983 resultados para hormonal therapy
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito do tratamento hormonal do hormônio Gonadotrofina Coriônica Humana (HCG), em dois esquemas posológicos diferentes, ao placebo quanto sua efetividade e segurança no tratamento da Criptorquidia. Métodos: Este estudo é um ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo-controlado de 14 semanas. A amostra de 92 pacientes que foram randomizados para o grupo-HCG dias alternados, denominados de Grupo G1 (N = 29), para o grupo HCG a cada quatro dias, denominados Grupo G4 (N= 33) e o grupo-placebo, denominados como Grupo O(N = 30). 2. Os desfechos clínicos primários para este estudo foram 1) Cura, 2) Melhora, 3) Não Cura. Os desfechos complementares foram: 4) Efeitos adversos, 5) Níveis séricos hormonais. Resultados: Não existiram diferenças entre os grupos HCG dias alternados, HCG a cada quatro dias e placebo para as medidas dos desfechos primários. 1) Cura: G1: 3/29(3,3%), G4: 4/33(4,3%) e O: 3/30(3,3%) 2) Melhora: G1:3/29(3,3%), G4: 1/33(1,1%) e O: 3/30(3,3%). 3) Não Cura: G1: 23/29(25%), G4: 28/33(30,4%) e O: 24/30(26,1%) p=0,815. 4) Os efeitos adversos mais freqüentes em nossa amostra foram: Aumento do numero de ereções: não foi possível avaliar. 5) Níveis séricos hormonais: Testosterona sérica: G1: de 34,15 ± 5,8ng/ml; G4: 49,6± 5,6 ng/ml e O: 7,5± 3,5ng/ml. Hormônio Luteinizante (LH): G1: 0,22± 0,2 , G4: 0,07±0,1 e O: 0,08±0,02 Hormônio Folículo Estimulante (FSH): G1: 0,88±0,16, G4: 0,3±0,1 e O 1,15±0,6. Conclusão: Não foi encontrada nenhuma diferença estatística no tratamento com HCG, independente da posologia adotada, e placebo. Os autores concluem a hormonioterapia com HCG não demonstrou superioridade na eficácia e ou segurança no tratamento da criptorquidia ao placebo.
BACKGROUND: Others have reported ocular toxicity after adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy, but this study looked at ocular toxicity in similarly treated patients from large randomized clinical trials. METHODS: Information was retrieved on incidence and timing of ocular toxicity from the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) database of 4948 eligible patients randomized to receive tamoxifen or toremifene alone or in combination with chemotherapy (either concurrently or sequentially). Case reports of patients with ocular toxicity were evaluated to determine whether ocular toxicity occurred during chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapy. Additional information was obtained from participating institutions for patients in whom ocular toxicity occurred after chemotherapy but during administration of tamoxifen or toremifene. RESULTS: Ocular toxicity was reported in 538 of 4948 (10.9%) patients during adjuvant treatment, mainly during chemotherapy. Forty-five of 4948 (0.9%) patients had ocular toxicity during hormone therapy alone, but only 30 (0.6%) patients had ocular toxicity reported either without receiving any chemotherapy or beyond 3 months after completing chemotherapy and, thus, possibly related to tamoxifen or toremifene. In 3 cases, retinal alterations, without typical aspects of tamoxifen toxicity, were reported; 4 patients had cataract (2 bilateral), 12 impaired visual acuity, 10 ocular irritation, 1 optical neuritis, and the rest had other symptoms. CONCLUSION: Ocular toxicity during adjuvant therapy is a common side effect mainly represented by irritative symptoms due to chemotherapy. By contrast, ocular toxicity during hormonal therapy is rare and does not appear to justify a regular program of ocular examination. However, patients should be informed of this rare side effect so that they may seek prompt ophthalmic evaluation for ocular complaints.
BACKGROUND: The utility of chemotherapy for women who experience a locoregional recurrence after primary treatment of early breast cancer remains an open question. An international collaborative trial is being conducted by the Breast International Group (BIG), the International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG), and the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) to determine the effectiveness of cytotoxic therapy for these patients, either alone or in addition to selective use of hormonal therapy and trastuzumab. METHODS: The trial population includes women who have had a previous diagnosis of invasive breast cancer treated by mastectomy or breast-conserving surgery, but subsequently develop an isolated local and/or regional ipsilateral invasive recurrence. Excision of all macroscopic tumor without evidence of systemic disease is required for study entry. Patients are randomized to receive chemotherapy or no chemotherapy; type of chemotherapy is not protocol-specified. Radiation, hormonal therapy, and trastuzumab are given as appropriate. The primary endpoint is disease-free survival (DFS). Quality-of-life measurements are collected at baseline, and then at 9 and 12 months. The accrual goal is 977 patients. RESULTS: This report describes the characteristics of the first 99 patients. Sites of recurrence at study entry were: breast (56%), mastectomy scar/chest wall (35%), and regional lymph nodes (9%). Two-thirds of patients have estrogen-receptor-positive recurrences. CONCLUSION: This is the only trial actively investigating the question of "adjuvant" chemotherapy in locally recurrent breast cancer. The case mix of accrual to date indicates a broad representation of this patient population.
CONTEXT: Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is increasingly used for the treatment of prostate cancer (PCa), even in clinical settings in which there is no evidence-based proof of prolonged overall survival (OS). ADT, however, may be associated with numerous side effects, including an increased therapy-related cardiovascular mortality. OBJECTIVE: To discuss different clinical settings in which ADT is currently used and to critically weigh the benefits of ADT against its possible side effects. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: A MEDLINE search was conducted to identify original articles and review articles addressing the efficacy and side effects of ADT for the treatment of PCa. Keywords consisted of prostate cancer, hormonal therapy, adverse effects, radical prostatectomy, and radiotherapy. The articles with the highest level of evidence for the various examined end points were identified with the consensus of all authors and were reviewed. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Even short-term use of ADT may lead to numerous side effects, such as osteoporosis, obesity, sarcopenia, lipid alterations, insulin resistance, and increased risk for diabetes and cardiovascular morbidity. Despite these side effects, ADT is commonly used in various clinical settings in which a clear effect on improved OS has not been shown. CONCLUSIONS: ADT is associated with an increased risk of multiple side effects that may reduce quality of life and/or OS. Consequently, these issues should be discussed in detail with patients and their families before initiation of ADT. ADT should be used with knowledge of its potential long-term side effects and with possible lifestyle interventions, especially in settings with the highest risk-benefit ratio, to alleviate comorbidities.
The goal of improving systemic treatment of breast cancers is to evolve from treating every patient with non-specific cytotoxic chemotherapy/hormonal therapy, to a more individually-tailored direct treatment. Although anatomic staging and histological grade are important prognostic factors, they often fail to predict the clinical course of this disease. This study aimed to develop a gene expression profile associated with breast cancers of differing grades. We extracted mRNA from FFPE archival breast IDC tissue samples (Grades I–III), including benign tumours. Affymetrix GeneChip� Human Genome U133 Plus 2.0 Arrays were used to determine gene expression profiles and validated by Q-PCR. IHC was used to detect the AXIN2 protein in all tissues. From the array data, an independent group t-test revealed that 178 genes were significantly (P B 0.01) differentially expressed between three grades of malignant breast tumours when compared to benign tissues. From these results, eight genes were significantly differentially expressed in more than one comparison group and are involved in processes implicated in breast cancer development and/or progression. The two most implicated candidates genes were CLD10 and ESPTI1 as their gene expression profile from the microarray analysis was replicated in Q-PCR analyses of the original tumour samples as well as in an extended population. The IHC revealed a significant association between AXIN2 protein expression and ER status. It is readily acknowledged and established that significant differences exist in gene expression between different cancer grades. Expansion of this approach may lead to an improved ability to discriminate between cancer grade and other pathological factors.
Antioestrogens are among the most widely used agents in the treatment of breast cancer. There has been a recent surge of interest in these compounds because of their potential breast cancer chemopreventive properties. The newer generation of antioestrogens, with increased selectivity and better toxicity profiles, have the potential to increase the effectiveness of hormonal treatment of breast cancer. The selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) hold the promise of revolutionising the care of healthy postmenopausal women with their beneficial effects on bone and lipids in addition to the chemoprevention of breast cancer.
Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) may present de novo but more commonly develops in women initially presenting with early breast cancer despite the widespread use of adjuvant hormonal and cytotoxic chemotherapy. MBC is incurable. Hormone sensitive MBC eventually becomes resistant to endocrine therapy in most women. Anthracyclines are the agents of choice in the treatment of endocrine resistant MBC. With the widespread use of anthracyclines in the adjuvant setting, taxanes have become the agents of choice for many patients. Recently capecitabine has become established as a standard of care for patients pretreated with anthracyclines and taxanes. However, a range of agents have activity as third line treatment. These include gemcitabine, vinorelbine and platinum analogues. The sequential use of non-cross resistant single agents rather than combination therapy is preferable in most women with MBC. Even though combination therapy can improve response rates and increase progression free interval, there is no robust evidence to indicate an advantage in terms of overall survival. Moreover, combination therapy is associated with a higher toxicity rate and poor quality of life. There is no role for dose-intense therapy, high dose therapy or maintenance chemotherapy outside the context of a clinical trial. The introduction of trastuzumab, monoclonal antibody targeting growth factor receptors, has improved the therapeutic options for women with tumours overexpressing HER2/neu. DNA micro-array profiles of tumours can potentially help to individualise therapy in future. Molecular targeted therapy has the potential to revolutionise the management of MBC.
- Gender dysphoria is a condition in which a child's subjectively felt identity and gender are not congruent with her or his biological sex. Because of this, the child suffers clinically significant distress or impairment in social functioning. - The Family Court of Australia has recently received an increasing number of applications seeking authorisation for the provision of hormones to treat gender dysphoria in children. - Some medical procedures and interventions performed on children are of such a grave nature that court authorisation must be obtained to render them lawful. These procedures are referred to as special medical procedures. - Hormonal therapy for the treatment of gender dysphoria in children is provided in two stages occurring years apart. Until recently, both stages of treatment were regarded by courts as special medical treatments, meaning court authorisation had to be provided for both stages. - In a significant recent development, courts have drawn a distinction between the two stages of treatment, permitting parents to consent to the first stage. In addition, it has been held that a child who is determined by a court to be Gillick competent can consent to stage 2 treatment. - The new legal developments concerning treatment for gender dysphoria are of ethical, clinical and practical importance to children and their families, and to medical practitioners treating children with gender dysphoria. Medical practitioners should benefit from an understanding of the recent developments in legal principles. This will ensure that they have up-to-date information about the circumstances under which treatment may be conducted with parental consent, and those in which they must seek court authorisation.
Purpose/Objectives: To examine and compare the reliability of four body composition methods commonly used in assessing breast cancer survivors. Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: A rehabilitation facility at a university-based comprehensive cancer center in the southeastern United States. Sample: 14 breast cancer survivors aged 40-71 years. Methods: Body fat (BF) percentage was estimated via bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), air displacement plethysmography (ADP), and skinfold thickness (SKF) using both three- and seven-site algorithms, where reliability of the methods was evaluated by conducting two tests for each method (test 1 and test 2), one immediately after the other. An analysis of variance was used to compare the results of BF percentage among the four methods. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to test the reliability of each method. Main Research Variable: BF percentage. Findings: Significant differences in BF percentage were observed between BIA and all other methods (three-site SKF, p < 0.001; seven-site SKF, p < 0.001; ADP, p = 0.002). No significant differences (p > 0.05) in BF percentage between three-site SKF, seven-site SKF, and ADP were observed. ICCs between test 1 and test 2 for each method were BIA = 1, ADP = 0.98, three-site SKF = 0.99, and seven-site SKF = 0.94. Conclusions: ADP and both SKF methods produce similar estimates of BF percentage in all participants, whereas BIA overestimated BF percentage relative to the other measures. Caution is recommended when using BIA as the body composition method for breast cancer survivors who have completed treatment but are still undergoing adjuvant hormonal therapy. Implications for Nursing: Measurements of body composition can be implemented very easily as part of usual care and should serve as an objective outcome measure for interventions designed to promote healthy behaviors among breast cancer survivors. - See more at: https://onf.ons.org/onf/38/4/comparison-body-composition-assessment-methods-breast-cancer-survivors#sthash.5djfTS1Q.dpuf
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a sobrevida e fatores prognósticos para o câncer de mama feminino, com ênfase no papel de variáveis relacionadas aos serviços de saúde. Foram analisadas 782 mulheres com câncer invasivo da mama e submetidas à cirurgia curativa, que realizaram tratamento cirúrgico e/ou terapia complementar no município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, com diagnóstico da doença entre 1998 e 2000. O recrutamento dos casos foi efetuado a partir de busca ativa nos registros médicos de todos os serviços de saúde que prestam atendimento em oncologia na cidade. O seguimento foi realizado mediante retorno aos prontuários e complementado por busca no banco do Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM), contato telefônico e consulta de situação cadastral no Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF). As principais variáveis analisadas foram: cor da pele, idade ao diagnóstico, tamanho do tumor, comprometimento de linfonodos, estadiamento, cidade de residência e variáveis relativas aos serviços de saúde, entre outras. As funções de sobrevida foram calculadas por meio do método de Kaplan-Meier. Foi utilizado o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox para avaliação dos fatores prognósticos. No primeiro artigo, foi observada taxa de sobrevida específica em cinco anos de 80,9%, sendo identificados tamanho tumoral e comprometimento de linfonodos axilares como importantes fatores prognósticos associados de forma independente à sobrevida pela doença na população de estudo (HR=1,99, IC95%: 1,27-3,10 e HR=3,92, IC95%: 2,49-6,16, respectivamente). No segundo artigo, quando consideradas as variáveis relativas aos serviços de saúde, foi verificada pior sobrevida para as mulheres assistidas no serviço público, embora com significância limítrofe (p=0,05), e para aquelas que não tinham plano privado de saúde, apesar de não significativa (p=0,1). As funções de sobrevida não ajustadas e estratificadas por natureza do serviço de saúde exibiram sobrevida mais desfavorável para as mulheres não brancas e para os casos com nenhum ou menos de 10 linfonodos isolados somente no serviço público, embora com significâncias estatísticas apenas marginais (p=0,09 e p=0,07, respectivamente). Na análise multivariada, foi observado maior risco de óbito nas mulheres que não fizeram uso de hormonioterapia apenas para os casos assistidos no serviço público (HR=1,56; IC95%: 1,01-2,41), independentemente do tamanho tumoral e do status ganglionar axilar. Tais achados sugerem desigualdades sociais e disparidades na prevenção primária e secundária da doença na região estudada, com desvantagem para o serviço público de saúde, enfatizando a maior necessidade de esclarecimento sobre a doença, assim como de diagnóstico e tratamento dos casos em estádios mais precoces. Destacou-se, ainda, o valor de se trabalhar com informações produzidas pelos serviços de saúde responsáveis pela assistência oncológica no país, possibilitando a caracterização do perfil e da sobrevida das pacientes assistidas e fornecendo subsídios aos órgãos competentes do setor saúde local para nortear a adoção de estratégias de prevenção direcionadas ao controle da doença na população avaliada.
A ação que o estrogênio desempenha sobre o endotélio depende da integridade deste e consequentemente das características clínicas de cada indivíduo. O uso da terapia hormonal da menopausa (THM) em mulheres com baixo risco cardiovascular geralmente resulta em efeitos benéficos, desde que iniciado em um período próximo da menopausa. Em contrapartida, o seu uso em mulheres com alto risco cardiovascular, como diabéticas ou portadoras de lesões ateroscleróticas já estabelecidas, e ainda naquelas com início da THM em um período superior a dez anos da menopausa geralmente resulta em efeitos maléficos. Nosso objetivo é avaliar os efeitos do estrogênio sobre a função endotelial em mulheres com sobrepeso ou obesidade, ou seja, indivíduos com risco cardiovascular intermediário. Para isso, 44 mulheres na pós-menopausa com idade entre 47 a 55 anos e índice de massa corporal (IMC) de 27,5 a 34,9kg/m, foram randomizadas nos grupos placebo (P) e estrogênio transdérmico (ET). A intervenção consistiu no uso transdérmico de estradiol, 1mg por dia, por um período de três meses. As participantes realizaram avaliação da reatividade endotelial em repouso e após isquemia [pletismografia por oclusão venosa (POV), com medidas do fluxo sanguíneo do antebraço (FSA) e videocapilaroscopia dinâmica do leito periungueal (VCLP), com medidas da velocidade de deslocamento das hemácias (VDH)], dosagens de moléculas de adesão [E-selectina, molécula de adesão intercelular (ICAM-1) e molécula de adesão vascular (VCAM-1)], aferição da sensibilidade insulínica [através do homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) e área sob a curva (AUC) da insulina durante o teste oral de tolerância à glicose (TOTG)] e mensurações das viscosidades sanguínea e plasmática. As participantes apresentaram idade de 51,77 2,3 anos, IMC de 31,52 2,54 kg/m e tempo de menopausa de 3 [2-5] anos. O grupo P não apresentou nenhuma mudança significativa em qualquer variável. Após a intervenção, o grupo ET comparado ao basal apresentou menor tempo para atingir a VDH máxima durante a hiperemia reativa pós-oclusiva (HRPO) após 1 min de isquemia (4,0 [3,25-5,0] vs. 5,0 [4,0-6,0] s, P<0.05) e maior VDH tanto em repouso (0,316 [0,309-0,326] vs. 0,303 [0,285-0,310] mm/s; P<0,001) quanto na HRPO (0,374 [0,353-0,376] vs. 0,341 [0,334-0,373] mm/s; P<0,001), assim como observamos maior FSA em repouso (2,46 [1,81-3,28] vs. 1,89 [1,46-2,44] ml/min.100ml tecido-1; P<0,01) e durante a HRPO após 3 min de isquemia (6,39 [5,37-9,39] vs. 5,23 [4,62-7,47] ml/min.100ml tecido-1; P<0,001). O grupo ET também apresentou diminuição nos níveis solúveis de E-Selectina (68,95 [50,18-102,8] vs. 58,4 [44,53-94,03] ng/ml; P<0,05), de ICAM-1 (188 [145-212] vs. 175 [130-200] ng/ml; P<0,01), do HOMAIR (3,35 1,67 vs. 2,85 1,60; P<0,05) e da AUC da insulina durante o TOTG (152 [117-186] vs. 115 [85-178]; P<0,01), além de diminuição das viscosidades sanguínea com hematócrito nativo (3,72 0,21 vs. 3,57 0,12 mPa.s; P<0,01) e plasmática (1,49 0,10 vs. 1,45 0,08 mPa.s; P<0,05), comparado ao seu basal. Em conclusão o uso de estradiol transdérmico em mulheres com excesso de peso e menopausa recente, promove melhora da função endotelial, além de oferecer proteção a outros fatores de risco cardiovascular.
The purpose of this study is to compare the 4-year biochemical disease-free survival (BDFS) of patients with prostate cancer (PCa) staged according to multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) and treated with radical prostatectomy (RP) versus intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) ≥76 Gy ± hormonal therapy (HT).
Overexpression and amplification of the HER-2 oncogene in patients with breast cancer has correlated with early onset of metastasis, resistance to hormonal therapy and some forms of chemotherapy, and shortened survival. Therefore, evaluation of this putative prognostic or predictive factor seems critical. Because different antibodies are used for the detection of the 185-kd HER-2 oncoprotein, we studied the sensitivity of 3 frequently used antibodies. Immunohistochemistry results were correlated with gene amplification level as assessed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. Protein overexpression was found in 17.2% and 12.5% of cases using antibodies against the external (TAB250) and internal (CB11) domains of the protein, respectively, and in 38.0% of cases using a rabbit polyclonal antibody. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was successful in all 160 tumors, and amplification was found in 37 tumors (23.1%). The monoclonal antibody TAB250 had the lowest misclassification rate, 9.6% (sensitivity, 67%; specificity, 97.5%).
The past few years have witnessed an exponential increase in studies trying to identify molecular markers in patients with breast tumours that might predict for the success or failure of hormonal therapy or chemotherapy. HER2, a tyrosine kinase membrane receptor of the epidermal growth factor receptor family, has been the most widely studied marker in this respect. This paper attempts to critically review to what extent HER2 may improve 'treatment individualisation' for the breast cancer patient. Copyright (C) 2000.