984 resultados para helical antennas


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The flexible design of decoupling and matching networks for coupled antennas is introduced. The network includes three parts: circuits for impedance transformation, an element for odd-mode decoupling and conventional matching networks. It is found that all three parts are determined by one parameter of the ABCD matrix of the impedance transformation circuit. Thus a large variety of circuits with different element values can be used for decoupling which relaxes the practical design constraints.


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In this paper we examine the combined azimuthal and axial shear of a compressible isotropic elastic circular cylindrical tube of finite extent, otherwise referred to as helical shear (which is an isochoric deformation). The equilibrium equations are formulated in terms of the principal stretches, and explicit necessary and sufficient conditions on the strain-energy function for the material to support this deformation are obtained and compared with those obtained previously for this problem. Several classes of strain-energy functions are derived and in some general cases complete solutions of the equilibrium equations are obtained. Existing results are recovered as special cases and some new results for the strain-energy functions derived are determined and discussed.


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This article reports on the lowerature inductively coupled plasma-enabled synthesis of ultralong (up to several millimeters in length) SiO2 nanowires, which were otherwise impossible to synthesize without the presence of a plasma. Depending on the process conditions, the nanowires feature straight, helical, or branched morphologies. The nanowires are amorphous, with a near-stoichiometric elemental composition ([O] / [Si] =2.09) and are very uniform throughout their length. The role of the ionized gas environment is discussed and the growth mechanism is proposed. These nanowires are particularly promising for nanophotonic applications where long-distance and channelled light transmission and polarization control are required.


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Tight networks of interwoven carbon nanotube bundles are formed in our highly conductive composite. The composite possesses propertiessuggesting a two-dimensional percolative network rather than other reported dispersions displaying three-dimensional networks. Binding nanotubes into large but tight bundles dramatically alters the morphology and electronic transport dynamics of the composite. This enables itto carry higher levels of charge in the macroscale leading to conductivities as high as 1600 S/cm. We now discuss in further detail, the electronic and physical properties of the nanotube composites through Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy analysis. When controlled and usedappropriately, the interesting properties of these composites reveal their potential for practical device applications. For instance, we used this composite to fabricate coatings, whic improve the properties of an electromagnetic antenna/amplifier transducer. The resulting transducer possesses a broadband range up to GHz frequencies. A strain gauge transducer was also fabricated using changes in conductivity to monitor structural deformations in the composite coatings.


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The formation of the helical morphology in monolayers and bilayers of chiral amphiphilic assemblies is believed to be driven at least partly by the interactions at the chiral centers of the amphiphiles. However, a detailed microscopic understanding of these interactions and their relation with the helix formation is still not clear. In this article a study of the molecular origin of the chirality-driven helix formation is presented by calculating, for the first time, the effective pair potential between a pair of chiral molecules. This effective potential depends on the relative sizes of the groups attached to the two chiral centers, on the orientation of the amphiphile molecules, and also on the distance between them. We find that for the mirror-image isomers (in the racemic modification) the minimum energy conformation is a nearly parallel alignment of the molecules. On the other hand, the same for a pair of molecules of one kind of enantiomer favors a tilt angle between them, thus leading to the formation of a helical morphology of the aggregate. The tilt angle is determined by the size of the groups attached to the chiral centers of the pair of molecules considered and in many cases predicted it to be close to 45 degrees. The present study, therefore, provides a molecular origin of the intrinsic bending force, suggested by Helfrich (J. Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 1085-1087), to be responsible for the formation of helical structure. This effective potential may explain many of the existing experimental results, such as the size and the concentration dependence of the formation of helical morphology. It is further found that the elastic forces can significantly modify the pitch predicted by the chiral interactions alone and that the modified real pitch is close to the experimentally observed value. The present study is expected to provide a starting point for future microscopic studies.


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Theoretical and experimental investigations on the near field and radiation characteristics show a fairly good agreement which justifies the TE(11)(x) mode of excitation. Eight polyrod antennas of different configurations were built and tested as functions of taper angles, straight and curved axial lengths, and frequency of excitation. It is found that the radiation patterns. cross-polarization level, beamwidth and gain could be controlled not only by the axial length and taper angles but also by shaping the axis of the polyrods in order to realize an optimum design


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An electromagnetically coupled feed arrangement is proposed for simultaneously exciting multiple concentric ring antennas for multi-frequency operation. This has a multi-layer dielectric configuration in which a transmission line is embedded below the layer containing radiating rings. Energy coupled to these rings from the line beneath is optimised by suitably adjusting the location and dimensions of stubs on the line. It has been shown that the resonant frequencies of these rings do not change as several of these single-frequency antennas are combined to form a multi-resonant antenna. Furthermore, all radiators are forced to operate at their primary mode and some harmonics of the lower resonant frequency rings appearing within the frequency range are suppressed when combined. The experimental prototype antenna has three resonant frequencies at which it has good radiation characteristics.


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This paper presents a motion control system for guidance of an underactuated Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) on a helical trajectory. The control strategy is developed using Port-Hamiltonian theory and interconnection and damping assignment passivity-based control. Using energy routing, the trajectory of a virtual fully actuated plant is guided onto a vector field. A tracking controller is then used that commands the underactuated plant to follow the velocity of the virtual plant. An integral control is inserted between the two control layers, which adds robustness and disturbance rejection to the design.


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Recently, reports have appeared which show structural variations in B-DNA and indicate deviations from a uniform helical structure. We report for the first time that these indications are also present in the B-form fibre diffraction patterns for the lithium salt of natural DNA. We have used an improved method of controlling the salt concentration in the fibres. Our results are based on the appearance and disappearance of meridional reflections on different layer lines depending upon the salt.


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Lateral or transaxial truncation of cone-beam data can occur either due to the field of view limitation of the scanning apparatus or iregion-of-interest tomography. In this paper, we Suggest two new methods to handle lateral truncation in helical scan CT. It is seen that reconstruction with laterally truncated projection data, assuming it to be complete, gives severe artifacts which even penetrates into the field of view. A row-by-row data completion approach using linear prediction is introduced for helical scan truncated data. An extension of this technique known as windowed linear prediction approach is introduced. Efficacy of the two techniques are shown using simulation with standard phantoms. A quantitative image quality measure of the resulting reconstructed images are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against an extension of a standard existing technique.


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The suzukacillin fragments, Boc-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (14), Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-Gln-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Aib-OMe (16G) and the completely apolar 16-residue peptide in which the glutamine residue has been replaced by alanine (16A) have been studied by 270 MHz 1H-HMR, in C2HCl3 and (C2H3)2SO solution. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded NH groups have been identified by temperature and solvent dependence of chemical shifts. Peptides 14 and 16A adopt folded 310 helical conformations stabilized by 11 and 13 hydrogen bonds, respectively. In peptide 16G there are 12 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, with the glycine NH being solvent-exposed, in contrast to 14 and 16A.


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The crystal structures of three pentapeptide fragments of suzukacillin-A have been determined. Boc-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-Val-OMe (peptide 1–5) adopts a distorted helical conformation, stabilized by three intramolecular hydrogen bonds (two 5→1, one 4→1). Boc-Ala-Aib-Ala-Aib-Aib-OMe (peptide 6–10) and Boc-Leu-Aib-Pro-Val-Aib-OMe (peptide 16–20) adopt 310 helical structures stabilized by three and two 4→1 intramolecular hydrogen bonds, respectively. These structures provide substantial support for a largely helical conformation for the suzukacillin membrane channel.


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A thorough investigation of salt concentration dependence of lithium DNA fibres is made using X-ray diffraction. While for low salt the C-form pattern is obtained, crystalline B-type diffraction patterns result on increasing the salt concentration. The salt content in the gel (from which fibres are drawn) is estimated by equilibrium dialysis using the Donnan equilibrium principle. The salt range giving the best crystalline B pattern is determined. It is found that in this range meridional reflections occur on the fourth and sixth layer lines. In addition, the tenth layer meridian is absent at a particular salt concentration. These results strongly suggest the presence of non-helical features in the DNA molecule. Preliminary analysis of the diffraction patterns indicates a structural variability within the B-form itself. Further, the possibility of the structural parameters of DNA being similar in solid state and in solution is discussed.


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The crystal structure of the cyclic peptide disulfide Boc-Cys-Pro-Aib-Cys-NHMe has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The peptide crystallizes in the space group P212121, with A = 8.646(1), B = 18.462(2), C = 19.678(3)Å and Z = 4. The molecules adopt a highly folded compact conformation, stabilized by two intramolecular 4→ 1 hydrogen bonds between the Cys (1) and Pro (2) CO groups and the Cys (4) and methylamide NH groups, respectively. The backbone conformational angles for the peptide lie very close to those expected for a 310 helix. The S-S bridge adopts a right handed twist with a dihedral angle of 82°. The structure illustrates the role of stereochemically constrained residues, in generating novel peptide conformations. Aib, α-aminoisobutyric acid; Z, benzyloxycarbonyl; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl; OMe, methyl ester; OBz, benzyl ester; NHMe, N-methylamide; Tosyl, p-toluenesulfonyl.