566 resultados para hematoxylin-eosin


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The composition of ichthyofauna discarded by trawling shrimping, their reproductive status and feeding ecology were studied on the beaches of Basin Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Fish were collected monthly in the year of 2012. During biometrics, portions of the digestive tract and of gonads were removed, fixed in formalin 10% and Bouin, respectively, for be submitted to histological processing by the techniques of hematoxylin-eosin. Stomach content analyzes were performed using the methods of Frequency of Occurrence and Volumetric and was calculated the repletion index. Throughout the study period were recorded a total of 49 species. The fish assemblages differed between sections monitoring, with the highest abundance, biomass and indices of richness and diversity in sections B, D and C. Already the excerpt A, showed higher values for dominance and equitability. In the cluster analysis according to the faunal similarity was observed the formation of three groups: group I formed by excerpts B and D, group II by excerpt C and group III formed by excerpt A. The assessment of reproductive stage revealed that the fish assemblages discarded by trawling are composed mainly of juveniles. Regarding the feeding ecology, the species Larimus breviceps, Menticirrhus littoralis and Pomadasys corvinaeformis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to carcinofagia. Already Conodon nobilis characterized as carnivorous with tendency to piscivory, but all proved generalist-opportunistic with increase of feeding activity during drought. The dendrogram of grouping of the species developed based on the food items used shows the formation of four groups: Group I consists of species that feed mainly of "gastropod" and "sediment"; group II of "teleost fish"; the group III of "crustacea" and group IV of "echinodermata" and "bivalve". The anatomical and histological characteristics of the digestive tract were consistent with the dietary habits of the analyzed species. In this context, the Costa Branca of Rio Grande do Norte can be considered a feeding site and recruitment for juveniles, which, opportunistically, utilize resources associated with the background


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The expression of human leukocyte antigen G (HLA-G) and human leukocyte antigen E (HLA-E) in physiological and pathological processes remains unknown, it is believed that these molecules play a fundamental role in the establishment and maintenance of immune tolerance by inhibiting the functions of immunocompetent cells. In literature we found no published study involving the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) with expression of HLA-G and HLA-E. The objective this study is investigated the expression of this protein in gastric biopsies of patients with the bacterium H. pylori. Sixty-four biopsies of the patients with diagnosis of infection by H. pylori were evaluated to expression of HLA-G and HLA-E. The samples were stratified according to the presence of carcinoma or peptic ulcers. Patients without H. pylori were used to control. To investigate the expression of this protein were used immunohistochemistry technique with monoclonal antibody anti-HLA-G and anti-HLA-E. Other criteria such as analysis of the inflammatory infiltrate (hematoxylin-eosin) and identification of H. pylori (Giemsa) were analyzed. We detected HLA-G and HLA-E molecules in the most samples containing ulcer and gastric carcinoma. In negative control group was not detected the presence of HLA-G and HLA-E. The presence of H. pylori seems modulate the expression of HLA-G and HLA-E, favoring the evolution of infection, giving different degrees of gastric lesion in epithelium of these patients


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Vinte perdizes Rhynchotus rufescens foram utilizadas para estudar a morfologia do bico e da língua. Os comprimentos do bico e da língua foram avaliados, e secções histológicas foram coradas com Hematoxilina-Eosina (HE), ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) e tricromo de Masson, posteriormente analisadas e descritas. O bico da perdiz em ambos os sexos são curvos, duros e com uma extremidade pontiaguda tendo em média de 4,90cm de comprimento para as fêmeas e 4,80 para os machos. A língua é caracterizada por um formato triangular e possui em média 1cm de comprimento para ambos os sexos, sendo sua extremidade pontiaguda. A organização histológica da língua apresenta epitélio estratificado queratinizado com papilas filiformes em toda a superfície, glândulas mucosas com ductos que se projetam na superfície epitelial e cartilagem hialina em todo o comprimento, localizada sobre a musculatura esquelética, a qual é orientada em várias direções.


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Physical exercise and statins, which are recommended for the treatment of dyslipidemia, are independently associated to the occurrence of muscle injury. The objective is analyze the effect of aerobic exercise associated to the use of simvastatin on the morphology of the gastrocnemius muscle. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into six groups, two of which received a standard diet (1 sedentary and 1 exercised) and four (1 sedentary with medication, 1 sedentary without medication, 1 exercised with medication, 1 exercised without medication) received a hypercholesterolemic diet (standard diet with the addition of cholesterol and coconut oil). Simvastatin (20 mg/Kg) was administered five days a week for eight weeks, together with aerobic training on a treadmill (9.75 m/min) for 60 minutes a day. The gastrocnemius muscle was removed, sliced, stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and submitted to a histochemical reaction to determine mitochondrial activity. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc test (p<0.05). Greater histological alterations were found in the medicated and exercised animals, with a greater frequency of occurrence as well. The histochemical analysis revealed that the medicated groups had fibers with more intensive mitochondrial activity alongside fibers with an absence of reaction. The morphometric analysis revealed no significant differences between groups. It is suggested that simvastatin is a medication that leads to the occurrence of muscle injury and its administration in association with physical activity may exacerbate these injuries. This finding may be related to cellular respiration.


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A proposta deste trabalho foi estudar as alterações morfológicas e quantitativas dos neurônios do plexo mientérico do estômago de ratos com diabetes induzido por estreptozootocina e estabelecer uma comparação com animais não diabéticos. Amostras do corpo do estômago foram submetidas a preparados de membrana corados pelo método da NADH-diaforase e a cortes histológicos corados por hematoxilina-eosina. Observou-se que o diabetes provoca significante redução no número de neurônios.


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A anastomose arterial término-terminal é demorada, requer tempo prolongado de oclusão vascular e esta associada a necrose focal, infiltração leucocitária e, conseqüentemente, à fibrose e calcificação da parede arterial. A cola de fibrina é uma alternativa para a anastomose microvascular e pode evitar estas alterações com menor aderência aos tecidos vizinhos e melhor coaptação das bordas arteriais. OBJETIVO: Comparar o processo cicatricial de anastomoses convencionais com anastomoses feitas com cola de fibrina em artérias maiores. MÉTODOS: em 22 coelhos, ambas carótidas foram seccionadas transversalmente e reconstruídas por meio de anastomose término-terminal com 4 pontos simples de reparo e cola de fibrina de um lado (G1), e com 8 pontos separados do outro lado (G2). Após 3 e 15 dias, os animais foram destinados aleatoriamente para estudo de força tênsil concentração de hidroxiprolina (8 animais) e avaliação histológica das anastomoses (3 animais). As lâminas histológicas foram coradas pelo HE Masson e Picrossirius polarização (PSP). RESULTADOS: Após 3 e 15 dias a força tênsil aumenta em ambos os grupos, de 280,0± 32,6g para 432,2± 131,2g no Grupo 1 e de 221,4± 72,4g para 452,2± 132,0g no Grupo 2; sem diferença estatística entre os grupos em cada período. A concentração de hidroxiprolina expressa como razão hidroxiprolina/proteína, variou de 0,0816± 0,0651 para 0,0622± 0,0184 no Grupo 1 e de 0,0734± 0,0577 para 0,0460± 0,0271 no Grupo 2; sem diferença estatística entre os períodos e grupos. Os estudos histológicos mostraram discreto aumento das reações de inflamação e reparação no Grupo 2. A técnica PSP mostrou predomínio do colágeno tipo I em relação do colágeno tipo II nas anastomoses de ambos os grupos, sem diferença expressiva entre esses grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A anastomose com a cola de fibrina foi menos lesiva para a parede arterial do que a anastomose convencional. Mesmo usando menos pontos, as características de força tênsil e de cicatrização da anastomose com cola de fibrina foram similares em ambos os grupos. Os tempos de realização das anastomoses foram significativamente maiores do que na anastomose convencional.


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O vitiligo é uma doença de pele freqüente que acomete 1% da população e é caracterizada por máculas despigmentadas conseqüentes à perda progressiva e localizada dos melanócitos da epiderme. Na maioria dos pacientes, o diagnóstico é feito por exame clínico. A biópsia da pele é realizada quando há necessidade de diagnóstico diferencial com doenças hipocromiantes. O diagnóstico histopatológico de vitiligo é difícil nos preparados corados por hematoxilina e eosina (HE). Há poucos estudos sobre a melhoria da qualidade diagnóstica no vitiligo. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a utilidade dos marcadores imuno-histoquímicos proteína S-100, human melanoma black-45 (HMB-45) e Melan-A para o diagnóstico precoce em casos clinicamente suspeitos ou duvidosos de vitiligo. Material e métodos: Lâminas histológicas de biópsias de pele sã e lesada de 10 pacientes com suspeita clínica de vitiligo coradas pelos métodos de HE, proteína S-100, HMB-45 e Melan-A. Utilizou-se contracoloração com Giemsa como modificação técnica para diferenciar a melanina da imunomarcação. RESULTADOS: Seis casos, com manifestação clínica recente, apresentaram infiltrado linfocitário, do tipo dermatite de interface, na pele lesada na HE. As colorações por S-100, HMB-45 e Melan-A marcaram os melanócitos da camada basal da pele sã, e a proteína S-100 evidenciou as células de Langerhans. Na pele lesada, os melanócitos estavam ausentes ou diminuídos quando comparados com a pele normal. A proteína S-100 demonstrou maior número de células de Langerhans, o que é característico das lesões de vitiligo. CONCLUSÃO: A imuno-histoquímica pode ser utilizada como método auxiliar no diagnóstico dos casos duvidosos de vitiligo.


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In order to contribute to a better understanding of cytokine participation in borderline leprosy, in the present study we determined - by in vitro and in situ examinations - the production of these cytokine mediation in non-treated borderline tuberculoid (BT) patients and borderline lepromatous (BL) patients. Seven non-treated BT patients, 12 non-treated BL patients, besides 19 healthy individuals (control group), were evaluated. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated or not with specific-M. leprae stimulus (whole and sonicated M. leprae antigens) and a non-specific stimulus. After 48 hours, supernatant was collected for TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 cytokine determination by ELISA. Biopsies from cutaneous lesions were submitted to histological analysis and hematoxylin-eosin and Fite-Faraco stainings; the sections then underwent iNOS, IL-10 and TGF-beta1 in situ detection by immunohistochemistry. Cytokine quantification in PBMC supernatants from patients showed that BT patients produced higher levels of IFN-gamma. Compared to healthy individuals, both borderline patient groups produced lower levels of TGF-beta1 while BL patients generated lower IL-10 levels. The in situ iNOS expression was higher in BT patients compared to BL individuals. on the order hand, TGF-beta1 cytokine revealed a higher proportion of immunostained cells in BL patients. There was no significant difference in IL-10 level between BT and BL patients. Regarding cutaneous lesions, in BL patients there was a negative correlation between TGF-beta1 tissue expression and IL-10. Independently of the clinical form, we observed a positive correlation between TGF-beta1 and bacterial index as well as a negative correlation between the TGF-beta1 tissue expression and iNOS. The results even showed a positive correlation between iNOS tissue expression and production of IFN-gamma by PBMC stimulated with M. leprae antigens. Taken together, the histopathological and immunological observations reinforce the notion of immunological instability in borderline leprosy patients and indicating the participation of mixed cytokines profiles in these individuals, specifically a Th1 profile in BT patients and Th2 profile in BL patients, with a possible participation of T-regulatory lymphocytes.


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Background Capsular contracture is the main complication related to breast silicone implants, and its prevention remains a medical challenge. The authors present experimental research examining the effect of external ultrasound on the formation and contracture of peri-implant capsules.Methods In this study, 42 male Wistar rats had a 2-mm smooth surface implant placed in a dorsal submuscular pocket. They then were separated into ultrasound'' and control'' groups that received repeated external applications either with or without the ultrasound power on. Ultrasound applications were given three times a week for a period of 90 days. After that, both groups were housed under the same conditions with no application scheduled. Five animals of each group, killed at 30, 60, 90, and 180 days, had their implants removed along with the capsule, which received a special histologic preparation via annular sectioning that provided wide circumferential observation of the capsular tissue. Sections were stained with hematoxylin/eosin stain, Masson's trichrome stain, and Pricrosirius Red stain for regular microscopic evaluation under normal and polarized light.Results Histologic data showed that capsules from the ultrasound and control groups had statistically significant differences. Ultrasound application developed a capsular architecture similar to that shown within textured silicone implants, and its effect had an early definition with subsequent stabilization.Conclusion The authors conclude that early and repeated external ultrasound application enhances the thickness, cellular count, and vascularity of smooth silicone capsular tissue, whereas it diminishes the pattern of parallel orientation of collagen fibers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective: To investigate and compare the incidence of histopathological placental lesions in mild gestational hyperglycemia, gestational diabetes and overt diabetes at term and preterm gestation.Research design and methods: One-hundred-and-thirty-one placental samples were collected from Diabetes mellitus (DM) positive screened patients. Two diagnostic tests, glycemic profile and 100 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in parallel identified 4 groups normoglycemic, mild gestational hyperglycemia (MGH), gestational DM (GDM) or overt DM (DM). Placental tissue specimens and sections from 4 groups were obtained by uniform random sampling and stained with hematoxylin-eosin.Results: Placentas from MGH group presented 17 types of histopathological change and higher rates of syncytial nodes and endarteritis. GDM placentas presented only nine types of histopathological change, high rates of dysmaturity, low rates of calcification and no syncytial nodes. Overt DM placentas showed 22 types of histopathological change, 21 of which were present in the preterm period. There were histopathological similarities between MGH and DM placentas, but the former exhibited a higher incidence of endarteritis, which has been described as a post-mortem phenomenon.Conclusion: Our results confirmed that the distinct placental changes associated with DM and MGH depend on gestational period during which the diabetic insult occurs. It may reasonably be inferred that subclinical maternal hyperglycemia during pregnancy, as showed in MGH group, is responsible for increased placental endarteritis, a postmortem lesion in the live fetus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: Several urethral conditions may require tissue substitution. One collagen-base biomaterial that recently emerged as an option is small intestinal submucosa (SIS). The aim of this study was to compare the results of SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.Materials and Methods: Thirty-six North Folk male rabbits were randomized into three groups. In all animals, a 10 x 5 mm urethral segment was excised, and the urethral defect was repaired using a one-layer SIS patch (group I [GI]); four-layer SIS (group II [GII]); or buccal mucosa (group III [GIII]). Urethrography was performed preoperatively and after 12 weeks. After sacrifice, graft retraction was objectively measured using Scion Image (R) computer analysis and by calculation of ellipse area. The grade of fibrosis, inflammatory reaction, vascular/epithelial regeneration, and collagen III/I ratio were analyzed by hematoxylin/eosin and Picrosirius red staining.Results: Urethrography confirmed a wide urethral caliber without any signs of strictures after surgery. Urethral fistulae was diagnosed in 8.3% of cases (1 animal each group). Average graft shrinkage was 55.2% in GI; 44.2% in GII; and 57.2% in GIII (p < 0.05). The intensity of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, epithelium regeneration, and neovascularization was similar in all groups (p > 0.05). Collagen III/I ratio was higher in GII (GI: 119.6; GII: 257.2 and GIII: 115.0); p < 0.01.Conclusions: The four-layer SIS is more advantageous than the one-layer SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.


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Alendronate is a known inhibitor of root resorption and the development of alendronate paste would enhance its utilization as intracanal medication. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the biocompatibility of experimental alendronate paste in subcutaneous tissue of rats, for utilization in teeth susceptible to root resorption. The study was conducted on 15 male rats, weighing similar to 180-200 grams. The rats' dorsal regions were submitted to one incision on the median region and, laterally to the incision, the subcutaneous tissue was raised and gently dissected for introduction of two tubes, in each rat. The tubes were sealed at one end with gutta-percha and taken as control. The tubes were filled with experimental alendronate paste. The animals were killed at 7, 15 and 45 days after surgery and the specimens were processed in laboratory. The histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed by light microscopy. Scores were assigned to the in. ammatory process and statistically compared by the Tukey test (P < 0.05). Alendronate paste promoted severe inflammation process at 7 days, with statistically significant difference compared to the control (P < 0.05%). However, at 15 days, there was a regression of in. ammation and the presence of connective tissue with collagen fibers, fibroblasts and blood vessels was observed. After 45 days, it was observed the presence of well-organized connective tissue, with collagen fibers and fibroblasts, and few in. ammatory cells. No statistical difference was observed between the control and experimental paste at 15 and 45 days. The experimental alendronate paste was considered biocompatible with subcutaneous tissue of rat.


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Introduction: A new cement (CER; Cimento Endodontico Rapido or fast endodontic cement) has been developed to improve handling properties. It is a formulation that has Portland cement in gel. However, there had not yet been any study evaluating its biologic properties. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the rat subcutaneous tissue response to CER and Angelus MTA. Methods: The materials were placed in polyethylene tubes and implanted into dorsal connective tissue of Wistar rats for 7, 30, and 60 days. The specimens were prepared to be stained with hematoxylin-eosin or von Kossa or not stained for polarized light. The presence of inflammation, predominant cell type, calcification, and thickness of fibrous connective tissue were recorded. Scores were defined as follows: 0, none or few inflammatory cells, no reaction; 1, <25 cells, mild reaction; 2, 25-125 cells, moderate reaction; 3, >125 cells, severe reaction. Fibrous capsule was categorized as thin when thickness was <150 mu m and thick at >150 mu m. Necrosis and formation of calcification were both recorded. Results: Both materials Angelus MTA and CER caused moderate reactions at 7 days, which decreased with time. The response was similar to the control at 30 and 60 days with Angelus MTA and CER, characterized by organized connective tissue and presence of some chronic inflammatory cells. Mineralization and granulations birefringent to polarized light were observed with both materials. Conclusions: It was possible to conclude that CER was biocompatible and stimulated mineralization. (J Endod 2009,35:1377-1380)