997 resultados para gust-attenuation


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Introduction: The quantification of th e differential renal function in adults can be difficult due to many factors - on e of the se is the variances in kidney depth and the attenuation related with all the tissue s between the kidney and the camera. Some authors refer that t he lower attenuation i n p ediatric patients makes unnecessary the use of attenuation correction algorithms. This study will com pare the values of differential renal function obtained with and with out attenuation correction techniques . Material and Methods: Images from a group consisting of 15 individuals (aged 3 years +/ - 2) were used and two attenuation correction method s were applied – Tonnesen correction factors and the geometric mean method . The mean time of acquisition (time post 99m Tc - DMSA administration) was 3.5 hours +/ - 0.8h. Results: T he absence of any method of attenuation correction apparently seems to lead to consistent values that seem to correlate well with the ones obtained with the incorporation of methods of attenuation correction . The differences found between the values obtained with and without attenuation correction were not significant. Conclusion: T he decision of not doing any kind of attenuation correction method can apparently be justified by the minor differences verified on the relative kidney uptake values. Nevertheless, if it is recognized that there is a need for a really accurate value of the relative kidney uptake, then an attenuation correction method should be used.


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Introduction: Although relative uptake values aren’t the most important objective of a 99mTc-DMSA scan, they are important quantitative information. In most of the dynamic renal scintigraphies attenuation correction is essential if one wants to obtain a reliable result of the quantification process. Although in DMSA scans the absent of significant background and the lesser attenuation in pediatric patients, makes that this attenuation correction techniques are actually not applied. The geometric mean is the most common method, but that includes the acquisition of an anterior (extra) projection, which it is not acquired by a large number of NM departments. This method and the attenuation factors proposed by Tonnesen will be correlated with the absence of attenuation correction procedures. Material and Methods: Images from 20 individuals (aged 3 years +/- 2) were used and the two attenuation correction methods applied. The mean time of acquisition (time post DMSA administration) was 3.5 hours +/- 0.8h. Results: The absence of attenuation correction showed a good correlation with both attenuation methods (r=0.73 +/- 0.11) and the mean difference verified on the uptake values between the different methods were 4 +/- 3. The correlation was higher when the age was lower. The attenuation correction methods correlation was higher between them two than with the “no attenuation correction” method (r=0.82 +/- 0.8), and the mean differences of the uptake values were 2 +/- 2. Conclusion: The decision of not doing any kind of attenuation correction method can be justified by the minor differences verified on the relative kidney uptake values. Nevertheless, if it is recognized that there is a need for an accurate value of the relative kidney uptake, then an attenuation correction method should be used. Attenuation correction factors proposed by Tonnesen can be easily implemented and so become a practical and easy to implement alternative, namely when the anterior projection - needed for the geometric mean methodology – is not acquired.


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Marked regional variations in myocardial activity that are not related to myocardial perfusion defects.Verify the influence of CT-AC inMPI results in patients with BMI between 30 and 35 and higher than 30 for male and female population.


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The acquisition of a Myocardial Perfusion image (MPI) is of great importance for the diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, since it allows to evaluate which areas of the heart aren’t being properly perfused, in rest and stress situations. This exam is greatly influenced by photon attenuation which creates image artifacts and affects quantification. The acquisition of a Computerized Tomography (CT) image makes it possible to get an atomic images which can be used to perform high-quality attenuation corrections of the radiopharmaceutical distribution, in the MPI image. Studies show that by using hybrid imaging to perform diagnosis of the coronary artery disease, there is an increase on the specificity when evaluating the perfusion of the right coronary artery (RCA). Using an iterative algorithm with a resolution recovery software for the reconstruction, which balances the image quality, the administered activity and the scanning time, we aim to evaluate the influence of attenuation correction on the MPI image and the outcome in perfusion quantification and imaging quality.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is highly expressed in the colon mucosa and its activation has been reported to protect against colitis. We studied the involvement of PPARgamma and its heterodimeric partner, the retinoid X receptor (RXR) in intestinal inflammatory responses. PPARgamma(1/)- and RXRalpha(1/)- mice both displayed a significantly enhanced susceptibility to 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis compared with their wild-type littermates. A role for the RXR/PPARgamma heterodimer in the protection against colon inflammation was explored by the use of selective RXR and PPARgamma agonists. TNBS-induced colitis was significantly reduced by the administration of both PPARgamma and RXR agonists. This beneficial effect was reflected by increased survival rates, an improvement of macroscopic and histologic scores, a decrease in tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 1beta mRNA levels, a diminished myeloperoxidase concentration, and reduction of nuclear factor kappaB DNA binding activity, c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase, and p38 activities in the colon. When coadministered, a significant synergistic effect of PPARgamma and RXR ligands was observed. In combination, these data demonstrate that activation of the RXR/PPARgamma heterodimer protects against colon inflammation and suggest that combination therapy with both RXR and PPARgamma ligands might hold promise in the clinic due to their synergistic effects.


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Tissue invasion and pathology by Trypanosoma cruzi result from an interaction between parasite virulence and host immunity. Successive in vivo generations of the parasite select populations with increasing ability to invade the host. Conversely, prolonged in vitro selection of the parasite produces attenuated sublines with low infectivity for mammals. One such subline (TCC clone) has been extensively used in our laboratory as experimental vaccine and tested in comparative experiments with its virulent ancestor (TUL). The experiments here reviewed aimed at the use of immunodeficient mice for testing the infectivity of TCC parasites. It has not been possible to obtain virulent, revertant sublines by prolonged passaged in such mice.


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The prevalence of atopic diseases and diabetes is increasing worldwide though the concurrence of these pathologies in individual patients is found less frequent than it would be predicted. Moreover, co-existence of diabetes and allergy is generally marked by attenuation of their respective symptoms, and effective treatment of one disease exacerbates the other. This review gives an update of the state-of-the-art concerning the intercurrence of allergy and diabetes, particularly focusing on the consequences to the allergen-evoked vascular and cellular changes. It is proposed that the reduction in mast cell numbers and reactivity may be a pivotal mechanism behind the mutual exclusion phenomenon.


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Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the etiological agent of paracoccidioidomycosis, the most important systemic mycosis in Latin America. The virulence profiles of five isolates of P. brasiliensis were studied in two different moments and correlated with some colonial phenotypic aspects. We observed a significant decrease in the virulence and an intense phenotypic variation in the mycelial colony. The recognition of all ranges of phenotypic and virulence variation of P. brasiliensis, as well as its physiological and genetic basis, will be important for a better comprehension of its pathogenic and epidemiological features.


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This paper deals with the problem of semiactive vibration control of civil engineering structures subject to unknown external disturbances (for example, earthquakes, winds, etc.). Two kinds of semiactive controllers are proposed based on the backstepping control technique. The experimental setup used is a 6-story test structure equipped with shear-mode semiactive magnetorheological dampers being installed in the Washington University Structural Control and Earthquake Engineering Laboratory (WUSCEEL). The experimental results obtained have verified the effectiveness of the proposed control algorithms


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Using a numerical approach, we explore wave-induced fluid flow effects in partially saturated porous rocks in which the gas-water saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighbouring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. To determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. The multiscale nature of the fluid saturation is taken into account by locally computing the physical properties of an effective fluid, which are then used for the larger-scale simulations. We consider two sets of numerical experiments to analyse such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by variations in porosity and clay content, respectively. In both cases we also evaluate the seismic responses of corresponding binary, patchy-type saturation patterns. Our results indicate that significant attenuation and modest velocity dispersion effects take place in this kind of media for both binary patchy-type and spatially continuous gas saturation patterns and in particular in the presence of relatively small amounts of gas. The numerical experiments also show that the nature of the gas distribution patterns is a critical parameter controlling the seismic responses of these environments, since attenuation and velocity dispersion effects are much more significant and occur over a broader saturation range for binary patchy-type gas-water distributions. This analysis therefore suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analysing seismic data in a poroelastic framework. In this context, heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties, which do not play important roles in wave-induced fluid flow processes per se, should be taken into account since they may determine the kind of gas distribution pattern taking place in the porous rock.


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The involvement of μ-opioid receptors in different behavioral responses elicited by nicotine was explored by using μ-opioid receptor knock-out mice. The acute antinociceptive responses induced by nicotine in the tail-immersion and hot-plate tests were reduced in the mutant mice, whereas no difference between genotypes was observed in the locomotor responses. The rewarding effects induced by nicotine were then investigated using the conditioning place-preference paradigm. Nicotine produced rewarding responses in wild-type mice but failed to produce place preference in knock-out mice, indicating the inability of this drug to induce rewarding effects in the absence of μ-opioid receptors. Finally, the somatic expression of the nicotine withdrawal syndrome, precipitated in dependent mice by the injection of mecamylamine, was evaluated. Nicotine withdrawal was significantly attenuated in knock-out mutants when compared with wild-type mice. In summary, the present results show that μ-opioid receptors are involved in the rewarding responses induced by nicotine and participate in its antinociceptive responses and the expression of nicotine physical dependence.


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Amb l’objectiu d’orientar una futura tesi doctoral, aquest treball de recerca planteja una investigació sobre audiència televisiva a Catalunya. A partir de les aportacions fetes pels investigadors del camp, tant a nivell empíric com teòric, es dissenya una metodologia d’anàlisi del text i la recepció per tractar de donar resposta a un fenomen particular: la poca presència de públiccastellanoparlant en l’audiència de TV3, la televisió pública catalana. Sota elparaigües del construccionisme social moderat, la recerca dissenya unes hipòtesis relacionades amb la distància percebuda respecte de la cadena, el gust televisiu i les característiques enunciatives dels missatges televisius, i planteja donar-hi resposta a partir de l’anàlisi de l’enunciació de les principals cadenes generalistes que emeten a Catalunya, per una banda, i amb la realització d’entrevistes i grups de discussió amb una mostra d’espectadors, per l’altra.


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We study wave-induced fluid flow effects in porous rocks partially saturated with gas and water, where the saturation patterns are governed by mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties. The link between the dry frame properties and the gas saturation is defined by the assumption of capillary pressure equilibrium, which in the presence of heterogeneity implies that neighboring regions can exhibit different levels of saturation. In order to determine the equivalent attenuation and phase velocity of the synthetic rock samples considered in this study, we apply a numerical upscaling procedure, which permits to take into account mesoscopic heterogeneities associated with the dry frame properties as well as spatially continuous variations of the pore fluid properties. We consider numerical experiments to analyze such effects in heterogeneous partially saturated porous media, where the saturation field is determined by realistic variations in porosity. Our results indicate that the spatially continuous nature of gas saturation inherent to this study is a critical parameter controlling the seismic response of these environments, which in turn suggests that the physical mechanisms governing partial saturation should be accounted for when analyzing seismic data in a poro-elastic context.