938 resultados para honor of a human


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Introduction Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are considered to be a cost effective and efficient way to reduce the possibility of product ignition and inhibit the spread of fire, thereby limiting harm caused by fires. PBDEs are incorporated into a wide variety of manufactured products and are now considered an ubiquitous contaminant found worldwide in biological and environmental samples1 . In comparison to “traditional” persistent organic pollutants (POPs), the exposure modes of PBDEs in humans are less well defined, although dietary sources, inhalation (air/particulate matter) and dust ingestion have been reported 2-4. Limited investigations of population specific factors such as age or gender and PBDE concentrations report: no conclusive correlation by age in adults; higher concentrations in children ; similar concentrations in maternal and cord blood; and no gender differences. After preliminary findings of higher PBDE concentrations in children than in adults in Australia11 we sought to investigate at what age the PBDE concentrations peaked in an effort to focus exposure studies. This investigation involved the collection of blood samples from young age groups and the development of a simple model to predict PBDE concentrations by age in Australia.


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The depth of focus (DOF) can be defined as the variation in image distance of a lens or an optical system which can be tolerated without incurring an objectionable lack of sharpness of focus. The DOF of the human eye serves a mechanism of blur tolerance. As long as the target image remains within the depth of focus in the image space, the eye will still perceive the image as being clear. A large DOF is especially important for presbyopic patients with partial or complete loss of accommodation (presbyopia), since this helps them to obtain an acceptable retinal image when viewing a target moving through a range of near to intermediate distances. The aim of this research was to investigate the DOF of the human eye and its association with the natural wavefront aberrations, and how higher order aberrations (HOAs) can be used to expand the DOF, in particular by inducing spherical aberrations ( 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z ). The depth of focus of the human eye can be measured using a variety of subjective and objective methods. Subjective measurements based on a Badal optical system have been widely adopted, through which the retinal image size can be kept constant. In such measurements, the subject.s tested eye is normally cyclopleged. Objective methods without the need of cycloplegia are also used, where the eye.s accommodative response is continuously monitored. Generally, the DOF measured by subjective methods are slightly larger than those measured objectively. In recent years, methods have also been developed to estimate DOF from retinal image quality metrics (IQMs) derived from the ocular wavefront aberrations. In such methods, the DOF is defined as the range of defocus error that degrades the retinal image quality calculated from the IQMs to a certain level of the possible maximum value. In this study, the effect of different amounts of HOAs on the DOF was theoretically evaluated by modelling and comparing the DOF of subjects from four different clinical groups, including young emmetropes (20 subjects), young myopes (19 subjects), presbyopes (32 subjects) and keratoconics (35 subjects). A novel IQM-based through-focus algorithm was developed to theoretically predict the DOF of subjects with their natural HOAs. Additional primary spherical aberration ( 0 4 Z ) was also induced in the wavefronts of myopes and presbyopes to simulate the effect of myopic refractive correction (e.g. LASIK) and presbyopic correction (e.g. progressive power IOL) on the subject.s DOF. Larger amounts of HOAs were found to lead to greater values of predicted DOF. The introduction of primary spherical aberration was found to provide moderate increase of DOF while slightly deteriorating the image quality at the same time. The predicted DOF was also affected by the IQMs and the threshold level adopted. We then investigated the influence of the chosen threshold level of the IQMs on the predicted DOF, and how it relates to the subjectively measured DOF. The subjective DOF was measured in a group of 17 normal subjects, and we used through-focus visual Strehl ratio based on optical transfer function (VSOTF) derived from their wavefront aberrations as the IQM to estimate the DOF. The results allowed comparison of the subjective DOF with the estimated DOF and determination of a threshold level for DOF estimation. Significant correlation was found between the subject.s estimated threshold level for the estimated DOF and HOA RMS (Pearson.s r=0.88, p<0.001). The linear correlation can be used to estimate the threshold level for each individual subject, subsequently leading to a method for estimating individual.s DOF from a single measurement of their wavefront aberrations. A subsequent study was conducted to investigate the DOF of keratoconic subjects. Significant increases of the level of HOAs, including spherical aberration, coma and trefoil, can be observed in keratoconic eyes. This population of subjects provides an opportunity to study the influence of these HOAs on DOF. It was also expected that the asymmetric aberrations (coma and trefoil) in the keratoconic eye could interact with defocus to cause regional blur of the target. A dual-Badal-channel optical system with a star-pattern target was used to measure the subjective DOF in 10 keratoconic eyes and compared to those from a group of 10 normal subjects. The DOF measured in keratoconic eyes was significantly larger than that in normal eyes. However there was not a strong correlation between the large amount of HOA RMS and DOF in keratoconic eyes. Among all HOA terms, spherical aberration was found to be the only HOA that helped to significantly increase the DOF in the studied keratoconic subjects. Through the first three studies, a comprehensive understanding of DOF and its association to the HOAs in the human eye had been achieved. An adaptive optics system was then designed and constructed. The system was capable of measuring and altering the wavefront aberrations in the subject.s eye and measuring the resulting DOF under the influence of different combination of HOAs. Using the AO system, we investigated the concept of extending the DOF through optimized combinations of 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z . Systematic introduction of a targeted amount of both 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z was found to significantly improve the DOF of healthy subjects. The use of wavefront combinations of 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z with opposite signs can further expand the DOF, rather than using 0 4 Z or 0 6 Z alone. The optimal wavefront combinations to expand the DOF were estimated using the ratio of increase in DOF and loss of retinal image quality defined by VSOTF. In the experiment, the optimal combinations of 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z were found to provide a better balance of DOF expansion and relatively smaller decreases in VA. Therefore, the optimal combinations of 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z provides a more efficient method to expand the DOF rather than 0 4 Z or 0 6 Z alone. This PhD research has shown that there is a positive correlation between the DOF and the eye.s wavefront aberrations. More aberrated eyes generally have a larger DOF. The association of DOF and the natural HOAs in normal subjects can be quantified, which allows the estimation of DOF directly from the ocular wavefront aberration. Among the Zernike HOA terms, spherical aberrations ( 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z ) were found to improve the DOF. Certain combinations of 0 4 Z and 0 6 Z provide a more effective method to expand DOF than using 0 4 Z or 0 6 Z alone, and this could be useful in the optimal design of presbyopic optical corrections such as multifocal contact lenses, intraocular lenses and laser corneal surgeries.


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Human hair fibres are ubiquitous in nature and are found frequently at crime scenes often as a result of exchange between the perpetrator, victim and/or the surroundings according to Locard's Principle. Therefore, hair fibre evidence can provide important information for crime investigation. For human hair evidence, the current forensic methods of analysis rely on comparisons of either hair morphology by microscopic examination or nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analyses. Unfortunately in some instances the utilisation of microscopy and DNA analyses are difficult and often not feasible. This dissertation is arguably the first comprehensive investigation aimed to compare, classify and identify the single human scalp hair fibres with the aid of FTIR-ATR spectroscopy in a forensic context. Spectra were collected from the hair of 66 subjects of Asian, Caucasian and African (i.e. African-type). The fibres ranged from untreated to variously mildly and heavily cosmetically treated hairs. The collected spectra reflected the physical and chemical nature of a hair from the near-surface particularly, the cuticle layer. In total, 550 spectra were acquired and processed to construct a relatively large database. To assist with the interpretation of the complex spectra from various types of human hair, Derivative Spectroscopy and Chemometric methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fuzzy Clustering (FC) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) program; Preference Ranking Organisation Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) and Geometrical Analysis for Interactive Aid (GAIA); were utilised. FTIR-ATR spectroscopy had two important advantages over to previous methods: (i) sample throughput and spectral collection were significantly improved (no physical flattening or microscope manipulations), and (ii) given the recent advances in FTIR-ATR instrument portability, there is real potential to transfer this work.s findings seamlessly to on-field applications. The "raw" spectra, spectral subtractions and second derivative spectra were compared to demonstrate the subtle differences in human hair. SEM images were used as corroborative evidence to demonstrate the surface topography of hair. It indicated that the condition of the cuticle surface could be of three types: untreated, mildly treated and treated hair. Extensive studies of potential spectral band regions responsible for matching and discrimination of various types of hair samples suggested the 1690-1500 cm-1 IR spectral region was to be preferred in comparison with the commonly used 1750-800 cm-1. The principal reason was the presence of the highly variable spectral profiles of cystine oxidation products (1200-1000 cm-1), which contributed significantly to spectral scatter and hence, poor hair sample matching. In the preferred 1690-1500 cm-1 region, conformational changes in the keratin protein attributed to the α-helical to β-sheet transitions in the Amide I and Amide II vibrations and played a significant role in matching and discrimination of the spectra and hence, the hair fibre samples. For gender comparison, the Amide II band is significant for differentiation. The results illustrated that the male hair spectra exhibit a more intense β-sheet vibration in the Amide II band at approximately 1511 cm-1 whilst the female hair spectra displayed more intense α-helical vibration at 1520-1515cm-1. In terms of chemical composition, female hair spectra exhibit greater intensity of the amino acid tryptophan (1554 cm-1), aspartic and glutamic acid (1577 cm-1). It was also observed that for the separation of samples based on racial differences, untreated Caucasian hair was discriminated from Asian hair as a result of having higher levels of the amino acid cystine and cysteic acid. However, when mildly or chemically treated, Asian and Caucasian hair fibres are similar, whereas African-type hair fibres are different. In terms of the investigation's novel contribution to the field of forensic science, it has allowed for the development of a novel, multifaceted, methodical protocol where previously none had existed. The protocol is a systematic method to rapidly investigate unknown or questioned single human hair FTIR-ATR spectra from different genders and racial origin, including fibres of different cosmetic treatments. Unknown or questioned spectra are first separated on the basis of chemical treatment i.e. untreated, mildly treated or chemically treated, genders, and racial origin i.e. Asian, Caucasian and African-type. The methodology has the potential to complement the current forensic analysis methods of fibre evidence (i.e. Microscopy and DNA), providing information on the morphological, genetic and structural levels.


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Extracellular matrix regulates many cellular processes likely to be important for development and regression of corpora lutea. Therefore, we identified the types and components of the extracellular matrix of the human corpus luteum at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Two different types of extracellular matrix were identified by electron microscopy; subendothelial basal laminas and an interstitial matrix located as aggregates at irregular intervals between the non-vascular cells. No basal laminas were associated with luteal cells. At all stages, collagen type IV α1 and laminins α5, β2 and γ1 were localized by immunohistochemistry to subendothelial basal laminas, and collagen type IV α1 and laminins α2, α5, β1 and β2 localized in the interstitial matrix. Laminin α4 and β1 chains occurred in the subendothelial basal lamina from mid-luteal stage to regression; at earlier stages, a punctate pattern of staining was observed. Therefore, human luteal subendothelial basal laminas potentially contain laminin 11 during early luteal development and, additionally, laminins 8, 9 and 10 at the mid-luteal phase. Laminin α1 and α3 chains were not detected in corpora lutea. Versican localized to the connective tissue extremities of the corpus luteum. Thus, during the formation of the human corpus luteum, remodelling of extracellular matrix does not result in basal laminas as present in the adrenal cortex or ovarian follicle. Instead, novel aggregates of interstitial matrix of collagen and laminin are deposited within the luteal parenchyma, and it remains to be seen whether this matrix is important for maintaining the luteal cell phenotype.


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Digital human models (DHM) have evolved as useful tools for ergonomic workplace design and product development, and found in various industries and education. DHM systems which dominate the market were developed for specific purposes and differ significantly, which is not only reflected in non-compatible results of DHM simulations, but also provoking misunderstanding of how DHM simulations relate to real world problems. While DHM developers are restricted by uncertainty about the user need and lack of model data related standards, users are confined to one specific product and cannot exchange results, or upgrade to another DHM system, as their previous results would be rendered worthless. Furthermore, origin and validity of anthropometric and biomechanical data is not transparent to the user. The lack of standardisation in DHM systems has become a major roadblock in further system development, affecting all stakeholders in the DHM industry. Evidently, a framework for standardising digital human models is necessary to overcome current obstructions.


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Breast cancer in its advanced stage has a high predilection to the skeleton. Currently, treatment options of breast cancer-related bone metastasis are restricted to only palliative therapeutic modalities. This is due to the fact that mechanisms regarding the breast cancer celI-bone colonisation as well as the interactions of breast cancer cells with the bone microenvironment are not fully understood, yet. This might be explained through a lack of appropriate in vitro and in vivo models that are currently addressing the above mentioned issue. Hence the hypothesis that the translation of a bone tissue engineering platform could lead to improved and more physiological in vitro and in vivo model systems in order to investigate breast cancer related bone colonisation was embraced in this PhD thesis. Therefore the first objective was to develop an in vitro model system that mimics human mineralised bone matrix to the highest possible extent to examine the specific biological question, how the human bone matrix influences breast cancer cell behaviour. Thus, primary human osteoblasts were isolated from human bone and cultured under osteogenic conditions. Upon ammonium hydroxide treatment, a cell-free intact mineralised human bone matrix was left behind. Analyses revealed a similar protein and mineral composition of the decellularised osteoblast matrix to human bone. Seeding of a panel of breast cancer cells onto the bone mimicking matrix as well as reference substrates like standard tissue culture plastic and collagen coated tissue culture plastic revealed substrate specific differences of cellular behaviour. Analyses of attachment, alignment, migration, proliferation, invasion, as well as downstream signalling pathways showed that these cellular properties were influenced through the osteoblast matrix. The second objective of this PhD project was the development of a human ectopic bone model in NOD/SCID mice using medical grade polycaprolactone tricalcium phosphate (mPCL-TCP) scaffold. Human osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells were seeded onto an mPCL-TCP scaffold, fabricated using a fused deposition modelling technique. After subcutaneous implantation in conjunction with the bone morphogenetic protein 7, limited bone formation was observed due to the mechanical properties of the applied scaffold and restricted integration into the soft tissue of flank of NOD/SCID mice. Thus, a different scaffold fabrication technique was chosen using the same polymer. Electrospun tubular scaffolds were seeded with human osteoblasts, as they showed previously the highest amount of bone formation and implanted into the flanks of NOD/SCID mice. Ectopic bone formation with sufficient vascularisation could be observed. After implantation of breast cancer cells using a polyethylene glycol hydrogel in close proximity to the newly formed bone, macroscopic communication between the newly formed bone and the tumour could be observed. Taken together, this PhD project showed that bone tissue engineering platforms could be used to develop an in vitro and in vivo model system to study cancer cell colonisation in the bone microenvironment.


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To develop a rapid optimized technique of wide-field imaging of the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus. A dynamic fixation target was developed and, coupled with semiautomated tiling software, a rapid method of capturing and montaging multiple corneal confocal microscopy images was created. To illustrate the utility of this technique, wide-field maps of the subbasal nerve plexus were produced in 2 participants with diabetes, 1 with and 1 without neuropathy. The technique produced montages of the central 3 mm of the subbasal corneal nerve plexus. The maps seem to show a general reduction in the number of nerve fibers and branches in the diabetic participant with neuropathy compared with the individual without neuropathy. This novel technique will allow more routine and widespread use of subbasal nerve plexus mapping in clinical and research situations. The significant reduction in the time to image the corneal subbasal nerve plexus should expedite studies of larger groups of diabetic patients and those with other conditions affecting nerve fibers. The inferior whorl and the surrounding areas may show the greatest loss of nerve fibers in individuals with diabetic neuropathy, but this should be further investigated in a larger cohort.


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Recombinant human papillomavirus (HPV) virus-like particles (VLPs) made from the major capsid protein L1 are promising vaccine candidates for use as vaccines against genital and other HPV infections, and particularly against HPV-16. However, HPV-16 genotype variants have different binding affinities for neutralising mouse Mabs raised against HPV-16 L1 VLPs. This paper analyses, using a panel of well-characterised Mabs, the effects on the antigenicity of various C- and N-terminal deletants of HPV-16 L1 made in insect cells via recombinant baculovirus, of an A → T mutation at residue 266 (A266T), and of a C → G mutation at conserved position 428 (C428G). The effects of these changes on assembly of the variant L1s were studied by electron microscopy. Binding of Mab H16:E70 to A266T was reduced by almost half in comparison to wild type L1. Retention of the C-terminal region 428-483 was critical for the binding of conformation-specific Mabs (H16:V5, H16:E70, H16:U4 and H16:9A) whereas deletion of the nuclear localisation signal (NLS) or the C428G mutation or an N-terminal deletion (residues 2-9) did not affect the antigenicity. The N-terminal deletion resulted in a mixed population of 30 and 55 nm VLPs, which differs from the same construct expressed in Escherichia coli, whereas pentamer aggregates resulted from deletion of the 428-465 region or the C428G mutation. The results have implications both for considering use of single-genotype HPV vaccines, and for design of novel second-generation vaccines. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Regenerative medicine-based approaches for the repair of damaged cartilage rely on the ability to propagate cells while promoting their chondrogenic potential. Thus, conditions for cell expansion should be optimized through careful environmental control. Appropriate oxygen tension and cell expansion substrates and controllable bioreactor systems are probably critical for expansion and subsequent tissue formation during chondrogenic differentiation. We therefore evaluated the effects of oxygen and microcarrier culture on the expansion and subsequent differentiation of human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Freshly isolated chondrocytes were expanded on tissue culture plastic or CultiSpher-G microcarriers under hypoxic or normoxic conditions (5% or 20% oxygen partial pressure, respectively) followed by cell phenotype analysis with flow cytometry. Cells were redifferentiated in micromass pellet cultures over 4 weeks, under either hypoxia or normoxia. Chondrocytes cultured on tissue culture plastic proliferated faster, expressed higher levels of cell surface markers CD44 and CD105 and demonstrated stronger staining for proteoglycans and collagen type II in pellet cultures compared with microcarrier-cultivated cells. Pellet wet weight, glycosaminoglycan content and expression of chondrogenic genes were significantly increased in cells differentiated under hypoxia. Hypoxia-inducible factor-3alpha mRNA was up-regulated in these cultures in response to low oxygen tension. These data confirm the beneficial influence of reduced oxygen on ex vivo chondrogenesis. However, hypoxia during cell expansion and microcarrier bioreactor culture does not enhance intrinsic chondrogenic potential. Further improvements in cell culture conditions are therefore required before chondrocytes from osteoarthritic and aged patients can become a useful cell source for cartilage regeneration.