refine the system.


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Digital human modelling (DHM) has today matured from research into industrial application. In the automotive domain, DHM has become a commonly used tool in virtual prototyping and human-centred product design. While this generation of DHM supports the ergonomic evaluation of new vehicle design during early design stages of the product, by modelling anthropometry, posture, motion or predicting discomfort, the future of DHM will be dominated by CAE methods, realistic 3D design, and musculoskeletal and soft tissue modelling down to the micro-scale of molecular activity within single muscle fibres. As a driving force for DHM development, the automotive industry has traditionally used human models in the manufacturing sector (production ergonomics, e.g. assembly) and the engineering sector (product ergonomics, e.g. safety, packaging). In product ergonomics applications, DHM share many common characteristics, creating a unique subset of DHM. These models are optimised for a seated posture, interface to a vehicle seat through standardised methods and provide linkages to vehicle controls. As a tool, they need to interface with other analytic instruments and integrate into complex CAD/CAE environments. Important aspects of current DHM research are functional analysis, model integration and task simulation. Digital (virtual, analytic) prototypes or digital mock-ups (DMU) provide expanded support for testing and verification and consider task-dependent performance and motion. Beyond rigid body mechanics, soft tissue modelling is evolving to become standard in future DHM. When addressing advanced issues beyond the physical domain, for example anthropometry and biomechanics, modelling of human behaviours and skills is also integrated into DHM. Latest developments include a more comprehensive approach through implementing perceptual, cognitive and performance models, representing human behaviour on a non-physiologic level. Through integration of algorithms from the artificial intelligence domain, a vision of the virtual human is emerging.