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Human-made transformations to the environment, and in particular the land surface, are having a large impact on the distribution (in both time and space) of rainfall, upon which all life is reliant. Focusing on precipitation, soil moisture and near-surface temperature, we compare data from Phase 5 of the Climate Modelling Intercomparison Project (CMIP5), as well as blended observational–satellite data, to see how the interaction between rainfall and the land surface differs (or agrees) between the models and reality, at daily timescales. As expected, the results suggest a strong positive relationship between precipitation and soil moisture when precipitation leads and is concurrent with soil moisture estimates, for the tropics as a whole. Conversely a negative relationship is shown when soil moisture leads rainfall by a day or more. A weak positive relationship between precipitation and temperature is shown when either leads by one day, whereas a weak negative relationship is shown over the same time period between soil moisture and temperature. Temporally, in terms of lag and lead relationships, the models appear to be in agreement on the overall patterns of correlation between rainfall and soil moisture. However, in terms of spatial patterns, a comparison of these relationships across all available models reveals considerable variability in the ability of the models to reproduce the correlations between precipitation and soil moisture. There is also a difference in the timings of the correlations, with some models showing the highest positive correlations when precipitation leads soil moisture by one day. Finally, the results suggest that there are 'hotspots' of high linear gradients between precipitation and soil moisture, corresponding to regions experiencing heavy rainfall. These results point to an inability of the CMIP5 models to simulate a positive feedback between soil moisture and precipitation at daily timescales. Longer timescale comparisons and experiments at higher spatial resolutions, where the impact of the spatial heterogeneity of rainfall on the initiation of convection and supply of moisture is included, would be expected to improve process understanding further.


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Strengthening and rehabilitation have been increasingly applied in many structures to improve their capacity and serviceability. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) materials are universally known for their ability to improve the load capacity of damaged structural elements because of their high linear-elastic behavior. However, enhancing the capacity of structural elements that are exposed to repeated load coupled with harsh environment is an area that requires further investigation. This research focused on experimental analysis of the behavior and response of confined and unconfined concrete compression members (300mm x 150mm) under repeated load while exposed to 1440 cycles of seawater splash zone in United Arab Emirates (UAE). Confining concrete compression members with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) and Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) sheets have increased the load capacity compared to the control sample at room temperature by 110% and 84%, respectively. Results showed that the average value of compressive strength for the confined concrete exposed to sea water splash zone conditions for CFRP and GFRP specimens has decreased by 33% and 23%, respectively, compared to the confined concrete in the room temperature. However, GFRP specimens showed higher performance in compressive strength under sea water splash zone than those of the CFRP specimens. Different mode of failures such as delamination, de-bonding and combination of such modes were observed and related to various exposure factors and mechanical properties.


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The determination of leukocyte alkaline phosphatasd (LAP) is used as an aid to diagnose many diseases in the laboratory. For example, it can be used to distinguish chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) from other myeloproliferative disorders (particularly myelofibrosis and polycythemia) and leukemoid reactions (LR). Traditionally, this test is performed with the use of subjective cytochemical assays that assign a score to the level of LAP. Here we present a nonsubjective, quantitative, sensitive, and inexpensive chemiluminescent technique that determines LAP based on the commercial reagent Immulite (R) (AMPPD). To validate this methodology, intact leukocytes obtained from 32 healthy subjects, nine CML patients, and nine LR patients were submitted to the optimized protocol. By measuring the light emission elicited by four concentrations of neutrophils, we were able to estimate the activity of LAP per cell (the slope of the curve obtained by linear regression). A high linear correlation was found between the chemiluminescent result (slope) and the cytochemical score. The slope for healthy individuals ranged between 0.61 and 8.49 (10(-5) mV.s/cell), with a median of 2.04 (10(-5) mV.s/cell). These results were statistically different from those of CML patients (range = 0.07-1.75, median = 0.79) and LR patients (range = 3.84-47.24, median 9.58; P < 0.05).


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Cada vez mais é crescente o uso do GPS (Global Positioning System ) em estudos da atmosfera terrestre. Neste artigo, a atmosfera superior da Terra, denominada ionosfera, foi estudada durante um período de alta atividade solar (ano de 2001) usando dados de receptores GPS de dupla freqüência localizados na região brasileira, pertencentes à RBMC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo). A partir dos dados GPS foram calculados os valores de TEC (Total Electron Content - Conteúdo Total de Elétrons) da ionosfera. Adicionalmente foram incluídos no estudo dados de freqüência crítica da camada F2 advinda de Digissondas localizadas em São Luís/MA (3ºS; 44ºW) e Cachoeira Paulista/SP (22ºS; 45ºW), para fins de comparação. de uma forma geral, os resultados mostraram maiores valores de TEC durante os meses próximos aos equinócios e menores durante os meses de inverno. Quanto à variação diária do TEC, os menores valores foram verificados por volta das 4-6 HL (Hora Local) e os maiores durante o período da tarde, com valores um pouco maiores para São Luís. O segundo pico da anomalia equatorial foi verificado em Cachoeira Paulista nos meses próximos aos equinócios e verão. Na maioria dos meses, uma alta correlação linear foi verificada quando realizada a comparação entre os valores de freqüência crítica da camada F2 e os de TEC, principalmente para São Luís.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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KurzfassungIm Einzugsgebiet der Hunte (NW-Deutsches Becken, Niedersachsen) wurde untersucht, ob die Landschaftsgenese durch tektonische Bewegungen der Oberkruste beeinflußt ist. Krustenbewegungen führten im Bereich einer Hauptschollengrenze zu einer Hebung der weichselzeitlichen Niederterrasse (durchschnittliche Hebungssrate von ~0,5 mm/a über die letzten 12000 Jahre). Tektonischer Einfluß auf die heutige Landoberfläche ist über einem permischen Salzkissen zu verzeichnen, wo sich das Gefälle der holozänen Aue umkehrt. Krustenbewegungen haben mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit Vorzugsrichtungen verursacht, die an der Tertiärbasis und in der heutigen Landschaft nachweisbar sind (0-5° und 90-95°). Das Abfließen der Hunte nach Norden scheint durch eine aktive, nordwärts gerichtete Kippung des NW-Deutschen Beckens verursacht zu sein. Hohe lineare Korrelationskoeffizienten zwischen Tiefenlage der Tertiärbasis und Höhenlage der heutigen Landoberfläche weisen auf eine aktive Kippung des Beckens hin. Beckensubsidenz hat möglicherweise die Akkumulation der weichselzeitlichen Niederterrasse gesteuert, da eine Übereinstimmung zwischen rezenter Beckensubsidenz und durchschnittlicher Sedimentationsrate des Niederterrassenkörpers besteht. Untersuchungen an einer geschlossenen Hohlform deuten auf eine aktive Sackungsstruktur hin, da sich Anomalien des geologischen Untergrundes mit der topographischen Lage der Struktur decken.


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Clustered DNA damages—two or more closely spaced damages (strand breaks, abasic sites, or oxidized bases) on opposing strands—are suspects as critical lesions producing lethal and mutagenic effects of ionizing radiation. However, as a result of the lack of methods for measuring damage clusters induced by ionizing radiation in genomic DNA, neither the frequencies of their production by physiological doses of radiation, nor their repairability, nor their biological effects are known. On the basis of methods that we developed for quantitating damages in large DNAs, we have devised and validated a way of measuring ionizing radiation-induced clustered lesions in genomic DNA, including DNA from human cells. DNA is treated with an endonuclease that induces a single-strand cleavage at an oxidized base or abasic site. If there are two closely spaced damages on opposing strands, such cleavage will reduce the size of the DNA on a nondenaturing gel. We show that ionizing radiation does induce clustered DNA damages containing abasic sites, oxidized purines, or oxidized pyrimidines. Further, the frequency of each of these cluster classes is comparable to that of frank double-strand breaks; among all complex damages induced by ionizing radiation, double-strand breaks are only about 20%, with other clustered damage constituting some 80%. We also show that even low doses (0.1–1 Gy) of high linear energy transfer ionizing radiation induce clustered damages in human cells.


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An integrated chemostratigraphic (87Sr/86Sr, d13C and 18O) study of benthic foraminifera is presented for a 210 m-thick, intermediate depth (upper/middle bathyal transition), Miocene nannofossil ooze section of Ocean Drilling Program Site 1120, Campbell Plateau off New Zealand. Our results indicate that new 87Sr/86Sr, d13C and d18O profiles are wholly consistent with their respective Miocene reference curves. These observations facilitate identification of a total of five reliable chemostratigraphic datums, which are based on the fundamental structural changes in the 87Sr/86Sr curve and paired simultaneous d13C and d18O events. The resultant age-depth relationship clearly shows that the Miocene (20-5 Ma) biopelagic sedimentation on the Campbell Plateau was essentially continuous at a moderate to high, linear sedimentation rate (17.5 m/m.y. with an exception of the uppermost 13 m). Our findings do not support the shipboard biostratigraphic age model, which assumes that the critical early-middle Miocene transition was interrupted by a major hiatus (<~3 m.y.). Because of its unique bathymetric setting at a paleowater-depth of ~ 600 m, which is among the shallowest of the coeval isotopically studied deep-sea sections in the South Pacific/Southern Ocean, Site 1120 will serve as a reference section for surveying the evolution of intermediate-water paleoceanography in the Southern Hemisphere across the middle Miocene climatic transition.


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Current analytical assay methods for ampicillin sodium and cloxacillin sodium are discussed and compared, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (H.P.L.C.) being chosen as the most accurate, specific and precise. New H.P.L.C. methods for the analysis of benzathine cloxacillin; benzathine penicillin V; procaine penicillin injection B.P.; benethamine penicillin injection; fortified B.P.C.; benzathine penicillin injection; benzathine penicillin injection, fortified B.P.C.; benzathine penicillin suspnsion; ampicillin syrups and penicillin syrups are described. Mechanical or chemical damage to column packings is often associated with H.P.L.C. analysis. One type, that of channel formation, is investigated. The high linear velocity of solvent and solvent pulsing during the pumping cycle were found to be the cause of this damage. The applicability of nonisotherrnal kinetic experiments to penicillin V preparations, including formulated paediatric syrups, is evaluated. A new type of nonisotherrnal analysis, based on slope estimation and using a 64K Random Access Memory (R.A.M.) microcomputer is described. The name of the program written for this analysis is NONISO. The distribution of active penicillin in granules for reconstitution into ampicillin and penicillin V syrups, and its effect on the stability of the reconstituted products, are investigated. Changing the diluent used to reconstitue the syrups was found to affect the stability of the product. Dissolution and stability of benzathine cloxacillin at pH2, pH6 and pH9 is described, with proposed dissolution mechanisms and kinetic analysis to support these mechanisms. Benzathine and cloxacillin were found to react in solution at pH9, producing an insoluble amide.


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Field material testing provides firsthand information on pavement conditions which are most helpful in evaluating performance and identifying preventive maintenance or overlay strategies. High variability of field asphalt concrete due to construction raises the demand for accuracy of the test. Accordingly, the objective of this study is to propose a reliable and repeatable methodology to evaluate the fracture properties of field-aged asphalt concrete using the overlay test (OT). The OT is selected because of its efficiency and feasibility for asphalt field cores with diverse dimensions. The fracture properties refer to the Paris’ law parameters based on the pseudo J-integral (A and n) because of the sound physical significance of the pseudo J-integral with respect to characterizing the cracking process. In order to determine A and n, a two-step OT protocol is designed to characterize the undamaged and damaged behaviors of asphalt field cores. To ensure the accuracy of determined undamaged and fracture properties, a new analysis method is then developed for data processing, which combines the finite element simulations and mechanical analysis of viscoelastic force equilibrium and evolution of pseudo displacement work in the OT specimen. Finally, theoretical equations are derived to calculate A and n directly from the OT test data. The accuracy of the determined fracture properties is verified. The proposed methodology is applied to a total of 27 asphalt field cores obtained from a field project in Texas, including the control Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and two types of warm mix asphalt (WMA). The results demonstrate a high linear correlation between n and −log A for all the tested field cores. Investigations of the effect of field aging on the fracture properties confirm that n is a good indicator to quantify the cracking resistance of asphalt concrete. It is also indicated that summer climatic condition clearly accelerates the rate of aging. The impact of the WMA technologies on fracture properties of asphalt concrete is visualized by comparing the n-values. It shows that the Evotherm WMA technology slightly improves the cracking resistance, while the foaming WMA technology provides the comparable fracture properties with the HMA. After 15 months aging in the field, the cracking resistance does not exhibit significant difference between HMA and WMAs, which is confirmed by the observations of field distresses.


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A heat loop suitable for the study of thermal fouling and its relationship to corrosion processes was designed, constructed and tested. The design adopted was an improvement over those used by such investigators as Hopkins and the Heat Transfer Research Institute in that very low levels of fouling could be detected accurately, the heat transfer surface could be readily removed for examination and the chemistry of the environment could be carefully monitored and controlled. In addition, an indirect method of electrical heating of the heat transfer surface was employed to eliminate magnetic and electric effects which result when direct resistance heating is employed to a test section. The testing of the loop was done using a 316 stainless steel test section and a suspension of ferric oxide and water in an attempt to duplicate the results obtained by Hopkins. Two types of thermal ·fouling resistance versus time curves were obtained . (i) Asymptotic type fouling curve, similar to the fouling behaviour described by Kern and Seaton and other investigators, was the most frequent type of fouling curve obtained. Thermal fouling occurred at a steadily decreasing rate before reaching a final asymptotic value. (ii) If an asymptotically fouled tube was cooled with rapid cir- ·culation for periods up to eight hours at zero heat flux, and heating restarted, fouling recommenced at a high linear rate. The fouling results obtained were observed to be similar and 1n agreement with the fouling behaviour reported previously by Hopkins and it was possible to duplicate quite closely the previous results . This supports the contention of Hopkins that the fouling results obtained were due to a crevice corrosion process and not an artifact of that heat loop which might have caused electrical and magnetic effects influencing the fouling. The effects of Reynolds number and heat flux on the asymptotic fouling resistance have been determined. A single experiment to study the effect of oxygen concentration has been carried out. The ferric oxide concentration for most of the fouling trials was standardized at 2400 ppM and the range of Reynolds number and heat flux for the study was 11000-29500 and 89-121 KW/M², respectively.


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Spasticity is a common disorder in people who have upper motor neuron injury. The involvement may occur at different levels. The Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) is the most used method to measure involvement levels. But it corresponds to a subjective evaluation. Mechanomyography (MMG) is an objective technique that quantifies the muscle vibration during the contraction and stretching events. So, it may assess the level of spasticity accurately. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between spasticity levels determined by MAS with MMG signal in spastic and not spastic muscles. In the experimental protocol, we evaluated 34 members of 22 volunteers, of both genders, with a mean age of 39.91 ± 13.77 years. We evaluated the levels of spasticity by MAS in flexor and extensor muscle groups of the knee and/or elbow, where one muscle group was the agonist and one antagonist. Simultaneously the assessment by the MAS, caught up the MMG signals. We used a custom MMG equipment to register and record the signals, configured in LabView platform. Using the MatLab computer program, it was processed the MMG signals in the time domain (median energy) and spectral domain (median frequency) for the three motion axes: X (transversal), Y (longitudinal) and Z (perpendicular). For bandwidth delimitation, we used a 3rd order Butterworth filter, acting in the range of 5-50 Hz. Statistical tests as Spearman's correlation coefficient, Kruskal-Wallis test and linear correlation test were applied. As results in the time domain, the Kruskal-Wallis test showed differences in median energy (MMGME) between MAS groups. The linear correlation test showed high linear correlation between MAS and MMGME for the agonist muscle as well as for the antagonist group. The largest linear correlation occurred between the MAS and MMG ME for the Z axis of the agonist muscle group (R2 = 0.9557) and the lowest correlation occurred in the X axis, for the antagonist muscle group (R2 = 0.8862). The Spearman correlation test also confirmed high correlation for all axes in the time domain analysis. In the spectral domain, the analysis showed an increase in the median frequency (MMGMF) in MAS’ greater levels. The highest correlation coefficient between MAS and MMGMF signal occurred in the Z axis for the agonist muscle group (R2 = 0.4883), and the lowest value occurred on the Y axis for the antagonist group (R2 = 0.1657). By means of the Spearman correlation test, the highest correlation occurred between the Y axis of the agonist group (0.6951; p <0.001) and the lowest value on the X axis of the antagonist group (0.3592; p <0.001). We conclude that there was a significantly high correlation between the MMGME and MAS in both muscle groups. Also between MMG and MAS occurred a significant correlation, however moderate for the agonist group, and low for the antagonist group. So, the MMGME proved to be more an appropriate descriptor to correlate with the degree of spasticity defined by the MAS.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Agronomia e Medicina Veterinária, 2016.