976 resultados para group delay


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The control of Light velocity is theoretically and experimentally demonstrated in a θ-shaped microfiber resonator with coupled-resonator-induced transparency. By adjusting the structure parameters, group delays from -60ps to 200ps are achieved in the all-fiber resonator.


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We report an investigation on the group delay spread in few-mode fibers operating in the weak and strong linear coupling regimes, and for the first time, we study the transition region between them. A single expression linking the group delay spread to the fiber correlation length is validated for any coupling regime, considering 3 guided modes.


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The effect of having a fixed differential-group delay term in the coarse-step method results in a periodic pattern in the autocorrelation function. We solve this problem by inserting a varying DGD term at each integration step, according to a Gaussian distribution. Simulation results are given to illustrate the phenomenon and provide some evidence, about its statistical nature.


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Differential group delay measurement of narrowband fiber devices using a fiber polarization scrambler with a modulation phase shift technique is demonstrated. Accurate measurement is realized with high wavelength and delay resolution and immunity to environmental perturbation.


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A novel method of fiber Bragg grating design based on tailored group delay is presented. The method leads to designs that are superior to the previously reported results. © OSA 2012.


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We report an investigation on the statistics of group delay for few-mode fibres operating in the weak and strong linear coupling regimes as well as in the intermediate coupling regime. A single expression linking the standard deviation of the group delay spread to the fibre linear mode coupling is validated for any coupling regime, considering up to six linearly polarized guided modes. Furthermore, the study of the probability density function of the group delays allowed deriving and validating an analytical estimation for the maximum group delay spread as a function of linear mode coupling.


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Con esta disertación se pretenden resolver algunos de los problemas encontrados actualmente en la recepción de señales de satélites bajo dos escenarios particularmente exigentes: comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo y en banda Ka. Las comunicaciones con sondas de Espacio Profundo necesitan grandes aperturas en tierra para poder incrementar la velocidad de datos. La opción de usar antennas con diámetro mayor de 35 metros tiene serios problemas, pues antenas tan grandes son caras de mantener, difíciles de apuntar, pueden tener largos tiempo de reparación y además tienen una efeciencia decreciente a medida que se utilizan bandas más altas. Soluciones basadas en agrupaciones de antenas de menor tamaño (12 ó 35 metros) son mas ecónomicas y factibles técnicamente. Las comunicaciones en banda Ka tambien pueden beneficiarse de la combinación de múltiples antennas. Las antenas de menor tamaño son más fáciles de apuntar y además tienen un campo de visión mayor. Además, las técnicas de diversidad espacial pueden ser reemplazadas por una combinación de antenas para así incrementar el margen del enlace. La combinación de antenas muy alejadas sobre grandes anchos de banda, bien por recibir una señal de banda ancha o múltiples de banda estrecha, es complicada técnicamente. En esta disertación se demostrará que el uso de conformador de haz en el dominio de la frecuencia puede ayudar a relajar los requisitos de calibración y, al mismo tiempo, proporcionar un mayor campo de visión y mayores capacidades de ecualización. Para llevar esto a cabo, el trabajo ha girado en torno a tres aspectos fundamentales. El primero es la investigación bibliográfica del trabajo existente en este campo. El segundo es el modelado matemático del proceso de combinación y el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de estimación de fase y retardo. Y el tercero es la propuesta de nuevas aplicaciones en las que usar estas técnicas. La investigación bibliográfica se centra principalmente en los capítulos 1, 2, 4 y 5. El capítulo 1 da una breve introducción a la teoría de combinación de antenas de gran apertura. En este capítulo, los principales campos de aplicación son descritos y además se establece la necesidad de compensar retardos en subbandas. La teoría de bancos de filtros se expone en el capítulo 2; se selecciona y simula un banco de filtros modulado uniformemente con fase lineal. Las propiedades de convergencia de varios filtros adaptativos se muestran en el capítulo 4. Y finalmente, las técnicas de estimación de retardo son estudiadas y resumidas en el capítulo 5. Desde el punto de vista matemático, las principales contribución de esta disertación han sido: • Sección 3.1.4. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en pasos discretos en frecuencia intermedia. • Sección 3.2. Modelo matemático de un conformador de haz en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.2. Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz en subbandas con un buffer de retardo grueso. • Sección 3.2.4. Análisis de la influencia de los alias internos en la compensación en subbandas de retardo y fase. • Sección Cálculo de la desviación de haz de un conformador de haz con compensación de retardo en subbandas. • Sección 3.2.6. Cálculo de la ganancia de relación señal a ruido de la agrupación de antenas en cada una de las subbandas. • Sección 3.3.2. Modelado de la función de transferencia de la agrupación de antenas bajo errores de estimación de retardo. • Sección 3.3.3. Modelado de los efectos de derivas de fase y retardo entre actualizaciones de las estimaciones. • Sección 3.4. Cálculo de la directividad de la agrupación de antenas con y sin compensación de retardos en subbandas. • Sección 5.2.6. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase y el retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos estacionarios. • Sección 5.5.1. Desarrollo de un algorimo para estimar la fase, el retardo y la deriva de retardo entre dos señales a partir de su descomposición de subbandas bajo entornos no estacionarios. Las aplicaciones que se pueden beneficiar de estas técnicas son descritas en el capítulo 7: • Sección 6.2. Agrupaciones de antenas para comunicaciones de Espacio Profundo con capacidad multihaz y sin requisitos de calibración geométrica o de retardo de grupo. • Sección 6.2.6. Combinación en banda ancha de antenas con separaciones de miles de kilómetros, para recepción de sondas de espacio profundo. • Secciones 6.4 and 6.3. Combinación de estaciones remotas en banda Ka en escenarios de diversidad espacial, para recepción de satélites LEO o GEO. • Sección 6.3. Recepción de satélites GEO colocados con arrays de antenas multihaz. Las publicaciones a las que ha dado lugar esta tesis son las siguientes • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. En esta pulicación se resumen los resultados de las secciones 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, los algoritmos en las secciones 5.2.6, 5.5.1 y la aplicación destacada en 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. En esta segunda se muestran los resultados de la sección 3.2.4, el algoritmo en la sección , y la aplicación mostrada en 6.3. ABSTRACT This dissertation is an attempt to solve some of the problems found nowadays in the reception of satellite signals under two particular challenging scenarios: Deep Space and Ka-band communications. Deep Space communications require from larger apertures on ground in order to increase the data rate. The option of using single dishes with diameters larger than 35 meters has severe drawbacks. Such antennas are expensive to maintain, prone to long downtimes, difficult to point and have a degraded performance in high frequency bands. The array solution, either with 12 meter or 35 meter antennas is deemed to be the most economically and technically feasible solution. Ka-band communications can also benefit from antenna arraying technology. The smaller aperture antennas that make up the array are easier to point and have a wider field of view allowing multiple simultaneous beams. Besides, site diversity techniques can be replaced by pure combination in order to increase link margin. Combination of far away antennas over a large bandwidth, either because a wideband signal or multiple narrowband signals are received, is a demanding task. This dissertation will show that the use of frequency domain beamformers with subband delay compensation can help to ease calibration requirements and, at the same time, provide with a wider field of view and enhanced equalization capabilities. In order to do so, the work has been focused on three main aspects. The first one is the bibliographic research of previous work on this subject. The second one is the mathematical modeling of the array combination process and the development of new phase/delay estimation algorithms. And the third one is the proposal of new applications in which these techniques can be used. Bibliographic research is mainly done in chapters 1, 2, 4 and 5. Chapter 1 gives a brief introduction to previous work in the field of large aperture antenna arraying. In this chapter, the main fields of application are described and the need for subband delay compensation is established. Filter bank theory is shown in chapter 2; a linear phase uniform modulated filter bank is selected and simulated under diverse conditions. The convergence properties of several adaptive filters are shown in chapter 4. Finally, delay estimation techniques are studied and summarized in chapter 5. From a mathematical point of view, the main contributions of this dissertation have been: • Section 3.1.4. Calculation of beam squint of an IF beamformer with delay compensation at discrete time steps. • Section 3.2. Establishment of a mathematical model of a subband beamformer. • Section 3.2.2. Calculation of beam squint in a subband beamformer with a coarse delay buffer. • Section 3.2.4. Analysis of the influence of internal aliasing on phase and delay subband compensation. • Section Calculation of beam squint of a beamformer with subband delay compensation. • Section 3.2.6. Calculation of the array SNR gain at each of the subbands. • Section 3.3.2. Modeling of the transfer function of an array subject to delay estimation errors. • Section 3.3.3. Modeling of the effects of phase and delay drifts between estimation updates. • Section 3.4. Calculation of array directivity with and without subband delay compensation. • Section 5.2.6. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in stationary environments. • Section 5.5.1. Development of an algorithm to estimate relative delay rate, delay and phase between two signals from their subband decomposition in non stationary environments. The applications that can benefit from these techniques are described in chapter 7: • Section 6.2. Arrays of antennas for Deep Space communications with multibeam capacity and without geometric or group delay calibration requirement. • Section 6.2.6. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances, in the range of thousands of kilometers, for reception of Deep Space probes. • Sections 6.4 y 6.3. Combination of remote stations in Ka-band site diversity scenarios for reception of LEO or GEO satellites. • Section 6.3. Reception of GEO collocated satellites with multibeam antenna arrays. The publications that have been made from the work in this dissertation are • A. Torre. Wideband antenna arraying over long distances. Interplanetary Progress Report, 42-194:1–18, 2013. This article shows the results in sections 3.2, 3.2.2, 3.3.2, the algorithms in sections 5.2.6, 5.5.1 and the application in section 6.2.6. • A. Torre. Reception of wideband signals from geostationary collocated satellites with antenna arrays. IET Communications, Vol. 8, Issue 13:2229–2237, September, 2014. This second article shows among others the results in section 3.2.4, the algorithm in section , and the application in section 6.3.


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We study the probability density function of the group-delay in few-mode fibres, validating for the first time an analytical estimation for the maximum group-delay spread as a function of linear mode coupling for fibres with more than three LP modes.


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This paper presents simulation and experimental studies on the characterization of ultra wideband antennas for imaging applications. Various configurations of antennas were simulated for their time and frequency domain characteristics with special emphasis on flat responses for group delay and gain versus frequency. Parametric studies reported here showed that locating the capacitive feed strip near the vertex of the triangle gave better response in these respects. An antenna with operating frequency from 2.9GHz to 4.1GHz was fabricated and measured.


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We analyze the spectral zero-crossing rate (SZCR) properties of transient signals and show that SZCR contains accurate localization information about the transient. For a train of pulses containing transient events, the SZCR computed on a sliding window basis is useful in locating the impulse locations accurately. We present the properties of SZCR on standard stylized signal models and then show how it may be used to estimate the epochs in speech signals. We also present comparisons with some state-of-the-art techniques that are based on the group-delay function. Experiments on real speech show that the proposed SZCR technique is better than other group-delay-based epoch detectors. In the presence of noise, a comparison with the zero-frequency filtering technique (ZFF) and Dynamic programming projected Phase-Slope Algorithm (DYPSA) showed that performance of the SZCR technique is better than DYPSA and inferior to that of ZFF. For highpass-filtered speech, where ZFF performance suffers drastically, the identification rates of SZCR are better than those of DYPSA.


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We present an analysis of the rate of sign changes in the discrete Fourier spectrum of a sequence. The sign changes of either the real or imaginary parts of the spectrum are considered, and the rate of sign changes is termed as the spectral zero-crossing rate (SZCR). We show that SZCR carries information pertaining to the locations of transients within the temporal observation window. We show duality with temporal zero-crossing rate analysis by expressing the spectrum of a signal as a sum of sinusoids with random phases. This extension leads to spectral-domain iterative filtering approaches to stabilize the spectral zero-crossing rate and to improve upon the location estimates. The localization properties are compared with group-delay-based localization metrics in a stylized signal setting well-known in speech processing literature. We show applications to epoch estimation in voiced speech signals using the SZCR on the integrated linear prediction residue. The performance of the SZCR-based epoch localization technique is competitive with the state-of-the-art epoch estimation techniques that are based on average pitch period.


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Feature-based vocoders, e.g., STRAIGHT, offer a way to manipulate the perceived characteristics of the speech signal in speech transformation and synthesis. For the harmonic model, which provide excellent perceived quality, features for the amplitude parameters already exist (e.g., Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF), Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC)). However, because of the wrapping of the phase parameters, phase features are more difficult to design. To randomize the phase of the harmonic model during synthesis, a voicing feature is commonly used, which distinguishes voiced and unvoiced segments. However, voice production allows smooth transitions between voiced/unvoiced states which makes voicing segmentation sometimes tricky to estimate. In this article, two-phase features are suggested to represent the phase of the harmonic model in a uniform way, without voicing decision. The synthesis quality of the resulting vocoder has been evaluated, using subjective listening tests, in the context of resynthesis, pitch scaling, and Hidden Markov Model (HMM)-based synthesis. The experiments show that the suggested signal model is comparable to STRAIGHT or even better in some scenarios. They also reveal some limitations of the harmonic framework itself in the case of high fundamental frequencies.


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There are two different effects to generate group delay dispersion by multilayer thin film mirrors: chirper effect and Gires-Tournois effect. Both effects are employed to introduce desired dispersion in the designed mirror. Thus the designed mirror provides large dispersion throughout broad waveband. Such mirror can be used for dispersion compensation in Ti:sapphire femtosecond lasers. Most group delay dispersion of a 5-mm Ti:sapphire crystal can be compensated perfectly with only four bounces of the designed mirror.


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阐述了用光学薄膜进行色散补偿的基本原理,介绍了设计的基本过程.根据Ti:Sapphire飞秒激光器中腔内色散补偿的要求,设定了色散补偿目标,通过计算机优化,得到了一种40层的Ta2O5/SiO2介质膜系.该膜系能在720~870am范围获得大于99.5%的反射率,在510~550nm获得大于90%的透射率,在740~850nm提供较平滑的-40fs^2的群延迟色散.这样的结果经过7次反射后,可以补偿5-mm Ti:sapphire晶体产生的绝大部分群延迟色散。